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Ultra nationalist protest at death camp in Poland - serious mistake?

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #91
Nah...it probably was more that:

What is that "more"? I am not baiting. Just asking. So far in vain.
Can somebody, please, give me the facts, without adjectives and personal venom, what the "far-right" -ists actually did that day and there. that is so awful.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
30 Jan 2019 /  #92
....I guess because Rybak used the same speech which actually led to the mass murder of Jews first and the destruction of the whole of Europe abit later.

And he did so not in his own little nut house but at the gates of the symbol of that. Where the whole world (well, the sane part that is) remembers with horror to what such hate can lead tp sooner or later and promises itself to watch out for that so that it can't happen again.

Rybak and friends on the contrary seem to wish for exactly that...they call themselves proud Poles but they use the same words the german Nazis did. The same people which murdered the polish nations and some others along with them.

It's abit like as if Germans, Austrians and Russians would march into Warsaw on the day of the polish independence and demand to re-partition Poland because them Poles are so awful and are unable to govern themselves etc..

That makes no sense? Well...

Watching and listening to Rybak and co. is like watching the past, a creepy time warp:

The National Radical Camp (Polish: Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny, ONR) refers to a series of far-right Polish ultranationalist organisations with fascist doctrines stemming from pre-World War II doctrines.


Thing is, that whatever they plan and dream of, it will end like Germany did, in ashes.

Some people just never learn...
Spike31  3 | 1485  
30 Jan 2019 /  #93
No matter how much you try @BratwurstBoy, you won't be able to build a symmetry between real state-run German war crimes and a political happening of a few guys outside of a German death camp.

German white-washing propaganda apparatus which is working on that subject since the late 60's couldn't do it, so do you think that one Ossi with an average intellect can make it happen on PolishForums? :-)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
30 Jan 2019 /  #94
What white washing? That Rybak would had fit right in with the german death squads? Or at least cheered from the sideline as people gut murdered?

What do you think about Rybak and his action?

You called yourself a "radical nationalist", didn't you...
jon357  72 | 23482  
30 Jan 2019 /  #95
How did they do it from a distance?

They were at Auschwitz on International Holocaust Memorial Day.

Something that should be a place of quiet memory for all those who died. Not a bunch of unhinged fascists waggling banners in order to offend, like monkeys flinging faeces..

Hence their upcoming prosecution by Poland.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #96
.they call themselves proud Poles but they use the same words the german Nazis did.

The American left does the same thing: selectively and without attribution, of course, quotes Hitler and Stalin when it fits their agenda. Like guns and "hate" speech, for example.

I still want to know what Rybak said then and there. I am too cynical to accept reviews, summaries, and opinions as substitutes for the real thing.
jon357  72 | 23482  
30 Jan 2019 /  #97
The American left does the same thing:

At Auschwitz?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
30 Jan 2019 /  #98
@Rich Mazur

So the quotes aren't enough for you?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #99
No. I want the full, unedited version as he delivered THAT day at THAT location.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
30 Jan 2019 /  #100
In a recent SPIEGEL, there was an interview with the current "hot" star of AfD, Bjoern Hoecke, entitled appropriately "The Lone Wolf" ("Waldgaenger"), in which he goes chuntering on about the usual pet beefs of his party, the declining birthrate of white Germans vs. Turks, Syrians, Arabs, Nigerians etc..., in his view "over"-emphasis on the Holocaust in school, a tendency he sees to "deifying" all Jews as nearly living saints, allegedly looking to garner sympathy and contiuously demonize the German people on into eternity etc..

As I kept reading, I realized that there must be a reason why all the stops of decency, forbearance, empathy have been pulled out, now reaching true fever pitch in such raw viciousness. And I came to the conclusion that post-War Germany in particular, from the '50's on well into the Adenauer Era, had things too soft, too easy, and, as throughout much of the world, the younger generation of Germans rather expected things to be handed them and considered themselves forever grateful NOT to have gone through the Truemmerjahre as their parents or grandparent had to, drastic food shortages, folks feeding themselves from rubbish bins, constant uncertaintly, never any time "off" from the horrors of their daily grind and so forth. They've grown tired of history lessons, "good things come to those who wait"- type thinking, and an onslaught of the liberal Pollyanna.

Unless we stop to reflect on certain earlier values, we're all doomed to self-destruct!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jan 2019 /  #101
How exactly do you link anger that Germans being outbred in their own country thanks to liberals like Merkel to having it 'too good' the past few decades? Yes, there aren't the food shortages of past days. What there is now instead is thousands of rapes - one of the highest rates in the world actually, regular terror attacks, parents sending their kids to schools where the German language is spoken by a tiny amount of students, etc.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
30 Jan 2019 /  #102
I said "certain" values of tolerance and restraint are most desperately needed, Dirk:-) However, I said NOTHING about run-away liberalism, did I?
Like Trump in the US, Hoecke and his ilk are guilty of alarmism and pandering.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
30 Jan 2019 /  #103
No. I want the full, unedited version.

Well...for that you should had been there...live...would you want to?

In a recent SPIEGEL, there was an interview with the current "hot" star of AfD, Bjoern Hoecke,

Yeah....Höcke and Rybak...they for sure have the same goals...both "radical nationalists"...what a nice bunch!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jan 2019 /  #104
Public insult or attacks based on race, orientation etc are against European law and you can be prosecuted for it.

There has to be someone to bother prosecuting it in the first place. I highly doubt that will happen with Rybak and his supporters. If anything, jailing Rybak for burning a jew effigy made him even more of an icon amongst nationalists.

.it isn't that W european men have turned into wimps

Oh yes they most definitely have. Polish people, whether the nationalists or not, would never allow such a thing as sharia courts or their demographic replacement or allow no go zones to pop up and thousands of women to be raped by migrants. Western European wimps did. They've allowed themselves to be wage slaves to the migrants keen on replacing them through the comfort of their tax payer funded housing.

Yeah, theyre so tough they'd give their hand to be chopped off rather than be seen marching with nationalists, but having turd worlders rape and pillage their country is totally fine - no response there. When a muslim stabbed a polish dude what was the response? The townspeople destroyed and later burned his store down - all while the police watched and did nothing.

I said "certain" values of tolerance and restraint are most desperately needed, Dirk:-) However, I said NOTHING about run-away liberalism, did I?

No, they most certainly are not. Tolerance and restraint are what has caused Germany to have one of the highest rape rates in the world. It's what allowed sharia courts to be created in UK and the English to be demographically replaced in their own country. The time for tolerance and restraint is over. The muslim migrants sure as hell aren't showing any tolerance and restraint against their gracious hosts which are coddlign them to the tune of 20 bil a year in Germany alone - apartments, food, medical care, education - all while the vast majority are unemployed and sit at home breeding like rabbits on ecstacy gradually replacing the germans that are providing for them.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
30 Jan 2019 /  #105
You called yourself a "radical nationalist", didn't you...

I called myself a Polish nationalist and 'radical' was part of a wordplay on pawian's post. So don't play naive.

Yet you can call me radical in a way since I don't care about nor bend to any methods of "shaming" or "moral disciplining" be it from European leftist 'elites' or from Israel.

I don't see why as a Pole I wouldn't be able to describe myself as Polish nationalist when it fits my political beliefs only just because the term "national socialist" was made a filthy word in Germany and by Germans.

It's your problem not mine.

Polish nationalism is based on Christian Personalism and it respects individualism. It's a complete opposite of German national socialism, which I despise.

And this philosophy, Christian Personalism, is represented by National Movement (RN) political party which I support.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #106
I said "certain" values of tolerance and restraint are most desperately needed,

How much "tolerance and restraint" would you show if, after returning from a trip, you found a very nice family of six Syrians in your house? Would you pay for their kids' education, health care, feed them, buy them things and give them cash? Or would you call cops?

Would you feel equally tolerant if their son raped your daughter?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
30 Jan 2019 /  #107
but having turd worlders rape and pillage their country is totally fine - no response there.

Imagine that Dirk.....raping and pillaging turd worlders are more agreeable than your nationalist nutters...Wow...can you sink any lower!

It's a complete opposite of German national socialism, which I despise.

Nope...it's the same flaw of every nationalism everywhere to all times:

"My nationalism is good, your nationalism is bad!"

When you had been born a German you would probably support Höcke, but you aren't. You define yourself as Pole, hence you are supporting the polish variant.

And Rybak, only a few years earlier, would had probably made a bona fide Nazi!

I'm not a nationalist, I'm a patriot, I despise all radical nationalists everywhere the same, no matter race, country or religion, heh:)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #108
This will go on forever. Liberals are damaged goods and are beyond repair.
At some point, the sane will have to accept the definition of insanity and move on, as they say. Life is short and swimming up Mississippi pointless.

For now, just reading libs' posts here makes me sick.

..."nationalist nutters"..Two meaningless words. It's hard to sink any lower.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
30 Jan 2019 /  #109
....poor Rich! :(

I can't speak for Poland of course, but in Germany nationalist nutters will never gain any kind of meaningful power again!

If you could be thankful for Rybaks stunt in Auschwitz then because its that it served as a good wake up call, that these guys still exist...everywhere, not at least in Germany.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
30 Jan 2019 /  #110
Nope...it's the same flaw of every nationalism everywhere to all times

Only in your totalitarian mind @BratwurstBoy.

You're trying to project your own German obsessions on the others. Guess what? We're not buying it and we don't want it for free either.

PS: I bet that the state of Germany, given the right political circumstances, could do anything to you and with you. They could shape you in any form that would fit them with minimal protest from your side. Just like what they did with pre-war German society. That's the difference between us that you're unable to understand.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jan 2019 /  #111
Imagine that Dirk.....raping and pillaging turd worlders are more agreeable than your nationalist nutters...Wow...can you sink any lower!

Just shows how cucked W. Europe has become. People who love their nation and want to preserve it for their own people are vilified, but people who caused the rape rate to skyrocket, numerous terror attacks and cost the taxpayer 20 bil a year in Germany alone are protected by the liberals....

I can't speak for Poland of course, but in Germany nationalist nutters will never gain any kind of meaningful power again!

AfD's recent success shows otherwise. Problem is, even they're too wussy to remove the kebab and send them back to their sandboxes pretending to be countries.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
30 Jan 2019 /  #112
People who love their nation and want to preserve it for their own people are vilified,

Nope Dirk, these people had been responsible for Germany's destruction, its loss of land and people, its good name and reputation. They are to blame for me having to grow up behind an Iron Curtain.

I would probably live today in german Breslau if not for "People who love their nation and want to preserve it".

So thanks for nothing you areseholes!

AfD's recent success shows otherwise.

I'm fairly sure they are chucking out Höcke sooner or later. My guess is that the AfD will become a conservative CDU v2, a void left to fill by the original CDU moving to the left.

They have the possibility to become a real party, at least in Eastern Germany, but not with Höcke....decision time!

Problem is, even they're too wussy to remove the kebab and send them back to their sandboxes pretending to be countries.

No really Dirk, it's the alternative which is seen as even worse. That should really make you think.

If I were you I would really work much harder on your PR and a real plan...not waxing endlessly about raping and pillaging turd workers would be a start. Because all that whining is no plan!

Try to convince ME for a start. What is your program? What are your plans?
jon357  72 | 23482  
30 Jan 2019 /  #113
Amazing to see people defending neo-nazis who were causing an ugly scene at the gates of Auschwitz on Holaocaust Memorial Day.

Because all that whining is no plan!

The fragile and impotent are often the loudest.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
30 Jan 2019 /  #114
You're trying to project your own German obsessions on the others. Guess what? We're not buying it and we don't want it for free either.

See? As I said...the old fallacy:

"My nationalism is good, your nationalism is bad!"

That's also the reason why nationalist govs make such horrible allies, they are at each others throat in no time if not backstabbing each others before....that's why they are always losing in the end also, isolated and alone.

Nationalism is just no way to become and stay successfull, neither nationally nor internationally...not if you really want the best for your country.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #115
"My nationalism is good, your nationalism is bad!"

Nationalism is good. Killing people is not good.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
30 Jan 2019 /  #116
What is all that lamenting about them Jews and them Muslims for if not about wanting to "eradicate" them? To make them go away....don't you think there will be some killing involved?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #117
No. If you were in the US illegally and they told you to leave, would you kill anyone? No? I got it. It's only Muslims and the brown people who would, right?

Here, in the US, we call it racism of low expectations.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
30 Jan 2019 /  #118
Rybak is one of your fav nationalists...

Rybak is a dude no one heard about before all foreigners great and small focused on him bringing effigy of a Jew. In fact he is a dude about 60 years old who spend 20 - 30 years old in the USA. So he is not any shape or form reperstaitives of the National Movement or any associated parties or whatnot.

I don't like him because who looks to me like a mole or an useful idiot. He is used by somebody behind the curtain. That is my take. Still, I'm for a freedom of political expression. So that spin is just biased spin of the leftist. F them! They are against freedom anyway.

Also, you are making am mistake to compare Polish people and German in regard to the Jewish question. Sorry to but your bubble but Polish and Germans are different. A German ordered by the authority will click his heels and obeys even if that is a genocide. Polish people would not stand for it. Never. Let that sink in.

Anyhow seriously? what is probability of that happening in any European country today? Like few hundred mostly assimilated Jews here and there do you really think it is some viable point of rally? It can attract few odd people or kids enraged by the fact that some Jews including Israeli politician insulted Polish people not once and not twice, but many times, that about it. So stop with hysteria. Germans are prone to overacting or you are an odd ball, duh.

They were interupting a memorial to people who died in the Shoah nd they'd chosen the very place and time that it would cause the most hurt.

That is the point of any demonstration to capture attention. So what is a better place for it? As to interrupting, they don't, as for people who died, we are talking about Poland, you wouldn't be able to do anything if you were to omit all the places that people died. Hell, most of the Warsaw today would have to be abandoned.

Nothing peaceful about loud and agressive people yelling

Yelling doesn't equal an assault. Let them yell, when they become sweaty and thirsty they will go home. Nothing wrong with it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
30 Jan 2019 /  #119
No. If you were in the US illegally and they told you to leave, would you kill anyone?

Okay....maybe another question....

Around 6 Million Muslims live now in Germany, most with a german ID, illegals can be only guessed of course.

Imagine you have the ear of one Björn Höcke, new party leader of a now very right wing, radical nationalist AfD (he can dream)....what would you want him to do about these muslims. And how should it work...

I'm really curious, because I have no idea what you and Dirk actually want! (Besides a slight disapproval, that is).

So stop with hysteria. Germans are prone to overacting or you are an odd ball, duh.

We are an emotional people, but you know that already! :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #120
A German ordered by the authority will click his heels and obeys even if that is a genocide. Polish people would not stand for it. Never. Let that sink in.

Like I said about that obedience gene. Some have, some don't. The real problem is that those who have it are proud that they do.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Ultra nationalist protest at death camp in Poland - serious mistake?Archived