I did what Poles living in America have been doing for 200 years sending money back to Poland, to their families, visiting etc. billions of dollars every years.
So you mean that you have done precisely what I thought you have done: exactly nothing.
Pole someone who was born, is a citizen, or is of Polish ancestry. I fit all 3 you NONE.
I can be a Polish citizen any time I want to. You on the other hand, live as an American in America. You got tired of living in Poland and then you got tired of living in America as a Pole. You are Polish than Anthony Sawoniuk!
It's also a hearsay and rumours not documented cases
No, it is well documented: just go to Belzec and ask at the museum. Check with locals (although none of them personally did any digging). Pay particular attention to why a farm was established on the site within months of the camp being closed. Go to Wlodawa and ask the director of the Sobibor museum what happened when there were archaeological excavations. Read pretty much any book about the post-war years at Auschwitz.
Alternatively just spout off here without knowing a damn thing: that after all is what suits you best.
The issue is whether he is diligent or not. He is not and it doesn't require a person from the same school to show that.
So your position is that Princeton would employ a professor that they know not to be diligent. Interesting.
Is the personal attack in a cowardly distraction from Chomsky's comments I linked to?
Not at all: I'd be quite happy to point out the same to your face.
It's already damaged what he thinks is his brain.
And how is your lovely daughter?