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Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news

Weimarer  6 | 357  
12 Feb 2019 /  #31

We want a Europe of independend fatherlands, not the perverted EU we have now. Which is weak and proved to be a failure.


The EU creates mass poverty, terrorism, insecurity and crime
12 Feb 2019 /  #32
Who is 'we'?
Weimarer  6 | 357  
12 Feb 2019 /  #33
AfD, Junge Alternative, IB, large parts of the working population.
12 Feb 2019 /  #34
Good. However There is also 'we' that see EU as a positive force, especially in Poland, so please make clear in the future that you are talking about certain parties
Weimarer  6 | 357  
12 Feb 2019 /  #35
If you are a parasite, live from others money, then you are pro EU.
pawian  226 | 27817  
12 Feb 2019 /  #36
Because the EU was imposed

Of course it was imposed by the ruling class. So what? Elites always propose and implement such major schemes, it is natural. What you say about slave class is also illogical because they took great advantage of over 50 years of peace in Europe. Who died on European fronts? Ruling classes? Don`t be childish. :)
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
12 Feb 2019 /  #37
This is really ironic coming from someone from Eastern Germany.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263  
12 Feb 2019 /  #38
Does this forum mess up where your posts go?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
12 Feb 2019 /  #39
it doesn't bode well.

And th Brits are united and not cracking right now???

Are you kidding me, Milo?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
12 Feb 2019 /  #40
50 years of peace

...was a gift from the US. Nothing to do with the EU. What the EU did was convinced many Americans to ignore you next time your Euro asses are in a jam. Now, we know it wasn't worth our dead soldiers and our money to liberate suicidal Euro-morons.

Say, thank you and salute the US flag next time you see it.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
12 Feb 2019 /  #41

You have a problem with Thüringen? You do realize i was born after german reunion?

And yes, EU did nothing for us, infact its a gigantic burden. In 2015 it showed how weak it is. The EU is worthless rubbish and im happy too see it fall apart.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263  
12 Feb 2019 /  #42
And th Brits are united and not cracking right now???

That is a union,they never work in the long run.....England is doing fine.....
12 Feb 2019 /  #43
If you are a parasite, live from others money, then you are pro EU.

Are you really that simple that you believe this kind of argument or are you pulling my strings?
Not to mention that even by your categorisation those ppl are still a group of 'we' that doesn't share your opinion so it would be useful to specify your we precisely
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
12 Feb 2019 /  #44
That is a union,they never work in the long run.....England is doing fine.....

Okay...lets break up the British Union first and we'll see how it goes...

Maybe that will convince me that a broken thing is better than a whole thing....but I want to see it first! :)
pawian  226 | 27817  
12 Feb 2019 /  #45
was a gift from the US. Nothing to do with the EU

Wrong, narrow perspective again. I didn`t mean the war between blocks but between seperate countries. The main idea behind the EU was to forgive Germans and develop the European cooperation with them as the main driving force. It has worked till today.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
12 Feb 2019 /  #46
Peoole who live from honest work, suffer from EU. Thats simple fact.

Im a police appretice. Im german, where do i profit from EU?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
12 Feb 2019 /  #47
Now my dear nationalist Poles, would you please inform Weimarer how Germany sucks the lifeblood out of the poor Europeans with the help of the EU it so totally dominates?

*waits with Popcorn*
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
12 Feb 2019 /  #48
I didn`t mean the war between blocks but between seperate countries.

Still wrong. The US would not tolerate any crap within Western Europe then or now.
Did you salute the US flag as I asked you? You don't have to kiss it, just salute.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
12 Feb 2019 /  #49
@Bratwurst Boy

No, german liberal elites do so. The german worker gets poorer and poorer. Poverty is on the rise, people have less income.

As i said, the eu deserves to die.
12 Feb 2019 /  #50
How about European Arrest Warrant? Security Intelligence co-operation? Cooperation of police forces of bordering countries?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
12 Feb 2019 /  #51
The german worker gets poorer and poorer. Poverty is on the rise, people have less income.

How socialist of you....caring for the poor. As long as it's the national poor, right?

And you don't fool me....I've seen the people in the East before our accession to the West and to the EU, now THAT was dreary poverty.

When you are unable to look over the borders of Weimar then that is your problem. I profit in Berlin from the EU very much...not only because of my line of work and I would like to keep it like that, thank you very much!

And I'm doubly glad that your positions are even to extremist for the mainstream AfD...who knows, maybe the party will split again from such extremism and the way may be free then for a conservative CDU v2...

And your kind can sink on the margins where they belong...alongside the NPD!
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
12 Feb 2019 /  #52
Now my dear nationalist Poles, would you please inform Weimarer how Germany sucks the lifeblood

Oh yes, please do.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
12 Feb 2019 /  #53
Pretty much bullshit.

European arrest warrant, security cooperation, cooperation of police forces works only on paper. We mistrust each other and there is zero real cooperation. Infact we have more crime, more terrorism.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
12 Feb 2019 /  #54
You are most likely in the top 1 or 2%.

I really doubt that...
Weimarer  6 | 357  
12 Feb 2019 /  #55
Berlin is a sh, sucking the tax money from workers 7n Germany. As i said, parasites profit from eu, workers not.

And no, my position is mainstream. Go on the streets in thüringen. People hate the EU. Maybe you should leave s Berlin more often.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
12 Feb 2019 /  #56
People hate the EU.

Maybe you should go out more? I have tons of stats to prove that the german majority pro EU never was in any danger! :)

Oh now...do we want to leave the German federation and split from Berlin too? ROFL :)

Poor sod! Nothing of that will happen...you must be frustrated....
pawian  226 | 27817  
12 Feb 2019 /  #57
The US would not tolerate any crap within Western Europe then or now.

Wrong again. One day it wouldn`t, another it would. That`s the problem with the US. So undecisive... :)

Did you salute the US flag as I asked you? You don't have to kiss it, just salute.

No, not yet, because I only have the Russian flag. :):) Shall I salute it on your behalf? :):)

The german worker gets poorer and poorer. Poverty is on the rise, people have less income

That`s the price of the technological progress. The EU has hardly anything to do with it.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
12 Feb 2019 /  #58
@Bratwurst Boy

Why should i be frustrated? The EU currently breaks apart. Im happy with the current times.

Until 2015 i supported the EU. It is you who should wonder why so many turn away from the EU.

Polls indicate le Pen will win in EU election in France, Lega Nord in Italy and AfD win mayor seats as well. As Salvini said, the EU as we know it

Wont exist in 4 months anymore.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
12 Feb 2019 /  #59
Germany sucks the lifeblood out of the poor Europeans with the help of the EU it so totally dominates?

It's a commonly known fact that Germany makes the most out of it. So if it doesn't suit you anymore, think that most other EU countries are twice as unsatisfied about current politico-economic order.

Basically, the V4 industry produces components for German automotive industry. Poland (and the V4) in order to grow in a more balanced form needs to break this cycle and start building strong Central European and 3SI economic centre, an Intermarium.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
12 Feb 2019 /  #60
You do realize, that the common german worker gets nothing from this?

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