Did I mention that there was one near the place I grew up? I heard plenty of stories from the people who lived through that time not just the accounts of my own family embers I might add although it was well isolated and well guarded as it was part of a chemical production facility
Clearly you are either lying or know nothing about AR deathcamps. None of the AR deathcamps were in any way whatsoever part of a chemical production facility. Perhaps you'd like to to either stop lying or read about AR deathcamps before you sound off about them?
Between 1940 and 1944 a total of 15000 prisoners died there, 7500 Jews, 5000 Russian POW's and 2500 Poles
Oh, now I see: you are one of the holocaust deniers who denies the holocaust by minimising the numbers of victims. Sorry to tell you this but at least fifteen times more than 15,000 people died at the least deadly of the AR deathcamps. Please fucck off back to StormFront and deny the holocaust there.
the first hand accounts of those who lived through those dark days themselves
I've read firsthand accounts from people who saw the digging taking place and I've spoken to people who saw the digging taking place and/or saw the effects immediately afterwards. And I'm talking about people who were actually at the AR deathcamps, not the fake AR deathcamp you lie about.
Given an amount of people that went through those camps a few individual peaces might have slipped through the scrutiny of the efficiency of the German system.
So you mean now that you've been called out on your lie with a concrete example, you have to admit that actually there were things there for Poles to dig for. I wonder how you can handle this problem.
western auction houses in NY, London, etc? .... British persistently ignored the reports coming out of Poland by Poles .... those reports reached far away London only to be swept aside and ignored
Of course! As you can not blame Jews for Poles robbing (mainly) Jewish graves, instead you will attempt to blame the British. How very Polish.
to determine whatever sombody is historian or not one need to take a look atquality of his work, and his workmanship is poor,
Fortunately Gross has indeed been held up to such a process and it was decided by the other professors of history at one of the best universities in the world that he is good enough to become a professor of history at that university. Unlike Poland's pet historian, who wasn't judged to be good enough to be a professor of history at a lesser American university.
I notice that Gross was actually jailed at one point by the Communist authorities - just what is it with some Poles and their attempts at insulting and smearing anyone who was actually there?
Either they don't care (because they were too young to be there) or they feel guilty because they didn't have the balls to do that he (and his like) actually did do.
So, either those top univ are not what they say they are, at last in a history department or that guy Gross fukked up on purpose his work
An alternative explanation (which is by far more likely) is that you know far less about history than you think you do. Given the shocking lack of knowledge displayed by you and your ilk in this thread, I'd happy to have a fairly large bet that the third explanation is the correct one.