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What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate?

0Adam0  - | 14  
27 Oct 2007 /  #91
And anyone else who wishes to read.

These people are on all sides - English, Polish, American, etc, mixes of them blah,blah.
You are all talking a cross eachother.

Some say - poles steal our jobs!,
Some counter with - We do your crap jobs and get treated badly.

Both of which are generalisations. Yet BOTH sides are copmplaining that the other are are generalising.


Some places treat workers badly, some good. Some people feel all the jobs are being taken, this is usually sours grapes as both sides think they could get a beter deal. Unfortunately not - That's life I'm afraid. Sometimes you'll miss out on something, and it's easy to blame the typical nearest scape goat. Except it's usually not the case.

I'd say Polish people come hereBECAUSE they can get jobs that pay more.
I ADMIRE someone who will uproot their lives leave their families friend homes sweethearts and everything they have to come here and work hard to send back to their family

That should be praised not shunned!
yes their is a large influx of people coming into our country

but if you looked at the stats _ our population isnt growing at the moment
we need people to come into our country
anyone who complains clearly has know idea of what they are talking about

I would have answer your question polish_pete and would have defended you to the last
had you not proven that you ARE being nasty about it but trying to hide it by being nice
I know you did this because you said harsh things about the poles coming into our country and "taking all our jobs" or however you put it

i"m not saying the other guy was rigth to say the horrible stuff either
both of you werenot justified

anyone else has a problem ill gladly put you in your place as well


why the uk _ more money _ better chance of a job _ similar culture _ nice people (mostly) _ good touring sites _ pleasent country side _ why other countries i dont know

why leave poland _ i@m quite ignorant on this but judging from othe poles" remarks _ they"ve unemployment _ confused political status _ less money _ weaker currency _ a chance for something a little more

I say again _ WHY NOT?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
27 Oct 2007 /  #92
Poles arent about intergrating into out society , they bring there own culture , throw it in our faces, use the U.K's "soft touch" appeal for there own uses and then go back to poland with the profits...kinda sounds like your examples of other countires.

I had a chucklel when I read that :)
plk123  8 | 4119  
27 Oct 2007 /  #93
they bring there own culture

I had a chucklel when I read that :)

me too as we are the original barbarians. lol
1 Nov 2007 /  #94
Whatever it is please fix it so they will all just go back home!!!
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
1 Nov 2007 /  #95
- Another racist scumbag?
sledz  23 | 2247  
1 Nov 2007 /  #96
Another racist scumbag?

looking in mirror again?

go back into the archives and reply

please dont answer my question with another question again

where did you live in the US????????
roalex  13 | 40  
1 Nov 2007 /  #97
I think that Poles go for the money. In Poland they don't earn anywhere near enough cash as they would living in Ireland, England or Germany.

It's all about $$$$$$$$
hb44  3 | 10  
2 Nov 2007 /  #98
It's all about $$$$$$$$

well of course it is...why else would people leave their families and decent jobs they studied hard for to come to Ireland, England etc to wash dishes in a restaurant? they can make better money in these places and then go home and be in a much better position.....its the same as the Irish did a hundred years ago and we got slack for it too. Why does it really matter if people come to another country to find work? as long as they're not sponging off the state then let them be.
UKGUY  3 | 87  
2 Nov 2007 /  #99
Its alright for all these Polish people - going home will lots of money. Where can us (The British go?) Its hard for us to live in another country and we have to live on low wages nowadays. I think any proud Pole would stay in their country. I have heard so many Poles say "Poland is shi-t, the Peopl are Sh-it and its got a peasant economy" These people are week and feeble, also i have no respect for them as they are degenerates.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 Nov 2007 /  #100
Its alright for all these Polish people - going home will lots of money. Where can us (The British go?) Its hard for us to live in another country and we have to live on low wages nowadays.

I'd like as many Brits as possible to come over to Canada. Plenty of space here. Come over, especially if you are an enterprising type.
hb44  3 | 10  
2 Nov 2007 /  #101
Its alright for all these Polish people - going home will lots of money.

I hardly think they go home with lots of money, the cost of living in the countries that the Polish people go to are hardly cheap, they still have rent to pay, food to eat and try have some sort of normal life to lead so its not like they're going home buying top of the range cars or huge houses is it? (maybe I'm wrong but can't imagine thats how it works)
Mark  - | 2  
14 Aug 2008 /  #102
Dear whoever started this stupid post let me tell you this sad bed time story.
Once upon the time few greedy and very psychotic tribes decided to kick the cr*p out of this one tribe... Systematically they continued on looting their country, year after year and decade after decade…Finally, they liberated themselves but it will take many years and your GBPs to get it back on its feet. But here is my advice to you to ease your pain now… If you can't get a job because some emigrant took it, then you should go back to fu*king school and learn something other than “flipping burgers.”
Wroclaw Boy  
14 Aug 2008 /  #103
Yes, but one tribe was weaker than the other... not for reasons of man power but of intelligence and common sense and therefore was beaten by the more sophisticated, intelligent and succesful tribe - consequently the lesser succesful tribe was pissed all over for hundreds of years till something called the EU was established by the more sophisticated tribes and gave the lesser tribe an equal rights green card.
Piorun  - | 655  
14 Aug 2008 /  #104
Yes, but that something called EU dose not gave all this to the lesser tribe out of the goodness of its heart or even out of pity, there is a self interest at heart to that something. After all by doing this that something gains security at its edge of the forest where it hunts and gathers its wealth. All its inhabitants can sleep peacefully at night and not be afraid of monsters on the edge of their forest. It also gives that something extra land where they can pursue their hunting and gathering ways of life to better themselves. If the state of affairs ever return to the previous state it will cost that something more than now to continue their existence as they know now. So I’ll say it’s out of the pure self interest of that something that such course of action was taken and it has nothing to do with a charity as it was suggested, and the intelligence and common sense bit of either tribe is a pure fiction.
Wroclaw Boy  
14 Aug 2008 /  #105
Absolutely its all about the dash for de cash. But predominantly the reason for expanding the EU is to gain muscle in order to deal with the ever progressing "soon to be" super powers such as China and Russia, united we are strong.

No metion of charity sweetheart just harde EU polotics.
Piorun  - | 655  
14 Aug 2008 /  #106
united we are strong.

Mark  - | 2  
15 Aug 2008 /  #107
Yes, but one tribe was weaker than the other... not for reasons of man power but of intelligence and common sense and therefore was beaten by the more sophisticated, intelligent and succesful tribe - consequently the lesser succesful tribe was pissed all over for hundreds of years till something called the EU was established by the more sophisticated tribes and gave the lesser tribe an equal rights green card.

Wow, I confess that I do not quite follow ya. ... Let's just say... you save your money, build your own house, garden, whatever. Your "neighbor", on the other hand, lives in similar house but he's a little jealous about your garden so he decides to buy a shotgun. One day he knocks on your door, rings on your bell, taps on your window and when you finally open he holds you at gunpoint and takes all your stuff and becomes rich. Does that make him more intelligent and successful lol??? Are you fing Nazi Wroclaw? I'll say yaha, give them fu*king green cards and stfu. It's better that way. It doesn't mater what tribe you're from, we're all human beings.
grethomory  1 | 155  
15 Aug 2008 /  #108
The Polish people, along with the Italians and Germans before them, and the English before them, immigrated to the US to find a better life.

Amen, Kataryna, I am American and not Polish, but live here in Chicago after moving from the South. I see plenty of Polish struggling just trying to make a living...a better life for themselves. I see nothing wrong with that. America paints the picture many times of give me your "tired and poor" but that is not the case. It seems to me they only want others under their conditions.

There is no sin with someone wanting a better life. That's why so many Mexicans cross the border into Texas each day...the only want a better way of life. If you listen and believe the media you will be lost. The media will have you thinking that Blacks do nothing, but rob and steal and want to be on welfare when in reality there are more whites on welfare than Blacks....in addition the media never focuses on the hard working Blacks because...it's not newsworthy.

Think for yourselves all of you. Always before you place judgement put yourself in someone else's shoes and just be thankful that you are fortunate enough that it is not you.
Del boy  20 | 254  
15 Aug 2008 /  #109

Are you that kataryna from salon24.pl ?
Andrew78  - | 97  
15 Aug 2008 /  #110
What part of Chicago do u live Grethomory.
HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
15 Aug 2008 /  #111
i asked a simple question and its been responded with, sarcasm and negative remarks to me personally

NOT TRUE. You said this, too:

"sorry mate can't get on the dole, its all been paid to the poles."

The Poles don't come here to go on the dole but to work. Ignoramus.
grethomory  1 | 155  
15 Aug 2008 /  #112
What part of Chicago do u live Grethomory.

I live off of Austin and Belmont. When I moved here I had no idea I was in a Polish neighborhood. I just liked the place I chose to live...and then I asked my neighbor next door, "what's that writing on that church across the street?" He told me he was Polish and it was a Polish church...and let me know I was in a Polish neighborhood. I then asked, "where do people go out around here?" And he told me there's people around your age that go up the street to Krocodiles...so that Friday I walked up the street and met my first Polish friend there and through him I have a load of Polish friends that I hangout with. In fact, I'm about to go visit one of them in a few minutes.
Switezianka  - | 463  
15 Aug 2008 /  #113
I'll try to answer the topic question on my personal example.
I'm Polish, going to graduate at a state university in 2 years (in Poland state Universities mean higher level that private schools). Supposing I don't get the job at the university, I can either choose to stay in Poland or to go to UK.

If I stay:
-I'll probably get a crappy job far below my qualifications. I'll try to make it up by taking some odd translation jobs and giving private English lessons but anyway, I won't be able to afford moving out from my grandma's and renting a flat. But if I am, then I won't have enough money for anything more than food & accommodation. On the other hand, if I get a job for a person with my qualification, I will not be in a better financial situation. A plumber earns more money in Poland, than, e.g. a teacher or a doctor.

If I go:
-I'll probably get a crappy job far below my qualifications. But I'll be able to pay for food (even eating out often), accommodation and still, I'll be able to afford going out, buying books and CDs, clothes and I will not fear if I have enough money to survive till the next month. But if I get a job that suits my qualification - I actually know a well-educated young Pole who has one - I'll get much more money and I'll be able to afford such luxuries as a nice-looking flat, a reflex camera with good lenses, cool clothes, trips abroad, a professional synthesizer on hire purchase and other stuff.

What's more, I won't be scared to admit shameful things like 'I don't go to church' or 'I actually don't think abortion is a crime' and I'll be able to wear clothes I like to wear more than once a year because there are less intolerant bastards in the UK than in Poland and they feel less secure (please, don't name the Sophie Lancaster case as a counter-argument because we had similar things in Poland, too)

My dad works in the UK, so I've got an insight about what an immigrant life is like there. And, to be honest, Poles I met there didn't get worse jobs in England than they would get in Poland with the same qualifications. Right, a lot of Poles have no choice than washing the dishes but they are either uneducated, so they can't get better job anyway, or they are students who take holiday jobs. If you look for employment for more than 2 months, speak English well and have a university degree, you really can find something better than washing the dishes. Maybe not a dream job, but you won't get a dream job in Poland either.

So "should I stay or should I go?"
15 Aug 2008 /  #114
my qualifications

what will be your qualifications beside the diploma, if i may ask?
Switezianka  - | 463  
15 Aug 2008 /  #115
Really, hard to say what M.A. in English Philology qualifies for formally. I can be a professional translator -unlike those who usually translate books, films or TV shows and make ridiculous errors. I can write book reviews but I'm afraid I'd be too professional for it - literary criticism in scholarly journals would be more appropriate. I can practically be a language teacher. But I'm rather thinking about one of those jobs to which the requirement is non-specified 'higher education' (I've seen a lot of job advertisements like that).

So, anything to do with language, literature and culture. Maybe something in press or publishing?

But I'd get most satisfaction from conducting English Literature classes in England ;-)
15 Aug 2008 /  #116
But I'd get most satisfaction from conducting English Literature classes in England ;-)

don't you think you made a decision already? do not be afraid of challenges in your life... good luck girl :)
Switezianka  - | 463  
15 Aug 2008 /  #117
In fact I hope I'll be able to get the job at the university and grow old as a crazy professor. But if I don't, I'll fly to my dad's and try to start a new life with some silly job, move out, look for something better... I'm sure it will be easier in the UK than in Poland.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
15 Aug 2008 /  #118
I can be a professional translator

It is great that a lot of polish, educated people think they can conquer the world with a piece of a graduating paper or a degree. Unfortunately, many end up doing menial jobs. Very sad and what a waste. Switezianka, don't sell yourself short. Get what you deserve and what you KNOW. The piece of paper helps, but it does not get you abroad what you want and what you deserve. You need to be certified in the country you decide to stay (UK?) and show what you can.

A real smart employer will test you and give you the opportunity. The rest is up to you. I did it, you can too.
Yanek  3 | 29  
16 Aug 2008 /  #119
Hi Pete,

Could you tell me what kind of job did you do?
Please explain it.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
17 Aug 2008 /  #120
So "should I stay or should I go?"

You should go. If only to experience the land whose language and culture you know so much about. I've met Polish people in Poland who speak excellent English like you but have never been to England. I think thats a bit sad/strange and maybe a bit of a waste.

As for the sort of job you can expect to get, that will depend on where in England you will be moving to. London has the best opportunities both for carer options and money. The place isnt to everyone's taste though.

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