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Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Feb 2018 /  #151
one can sense that Jews opening themselves and offering hand.

Definitely not to Poland, especially not now.

Last time Jews 'offered their hand' in Poland we ended up under USSR control for 50 years.

But, fortunately, seams that Russians now repaying their debt to Poland

You gotta be sh1tting me crow, Russians definitely aren't repaying any sort of debt to Poland nor are they helping Poland at all. Yes, there has been times where the Russians have extended a hand, but Poland declined due to complicated history and suspicion. Nonetheless, the average Russian respects Poland, Hungary, Czechy, etc far more than Germany, Sweden, etc. Russians want to sow discord in the EU - that's the only way they'd offer to help Poland, Hungary or Czechy in some form or fashion. Nonetheless, NATO is Russia's enemy and as long as Poland is in NATO and hosting missle batteries we're an enemy too.

Putin and Czech president once joked how journalists are annoying and the Czech president saying 'they should be liquidated' to which they both laughed
Crow  154 | 9260  
21 Feb 2018 /  #152

"Good place to eat Balkan cevapcici"

Restauracja Banjaluka
Warsaw, Poland

Remove kebab, liberate cevapcic!

You gotta be sh1tting me crow, Russians definitely aren't repaying any sort of debt to Poland nor are they helping Poland at all.

No, no h1tting here. Do they helping to Serbs? They do. That for one. Its absolutely helping to Poland, too.

Then, you must admit that Russians nicely hold EU (ie western Europe). That is indirect help to Poland. Its obvious. Russians also have interest that Poles avoid finishing in global Eurabian soup.

I don`t know brate Dirke how you don`t realize these processes.

Admine help!

My post no. 152 about that restaurant, finished in wrong thread! Will you please remove it from here and place it in this one > https://polishforums.com/life/poland-going-hijab-people-islam-67514/6/#msg1631361

Do something man (or woman), I`m upset.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Feb 2018 /  #153
I don`t know brate Dirke how you don`t realize these processes.

Crow, Russia doesn't give 2 sh1ts about Poland unless it serves a specific purpose. Russia only cares about Poland when it either needs some food from the EU or when NATO puts missle systems on our territory. Otherwise, Russia doesn't care about any mutual Slavic brotherhood. Russia has a better relationship with Hungary and Czechy even than Poland.
Crow  154 | 9260  
21 Feb 2018 /  #154
Dirke brate, why complaint. Interests overlap sometimes. Let`s not go into details, for now at least.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Feb 2018 /  #155
I'm not complaining Crow, although I'd prefer great cooperation amongst all Slavic nations, it is what it is... Poles aren't going to trust Russia after all the sh1t that happened from the Jewish lead Bolshevik invasion before ww2, all the AK members that were killed by Soviets and their collaborators, the 50 years of being a satellite nation.... It's going to take a long long time before there's reconciliation.

Also, another think that hinders it is the persisting conspiracy theory that Russia downed the PL president's plane. Anyone can listen to the black box recording of that flight (along with any other plane crash) online and can clearly see it was pilot error - mainly from flying too fast, too low and in dense fog and rushing since they were already late to a ceremony. All these people keep saying - oh I know it was the Russians fault ! They killed the president and everyone on board! Yet every time I ask them if they've listened to the recording from the flight they say no, or 'I don't need to know the Russians did it'... such is the psyche of millions of Poles which won't change anytime soon. There's simply too much distrust now.

In a way, Poles should be thankful for this that the attitude is as such and the population of Russians is very low in Poland. Otherwise we'd end up like Ukraine and to a lesser extent Estonia with regular Russian incursions into sovereign territory.
Crow  154 | 9260  
22 Feb 2018 /  #156
Poles aren't going to trust Russia

Trust is feed-back process. Forget history for the moment and focus on actions.

Take Kosovo as example. Just that example. Poland recognized it and Russia didn`t. Tusk himself (when criticized because of recognition from Polish students!) confirmed publicly that Poland did it to satisfy her NATO and EU partners, while Kaczynski was firmly against it and whole issue finished in first class scandal (never seen in history of UN) when Kaczynski during session of UNGA criticized his own government for Kosovo recognition and betrayal of Serbia. Back them Kaczynski strongly criticized NATO leading powers, too. You know, many Serbs believe that Kaczynski signed his own death sentence when decided to defend Serbs from NATO/EU in front of UN. Not to mention that Kaczynski traveled to Russia to improve relations with Russians. Maybe we mistaking but, Serbians massively believe that NATO/EU killed Kaczynski.

Point is. On Kosovo example, official Poland act against Poland`s interests. Not just because Polish public support Serbians but because Kosovo issue seriously affect Serbia- traditional allay of Poland and one of backbone points in every serious plan for Intermarium. At the same time, Russia support Serbs. It means that Russia, in turn, doing favor to Poland, in long term strategic sense. In also means that Russia (for her own interests, indeed) act in accordance of wishes of Polish people, while official Poland ignore will of Poles.

Think of this. You won`t found this kind of stance often in mass media. Interesting, isn`t it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Feb 2018 /  #157
Welk yeah a lot of poles including myself view kosovo as historically serbian lands. The reason why sone voted for recognition was simply so the boat wasnt rocked. Now wr have a new nationalistic and populist government who listens to and relays the voices of the majority of polish citizens. Although i dont know what percent of poles do or dont recognize kosovo, this government doesnt care about kissing eu and israel ass. Nato, yes, because they want a strong poland to deter russia. I dont like it but it is what it is.

But no crow, pis tends to listen to the wishes of the majority although yes oftentimes they act against the wishes of poles and go with the flow to not upset allies.

As long as Poland is in nato, russia is going to be cautious and treat poland as a possible future belligerent - not specifically poland but nato as a whole. Also the whole point of intermarium is to be a bulwark against germany/eu to the left and russua to the right.

At the moment, poles esp older ones who lived during prl resent russia. The war in ukraine also didnt help. It is what it is though. Even when interests intersect poland will side with nato and v4, not russia.
Crow  154 | 9260  
23 Feb 2018 /  #158
Dirk man, you know what people here in Serbia thinks of Poland`s recognition of Kosova? Serbs usually say, Tusk at least publicly admitted that Poland doing it in order to satisfy her NATO and EU partners. For that Tusk is praised for bravery, to be able to admit it. Not to speak of Kaczinsky whom Serbians wants to build monument for defending them even in UNGA. Also, people here knows of independent investigation of Polish parliament committee that concluded how are false accusations (by NATO) that Serbians expelling Albanians from Kosovo. In fact, Polish parliamentarians (Sierkowska and others) visited terrain and interviewed Albanians who admitted how they flee from province because of NATO bombs and not from Serbian forces. This investigation of Polish parliamentarians and their documented conclusions are thing for history. For history. Great service to the Serbians. They protected Serbian honor at the moment when NATO and EU wanted to destroy us first by propaganda and then by open war. For that we Serbs are grateful to Poles.

And, if not before, then at least when we liberate Kosovo one day and not just Kosovo but all what was by force taken from us, those peaces of Slavic and Serbian soil, Poland would annul its Kosovo recognition and recognize Serbia`s new borders. New, but historical borders, as Polish prince Czartorisky suggested them.

Gammadion / razor88 - Zawisza Czarny defender of Serbian lands

Crow  154 | 9260  
12 Mar 2018 /  #159
Great majority of our Ukrainian sisters and brothers are sane and honest people but, minor Nazi maniacs, old malformed German servants, sending new massages of hate to Poles, as if they already didn`t killed enough of Poles..

Antypolska demonstracja na Ukrainie. "Lwów jest miastem Stepana Bandery"
Anti-Polish demo in Ukraine - Lwow is place of Stepan Bandera

Jak informuje portal zaxid.net, dzisiaj wieczorem we Lwowie odbyła się antypolska demonstracja. Jej uczestnicy podkreślali, że "Lwów jest miastem Stepana Bandery".

Here is the link for previous news... wprost.pl/swiat/10108665/antypolska-demonstracja-na-ukrainie-lwow-jest-miastem-stepana-bandery.html
jon357  72 | 22979  
12 Mar 2018 /  #160
Anti-Polish demo in Ukraine - Lwow is place of Stepan Bandera

Sponsored by pro-Russian agitators.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Mar 2018 /  #161
They're not Nazi's they've merely advocates of nationalist socialism - which mixes the economic and social aspect of socialism but applies it to a race rather than a whole group of many different cultures. A smart and efficient socioeconomic and political system imo. Although many socialist states, left and right, tend to clamp down on free speech (not that Europe is a big fan of free speech as it is) at least they have the stability of having the country run by a strongman and eliminates all the bogus political squabbling between parties and actually gets sh1t done.

Also, national socialism is probably the best political system to whip a country's people into a fervor and give them morale to fight a war. Ukraine managed to beat back the Russians through patriotic volunteers and donations - certainly Ukrainian government aren't the ones to be recognized for their courage and contribution. They made the resistance towards Russia twice as hard due to all the corruption and mismanagement.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Mar 2018 /  #162
which mixes the economic and social aspect of socialism but applies it to a race rather than a whole group of many different cultures.

Isn't that basically what the PZPR did? They pushed a single Polish identity at the expense of minorities, after all.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Mar 2018 /  #163
Isn't that basically what the PZPR did?

Kind of yes, the difference is they were subservient ultimately to Moscow - not the Polish people.
Crow  154 | 9260  
12 Mar 2018 /  #164
Sponsored by pro-Russian agitators.

They did managed that? Well, if we accept that we aren`t far from conclusion that Russia controls EU and it to be main reason for Poland`s resistance to EU.

My grandmother would be fascinated by this discovery. Thank you jon.

A smart and efficient socioeconomic system imo.

Yes. Especially in production of soap.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Mar 2018 /  #165
Bid deal - the US intervened in countless country's politics - including Russia when they sent advisors and people with political maneuvering skills to put Boris Yeltsin in charge. They looked the other way while Russia was plundered and people were kept in dark not even realizing what was going on as even if you had a TV, every channel was basically government controlled and went with the government line.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Mar 2018 /  #166
Kind of yes, the difference is they were subservient ultimately to Moscow - not the Polish people.

Gomułka is a fascinating guy if you want to see this in practice - he was a strong advocate of a specific Polish national communism that was friendly with the USSR, but based on the threat coming from Germany rather than as a slave of the USSR. There was actually a curious situation during his rule - the Church in Poland wanted better relations with (West) Germany while the Communists wanted the Vatican to appoint a bishop for the ex-German territories and to actually help them in the recognition of the post-war borders.

This is well worth a read - cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/DOC_0000575483.pdf - it's a fascinating insight into how Gomułka actually treated relations with the Church, and how the German question was dealt with.
jon357  72 | 22979  
12 Mar 2018 /  #168
They did managed that?

Yes, Crowie, they did. They sponsored the small demonstration you posted about.

Well, if we accept that we aren`t far from conclusion that Russia controls EU

Crow  154 | 9260  
12 Mar 2018 /  #169
Yes, Crowie, they did. They sponsored the small demonstration you posted about.

If you say so


But yes. You yourself just admitted it. See, if we know that EU (ie western Europe) started Euromaiden and now Russia lead the game, it must mean that Russia outplayed western Europe. It would then lead to conclusion how is EU final sh** in comparison to Russia.

If you are right, EU is stupid like a di**.
jon357  72 | 22979  
12 Mar 2018 /  #170
If you say so

Very much so.

Russia outplayed western Europe

They certainly wish they had. Nevertheless they haven't. The world is aware of the dangers inherent in Russia as a (failed) state.
Crow  154 | 9260  
12 Mar 2018 /  #171
World is aware that Anglo-Franko-Germanic domination over rest of the world collapsing. That is world aware. Aware that Russia and China putting them down, transforming world into Multi-Polar instead of Uni-Polar that forcing NATO powers.

After all, Russia is first world power that have nuclear powered nuclear missile. You know what that mean? It mean that Russia have capability to produce micro nuclear power plants. Its a sci-fi technology. But yes, people like you who grow up deluded with Anglo superiority underestimates Russia and Slavs in general and now is clear to me why Putin had to open his cards- to literally tell to Anglo-Franko-Germanics to f*** off, before is too late.
jon357  72 | 22979  
12 Mar 2018 /  #172
World is aware that

Whatever you took before writing that one, Crowie, sounds quite a potent hallucinogen.

underestimates Russia

Nobody except the naïve underestimate the danger of toxic Russia.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Mar 2018 /  #173
Well yeah the old western world order is not nearly as strong as it was. The eu and us is divided politically and now the eastern eu is rejecting the far left agendas of brussels and merkel. Chinas economy is already bigger than us and russia is aboe to throw itd weight around bc of its big military and ballsy leader. Hahahja oh man thats rich russia outfoxes the us and the west at every turn. Its funny to watch. And trump for the most part doesnt care unless the establishmenr forces him to do something. Putin knew trump would win he said himself rofl. The west is crying bc rt is actually putting out some decent news without the zionist produced far left bias. Even youtube now says under rt that the outlet is funded all or in part by russian government. Every cucked eu leader is crying muh elections waah

If poland and russia, ukraine czechy all slav natuons could make amends and move into the future as slavic brother and sister wed be unstoppable
Crow  154 | 9260  
13 Mar 2018 /  #174
Things are dramatically different. Speaking of Poland particularly, if we presume that there won`t be internal betrayal and intentional mistakes in Poland, western Europe or anybody else, can`t even think to harm Poland. That strongly already functioning mutual interdependence within Slavic civilization.

But NATO membership remain main problem for Poland now. Single NATO, non-ethnic Polish person, is enough to ruin Poland in some circumstances.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Mar 2018 /  #175
Oh trust me theres plenty of poles more of a danger to pls struggle. The non polish residents arent a problem bc the border policy is strict and security forces monitor suspicious foreigners and soros affiliates. If italy does indeed join v4 i couldnt be happier
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
13 Mar 2018 /  #176
If poland and russia, ukraine czechy all slav natuons could make amends and move into the future as slavic brother and sister wed be unstoppable

That will never happen.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Mar 2018 /  #177
Sadly, not in the present. However who knows what future will bring. Id never imagine trump winning or an italian politician asking to join v4 nor would i ever have imagined how utterly cucked western europr has become where cops tell people not to wave their countrys flag. In the cradle of modern feminism women camt even safely go outside at night much less attend concerts or nye parties without thinking how can i avoid a migrant raping me
Crow  154 | 9260  
13 Mar 2018 /  #178
If italy does indeed join v4 i couldnt be happier

But, that won`t be then evolution unto Intermarium. It would be split of EU onto few sections. Some kind of new EU. Plus, Poles won`t ever manage to dominate over Italians, neither to equalize interests. Italians, same as all western Europeans, Greeks and Albanians (Shquiptars) consider all Slavs to be sub-people.

But, one of scenarios of preventing Slavic dominating unity being that Intermarium or some eventual distant future union of all Slavs, always can be adding Italians and maybe even Germanics in some conglomerate with Slavs. That`s how they keeping control and preventing Slavs on focusing solely their own Slavic civilization. So, everything is possible in world that is ruled by our mutual masters. I know that I don`t rule.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Mar 2018 /  #179
But, that won`t be then evolution unto Intermarium

So what, it'll be an economic intermarium with Italy instead of the Balkan countries. Austria should join us too since they've decided to go a more patriotic Eurosceptic direction. Either way, we can use all the populist leaders and patriotic citizens we can get. The v4 is the vanguard of Christian European society fighting the plague of multiculturalism and Islamic invasion; the people who are fighting to make Europe for Europeans once again, and to Make Europe Great Again. Perhaps the Balkan Slavs will soon join us too. For the time being, the populists and nationalists are allying with everyone who shares their anti-migrant views and doesn't want Eastern Europe to fall victim to the rape and pillaging of the west. Of course theres going to be squabbling between the people - like Poland with Ukraine, Slovakia with Czechia but regardless everyone's on the same page as it pertains to the migrant burden that threatens their societies and resistance to EU's far left agenda. We can sort out our differences later - the most important thing now is to preserve our identity, heritage, culture, and society as a whole and the best way that is done by preventing the Islamic/African invasion to enter Poland, Hungary, etc. and allow beachheads in the form of no go zones and to never allow the EU to interfere in our sovereign political decisions and processes.
Crow  154 | 9260  
13 Mar 2018 /  #180
If nothing else, have sense to speak of Northern Italy (Padania) as part of Intermarium. You know that they wants to secede from Italy anyway. Plus, some in Lega Nord promote their Slavic origin.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians.Archived