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Ultra nationalist protest at death camp in Poland - serious mistake?

Miloslaw  22 | 5263  
29 Jan 2019 /  #61
I'm trying to be positive about it, really.

You failed..... :-)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #62
your maths is all wrong.

how come? it is simple maths.

Prewar Jewish population in Poland - ab.3.2 million. ab. 2.8 millions perished, mostly due to extermination.

ab 3 million perished, ab. 2 million in direct extermination..

I reckon that's roughly 3 million each,which is where the original 6 million figure came from.

Yes, So what? It is still roughly 90% to 10% of direct extermination losses if we check the ethnicity of prewar population of Poland.

No one disputes the above

Actually, some guys do. Read all posts here.

Patriotism stands for love of your country [your land]. Nationalism stands for love of your nation

Sorry, it is all the same to me. As a patriot, you may love both your country and nation. The only difference is the methods used. Nationalism is more aggressive by nature. As a nationalist, you are intent on fight and pressure, while patriots resort to cooperation and dialogue.

you were alerted by the media who grabbed your attention

What difference does it make if I was alerted or not? We are talking about the fact which reached us somehow. no matter how. What is your point?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2019 /  #63
Proportion shmortion. 3 mil = 3 mil. Sorry but poles wont be good goyim like in the west and be brainwashed and guilt tripped into feeling more sorry for jews, who despise poles and were more than happy to ally with the invading red army, than their own people.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #64
, in Germany in 2018 there were countless small and bigger neo-nazi marches that you weren't informed nor aware of.

Did they take place on Holocaust Rememberance or similar Day and near a death camp where Jews or Poles perished? I still don`t understand what you are trying to convey.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2019 /  #65
The whole point was to draw attention to the poles suffering, hence why holocaust remembrance day was chosen as opposed to any other day....
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #66
No, the real intention of the protest organisers was to hurt Jews for their alleged sins like illegitimate taking control of the world`s memory over the WW2 suffering of the Polish nation.

Proportion shmortion. 3 mil = 3 mil.

Sorry, no. 3 million on both sides seems balanced only on the surface, it is 90% to 10% which says it all. I am really amazed you don`t get it. You can`t be an ethnic Pole because they are much more intelligent.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #67
The whole point was to draw attention to the poles suffering, hence why holocaust remembrance day was chosen as opposed to any other day....

No, the real intention of the protest organisers was to hurt Jews for their alleged sins like illegitimate taking control of the world`s memory over the WW2 suffering of the Polish nation.

If they had wanted to propagate the Polish cause, they would have done it in a different way.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2019 /  #68
Are you aaying that world jewry hasnt usurpsed the memory of ww2 victimhood and used the holocaust to further political agendas, make money, and spread propoganda? What other people have receieved billions upon billions of dollars, had dozens upon dozens of books, movies, etc written/made about their suffering in ww2 to the extent that jews did? No other people are talked about nearly to the same extent that jews are even though theres far more people that died than just jews.

Perhaps you need to read norman finkelsteins book the holocaust industry...

The whole point is to tske away from the jews nonstop use of ww2 victimhood. Theyve had enough over thr past 7 decades. Now its time to focus on the others that died during ww2 - several times more deaths than jews. In poland especially were not going to put alien groups suffering especially one that backstabbed poland and colluded with both nazis and soviets ahead of our own people.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #69
No other people are talked about nearly to the same extent that jews

I have already written it twice - who forbids Poles to do the same? Let`s follow the Jewish example, instead of death camp protests.

I have nothing against someone write a book about Polish suffering industry one day.

So, protest organisers, supporters and all radicals, get down to work and propagate the Polish cause, but without spitting into anybody`s face, OK?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
29 Jan 2019 /  #70
Excuse me Dirk, but that sounds somewhat like the accusations against the "world jewry" BEFORE the Holocaust. You know...political agenda, make money....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jan 2019 /  #71
The reason why it 'sounds somewhat like' is because there's not much difference between the two.

I have already written it twice - who forbids Poles to do the same? Let`s follow the Jewish example, instead of death camp protests.

And that's what they did... No one forbids Poles to do the same. Yet when they express themselves to help people understand that poles died in just as big numbers, everyone starts bitching and calling them anti-Semites instead of discussing the reason for them being there which is too make people aware that it wasn't just jews who suffered.

It would be a wonderful idea if Poles pushed the ww2 victimhood like the Jews do outside of Poland. We got a good handle on it inside the country, but internationally nothing. I agree with you 100% on that - following the Jewish example. And not just for this but basically EVERY Israeli policy should be applied in Poland. The issue is getting Poles to work together on something like that without short term benefits. We have this weird thing about us that we compete with fellow Poles over the dumbest ****. It's nearly impossible to get Poles to cooperate on something like this. We simply aren't united which is very unfortunate. Hell even during the war there were competing factions.

The US media (4/5 of which are owned by Jews, with the 5th person being as much of a Zionist as the others) is already talking about it how it was 'anti-Semitic' and all that instead of talking about WHY they did it - to draw attention to the fact that there was a Polish Holocaust just as much as jewish one.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #72
The reason why it 'sounds somewhat like' is because it's no different...

Should we kill them again?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jan 2019 /  #73
The next war/wars in Europe will be a continuation of Russian annexation in Ukraine. I believe that in the future there very well could be a civil war in Europe. Eventually, Europeans will get sick and tired of being pushed constantly and are becoming like foreigners in their own country. Question is whether enough W European men haven't turned into to total beta soy boy wimps and will fight to preserve a future for European children.
Ironside  51 | 13127  
30 Jan 2019 /  #74
No one should be able to demonstrate or march within five miles of these places, let the dead rest in peace.

tsk tsk would you forbit it to the Israeli youth? you anti-Semite? Unless you mean that only the locals should be kept on a short leash. (sarcasm)

Why would you think that?

I'm asking you. You have been a kind enough to describe people that have been using their right to demonstrate publicly as freaks.

however it will be gratifying to see this issue dealt with by the courts.

Sure, hand them all or shoot them in the back of the head. For the good of humanity of course.
jon357  72 | 23712  
30 Jan 2019 /  #75
I'm asking you.

No you aren't. You made a weird statement without clarifying anything.

Sure, hand them all or shoot them in the back of the head. For the good of humanity of course.

The justice system that will convict them or not on the basis of any evidence supporting the charges is certainly for the good of humanity. That's why it exists, and that's why the prosecutors are involved. They won't be shot 'in the back of the head' though. Even though these individuals are scum, Poland will at least treat criminals humanely.

Odd how there are people sympathetic to the far right. A tendency that systematically killed Jewish people, Poles, and, 'Ironside', the disabled.
Ironside  51 | 13127  
30 Jan 2019 /  #76
You made a weird statement without clarifying anythi

Me? Dude you labeled and called people demonstrating publicly their views - freaks - just because you and them hold different views. That harsh, particularly if someone like you preach about tolerance, love and that other leftie staple diet about hate speech and whatnot.

So I only say one thing to you - people who live in the glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Odd how there are people sympathetic to the far right.

Odd that there are people who are in love with Marxism and other leftie BS. Even thought that ideology killed countless millions of people and enslaved even more. Must be something in the water or those who are into that red BS are particularly dense and stuck up.

To make it clear. I defend a right of people to publicly express their views, opinions or political likes in a peaceful manner. Excluding obscenity (LGBT parades), fraud, pornography and speech that incites imminent lawless action (ANTIFA).
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #77
Question is whether enough W European men haven't turned into to total beta soy boy wimps and will fight to preserve a future for European children.

And you already know the answer: No, they will not fight for the future of Europeans children. They are not even capable of being mad that their women are raped by that third-world human garbage they invited to feel good for a moment.

I just got this from Independent:

The Polish Independence Movement activists laid their own wreaths and flowers, including some stamped with the words "Polish Holocaust", and then sang the national anthem.

Is that the problem?

From france24:

In another location at the site, far right protesters wrapped in Polish flags, some of them stamped with the words "Polish Holocaust", laid flowers and sang the Polish national anthem.

So, now, Polish flag, "Polish Holocaust", flowers, and singing Polish national anthem makes one a "far-right" protester? Is somebody insane out there or just plain stupid?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jan 2019 /  #78
....called people demonstrating publicly their views - freaks - just because you and them hold different views.

Did you really expect a leftist not to get caught up in their own cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy?

No, they will not fight for the future of Europeans children. They are not even capable of being mad that their women are raped by that third-world human garbage

Well, the French men are standing up in the yellow vest protests which aren't just about a tax raise it's frustration with everything - government, declining living wages, macron, the migrants. They're simply fed up with everything. Even though they have 80%+ support among the population, I don't think they'll do what they need to launch a revolution and clean France up. If they did, then I think it would inspire people in Germany, UK, etc. to violently revolt. It's too little too late and the degree of cuckery is extremely high in western europe. In any case, the weekly saturday protests are the only time when the streets of Paris are filled with white people. Also, since this thread is about Jews, it's funny how the media conveniently edits out the numerous 'macron - ***** of the jews' chants and graffiti. He was of course a rothschild banker so he's the top boot licking shabbat goy in France.

You already know that putting your own nation, your own people first is considered far-right, white supremacist, racist, etc.

But only when white people do it. There's a scale where you have to be a certain level of darkness to do those same things but not be called far right, racist, xenophobe, etc. It doesn't really matter to the Poles especially the nationalists though. We've realized long ago it's better to be called racist than end up a minority in our own country, have a rape rate like germany and sweden, regular terror attacks, etc.
mafketis  38 | 11288  
30 Jan 2019 /  #79
will be a continuation of Russian annexation in Ukraine

Putin can't do that until oil prices rise... I forget what the floor is but his actions track that closely. Why do you think he's so fanatic in supporting the socialist murderer Maduro?

Any revival of the phony baloney 'Novorossija' project would be terrible for Poland...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Jan 2019 /  #80
tsk tsk would you forbit it to the Israeli youth?

Absolutely , no one should be allowed to go there and make a noise, or use the place for political reasons. the dead can't state their opinion so I say show them respect and leave them in peace.

Remembrance service and all that fine ok.
jon357  72 | 23712  
30 Jan 2019 /  #81
Me? Dude you labeled and called people demonstrating publicly their views - freaks -

I-S, they aren't "publicly demonstrating their views". You can do that here, you can do that in the pub, you can do that in your house. They were interupting a memorial to people who died in the Shoah nd they'd chosen the very place and time that it would cause the most hurt.

To make it clear. I defend a right of people to publicly express their views, opinions or political likes in a peaceful manner.

Nothing peaceful about loud and agressive people yelling next to the 'arbeit macht frei' gate at Auschwitz on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

I say show them respect and leave them in peace.

Yes. This should go without saying as an absolute minimun standard of decency.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Jan 2019 /  #82
Of course a huge chunk poles are racists, xenophobes, homophobes, etc. Not apologizing for it either! That's the difference between poland and the cucked west.

I refer you to my post in Off topic. Public insult or attacks based on race, orientation etc are against European law and you can be prosecuted for it. There is no difference. Poland was in the EU last time I checked and therefore has to obey the law, not the moronic laws of the Straz girlies just now, trying (and failing) to order me to put my dog on a lead as we ambled slowly at heel down MY local street.

The priorities should be that all rights are respected, and I would keep those "protesters" at least half a kilometer from the gates of Auschwitz. If they don't like the theory of rememberance services, they don't have to go there. I never go to catholic rememberance services, becasue they irritate me too - but I wouldn't be so disgusting or aggressive as to physically be there and to offer an opinion (as in the Corpus Christi processions - when I simply leave town)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #83
Polish flag, "Polish Holocaust", flowers, and singing Polish national anthem makes one a "far-right" protester? Is somebody insane out there or just plain stupid?

Nah...it probably was more that:

The 50 protestors from the Polish Independence Movement were led by Piotr Rybak, who was once jailed for burning an effigy of a Jew.

or that:

"It's time to fight against Jewry and free Poland from them...

On one side and that:

They wore striped scarves with the red letter P, similar to the uniforms marking them out as Poles which the Nazi regime forced them to wear.

Christian and Jewish religious figures then led joint prayers for all the victims of the concentration camps in Nazi-occupied Poland, including Poles as well as Jews.

On the other remembrance. Spot the difference!

PS: That was all in the article in the independent you cited, I wonder why you left that out though...

Should we kill them again?

Did I ever get an answer or did I just missed it?

Question is whether enough W European men haven't turned into to total beta soy boy wimps and will fight to preserve a future for European children.

Frankly I think I can give you an answer to that...it isn't that W european men have turned into wimps so much but that most of them would rather hack off of their hand than to be seen marching side by side with the likes of Rybak and Co.

Sorry, but your "fighter" are just to disgusting and disagreeable...a future for my children where someone like Rybak and his ilk have a say? Never!
Spike31  3 | 1485  
30 Jan 2019 /  #84
Should we kill them again?
Did I ever get an answer or did I just missed it?

Not every single stupid question deserves an answer, @BratwurstBoy. But if you really want to hear it, then you should ask it in german on German forums.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #85
Oh but I know the answer to that one on a german forum!

And don't be so pissed Spike, Rybak is one of your fav nationalists...be proud!

Oh...I ever want to ask, isn't this Rybak nutter not also marching proudly at your Polish independence march? Waving the polish flag? What's not to like?
Spike31  3 | 1485  
30 Jan 2019 /  #86
Oh but I know the answer to that one on a german forum!

"should we kill them again" clearly implies that your question is aimed directly to Germans.

As far as I know only you and @Tacitus are the only active German members of PF.

Surely you can ask him this question in private message instead of making your poor provocations on public forums.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #87
"should we kill them again" clearly implies that your question is aimed directly to Germans.

Actually I would prefer to ask Rybak this question...

But it seems he has some apologists and supporters in this forum too, so...maybe one of you could help?

What is the endgoal for all this whining and constant yapping about them Jews, them Muslims, them whatever...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Jan 2019 /  #88
They were interrupting a memorial to people who died in the Shoah

How did they do it from a distance? Both groups were at different locations.
Let me help you. The "Jewish" group was pissed the way an average-looking chick gets pissed when a prettier chick walks in and all guys look at her. The "far-right" group just stole the attention. That's it. The proof: we are now on Post 89 and counting...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #89
The "far-right" group just stole the attention. That's it. The proof: we are now on Post 89 and counting...

It's mind boggling! This stuff always gets the attention...

I would prefer a pretty chick though...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
30 Jan 2019 /  #90
Heh:) Just found that:

Asked by an opposition politician on Twitter how long it would take the government to react to such situations, Interior Minister Joachim Brudzinski wrote: "React to what? To the fact that someone is not in their right mind and blames all the evil in this world and his frustrations on a particular nation?


Good man!

"Joachim"? Sounds german...

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