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Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland

1jola  14 | 1875  
8 Oct 2010 /  #121
The good news would have been: Poland decriminalizes weed. One joint can land you in a joint for two years. How backward is that?
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Oct 2010 /  #122
Tell it to the parents of kids in intensive care or the morgue following a trendy designer-drug trip.

Sounds like Social Darwinism in action. Huzzaaah! One death has been attributed to the drugs, and that was an intentional overdose to commit suicide.

What do we tell the parents of kids in intensive care or the morgue following alcohol poisoning, or after an encounter with a drunk driver (which unlike the stuff that Dopalacze sells, actually does kill people)? The government doesn't care about those people?
Crow  155 | 9736  
8 Oct 2010 /  #123
what is good news actually?

its philosophical question
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2010 /  #124
All mind-altering drugs should be banned and their purveyors and users severely punished. Some dingbat at this point will invariably raise the alcohol issue and cite our American failed prohibition. But alcohol can be better restricted -- drinking age raised to 21, prices raised to the point that people don't start making bimber again, limit the number of pub and off-licence permits, introduce mandatory opening and closing times like civilised English-speak countries have. Drink driving can be penalised by obligatory confiscation of vehicle and loss of driving licence for life. Promotion and glorificaiton of stupefying substances by the media, entertainment or cultural community should be strongly discouraged.
mafketis  38 | 11288  
8 Oct 2010 /  #125
Yahoo! Everybody knows that teenagers don't want to have anything to do with anything that's been banned! We also know that there's no way for the industry to go back underground where it'll be impossible to regulate! Well done Polish lawmakers! You've managed a small, meaningless, public relations victory that will fool the gullible Polonius3's of the world and help you feel good about yourselves. BRAVO!!!!!
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Oct 2010 /  #126
Throw people that drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and consume excessive amounts of caffeine into prison. Same goes for people in public under the mind-altering affects of dangerous pharmaceuticals like zoloft, ambien, prozac, all the rest of the antidepressents. Why make exceptions for one drug, and not for others?

I guess I'm with you on this one?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2010 /  #128
You may have missed it, but in recent days throngs of teenagers all over Poland have staged anti-designer drug protest outside the shops of the poison purveyors.

Do you really believe this industry is made up of 'friends of teens' who want nothing but to make young people's lives more interesting and colourful?

BTW, are you on Typhoon or nutmeg at the moment?
mafketis  38 | 11288  
8 Oct 2010 /  #129
You may have missed it, but in recent days throngs of teenagers all over Poland have staged anti-designer drug protest outside the shops of the poison purveyors.

Yeah, when I was a teenager we did the same kind of thing (ostentatious public shows of being against drugs). The biggest potheads were usually in the front lines (can you say 'cover'?)

disclaimer: I've done fewer drugs than almost anyone I know, but I've never understood the 'illegalize it!' crowd. If I'd wanted to do drugs the fact that they were illegal wouldn't have stopped me for a second.
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Oct 2010 /  #130
You may have missed it, but in recent days throngs of teenagers all over Poland have staged anti-designer drug protest outside the shops of the poison purveyors.

Apparently that didn't reach Wroclaw....

I'm high on ETFs at the moment. Iron Butterflies, Iron Condors, and Collars. Feeling damn good too.
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Oct 2010 /  #131
but in recent days throngs of teenagers all over Poland have staged anti-designer drug protest outside the shops

I bet most of them would not even know about this crap if Tusk didn't advertise it. Wouldn't it been better to quietly ban some chemical compounds he's worried about rather then spread the news that there are some legal substances you can get high with?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2010 /  #132
Thats exactly what the poison pedlars want people -- ban ingredients. They're back at theri computers straightaway juggling atoms and presto -- a new improved and not illegal cocncocaion copems out. The authorities again aghce the spend lots of taxpayer money on lab testing to figure out if the enw version is toxic or dangerous, etc., etc. Banning all illicit drugs got round that hurdle.

BTW where are those PF-ers who should have been assailing the hypocritical smart-drug producers touting their poson as 'potted-plant fertiliser' or 'collector's items'?
1jola  14 | 1875  
8 Oct 2010 /  #133
I bet most of them would not even know about this crap if Tusk didn't advertise it.

You, being a middle aged woman without any contact with Polish youth, are allowed to say something dumb like that.
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Oct 2010 /  #134
you have such an engaging style...
You're saying that this media campaign did not inform any yuts that did not know about it before? None. Not one unpopular nerd. Not one ostracized outsider.
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Oct 2010 /  #135
Banning all illicit drugs got round that hurdle.

You have to define what illicit is. Knee jerk legislation doesn't address it. It's a stupid law, I'm sure the courts will be overjoyed by this new stinking pile of vague legislation.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2010 /  #136
Arguments like yours play into the hands of the poisoner-exploiters. They have batteries of highly-paid lawyers to find loopholes in the law so they can conmtinue theri parasitic activtiy agaisnt the yougner generation. Those shysters are at least getting paid for keeping the jackals in business. Only a sucker would do it for free.
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Oct 2010 /  #137
It's a sane comment. You know how the Polish legal system works right? It needs well defined laws in order to function properly. That's on of the big problems here right now...
8 Oct 2010 /  #138
I'm high on ETFs at the moment. Iron Butterflies, Iron Condors, and Collars. Feeling damn good too.

It's the synthetic futures you want to avoid.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Oct 2010 /  #139
Tusk cracks open the designer drugs more like :) They will be sorrow drowners when Poland struggles in Euro 2012 ;) At least they'll be there, unlike us :(
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Oct 2010 /  #140
It's the synthetic futures you want to avoid.

But all my friends are doing it, and I'm a split strike kinda guy...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Oct 2010 /  #141
Nowadays, everybody lies and steals... That is sufficient justificaiton, innit?
richasis  1 | 409  
9 Oct 2010 /  #142
The good news would have been: Poland decriminalizes weed. One joint can land you in a joint for two years. How backward is that?

Agreed. What's more, the irrefutable evidence of its numerous medicinal properties may render it legal one day.
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Oct 2010 /  #143
you have such an engaging style...

I'm sorry, I'm trying to improve though.

You're saying that this media campaign did not inform any yuts that did not know about it before? None. Not one unpopular nerd. Not one ostracized outsider.

I am stuck watching TVN this morning and this came up. A study of gimnazium students showed that 96% of kids did know about them before. You and I are right.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Oct 2010 /  #144
Apparently that didn't reach Wroclaw....

Nor Poznan.

Hardly "all over Poland" ;)
9 Oct 2010 /  #145
Hardly "all over Poland" ;)

Nor Warsaw. Always nice to see the plastic Poles in America telling us what's going on in our home.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Oct 2010 /  #146
Harry, how nice to read that you consider Poland your home. Perhaps you can even say something nice about the country now?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Oct 2010 /  #147
Nor Warsaw. Always nice to see the plastic Poles in America telling us what's going on in our home.

I do wonder where they're getting their information from. Then again, we all know how Plastic Poles are completely out of touch with Poland.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Oct 2010 /  #148
'Plastic Poles' (as you call them), who closely follow Polish affairs, are proud of their heritage, and hope Poland will avoid the pitfalls (drugs, crime, guns, broken families, PC terroism, indebtedness, mortgage traps, etc.) into which America has fallen often know more and analyse things more deeply than your average Józio Sześciopak (Joe Sixpack), Maciek Mądrala or Wojtek Półinteligent at Plac Grunwaldzki, Marszałkowska or Franciszkańska 3.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Oct 2010 /  #149
often know more and analyse things more deeply

But you just thought that young people were mounting huge protests and smartshops.. We look out of our windows to wave to the crowds...and no one is there. Second hand information is still exactly that... I could watch Fox news all day long, or CNBC and have two completely different ideas of what's going on in the US, neither of which would be accurate. Poland is doing alright.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Oct 2010 /  #150
'Plastic Poles' (as you call them), who closely follow Polish affairs, are proud of their heritage

They don't closely follow Polish affairs. The fact that most of them believe that Jaroslaw Kaczynski is "conservative" and Komorowski "liberal" tells you that they know nothing. In fact, many Plastic Poles criticise Obama's 'socialism' as being something that will destroy America - yet they support the socialist Kaczynski!

It would be more accurate to say that they think they follow Polish affairs, but they tend to be badly informed at best.

Anyway, as convex says - where are these protests? You've claimed that there were protests all over Poland, but people in three of the four most affluent cities in Poland haven't heard or seen any protests. Where are they?

Seems to me that this is just another example of Plastic Polishness.

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