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Wal-Mart coming to Poland?

legend  3 | 658  
30 Jun 2011 /  #121
This dude looks like a Jew.

the guy in the last picture?

Anyways there is lots of walmart stores over here in Canada. I never had a problem with the people that came into the stores
The prices are fine (im no rich guy)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
6 Jul 2011 /  #122
I am only pointing out that marketing for Jews in Poland is a recipe for financial disaster

In any case Jews don't shop at Wal-Mart...They have netter taste...They go to Loew's or Home Depot, Macy or Neimann/Marcus in US, Marks & Spencer in Europe.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
6 Jul 2011 /  #123
Bed, Bath & Beyond ;)
pip  10 | 1658  
7 Jul 2011 /  #124
i just hope Poland has regulations against lead, toxins and antibiotics in their milk....

this is absolutely correct. The only problem is that Poles want everything American. Been to a KFC, McDonalds or Pizza Hut lately? Walmart will take over Real and set up shop- get away will paying sub wages etc, etc and the place will be packed.

And this is when I start up "people of walmart polish version" and cash in on the stupidity.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
7 Jul 2011 /  #125
Poland doesn't need WalMart...The United States doesn't need WalMart.

<shrugs> I don't know, it's saved my a.ss on many occasion when I was broke. Everyone is quick to vilify Walmart but they've also helped a lot of people with their prices.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Jul 2011 /  #126
Walmart will take over Real and set up shop- get away will paying sub wages etc, etc and the place will be packed.

And then all those well paying Real, Biedronka, Lidl, and Tesco jobs will go away :(
pip  10 | 1658  
7 Jul 2011 /  #127
no they won't. There are enough people in Poland to accommodate Walmart coming. Walmart is looking at Buying Real- so that point doesn't matter.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Jul 2011 /  #128
Have a link to that? A couple of years back the parent company of Real bought up all the Walmart property in Germany btw. They don't have the equity to make any large scale acquisitions in order to get a foothold in continental Europe where retail margins are already tiny. That said, I'd like to see them over here, but the pricing would have to be at a premium to the established places in order to have the same experience as in the US. Asda is a good example of a kind of half Walmart...

BTW, the point was that those shops are already paying bottom of the barrel wages. Can't get any lower.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
7 Jul 2011 /  #129
The only problem is that Poles want everything American. Been to a KFC, McDonalds or Pizza Hut lately?

to coś dobrego koleżanko My cousin back in Poland says brands for casual clothing like American Polo and Tommy Hilfiger are most popular nowadays, ones that hardly anyone new about few years back. I don't think anyone with style wears Big Star or Mustang jeans anymore?
pip  10 | 1658  
7 Jul 2011 /  #130
you are right. Poland B wear mustang and big star

Sorry, I don't understand- you are saying Walmart doesn't have the equity?

This is what I think will happen. Walmart will buy out Real. Once Walmart is in they will set up in areas of the country such as Radom- where there is a large population but very little retail.- I mean big box retail. And they will welcome it with open arms. If Walmart can survive in Canada where there is a vast land mass and small population- it would stupid not to invest in Poland with a larger population and smaller space.

I got your point- but don't kid yourself. If Walmart sets up shop in Poland- people will flock to it. It is American and Polish people want their piece.

Ever been to tkmaxx at Blue city or centrum Warsaw. I have. It is packed all the time and people buy buy buy. In Canada I can go to any Walmart and hear a conversation in Polish.

Retail in Poland is an enigma. Why is it that in the 90s Burger King was here. Then it disappeared. Now it is back. Why is it doing ok now but not 12 years ago. Why has taco bell disappeared. Why is Starbucks opened through AmRest?

Walmart didn't fly in Germany because they are a socialist country that takes care of its people- Walmart doesn't want any part of it. Because a crap job at Walmart is better than no job- people will apply because it is an American company- and their uncle who lives in Greenpoint tells them how great Walmart is. Lets face it- those who work the cash at any Walmart, Tesco, Real- whatever, are not rocket scientists.
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Jul 2011 /  #131
In general Germans are cold and reasonable while american methods are based more on emotions so companies like Wal-Mart are likely to fail because German customers pay attention only to the quality of the product and not the level of service.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
7 Jul 2011 /  #132
Walmart didn't fly in Germany because they are a socialist country

Germany is a decent, civilized European country. Walmart did not work there because the redneck retail methods do not work over there.
The plastic "have a nice day" is perceived in Western Europe as indeed plastic.
But I am afraid the Poles, with their weird fascination for everything Yankish will shop there. I hope not.
pip  10 | 1658  
7 Jul 2011 /  #133
I am not anti Germany at all. And socialism is not a dirty word in my world. I wish Walmart would get the h*ll out of Canada, but unfortunately we seem to be following the neighbours to the south.
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Jul 2011 /  #134
Shops like Wal Mart have high likelihood to succeed in mediteranean countries but not central european countries.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
7 Jul 2011 /  #135
But I am afraid the Poles, with their weird fascination for everything Yankish will shop there.

How would you know you're not even Polish? you have a different mentality and can't possibly know what will be to Polish tastes. The fact is Poles were always fascinated by and held American products highly. , music, movies, clothing, foods you name it. Sounds like a big of jealousy.
pip  10 | 1658  
7 Jul 2011 /  #136
Shops like Wal Mart have high likelihood to succeed in mediteranean countries but not central european countries

so would you consider Poland central european? Walmart will succeed here. I will bet my car on it.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
7 Jul 2011 /  #137
I am living seven years in Poland, and coming here since 1989 - so I have a an idea :)
Yankee food... hmmm McDonalds or Starbucks? TGI and Pizzahut?
Wall Mart is a disgusting symbol of what we do not want.

so would you consider Poland central european?

Poland is very much "Mitteleuropa". It was never part of the wild East. Someone once quoted "Europe ends at the Bug". I think that is true (but we could omit a certain spacious commie-time residence in Żolibórz)

In Vienna 1683 and Chocim 1673 Poland proved it is a part of Europe.
Wal-Mart seems to me to be the ideal chain for Russia, Ukraine and other wild parts of the world.
Maybe we could ask - quoting Jeremy Clarkson in some way - the Polish air force for a strike on all these dreadful redneck chains here in Poland? Just an idea :)
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
7 Jul 2011 /  #138
No want meant peasant Walmart, but other American companies.
HP, Dell, Citibank, Microsoft, Polo, Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, MTV... there are hundreds of American companies in Poland offering their products.
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Jul 2011 /  #139
Wal mart to succeed in Russia and Ukraine should have a drinks department half at least of the magnitude of the shop and Americans would never do this.(in Poland they need to dedicate 25% to alcoholic drinks).
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Jul 2011 /  #140
No work of social criticism is complete without a drive-by shooting aimed at Walmart *rolling eyes*

says it all really, whos doing the shooting. Im thinking some dude who's wife and children left him as he could no longer support his family as a result of Wal-Mart moving in and efficiently and systematically putting him out of business.

Why would you roll your eyes at that realism?
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
16 Jul 2011 /  #141
Walmart is looking at Buying Real

Not nice to hear. Real is really good. Much better than Biedronka, Tesco, Auchan etc.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jul 2011 /  #142
Blimey, not here. They're about on the same level as Carrefour - too few tills, too many agency staff and precious little in the way of common sense. They actually lost nearly 10,000zl of sales from me a while ago - I had to buy a load of audiovisual equipment and they had some really good prices - but the utter lack of customer service caused them to lose it.

At least in this part of Poland, Auchan is by far the best supermarket. It's clean, bright, they sell a wide range of things and crucially - can man their tills properly. And they also employ older people who do the job really well.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
4 Aug 2011 /  #143
Actually, Wal Mart can create a HUGE amount of economic prosperity

You must be joking. A Huge amount of prosperity for themselves for sure.

Wal Mart is crap, they sell crap, they treat their employees like crap.

I hope Polish consumers will let Wal Mart sink if it ever comes to Poland.

They would have to compete with Biedronka, Lidl, Carrefour,Auchan, Alma Supermarket(gourmet) no chance...

If Whole foods came it would be better since they sell local organic products and not cheap poison like Wal Mart
xjessie007  - | 7  
4 Aug 2011 /  #144
What is the difference between Wal-Mart, Tesco, Macro? :)
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
4 Aug 2011 /  #145
Wal Mart is the worst.(LOL)
The others focuss on food but Wal Mart focusses on everything /junk mostly but for me it is how they treat their employees and the fact that the mom and Pop's stores in Poland would all go out of business in a minute )

Fantastic Open air markets in Krakow have almost become places for tourists only....
pip  10 | 1658  
4 Aug 2011 /  #146
What is the difference between Wal-Mart, Tesco, Macro? :)

walmart is cheap stuff from china at low prices. low wages and no benefits. Tesco is a grocery store from England- i don't know what they offer and Macro is a german bulk store much like costco. in germany they would offer good pay and benefits but they probably get away with more here.

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