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What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate?

slwkk  2 | 228  
23 Jun 2007 /  #31
I am English & intrested to know as poland is such a loverly looking place, why do you all need to come here to england?

Well, we have common saying in Poland, maybe you have similar one (if so write it here) - literally it would be sth close to:

'if one doesn't know what it is all about, then it's about money' :-)
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
23 Jun 2007 /  #32
She said somewhere else that ''in the UK we ring in sick''.....As an excuse to get off work!....

so your telling me that people dont call off sick and go do something else?

what is wrong with saying that? people actually do it.. if you say no, your a liar and
lying to the whole forum.

probably where bunia works it happens. alot , some people dont like thier jobs, or
dont like work at all..

I agree with her, because it happens in every work place, people do take days off
when they are not sick.. and maybe where she works it made them extremely short
for staff so people were mad and upset at these people who called in and maybe
from viewing their work habits they were/are lazy at work.. how can you even
challenge this? Why would you challenge this ?? I dont challenge any of the lazy
workers at my job.. it makes me upset to because patients suffer due to the lack of
time i can spend with them... this goes for any job..

I think you owe those Polish folks an Apologie for saying such a thing, I would agree
if you had a valid statement.. but I didnt see her statement as wrong. yours was to
actually degrade and humilate.. some might not speak english, doesnt make them
lesser then you.. that was low.. you called them stupid.

so from her /yours.. I agree with her. you were aiming to hurt.. she was only telling
truth and it goes for everyone, she is only guilty of generalization..
ajgraham  - | 121  
24 Jun 2007 /  #33
o your telling me that people dont call off sick and go do something else?

what is wrong with saying that? people actually do it.. if you say no, your a liar and
lying to the whole forum.

I took this remark from Bunia to mean it was only the Brits who ring in sick!!.....Keep your hat on and have a nice day!!
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
24 Jun 2007 /  #34
Aj, u know if I thought she was putting down the brits I would jump in there..

everyone has something to contribute.
littlebeezz  2 | 20  
24 Jun 2007 /  #35
hi, just a take on this lovely subject.
poles have been coming over here, there and everwhere since WWII (its aledged that after 1946 there where more poles in america than in poland).
My late great father-in-law was taken by the russians to siberia when he was 5, he learnt to live off the land, make shelter and travel under cover. He, his sister and mother practially walked from siberia to italy. Boarded a boat to mombassa where they lived until the war ended, was reunited with his father and got on a boat to england. It was all about survival and its much the same today just with out the bullets.

ave wage in poland - £250mth
ave cost of a TV - £500
coming to england - worth it
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 Jun 2007 /  #36
ave wage in poland - £250mth

Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
24 Jun 2007 /  #37
It was all about survival and its much the same today just with out the bullets.

you are so right.. keeping food on the table,shelter over heads,keeping the livelyhood
littlebeezz  2 | 20  
24 Jun 2007 /  #38
just going of what my other halfs ciocia earns
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
2 Jul 2007 /  #39
Why does this Pete guy called himself "Polish" when he quite clearly does not like the country or the people from it!!!

I am from the UK (which, Pete, is bigger than just England), and I love the fact that it is busy with people from other countries and cultures. I have made many Polish friends over the last couple of years and I would not be without them.

In the place where I work there are Polish people who work for just above minimum wage and work 12 hours a day with only 1 hour and 30 mins off for breaks, but they rarely complain and just won't entertain the thought of going on the dole. I might add that they are working in the kitchens and domestic side of things and are filling spaces that we have advertised relentlessly but no one has been interested in.

I might also add that I admire the guts of people who can come to another country and make a new life away from their families and friends and at a relatively young age. Most of the Polish people I have met speak pretty good English. I myself speak limited Polish and German, certainly not enough to get away with in either Poland or Germany.
3 Jul 2007 /  #40
Actually, in Sweden some people call in sick because of trouble with the boss.
sledz  23 | 2247  
3 Jul 2007 /  #41
maybe hes a perv and shes sick of it
Laurel  1 | 18  
6 Jul 2007 /  #42
That was kinda of uncalled for.

Why cant we just have a decent discussion without the need for slinging crap at one another?

Its been said before, but, Poles come to the UK for work opportunities (the economy over there isnt so good, but improving I hope...darn communists) and for the Lord's sake, its stupid to make unfair generalisations like saying that all Poles in the UK steal jobs and or dole bludgers or some such.

And Pete. You lost your job because their employing more Poles at that business or something. You're angry, as we'd all be in that situation. But hey big frikking whoop, get over it and find another job. Hey, maybe you might even find a better one. But you have absolutely no right to get angry and make racist comments about Poles who probably just work long shifts to feed their families. They need work just like anyone else, and probably werent able to find any in Poland. Seriously, go take your racism and flame bait somewhere else.
El Gamal  1 | 27  
8 Jul 2007 /  #43
why England has become almost poland 2 in the last few years

Because in England you can earn far more money than doing same thing in Poland and English is relatively easy to learn (compare it to French, German, Spanish etc). That's all. I'm sure you are intelligent enough to be able to figure out it on your own. Aren't you? ;)

Please note, that people had been ALWAYS emigrating form places where life is worse to those where it is easier and better. It is nothing unusual. Take Irish for example. Yet 30 years ago Ireland was poor, agricultural, backward state. Irish people emigrated to USA, England and other better states. Now they can earn betten in their own country than outside :).
Eurola  4 | 1898  
8 Jul 2007 /  #44
Yet 30 years ago Ireland was poor, agricultural, backward state. Irish people emigrated to USA, England and other better states. Now they can earn betten in their own country than outside :).

I believe, it will happen in Poland too.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
8 Jul 2007 /  #45
Yet 30 years ago Ireland was poor, agricultural, backward state. Irish people emigrated to USA, England and other better states. Now they can earn betten in their own country than outside :).

I think you will find the Irish have been leaving Ireland for a lot longer than 30 years and also the main reason a lot of Irish left Ireland in the 1970s was because of the troubles and not because it was a "poor" country! please read some history or at last have a little bit of understanding of a country before you write something!
Eurola  4 | 1898  
8 Jul 2007 /  #46
Amathyst, there were tons of Irish in Chicago in the 80's, most took any jobs because there were none back home. The long political unrest depressed the country's job market and caused massive emigration to USA. We all know: no job, no money, no food, no place to live...

It was still not much comparing to the Potato Famine in mid 1800's.
Reichpapers  1 | 10  
9 Jul 2007 /  #47
i asked a simple question and its been responded with, sarcasm and negative remarks to me personally, all i wanted to know is why England has become almost poland 2 in the last few years. not wanting to upset anyone just want to know why Englands so popular with
eastern Europeans at the moment, whats the rational behind everyone coming here?

Your first post was genuine and contained a valid question. There was no hint of malice and it seemed as if you were seeking answers. Your second post cut right to the chase. It painted the poles in a lackluster manner. I believe this is where you lost the game.
Lady in red  
9 Jul 2007 /  #48
Poles on average have far better language skills than most Brits!

I don't totally agree. Maybe written yes but not verbally.

Quoting: polish_pete i asked a simple question and its been responded with, sarcasm and negative remarks to me personally, all i wanted to know is why England has become almost poland 2 in the last few years. not wanting to upset anyone just want to know why Englands so popular with eastern Europeans at the moment, whats the rational behind everyone coming here? [/quote]

As there are over 60 million people who live in the UK, then I hardly think the influx of 600,000 Poles (if that is the correct figure) justifies that sort of remark i.e. poland 2.
Michal  - | 1865  
9 Jul 2007 /  #49
eastern Europeans at the moment, what

Part of the reason is that the rest of Europe does not allow them in to work legally.

f 600,000 Poles (if that is the corre

It is still a hell of a lot of people in a small country

I went to Leatherhead late this morning and I saw there is a Polish cafe just opened up called Blue Cafe. There were three Polish people inside running it, a man even bigger than I am. I am 184 centimeters but he dwarfed me! Two Polish ladies were helping him and one, a youngish girl, who brought me my coffee was quite nice looking too! I do not know if they were impressed with my Polish or not, I suppose they are just there earning a living at the end of the day but they agreed that a lot had changed since 1985. I drove on towards Guildford and dropped in at a charity shop in Bookham and two Polish girls with what looked like their mother were trying on clothes. I drove on to yet another second charity shop at Burpham on my way home, just outside Guildford and there were yet another three Polish women buying clothes so it does look as if it is difficult to ignore them in England now.
19 Jul 2007 /  #50
im a typical english guy yes, one who lost his job because they took on polish staff.

I seriously doubt that. What reason did your company give you?

was it something along the lines of 'your always moaning and ******** that you work too many hours, dont get paid enough, want more holidays, you don't want to work before 9am, dont want to finish after 5pm, you dont want to work weekends, you don't want to work bank holidays'

Or did you reguarlarly turn up to work late? throw a lot of sickies because you couldn't be bothered get up?

Or were you just crap at your job?

*sorry for any offence caused by any spelling or grammer mistakes in this post, yes i am english, yes i am educated. I however am not very good at typing, and tend to type as fast as i can without looking at my screen. I'm also too lazy to check it before posting it.*
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
19 Jul 2007 /  #51
*sorry for any offence caused by any spelling or grammer mistakes in this post, yes i am english, yes i am educated. I however am not very good at typing, and tend to type as fast as i can without looking at my screen. I'm also too lazy to check it before posting it.*

2 points for consideration...

firstly - instead of making the effort to type out the above on your posts you could spend the time to correct what you have written if it means so much to you to be correct

secondly - nobody cares about spelling or grammar errors...
19 Jul 2007 /  #52
1 in every 100 people in england is polish.

10 in every 100 people in england is gay.

3.5 in every 100 people in england are muslim.

0.085 in every 100 people in england has H.I.V.

But more interestingly EVERYONE who calls themselves polish_pete on internet forums in england is a bit of a cock.

secondly - nobody cares about spelling or grammar errors...

your kidding right?

have you seen how much stick is given out on some threads because somebody mispelt a seemingly simple word?
Lady in red  
19 Jul 2007 /  #53
I read a couple of reports the other week and some of the information can be read from this newspaper:- Worth a read I think because it does show there are valid reasons for some people's concerns. It opened my eyes and the thing is, unless you are in that environment then you don't really know the problems some workers are facing. The UK Government should have better phased in immigration. There's no doubt about that.

dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=468840&in_page_id=1770&ICO=NEWS&ICL=TOPART

dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=462911&in_page_id=1770
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
19 Jul 2007 /  #54
youre right... trust the daily mail to be spot on again...

... but more to the point, these bum pinchers look worthy of further investigation... thank you daily mail... youve done it again...
Lady in red  
19 Jul 2007 /  #55
trust the daily mail to be spot on again...

yeah, it was a free read in cafe uno..........where I had to go to shelter from the rain and
therefore had to have a coffee too and watch the world go by................:)

............just two sides to every debate is my view.

..........but the articles are based on a government report........
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
19 Jul 2007 /  #56
tell me about the bum pinchers
Daisy  3 | 1215  
19 Jul 2007 /  #57
I was more interested in this one

dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/femail/article.html?in_article_i d=469381&in_page_id=1879
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
19 Jul 2007 /  #58
what an interesting article... man has had dog as his best friend for millenia but women are just now discovering they can take cats for walks in little pink kitty buggies...which cost £200.... its a funny old world...
Daisy  3 | 1215  
19 Jul 2007 /  #59
but women are just now discovering they can take cats for walks in little pink kitty buggies...which cost £200

Someone rescue those poor cats!!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
19 Jul 2007 /  #60
what... from crazy women... ?

de ja vu

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