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Ultra nationalist protest at death camp in Poland - serious mistake?

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Jan 2019 /  #31
They aren't part of this issue. The issue is the shameful display outside the gates of Auschwitz.

Yes, they are. I am entitled to compare to judge the minds of those who are so indignant here.
"Shameful" is a conclusion. What was displayed? Signs or middle fingers?
cms neuf  2 | 1979  
29 Jan 2019 /  #32
Rich if you have ever been to a Soviet cemetery here in Poland you would see it is your own Russian govt that is disrespectful - they are filthy and overgrown and the Russian govt does not spend a single kopeck to look after them. There are German and even British graveyards here in Poland that are dignified and well maintained.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
29 Jan 2019 /  #33
all those holocaust rituals should be banned.its got out of hand.ppl only fight and argue and blame each other..just get on with lives and leave this to historians not politicians
jon357  72 | 23712  
29 Jan 2019 /  #34
should be banned

That's not going to happen.

ppl only fight and argue and blame each other..

They don't.

As Dwight D Eisenhower said: "Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened."

But hey, you think it 'should be banned.its got out of hand'...
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #35
I consider myself to be a Polish Nationalist. you can call me a radical :-)

"Radical" means you are ready to use extreme (even brutal) methods in order to convince people to your ideas and eventually put them into practice so that they become law which limits the rights of certain group, e.g., Jews. So, are you radical or not? .

Piotr Rybak has nothing to do and neither he represents National Movement [Ruch Narodowy], nor he was a member of ONR or MW.

I need to refresh your memory. The man you are talking about took part in marches and demos organised by ONR in the past. It is enough to connect him with those nationalist organisations.


Uncle Good Advice. Do it yourself rather than tell other what they should, shouldn't,

Actually, I do and quite a lot. But I won`t show you because you wouldn`t appreciate it anyway. One day, when you grow up.

Here`s the way that they can propagate the Polish cause. Check this video, there are more, I just got a link from the group..


shooting down anyone is active and DOES something

The problem is that doing such things is indecent so don`t expect to be praised for doing them just becasue you are doing SOMETHING. If I come and spit into your soup during your lunchtime or sit opposite you, belch and pick my nose, will you consider me a good chap? Those protesters did a similar thing.

Well, that someone has been spiting in your face many times in the past. However people like you pretend that is a rain.

Does it mean you have to pay back with the same measure?

It is a Good thing if someone would spit back

Then don`t be surprised when one day nationalist Russians come to Katyn and protest against the Polish cemetery. I expect you will approve the act.

There should be a tit for tat.

In the previous post I suggested you grow up. Then you will understand that tit for tat approach doesn`t solve any problems but only makes them worse. I am really amazed you don`t get such obvious things.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2019 /  #36
Funny how the non poles are crying about polish nationalists pulling the jews card....

Its no surprise poles are acting this way after all the bullshit jews have pulled in the country to continue too. Till poles get equal recognition were gonna keep the pressure on. Its time to end the jews monopoly on ww2 victimhood.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #37
Well..the camp is still there, I'm sure they can re-use it...

Yes, that is the first thought that comes to mind when hearing about the protest.

And then nationalists and radicals are surprised when the world media talk about all Poles as antisemites - that`s how opinions are created today - through stereotypes and generalisations. Then nationalists demand apologies and the truth . The saddest thing is they don`t realise they are one of the reasons of such propaganda.

I have lived so long in this world but still can`t comprehend that some people can be so unable to predict the consuequences of their actions.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2019 /  #38
Of course a huge chunk poles are racists, xenophobes, homophobes, etc. Not apologizing for it either! That's the difference between poland and the cucked west. Majority of Poles say straight up they dont want gay marraige or turd world migrants and they dont give a rats ass what people think. Wed rather be called racist than end up with dozens of rapes everyday and islamjc terror attacks.
jon357  72 | 23712  
29 Jan 2019 /  #39
Then nationalists demand apologies and the truth

They live in fear, need enemies and love being outraged. They always lose in the end though...
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #40
Till poles get equal recognition were gonna keep the pressure on. Its time to end the jews monopoly.

The more pressure you will keep on in the style of death camp protest, the more antisemitic you will sound and look. Then, forget about ending anybody`s monopoly - you will be only equated with perpetrators.

And don`t mix all Poles into it - remember that guys like you get 1% votes at national elections.
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
29 Jan 2019 /  #41
Monopoly on Jewish victimhood.

Hmmm, sure doesn't sound too coherent to me. Are you somehow intimating that the Jews CHOSE to become victims??
Guess all my older posts on the history of Catholicism went over you like a wave.

Time ya fell off yer surfboard and had some sense knocked into yer head, dirk!!
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #42
Of course a huge chunk poles are racists, xenophobes, homophobes, etc. Not apologizing for it either!

Yes, it might be true, but we should regret it greatly because such attitudes only prove that someone who professes them is narrow-minded and pestered with inferiority complex. It`s bad because living among such people is quite depressing for an open-minded, tolerant, self-confident person.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
29 Jan 2019 /  #43
"Radical" means you are ready to use extreme (even brutal) methods in order to convince people to your ideas.

No, pawian. What I mean is that I'm a Polish nationalist and to me Poland and Polish national interest is the most important one.

As a Pole I'm not going to be fooled by either a modern German white-washing propaganda nor Israeli monopoly for suffering. We don't have to take **** from any of them. We didn't build those camps nor run them. And our grandfathers have fought with those who erected them. And if you're still not convinced then check ethnic Polish casualties during WWII.

Don't get distracted by irrelevant events and small provocations or those usual press releases. Just segregate important facts from irrelevant media information noise. And don't become a victim of this moral blackmail and moral disciplining because we are not the one who have to be ashamed of it.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263  
29 Jan 2019 /  #44
I know my post will probably make no difference,but I will make it anyway.
This argument between Catholic Poles and Jewish Poles has been on going since 1945.
There was good and bad stuff on both sides.
Before commenting on it,you really need to do a ton of research.
Without that,your opinion is worthless.
The only thing I will say is that Jewish suffering has made Polish suffering invisible.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #45
What I mean is that I'm a Polish nationalist and to me Poland and Polish national interest is the most important one.

So is to me, but I prefer to call it patriotism.

We didn't build those camps nor run them. And our grandfathers have fought with those who erected them

But all that becomes irrelevant to the world because what counts is that somebody protests on such a day in such a place. You seem to be unaware how modern media work today - stereotypes and cliches are their favourite means. And it turns into a vicious circle - the more you try to propagate your cause, combating stereotypes of Polish antisemitism, the further you are from achieving it, because such acts as death camp protest are not an accepted method of such a fight.

Don't get distracted by irrelevant events and small provocations

No. First there are irrelevant acts like throwing a stone into the shop window, then there is a fire, and eventually the owner is sent to a death camp. I am really amazed you don`t know the nature of such a sequence of events.

And don't become a victim of this moral blackmail

Nobody is blackmailing me here. I feel the protest was a disgrace, it comes from my convictions and character. Similarly, I don`t come to people`s houses and spit into their soup during their lunchtime because once my parents told me it is improper. Is it so hard to understand?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Jan 2019 /  #46
Polish suffering invisible.

The hidden Holocaust.

Slow Death in Siberian work camps (If you weren't shot or raped before you got there) or gassing in German camps in Poland, or bullet to the back of the head in Katyn?

Ultimately who was responsible? looks like history is being redrawn pointing to the poles as the cause of all this.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #47
The hidden Holocaust.

Nobody forbids Poles to inform the world about their WW2 suffering. But, for God`s sake, not through such acts! Do people who accept such methods and even suggest "more pressure", don`t realise it leads nowhere and even makes the situation worse? I am so amazed.

looks like history is being redrawn pointing to the poles as the cause of all this.

When will people understand that history is rewritten because of such disgraceful acts?

BTW, to all posters -
ethnic Polish WW2 suffering was enormous, but certainly not as tragic as Polish Jews`. It seems that some posters need to have their memories or knowledge refreshed with the fact that 90% Polish Jews perished in extermination, while ethnic Polish losses were about 10% of the population. The comparison makes it obvious why Jewish Holocaust is more conspicuous - Know Your Proportion, Mr Mocium.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2019 /  #48
I recommend more tolerant and open western europe. There you can enjoy gay marraoge, a native population who is becoming demographically replaced, thousands upon thousands of rapes, islamic terror and even sharia courts (uk). Polish people arent interested in that nonsense.

Not as tragic? Far more people of other ethnicities died than jews - soviets, germans, poles, etc. Even if you believe the bogus 3 mil jews in poland who died its the same amount as the amount of poles. Jews already extorted enough shekels from foolish goys and spread their propoganda far and wide - even to outer space. Now its the poles turn. Poles suffered a lot, but if it didnt happen wed be as owned by zionists today as the usa is.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
29 Jan 2019 /  #49
Apropos Rybak...

In 2017, Rybak was sentenced to three months in prison for burning an effigy of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish man during an anti-Muslim protest against admitting Syrian refugees into Poland.

It must'n be easy to live inside his brain....burning a Jew during an anti-Muslim protest....wanting to" fight Jewry" at Auschwitz on Holocaust remembrance day....

I can't take this guy seriously, sorry!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Jan 2019 /  #50
, but certainly not as tragic as Polish Jews`

No one disputes the above , still records from the east of Poland were obliterated by the Soviets (deliberately) so the losses of poles there are remain mainly unknown.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263  
29 Jan 2019 /  #51
90% Polish Jews perished in extermination, while ethnic Polish losses were about 10% of the population

Whilst I sympathise with your argument,your maths is all wrong.
You say 90% of jews died,so how many is that?
You say 10% of Poles died,so how many is that?
I reckon that's roughly 3 million each,which is where the original 6 million figure came from.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Jan 2019 /  #52
I can't take this guy seriously, sorry!

you can't he is a nut job.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2019 /  #53
@Bratwurst Boy

Everyone knows that jews are the ones pushing multiculturalism in europe. People like barbara spectre dont even hide it:


And they expect poles to just take it? **** no! Polska dla Polakow.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
29 Jan 2019 /  #54
So is to me, but I prefer to call it patriotism.

Patriotism stands for love of your country [your land]. Nationalism stands for love of your nation. I prefer to use a term "nationalist" since there's a taboo surrounding it and I would like to disarm it.

Nobody is blackmailing me here. I feel the protest was a disgrace

To be more precise you were alerted by the media who grabbed your attention and pointed you to this event using emotional trigger.

Meanwhile, in Germany in 2018 there were countless small and bigger neo-nazi marches that you weren't informed nor aware of.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
29 Jan 2019 /  #55
Just call them nationalists...or nut jobs!

I'm fairly sure they would had loved to march with Rybak...
Miloslaw  22 | 5263  
29 Jan 2019 /  #56
Germany have way more neo nazis than Poland.
BB,people in glass houses should not throw stones.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
29 Jan 2019 /  #57
I'm trying to be positive about it, really....
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Jan 2019 /  #58
It's something we all try to be , no matter who's country has more (nazis) , we all agree that we need to be rid of them and that's whats important.

They are nothing now, a very small minority of very sick people.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jan 2019 /  #59
Even if you believe the bogus 3 mil jews in poland who died its the same amount as the amount of poles.

No, it is not, I already mentioned the magic word - proportion. You seem obliovious to rational arguments.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
29 Jan 2019 /  #60
we all agree that we need to be rid of them and that's whats important.

A beer to that!

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