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Poland Unemployment: Nobody protests, because people are leaving

ufo973  10 | 88  
19 Mar 2013 /  #1
The unemployment rate for young educated Polish people will hit 30% this year.
At the time when Arabs are uprising despite danger, Belorussians are protesting despite under dictatorship and last month Bulgarian protesters toppled their government.
But Poland remains one of the quietest countries in the region. Nobody protests, because people are leaving.

Read More: truth-out.org/news/item/15162-letter-from-poland-smart-young-unemployed-and-leaving
Warszawette  - | 128  
19 Mar 2013 /  #2
I cannot understand how unemployed Poles can survive. Very few of them only qualify to get something like 600 zl/month and so for a very short period of time. The choice is either to go abroad but abroad things have become tough or to turn to ..... crime. What else?
19 Mar 2013 /  #3
The unemployment rate for young educated Polish people will hit 30% this year.

The unemployment rate in Spain for University grads is 70%, so Poland does not seem to be that bad really. I have sympathy for University grads entering the workplace now with no prospect of work, especially the ones from lower income households straddled with debt, only because they dreamed of giving their children a education. It all seems morally wrong of society to create the dream, then move the goalposts.

The choice is either to go abroad but abroad things have become tough or to turn to ..... crime. What else?

Find a way to survive that is what we human beings do. Crime is always an easy option not the best option.
grubas  12 | 1382  
19 Mar 2013 /  #4
Nobody protests, because people are leaving.

Finally you got something right.

But Poland remains one of the quietest countries in the region.

It's boiling under the surface and hopefully someday soon it will explode.

The unemployment rate in Spain for University grads is 70%,

Yet,we don't see Spaniards picking strawberries in Poland.The fact is that it's better to be unemployed in Spain than employed full time in PL.Sad but true.

Well we will see what's will happen on 03/23.I am really hoping to see a revolt Iranian style with people's tribunals giving justice to traitors.And if we win,foreigners with their markets and banks OUT!
Monitor  13 | 1810  
19 Mar 2013 /  #5
"The fact is that it's better to be unemployed in Spain than employed full time in PL."

Unemployed Spaniards get 400 euro government help. Many employed Poles get 320 euro salary net.

Maybe  12 | 409  
19 Mar 2013 /  #6
The fact is that it's better to be unemployed in Spain than employed full time in PL.

hmmm not convinced, does that work?

.I am really hoping to see a revolt Iranian style with people's tribunals giving justice to traitors

be careful what you wish for.....

Arabs are uprising d

that was to do with inflation and food prices....

Poland hasn't got runaway inflation nor issues with food prices. caveat (at the moment)
BBman  - | 343  
20 Mar 2013 /  #7
I cannot understand how unemployed Poles can survive.

"Polak potrafi"

Those who don't find jobs usually find something to do to make ends meet. I bet most live with relatives too.

A bloody revolution is needed to fix this mess.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
20 Mar 2013 /  #8
A bloody revolution is needed to fix this mess.

Bloody revolutions soon will be a common sight all over Europe.
Warszawette  - | 128  
20 Mar 2013 /  #9
Hi! It's obvious that unemployed Poles when staying in Poland live with their relatives and it's true that it's sometimes better to be unemployed in one country than working full time in another and yes, most Spaniards stay at home inspite of their conditions.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
20 Mar 2013 /  #10
Read how revolution helped Arab countries. What is needed is not revolution but evolution. Countries don't become rich thanks to demonstration. But it's fast way in opposite direction.
polak_whtie_red  - | 2  
20 Mar 2013 /  #11
The problem is with the soviet era, old mentality politicians. Poland needs new moderate thinking Politicians.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
20 Mar 2013 /  #12
What is needed is not revolution but evolution.

So, how do you evolve on the verge of total economic meltdown? When the society reaches the very bottom where the effects are felt not only by those that find themselves in the midst of it all but also by the outsiders who find themselves sharing in that burden then the revolution is a very attractive option to all and it serves as the spring board that rebuilds individual societies from the ground up. The previous model or status quo no longer applies as no one believes in the very principals it was based on. The current crisis is ongoing and worldwide, no end in sight. EU leadership no longer believes in shifting the resources from one region to another to keep it one cohesive unit indicating they no longer can afford to do so, expecting those that are on the very bottom to pay for it all. When the vast majority has no prospects for the future, no job opportunities in the short term there's simply no way out for them. Take away their savings, further cuts in the social net they expect to survive on then this scenario is very plausible. They will simply turn their frustration at those that are at the helm and rightly so.
poziomka2  - | 29  
21 Mar 2013 /  #13
And if we win,foreigners with their markets and banks OUT!

How can we win when nobody revolts, what's needed now, and it is time, is 1990 style of strikes and boycotts. The government at the moment is not scared of us, we are not even ready to set up a proper strike because not enough is being done towards it, everyone is still hoping for something, wow, it's been 23 years, I think that would surely be long enough for the most patient ones.
OP ufo973  10 | 88  
22 Mar 2013 /  #14
The unemployment rate in Spain for University grads is 70%, so Poland does not seem to be that bad really

They are fighting it, not running out of their countries, But Poles are not.
And Spain is facing it only last few years, But in Poland this problem is since one can remember.

So how can you compare Spain to Poland?
milky  13 | 1656  
22 Mar 2013 /  #15
Poland Unemployment: Nobody protests, because people are leaving
well !! the heading says it all.#

The unemployment rate in Spain for University grads is 70%, so Poland does not seem to be that bad really

But if the Poles abroad were to return, it would be well above 70%. What was it in 2003?

I think that would surely be long enough for the most patient ones.

Too many Poles see it as a moral issue rather that one of social justice, ie. PIS heads
Maybe  12 | 409  
22 Mar 2013 /  #16
A bloody revolution is needed to fix this mess.

Bloody revolutions soon will be a common sight all over Europe.

I sincerely hope not. How do you think A revolution would pan out? What, WE the poor rise up and do what,? Behead the rich! No what would happen is just as happened in the old Yugoslavia, everything would breakdown into ethnic/tribal affiliations and extreme left and extreme rightwing political thinking, everyone would butcher each other and the person who could butcher the best ,would be Top Dog. Said revolution would be followed by a period of authoritarian rule to quell differences of opinion and we are back to square 1.

Be careful what you wish for. Revolution means civil war. And no one 'wins" in war, everyone loses to differing degrees.
jon357  72 | 23482  
23 Mar 2013 /  #17
But Poland remains one of the quietest countries in the region. Nobody protests, because people are leaving.

Not so much because people are leaving but because the Poles (many, anyway) are essentially conformist and exercise freedom withinn constraints. That and the fact that they (some, anyway) are very loyal to their countrry but don't have quite the same concept of loyal opposition as Western European countries.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Mar 2013 /  #18
Yawn... again some anal theories... people do not protest because they should protest about what exactly ? Snow in late March ? Ah unemployment... yes, get million to the streets the French style and achieve big feckin nothing except problems with traffic for your own countrymen as It's not that anyone may get "unemployment" disappear...

Poles should put more pressure on politicians to actually do their job the right way, regardless of the party they belong to, this is where we have some homework to do, don't let the feckin bustards get away with screwing up their job but that's a very complex process, not something to protest against, you can protest against one thing, like ACTA... or whatever that shyt was called... how can one protest against unemployment or against the crisis... maybe let's protest against money not falling from the sky, that would be something.
Warszawette  - | 128  
23 Mar 2013 /  #19
People also do not protest when they don't believe in any possible improvement and this is the case in Poland where most people are apathic.
milky  13 | 1656  
23 Mar 2013 /  #20
well its a great help when all you have to do is emigrate to another EU country, and your wages quadruple. One million Poles between 20-29 left in 2008 alone.
jon357  72 | 23482  
23 Mar 2013 /  #21
People also do not protest when they don't believe in any possible improvement and this is the case in Poland where most people are apathic.

There's something in that - to protest, what would they actually protest to get? Something concrete and specific? No - there isn't any clear goal. Because the situation's terrible and the whole system must go? No - it isn't bad enough for that.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Mar 2013 /  #22
to protest, what would they actually protest to get? Something concrete and specific? No - there isn't any clear goal.

Good to see that you are with me.

The problem with jobs for young people or lack of jobs in general wasn't caused by Tusk forgetting to push "create jobs" button and now we can remind him to do so protesting and all will be great. It's the result of many many years of politicians not doing their job professionally. Instead of that, they managed to convince people here that being a politician is not about being a manager in a company called Poland but some damn messianic role, were actual decisions does not matter, what matters is that If you vote PiS, you must be a backward idiot from ex-PGR, says one group of clowns, vote for us, join modern Europeans, on the other hand you've got, they are traitors, want to make us a German colony, vote for us, only we can save Poland.

People bought that crap, so they can for example promise reducing burocracy, then actually increase it and get away with it. It's nothing new really, before the current mess, we had Commies vs. ex-Solidarity people, both playing tricks instead of actually doing their jobs.
jon357  72 | 23482  
23 Mar 2013 /  #23
The problem with jobs for young people or lack of jobs in general wasn't caused by Tusk

Indeed - they inherited a mess.

they managed to convince people here that being a politician is not about being a manager in a company called Poland but some damn messianic role

There's actually something in that.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Mar 2013 /  #24
Good to see that you are with me.

should be: "agree with me"... God forbid...
jon357  72 | 23482  
23 Mar 2013 /  #25
Those who are not against me are with me, as someone once said.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
23 Mar 2013 /  #26
Revolution means civil war. And no one 'wins" in war, everyone loses to differing degrees.

Cheap philosophy.

It's nothing new really, before the current mess, we had Commies vs. ex-Solidarity people, both playing tricks instead of actually doing their jobs.

We have system set by commies secret police and people behind the scene pulling strings. So called elite in Poland is mostly Soviet or working in that system set up by Soviets.

That system and those people with their money and connections need to go.
jon357  72 | 23482  
23 Mar 2013 /  #27
We have system set by commies secret police and people behind the scene pulling strings. So called elite in Poland is mostly Soviet or working in that system set up by Soviets.

That's become less and less true as the years go by.

people with their money and connections need to go

I'll wish you good luck with that one but don't get your hopes up.
vladi  1 | 13  
23 Mar 2013 /  #28
The unemployment rate for young educated Polish people will hit 30% this year.

In Poland higher education is for free, therefore it has become in many cases a low-profile commodity. For an employer very often it does not matter if you have universidy graduation or not. Therefore, this 30% ratio does no mean anything.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
23 Mar 2013 /  #29
That's become less and less true as the years go by.

Less or more no matter, Soviets Poles or Poles just climbing steps if the system no matter they would have to be scrutinized closely.

I'll wish you good luck with that one but don't get your hopes up.

They are not real elite they are just weeds, they could be broken easily given right circumstances and they would scatter like a chaff.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
24 Mar 2013 /  #30
I sincerely hope not. How do you think A revolution would pan out?

I sincerely cannot wait. Multiculturalism and post modernism have done us an enormous favor in helping to set up the conditions by which we can purge 8/10s of the substandard, treacherous and innately stupid wicked cretins who have made these different forms of political madness possible.

Remember, 2% of the population advocating this gibberish would have no power at all to corrupt our society unless a large portion of it was utterly corrupt to begin with. I see the diversity tapeworms as the plowshare of evil - they are going to assist in turning over our fallow ground. Termites don't eat healthy wood. They digest what was rotten and diseased to begin with. Diversity and multikult are what happens to societies in sharp decline. Some people are good at guessing what kinds of poison are most effective on those who are already sick.

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