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What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate?

21 Jun 2007 /  #1
I am English & interested to know as poland is such a loverly looking place, why do you all need to come here to england? I am not meaning anything nasty would just like to know from a polish point of view how it is for you?
ukinpoland  5 | 338  
21 Jun 2007 /  #2
Shouldnt you be out looking for a job if things are so bad? Or are you on the dole?
OP polish_pete  
21 Jun 2007 /  #3
sorry mate can't get on the dole, its all been paid to the poles.

Poles arent about intergrating into out society , they bring there own culture , throw it in our faces, use the U.K's "soft touch" appeal for there own uses and then go back to poland with the profits...kinda sounds like your examples of other countires.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
21 Jun 2007 /  #4
sorry mate can't get on the dole, its all been paid to the poles.

you've just lost your argument with that statement
ukinpoland  5 | 338  
21 Jun 2007 /  #5
So they are doing exactly what we do to every other country.

Cant get on the dole then get of your arse and get a job. You cant spend your life watching GMTV every day.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
21 Jun 2007 /  #6
why do you all need to come here to england?

An honest answer might be: The Brits let the Polish in, the money is good, there is a network of people who help eachother out, the Polish have been there for a number of years, British buisness likes to make a profit.
OP polish_pete  
21 Jun 2007 /  #7
i asked a simple question and its been responded with, sarcasm and negative remarks to me personally, all i wanted to know is why England has become almost poland 2 in the last few years. not wanting to upset anyone just want to know why Englands so popular with

eastern Europeans at the moment, whats the rational behind everyone coming here?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
21 Jun 2007 /  #8
i asked a simple question and its been responded with, sarcasm and negative remarks to me personally

Not from me.
OP polish_pete  
21 Jun 2007 /  #9
thankyou Wroclaw all i want is some insight and have been bombarded with personal negative comments from the start
ukinpoland  5 | 338  
21 Jun 2007 /  #10
This sounds like a typical English guy. He loses his job and instead of getting on with life and looking for something new and better he sits around on the internet blaming other people.

Sorry mate but why dont you see this as an opportunity to get a better job and improve your life.
witek  1 | 587  
21 Jun 2007 /  #11
whats the rational behind everyone coming here?

because the wages are much higher in England and Ireland than in Poland.
OP polish_pete  
21 Jun 2007 /  #12
Ukinpoland your statement could be really seen as racist towards, im a typical english guy yes, one who lost his job because they took on polish staff...it seems like something pervasive thats going on, i'm not the tyope to race hate someone, just want to know whats going on, I want to know the polish oint of view , what its like for them, not being horrible, or wingeing . Just interested
ukinpoland  5 | 338  
21 Jun 2007 /  #13
How is that a racist comment? I still dont understand why you arent out now trying to get a job. If things are so bad and you are facing eviction. Business is business your company can get someone to work for less money. They did it.
curlyspy007  - | 93  
21 Jun 2007 /  #14
why do you all need to come here to england?

There are only a small % of polish here and i think its great they are here, they work hard and make money to have a better life and i take my hat off to that.

They dont cause trouble after clubs and bars close up and down the country its 80% the brits sorry to say and further more, there are other eastern europeans here not just polish. i really dont know whats everyones beef is about the poles.

Its not the eastern europeans that are taking away the the housing and "dole"...there is a very high % of somlalians milking the system something rotton even getting their morgages paid for, i mean if you only knew the fugures and how they are getting away with it...i know this for a fact!!!

Im a english man, and this country has gone down the pan, so why not milk it for its wealth, join the club i say because protests and letters are a thing of the past.. put up or shut up, thats how it is in todays world...if i have offended anyone i apologise..
away guy  10 | 343  
21 Jun 2007 /  #15
such a loverly looking place

Yes Poland is pretty , but it doesnt have the pound hahaha
bunia  1 | 134  
21 Jun 2007 /  #16
sorry mate can't get on the dole, its all been paid to the poles.

You are so wrong with this sentence!
Polish people earn hard their money. We do all the jobs you didnt want to do!
Sorry but i dont know many English people who would work on chicken factory 12 hours in temp of 2C for £5.35 per hour. (actually i know none :) )

And yes we are going for better jobs aswell - why not ? We are educated and we are working hard. We do not phone in sick whenever we dont feel like working.

We have cars and houses - have you ever heard of saving money ??? Thats what we do.
Simple as
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
21 Jun 2007 /  #17
A reply to the Englishman: I am a Polish-American who lived in London for a period of time in 1997-98...in Tulse Hill, South London to be exact...I really enjoyed my time there,

and since I was really just visiting, I had funds of my own, so I really was supporting the
British economy, not competing with English people in the job market...many Poles come
to the UK for job opportunities...this is a time of the 'global economy', so people will
emmigrate in search of work...but, also, I think the Poles feel an affinty with the English
because they are both civilized European tribes, and share common cultural values to a
degree...now, I know that the UK has been deluged with immigrants both legal & illegal,
and has a shrinking economy: this causes anger & frustration...now Somalis & other
immigrants may be milking the system to a degree, but you don't mention the folks who
really run the UK economy: the City of London Banking houses, the House of Windsor
(real name:Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, they are German) and the Jews...you need to get to the
heart of the matter and understand who runs the show!
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
21 Jun 2007 /  #18
Hm, so here we've got another stupido, calling himself 'polish_pete,' with his unwashed cranium filled with hateful lies from the media psychopaths of the Daily Mail ilk.

And his brighter countrymen who, I'm sure, drop into this forum, keep disgracefully silent when crap like him ramble hatefully.

You really don't give damn about your image in Poland, Brits?

Facts are such, that the Poles are attracted to Britain by huge amount of adverts from the British employers. When Poles come into Britain - and unlike folks from Africa and similar savoury places, they come in legally - they are exploited mercilessly, and still abused by any local human crap, and attacked by violent media psychopaths there.

And as a result of the media psychopaths' hate propagasnda, Poles are beaten up and killed in Britain by local scum.

Now you consider yourselves superior to such Krauts, but I haven't heard of even one Pole being killed in Germany for the fact that he or she is Polish.

Without the Poles, many British businesses would go up in smoke.

You invite us, rip us off, and then abuse us verbally, beat up, and kill to boot.

Yes, we Poles should stop coming to Britain right on the spot, and those of us who are forced to dwell and work, or rather toil like slaves there, should go back instantly.

Get folks from China in our place, bastards.

They will teach you human manners; and you won't dare to exploit and abuse them , as you do us.

I've seen this in Canada; now crap like you suck to the Chinese and East Indiands there. And this shall be the lot of you.

Die out, dehumanized racist bastards.

And in another thread - just the same. A racist by the nick of tealoci, allegedly Scottish, rambles hateful generalizations about the Poles in Scotland, and another 'wise' one 'defends' Poles by suggesting that Poles are as the racist describes them, because the Poles allegedly haven't had much contact with the outside world. Which is another racist generalization. And espana welcomes this alleged Scotsman - a fierce racist - on this forum.

No wonder we Poles are abused, beaten up and killed in Britain.

And the thread has been closed - you can't post replies to the bruitish racist bandits' innuendos.
OP polish_pete  
22 Jun 2007 /  #19
Sorry my friend who's polish is called pete, just thought d nick his name for a user name
ajgraham  - | 121  
22 Jun 2007 /  #20
Sorry but i dont know many English people who would work on chicken factory 12 hours in temp of 2C for £5.35 per hour. (actually i know none :) )

Too stupid to do anything else!!......and you don't go for the better jobs,.... because 80% of you don't speak English!....So there you go!!
22 Jun 2007 /  #21
why do you all need to come here to england?

In keeping within the guidelines and staying on topic, I believe most Polish persons come to your country because it's open to them and there is an abundance of opportunity for them to make money. As a fellow member of the EU (Poland, not myself), I see only good to come out of this, over time.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
23 Jun 2007 /  #22
Too stupid to do anything else!!......and you don't go for the better jobs,.... because 80% of you don't speak English!....So there you go!!

aj, why do you put people down so much? what personal satisfaction do you get out
of it??

how do you figure they are too stupid? they were smart enough to come to the uk
and take/send money back to poland /investing in their own country is pretty smart to me..

maybe you think they are too stupid, but I think while your basking in your own
fueled hatred, they will be richer then apple pie and pass you by a long shot because
your stuck so far into the mudd with hate, you cant find the line to pull yourself out.
ajgraham  - | 121  
23 Jun 2007 /  #23
aj, why do you put people down so much? what personal satisfaction do you get out
of it??

Patriycja19.....I don't think you've read all of Bunia's remarks!.....She said somewhere else that ''in the UK we ring in sick''.....As an excuse to get off work!.... I think in some of her remarks she is suggesting that immigrants in the UK do the jobs that we are too lazy to do etc! Its the same remark that afew people on this site have made....Its obvious why the local people would want to do something else rather than working for 12 hours in a Chicken Factory etc!!....If I made the sweeping statement of....''The only reason why there are English teachers in Poland is because the Poles are too lazy and stupid to teach English''......Would I offend Poles?.....Or ''The only reason so many Brits work in the USA is because the Americans are bone idle etc!....Would I offend you?....My point is.... I regard myself as reasonably hard working and conscientious etc, and all my work mates seem to have the same attitude!....So why shouldn't I get pissed off with people who make those offensive remarks about us?
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
23 Jun 2007 /  #24
re: Sorry my friend who's polish is called pete, just thought d nick his name for a user name

- It's safe to insult us with impunity here, on the Internet, eh clown? I wonder if you'd dare to insult a Polish man into his face? Would you, ahem, pick up the gautlet if he challenged you?

I doubt it.

You only dare to mug in a group of ten or more poor Polish kids toiling late hours at a pub or other craphole.

re: Well they pay me 32 Grand a year so someone must think so!!

- Ain't you braggin'? Because you are actually stupid, aijgramah.

Here's just one proof of it. - You allege: 'you don't go for the better jobs,.... because 80% of you don't speak English!'

- Prove it that 80% of Poles toiling in Britain don't speak English.
TripTic  3 | 95  
23 Jun 2007 /  #25
I am English & intrested to know as poland is such a loverly looking place, why do you all need to come here to england? I am not meaning anything nasty would just like to know from a polish point of view how it is for you?


As a response to your post:
I came to England almost 3 yrs ago because:
1. I was so fed up about unemployment situation in Poland
2. I was so sick of political crap said everyday by polish politicians
3. I always liked and i will english music that lots of brits ain't got a clue about
4. I love footbal, used to be a referee in Poland
5. I love english language. I never learnt it before and when i came to uk my english was basic, now is only a bit better but im still learning :)

..and now:
1. I found english people very friendly because in general their attitude is: "..no matter where you from, matter is who you are.."
2. after 2 yrs in a s.h.i.t.t.y factory i found a good job, and soon i'll have even better in London

3. I'm not interested to invest any english money in Poland. I'd like to live and invest my money in here.

End of story for me.
ajgraham  - | 121  
23 Jun 2007 /  #26
- Ain't you braggin'? Because you are actually stupid, aijgramah.

I'm not bragging about anything Puzzler.....and i'm not claiming to be the brightest person in the world, but its a decent job and i'm happy doing it....As for Most Poles in Britain not being able to speak English very well.....I don't remember exactly where I read this, but from my experience of the Polish who live around here, that does seem to be the case.
johan123  1 | 227  
23 Jun 2007 /  #27
i asked a simple question and its been responded with, sarcasm and negative remarks to me personally, all i wanted to know is why England has become almost poland 2 in the last few years. not wanting to upset anyone just want to know why Englands so popular with
eastern Europeans at the moment, whats the rational behind everyone coming here?


I'm not bragging about anything Puzzler.....and i'm not claiming to be the brightest person in the world, but its a decent job and i'm happy doing it....As for Most Poles in Britain not being able to speak English very well.....I don't remember exactly where I read this, but from my experience of the Polish who live around here, that does seem to be the case.

Poles on average have far better language skills than most Brits!
Daisy  3 | 1211  
23 Jun 2007 /  #28

this is what we want to hear more of, not the constant name calling and slagging off that goes on here far too often
ajgraham  - | 121  
23 Jun 2007 /  #29
Poles on average have far better language skills than most Brits!

You mean Brits in general don't speak another language?.... There is only one language you need to speak and thats why learning a foreign language in the UK has never been very popular. By-the-way you speak English very well, but like i've said most Poles here either don't or speak it badly.

this is what we want to hear more of, not the constant name calling and slagging off that goes on here far too often

Most of it is directed at us don't you think Daisy?
Daisy  3 | 1211  
23 Jun 2007 /  #30
Most of it is directed at us don't you think Daisy?

No I don't agree with you, I see it come from all directions to all people. One of the worst offenders at the moment is an Englishman who talks like something out of a Jane Austin novel

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