I consider myself to be a Polish Nationalist. you can call me a radical :-)
"Radical" means you are ready to use extreme (even brutal) methods in order to convince people to your ideas and eventually put them into practice so that they become law which limits the rights of certain group, e.g., Jews. So, are you radical or not? .
Piotr Rybak has nothing to do and neither he represents National Movement [Ruch Narodowy], nor he was a member of ONR or MW.
I need to refresh your memory. The man you are talking about took part in marches and demos organised by ONR in the past. It is enough to connect him with those nationalist organisations.
Uncle Good Advice. Do it yourself rather than tell other what they should, shouldn't,
Actually, I do and quite a lot. But I won`t show you because you wouldn`t appreciate it anyway. One day, when you grow up.
Here`s the way that they can propagate the Polish cause. Check this video, there are more, I just got a link from the group..
shooting down anyone is active and DOES something
The problem is that doing such things is indecent so don`t expect to be praised for doing them just becasue you are doing SOMETHING. If I come and spit into your soup during your lunchtime or sit opposite you, belch and pick my nose, will you consider me a good chap? Those protesters did a similar thing.
Well, that someone has been spiting in your face many times in the past. However people like you pretend that is a rain.
Does it mean you have to pay back with the same measure?
It is a Good thing if someone would spit back
Then don`t be surprised when one day nationalist Russians come to Katyn and protest against the Polish cemetery. I expect you will approve the act.
There should be a tit for tat.
In the previous post I suggested you grow up. Then you will understand that tit for tat approach doesn`t solve any problems but only makes them worse. I am really amazed you don`t get such obvious things.