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What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate?

Daisy  3 | 1211  
19 Jul 2007 /  #61
what... from crazy women... ?

Lady in red  
19 Jul 2007 /  #62
what an interesting article... man has had dog as his best friend for millenia but women are just now discovering they can take cats for walks in little pink kitty buggies...which cost ?200.... its a funny old world...

Yeah, I saw that one too...........lol. Sorry daisy am sure you don't do things like that :)
Daisy  3 | 1211  
19 Jul 2007 /  #63
my cats won't even wear collars..
Lady in red  
19 Jul 2007 /  #64
...make sure they know who is the boss !!
Daisy  3 | 1211  
19 Jul 2007 /  #65
they already have...it's them
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
19 Jul 2007 /  #66
show them this and dont take any lip...

Daisy  3 | 1211  
19 Jul 2007 /  #67
show them this and dont take any lip...

that's not funny :(
Lady in red  
19 Jul 2007 /  #68
I can't see anything there bubba..........have I lost the plot ?

nobody answer that 'cos I've gone now for a bit :) lol
Decorator  4 | 291  
19 Jul 2007 /  #69
Then you've lost the plot..
Lady in red  
19 Jul 2007 /  #70
You're just envious because I have three stars.......I know !!
Daisy  3 | 1211  
19 Jul 2007 /  #71
Then you've lost the plot..

you didn't think she was going to see that did you?
Lady in red  
19 Jul 2007 /  #72
lol daisy.......was blank on my screen......it's there now.

my laptop has a delayed reaction to most things.....just like me :)
Michal  - | 1865  
19 Jul 2007 /  #73
and has a shrinking economy: this causes anger & frustration...now Somalis & other
immigrants may be milking the system to a degree, but you don't mention the folks who
really run the UK economy: the City of London Banking houses, the House of Windsor
(real name:Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, they are German) and the Jews...you need to get to the
heart of the matter and understand who runs the show!

Some of what you are saying here is similar to the beginnings of Hitler in the 1930's.

I did some shopping yesterday in Tesco with my boy and when we came out at about 8p.m. all the Eastern European were coming out too going to their bus. Many were Polish. I drove my car out of the car park, lowered my window down to get a better look at them and drove past them. There they were leaning on their trolleys smoking awaiting their transport back to the farm. I looked carefully at them and they returned the compliment and stared me out in return. The point was that I could see that these would never pass the Polish matura examination and make university. Even less likely would they be acceptable in the armed forces or at least would cope with two years national service and a three year stint in the navy. I am sure that a lot of these so called 'workers' are simply 'draft dogging' as they must go to university or serve in the armed forces, fruit picking is simply their trade as escapism instead.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
19 Jul 2007 /  #74
I did some shopping yesterday in Tesco

Kmiot, when will you finally admit that you simply work there ?
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
19 Jul 2007 /  #75
i don't need to read any of the posts, to put it simply there is nothing wrong with Poland as a whole, every nation has their problems and Poland is no difference, but to come and ask what is wrong with an individual country i find bemusing.
Michal  - | 1865  
20 Jul 2007 /  #76
You could not afford to, anyway!
Lady in red  
20 Jul 2007 /  #77
Funny how some people need to raise their self esteem by trying to portray how well off they are.......

I've never felt the need and I don't think Polska Doll has either !!

Different generation, I expect.
Michal  - | 1865  
20 Jul 2007 /  #78
You are both very pleased that you do not live here and nor must you. I can be just as rude as you are. Yes, different generation. Spend more time studying than writing insults!
21 Jul 2007 /  #79
I would sugest change the name of the post to " what is right with Poland " can you guys please tell me that ??????
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
21 Jul 2007 /  #80
Funny how some people need to raise their self esteem by trying to portray how well off they are.......

I've never felt the need and I don't think Polska Doll has either !!

I can't be bothered with people who try to win arguments by the size of their bank account. I never tell anyone what I earn. Only myself, my bank manager and the wages officer in my work know exactly how much it is. All anyone else needs to know is that the bills get paid!
Michal  - | 1865  
21 Jul 2007 /  #81
Thankfully I live no where near you

If you actually look, you started it all and to be honest you are very childish. Your comments have nothing to do with Polish or Poland anyway.
Lady in red  
21 Jul 2007 /  #82
I was reading some old posts the other day, ones posted a long time before I joined and you were falling out with other posters then as well Michal. It seems you do it all the time and with a lot of people. So it's not down to Polskadoll, I think. I'm not trying to argue with you Michal just stating a point. Have a look at the old threads.
Michal  - | 1865  
22 Jul 2007 /  #83
I think you might be right actually, I think it is something genetic!

ame of the post to " what is right with Poland " can you guys please tell me that ??????

In the summer time the countryside is very nice-a little like England would have been a hundred years ago.
polska_lala  - | 17  
26 Jul 2007 /  #84
well... lets see whats wrong with poland... nothing really...
people just migrate for maybe their own personal reasons....
maybe they have family there....
maybe they need a better job and better money...
nothing to get mad at seeing that england has better job offers for some people. otherwise... im pretty sure there are more than just polish people in england...

some polaks might just want a better shot at life...
some people go back to poland but thats because they miss their home country.
15 Oct 2007 /  #85

For God's sake! You folks are all f**ing crazy. The topic of this thread is "What is wrong with Poland that Poles immigrate?". Can't you stick to the point instead of wondering off into drivel and chit chat???

This forum is such a waste of time. I can see why I haven't visited for 6 months.
Get a life people!

There's been just one good post in over 100 messages. Perhaps 10 are vaguely on topic. The rest is just pointless time-wasting....


Such a shame, cos it really is a topic worth discussing properly....

Is it really just the money? Or is it something else that's driving all the Polacy to England?

Is money 100% of the answer? This is a very good question. Please discuss it.
(Pointless chit-chat you can do on a social site, please don't waste everyone's time here...)

UKGUY  3 | 87  
26 Oct 2007 /  #86
Looking at POland now (from a foreigner in Eastern and Central europe). It is alot better than it was in 1991 and its a fairly good country to live in. Its not "f-ucking s-hit" like one Pole told me - its wages are lower than UK of course, but all in all its better for POles to stay in POland; mainly becuse they can get better qualified jobs there now (less competition) and the cost of living is more on par with the UK (I mean relative). POles come to save some money and becuase they think they might get a m more advanced lifestyle, in a more developed country.

In a few years to come more and more factories will move to Poland and Eastern/central europe, thus meaning there will be more jobs in POland and less in England. Therefore there will be more sense to stay in Poland and I think people won't migrate so much.

zuzi0mail  - | 54  
27 Oct 2007 /  #87
I am English & interested to know as poland is such a loverly looking place, why do you all need to come here to england? I am not meaning anything nasty would just like to know from a polish point of view how it is for you?

Uhh...Not meaning to offend "pete" but your question tells a lot about your common sense. Where have you been all your life? Living in a box? Sheesh!

Hmmm let's think...why would Polish people want to come to England?
1. To see the queen
2. Because the Beatles came from England
3. Because it's nice
4. They like swarming into countries randomly because they have nothing better to do at home.

I mean really!! How old is this dude?? It's like little kids saying "mum why do we have to go to the shops?" Well, honey, the shops sell food, and once we eat the food we have at home we need to go buy some more.

Britain has the POUND which, if you watch TV, take part in general discussions, maybe read the paper, and you're not a total vegetable or fruit-loop, you'll know that the POUND is REALLY HIGH. Britain has one of the highest currencies in the world. A currency is, in economics, a term designating all the circulating media of exchange of a country.

Poland's Zloty (a monetary unit of Poland consisting of 100 groszy) is pretty LOW. And since Poland has become a member of the EU (which is a European supranational organization dedicated to increasing economic integration and strengthening cooperation among its member states) the Polish can travel to England without a VISA, as well as work there. With the Polish zloty being LOWER than the British Pound, Polish people as well as other people around Europe and the rest of the world, come to Britain to earn MONEY! And why?

1. Because people need money to survive and to enjoy life
2. Because they CAN
3. Because there are opportunities
4. Because they are needed

Arg, this is so stupid, I'm wasting my time. It's not like he'll get it anyway. He'll just say "I was just asking, I don't wanna offend anyone, I just want to know why!" even after a million people give him detailed answers. Sigh. I guess some people are just like that.
27 Oct 2007 /  #88

good call zuzi0mail on nail there all that :)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
27 Oct 2007 /  #89
Why do Poles come to England? The answear is the same as in the question "Why do dogs lick their crotches?


- edit -

Good post zuzi0mail. :)
Kataryna  - | 36  
27 Oct 2007 /  #90
I am a Polish American, living in the US. In the late to early 1900's, Polish immigrants came to the US and took all the low paying, unskilled jobs, because that's all that was available to them. The Poles lived in Slavic communities, amoungst 'their own' people. They were looked down at by 'other' Americans. Poles were considered the bottom of the barrel, class and culture wise.

The Polish people, along with the Italians and Germans before them, and the English before them, immigrated to the US to find a better life. To raise their children in a prosperous place and earn a good living. In the beginning of their immigrations, their lives were stressfull and hard. After 1 generation, the immigrants families were mainstream with the 'other' American ethnic groups.

What I'm hearing going on in England now is an influx of immigrants who are in the same boat as the immigrants who came to the US. England and Ireland have never had such an influx of immigrants. They never had a need before.

I don't have an answer......but I know people are trying to make good lives for themselves and you can't blame them for that. It the Poles are terrorizing society, living off the welfare state and sleeping in doorways....yes, there's a problem and quite honestly, they, alond with other immigrants should be sent back to their home country.

If I lived in a country that was not as priviledged as another, I'd leave too.

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