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Ultra nationalist protest at death camp in Poland - serious mistake?

pawian  219 | 24792  
28 Jan 2019 /  #1

It is the first time that nationalists stage a protest on the day when the anniversary of the death camp liberation is celebrated. Also, it was the International Holocaust Victims Remembrance Day.

My purely private commentary:
Now, imagine that some patriotic Poles come to Katyn Massacre cemetery in Russia to honour executed Polish officers and some fiercely nationalist Russians come, too, and hold a protest demonstration. Everybody knows that Polish Russian relations are tense, so such a situation is quite probable. I can imagine what international scandal would break out - Polish and world media would go virtually mad, accusing all Russians of rabid Polonophobia, lack of any morals, ignorance of basic values and sensitivity, etc etc.

That is why I consider that yesterday`s Polish radical nationalist protest in Auschwitz Birkenau as utterly stupid.

I can understand their motifs. Yes, the Polish contribution and suffering during WW2 has been forgotten and neglected for decades - first, during communist times, and later too. When asked about a rising in Warsaw during the war, most people in the world point to Warsaw Ghetto Rising 1943, instead of much more important Warsaw Rising 1944.

But it is not the fault of Jews that their Ghetto Rising and general suffering is better remembered and popularised in the world. It is the fault of Poles who can`t propagate their cause well enough - either they don`t do it at all or they do it ineffectively.

Trying to make people in the world aware of the Polish cause during the WW2 can`t be done by means of such dirty methods as protests on a special day when we should commemorate the death of a nation. 90% Polish Jews were exterminated so we can say that the whole nation was doomed to perish.

Dear nationalist Poles, get down to work and start making the world aware of important facts through positive information campaigns. Such events as yesterday don`t help, quite the opposite, they tarnish the image of all Poles which is unfair because most of us aren`t radical nationalists - in national elections, far right parties get 1% votes, no more.

Instead of spitting into somebody`s face and demanding the world to accept it as a method of solving problems, do sth positive instead. Propagate the Polish cause in wiser and more appropriate, culturally acceptable ways.

You should eventually understand that doing what you have done actually makes you similar/close to German perpetrators, and that`s certainly not what you are intent on.

PS. The article didn`t mention the words of the main organiser: It is time to fight against Jewry.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
28 Jan 2019 /  #2
Should we really be at all surprised, pawian?
As I'm always am fond of saying; you won't get rid of such types any more than you will crabgrass, cockroaches, certain rodents, or any other noxious stuff!
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
28 Jan 2019 /  #3
God created cockroaches and other vermin on purpose. So did He create far right ideas and their believers. There must have been an intention in the creation.
jon357  72 | 22980  
28 Jan 2019 /  #4
Fortunately, the police have been investigating Rybak etc (including recordings and photographs), and the evidence has now gone to the prosecutor. Hopefully they will deal with those attending the 'protest' according to the law.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
28 Jan 2019 /  #5
Those protesters though had zero moral or spiritual reasons for venting their disrespect, indeed, their hatred!

G-d did indeed create all of his little beings, but one can't play the moral relativism card this time:-)
Spike31  3 | 1485  
29 Jan 2019 /  #6
Let's cool down emotions and put things into wider perspective.

Some of the international press will write poorly about Poland because of the "wrong" political choices we've made a few years ago. So let's stop whipping ourselves over every single article produced by an international - how jon357 amusingly put it in one of his posts - "reputable press" ;-)

they tarnish the image of all Poles which is unfair because most of us aren`t radical nationalists

That depends what you do mean by "radical nationalists".

I consider myself to be a Polish Nationalist. And since I don't take a half-assed approach to anything I do in life you can call me a radical :-)

Piotr Rybak has nothing to do and neither he represents National Movement [Ruch Narodowy], which is the biggest such organization, nor he was a member of ONR or MW. And those are the biggest organizations with regional structures.

He is a private persona and that was his private point of view.

but one can't play the moral relativism card this time

One can't play a moral relativism at any time. The truth is not in the eye of the beholder, just like 2+2 can't equal 5 on some occasions when it suits the needs of some group of people.

Hopefully they will deal with those attending the 'protest' according to the law.

If he broke the law then he should be punished just like anyone else would. There's nothing more that I would like to see in Poland than people being held accountable for their actions and punished accordingly by the law.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
29 Jan 2019 /  #7
If the truth isn't in the eye of the beholder, by that definition, anyone who denies the uniqueness of the Holocaust is incapable of seeing the truth, am I right so far?

Good. Then there's no reason for anybody, to marginalize the Holocaust as a singular watershed in history.

Glad we finally agree on something.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
29 Jan 2019 /  #8
Dear nationalist Poles, get down to work

Another one, why don't you do it, eh? Uncle Good Advice. Do it yourself rather than tell other what they should, shouldn't, could, couldn't and so on. In your opinion is it stupid, fair enough. Others think is a good idea or that there is nothing wrong with expressing particular views in public - for example - in that demonstration.

The worst are armchair generals and self-proclaimed wise men, shooting down anyone is active and DOES something while they themselves are sitting in an armchair and contemplate their bellybutton.

Instead of spitting into somebody`s face

Well, that someone has been spiting in your face many times in the past. However people like you pretend that is a rain. It is a Good thing if someone would spit back. However that is not the case. Since when the truth is offensive? If someone things facts and the truth offensive there is something wrong with that someone, that is clear.
jon357  72 | 22980  
29 Jan 2019 /  #9
He is a private persona and that was his private point of view.

That and his crowd of banner-waving freaks.

If he broke the law then he should be punished just like anyone else would.

He, and the others who attended his crap will doubtless be prosecuted.

reputable press

Those who actually check facts, and aren't just online bods.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
29 Jan 2019 /  #10
Glad we finally agree on something.

What do you mean finally? So far we've agreed on many subjects disputed on PolishForums. To be honest we had more agreements than disagreements.

banner-waving freaks

See, that's the definition of what left-side would call a "hate speech".

Those who actually check facts, and aren't just online bods.

Here's a piece from a "reputable" media. They've made a 'neo-nazis' out of Independence March celebrators in Warsaw:

jon357  72 | 22980  
29 Jan 2019 /  #11
They've made a 'neo-nazis'

I'll post a picture in a while of the symbols and salutes...
Ironside  50 | 12333  
29 Jan 2019 /  #12
crowd of banner-waving freaks.

Would that be banners with a rainbow color on them?

they tarnish the image of all Poles

Nah, that just baloney. If anything people like you are the problem, some dicks that apologize for being alive, bending backwards if some dumb and arrogant Jew shoots his lying mouth. There should be a tit for tat.

Probably there will be some ritualistic boot licking exercise for some spineless politicians in Poland. THAT is the real problem and a fact that people will still vote for such spineless creatures. Realistically it doesn't even do Poland any good.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2019 /  #13
Its high time to end the holocaust industry for good in poland.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
29 Jan 2019 /  #14
You and Normal Finkelstein should get together for a nastiness contest:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
29 Jan 2019 /  #15
See, that's the definition of what left-side would call a "hate speech".

Aren't we lucky that liberals are unable to perform their beloved medical procedure retroactively? They would abort all of us to prevent "hate". They would, of course, do it out of love.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
29 Jan 2019 /  #16
To stage a jew hating demonstration on the day of the Holocaust remembrance at Auschwitz of all places....it's mind boggling.


"It's time to fight against Jewry and free Poland from them," Mr Rybak said, a Polish newspaper reported.

Well..the camp is still there, I'm sure they can re-use it...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
29 Jan 2019 /  #17
To stage a jew hating demonstration on the day of the Holocaust remembrance at Auschwitz

Times and places are selected for impact.

Well..the camp is still there, I'm sure they can re-use it...

There is nothing wrong with pressuring an antagonistic, non-assimilating and parasitic group to leave. If Hitler did just that and no more, he would be a German hero today.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2019 /  #18
Until theres a remembrance day for all the poles that died and we get billions of dollars, dozens if books and movies, curriculum that teaches poles suffering itll never stop. Its poles fighting for their ancestors and justice which world jewry/zionists usurped.

Sad thing is that arithmetic gets you put in jail in many countries - even though the auschwitz numbers were reduced from 4 mil to 1 mil, the 3 mil difference was never subtracted from the six million. Pointing that fact out is illegal in many place rofl.

The zionists should work on extorting and guilt tripping aliens instead. Theyve already started that process launching their propoganda into outer space recently. Seems poland doesnt care much as they have their own people to mourn and increasingly western eurooean youth either dont care, dont know, despise zionists (especially the muslim migrants and far left sjw types) or all of the above.

Basically, the goyim dont know anymore.... oy vey!!!
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
29 Jan 2019 /  #19
hating demonstration

No one should be able to demonstrate or march within five miles of these places, let the dead rest in peace.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
29 Jan 2019 /  #20
If Hitler did just that and no more, he would be a German hero today.

I so hope not!

The eradication of it's Jewry made Germany poorer, their contribution to the german arts and science was huge... Nothing patriotic about to kill it all of!

No one should be able to demonstrate or march within five miles of these places, let the dead rest in peace.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
29 Jan 2019 /  #21
No one should be able to demonstrate or march within five miles

I love that 1st Amendment of ours more and more...
And the fact that it does not specify the distance required to make it operational.
jon357  72 | 22980  
29 Jan 2019 /  #22
Would that be banners with a rainbow color on them?

Why would you think that?

You and Normal Finkelstein should get together for a nastiness contest:-)

Even Finkelstein is way above that level.

The protest was a disgrace. Timed to cause the most offence and the the most media exposure. A bigger disgrace is that wasn't stopped immediately.

There's obviously much bigger news today from Poland, with Kaczynski's fall from grace, however it will be gratifying to see this issue dealt with by the courts.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
29 Jan 2019 /  #23
Timed to cause the most offence and the the most media exposure.

Let me guess. In 1950, a demonstration against the Soviet occupation of Poland close to the graves of the Soviet soldiers who died liberating Poland would be OK and so very patriotic. Or would anyone say, shame on you, let them rest in peace?
jon357  72 | 22980  
29 Jan 2019 /  #24
In 1950,

The shameful display at Auschwitz was last week. Not in 1950.

Or would anyone say, shame on you, let them rest in peace?

War graves should always be treated with respect. The fallen soldiers are not their government.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
29 Jan 2019 /  #25
And the fact that it does not specify the distance

Luckily you don't have German death camps where millions were gassed and burned.

Yeah if this happened outside Arlington cemetery, how long would it last until busloads turn up to exercise their 2nd amendment rights upon the asses of the demonstrators.

I love that 1st Amendment of ours more and more...

Ha Ha unless there are more than 25 people, otherwise u need a permit, all this varies state to state.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
29 Jan 2019 /  #26
I read the opening post and still don't know what the protesters actually said, did, displayed or whatever. Time and place aside for a moment. And let's separate the stupid, the immoral and the illegal. Mixing them up plus anger leads nowhere. I will go to YouTube now.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
29 Jan 2019 /  #27
graves of the Soviet soldiers who died

They weren't innocent men women children, soviet soldiers were murdering rapists pigs.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
29 Jan 2019 /  #28
Every single one of them?
Would that demonstration in Auschwitz be more acceptable if they told that many of the Jews who died there were rapists, child molesters, murderers, thieves and financial predators? Or were they all saints because Jews would never do any of that?

This is a classic where emotions override reason. Then, debating if it's 6 or 3 is a felony.
jon357  72 | 22980  
29 Jan 2019 /  #29
They weren't

They aren't part of this issue. The issue is the shameful display outside the gates of Auschwitz.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
29 Jan 2019 /  #30
Well..the camp is still there, I'm sure they can re-use it...

Thank you kindly @BratwurstBoy. We've all been waiting to hear a fresh, impartial German voice on this subject :-P

But I believe that mental manuals to operate those death camps were taken back to Germany and it won't run without them.

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