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Poland's Truth Commission "IPN" to be de facto closed

Varsovian  91 | 634  
23 Aug 2012 /  #1
The whiter than white govt with nothing to hide has manufactured a situation where the owner of the building housing IPN is going to kick them out.

Great idea to save embarrassing the guilty.

Anyway, it all happened a very long time ago and the people the poor ageing criminals killed aren't going to jump out of the grave.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Aug 2012 /  #2
Poland's Truth Commission "IPN" to be de facto closed

Rather sensationalist, I'd say.
OP Varsovian  91 | 634  
23 Aug 2012 /  #3
No - just part of a wider strategy.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Aug 2012 /  #4
The Michnities with all their red skeletons in their cupboards are rubbing their mits with glee. They have long demandd that the IPN shoiuld be disbanded and its no wonder. They and their SLD fellow travellers do not want to be reminded of their totalitarian roots and the crimes committed against the Polish nation in the name of the 'progressive' PZPR heritage.
23 Aug 2012 /  #5
I'd be willing to bet that Adam Michnik has done just a little bit more for Poland than you have. But do feel free to carry on telling us what Americans think.

If anybody wants to see how the type of loony Polonius would hang out with if he ever came to Poland abuse the IPN, just look at these two news articles: is then followed by

General Zbigniew Scibor-Rylski, the 95-year-old chairman of the Association of Warsaw Insurgents (ZPW), has admitted to having had dealings with Poland's post-war secret police.
However, the general told Polish daily Rzeczpospolita that he was primarily concerned with extracting information from the other side.
His secret police files are currently being analysed by the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), the state body charged with investigating crimes against Polish citizens.


Sadly the IPN is not going to be closed.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
23 Aug 2012 /  #6
Yes, this is very curious...that the IPN suddenly "discovers" these files after the general heckled the PIS-ONR pond life.
By the way, the building was sold to a real estate company, Skanska Property. There is nothing sinister in that.
23 Aug 2012 /  #7
Interesting that the IPN has a budget of 223 million zloty and that figure has gone up by 170% over the last ten years.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
23 Aug 2012 /  #8
I know it's a bit off topic but would someone please explain what is the IPN (Instytut Pamieci Narodowej) and what is it responsible for?

Thanks in advance
jon357  72 | 22980  
23 Aug 2012 /  #9
Basically muck-raking by supporters of the Kaczynski twins - effectively digging up dirt on people who do not share a particular point of view.
23 Aug 2012 /  #10
I know it's a bit off topic but would someone please explain what is the IPN (Instytut Pamieci Narodowej) and what is it responsible for?

In theory:

The Institute of National Remembrance was created to address issues which are considered essential to the legislative power in Poland, primarily to preserve the memory of:
the losses which were suffered by the Polish Nation as a result of the World War II and the post-war period;
patriotic traditions of fighting against occupants, Nazism and Communism;
citizens' efforts to fight for an independent Polish State, in defense of freedom and human dignity;
and to fulfill:
the duty to prosecute crimes against peace, humanity and war crimes;
the need to compensate for damages which were suffered by the repressed and harmed people in the times when human rights were violated by the state. This is the expression of belief that no unlawful deeds of the state against its citizens can be protected by secrecy or forgotten.
The Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation (IPN) has been established to fulfill the abovementioned mission.

Another major responsibility of the Institute is to investigate Communist and Nazi crimes as well as war crimes and crimes against humanity and peace. The IPN investigates crimes against people of Polish origin, as well as Polish citizens of other origin and other citizens who were harmed in the Polish territories.

ipn.gov.pl/portal/en/1/2/Institute_of_National_Remembrance_ _Commission_for_the_Prosecution_of_Crimes_agai.html

In practice it is 95% exactly as Jon said.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
23 Aug 2012 /  #11
IPN is a PIS vehicle. It was set up by the ducks that way.
They specialize in "exposing" everybody who goes against the PIS-ONR club. Curiously they are not very good in digging up the past from the smolenkists.
23 Aug 2012 /  #12
Curiously they are not very good in digging up the past from the smolenkists.

I personally am amazed that the Communist-era secret police in Poland didn't produce even a single document which refers to a certain politician's sexuality. And that they don't have even a single document which explains how that politician's father went from AK soldier to favoured citizen in the early years of the communist state.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Aug 2012 /  #13
Is it good that Poland was probably the only Soviet bloc country that didn't carry out decommunisation? Lustracja was full of w'oles and a laugh. Secret police bigwigs made it through the winnowing process and went on to fat-cat careers in government, law-enforcement and buisness. IPN attempts to clear things up were repeatedly sabotaged by the brother of a Stalinist murderer and assorted ex-commie types.

Although nothing can bring back the victims of Berman, Fejgin, Romkowski, Różański, Brystygierowa and comrade Szechter (Michnik's brother), shouldn't the victims' families be at least entitled to know what fate befell their loved ones, where they were executed and buried.
23 Aug 2012 /  #14
Is it good that Poland was probably the only Soviet bloc country that didn't carry out decommunisation?

You seem to have forgotten what the current president of Russia's job used to be.

IPN attempts to clear things up were repeatedly sabotaged by the brother of a Stalinist murderer and assorted ex-commie types.

Those of us in Poland know all about what the IPN actually attempts to do, just ask General Zbigniew Scibor-Rylski. Like Michnik, he's done more for Poland than the entire staff of the IPN combined.

shouldn't the victims' families be at least entitled to know what fate befell their loved ones, where they were executed and buried.

A point which leads one to ask why the IPN has until very recently made only laughable attempts to find out things like that.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
23 Aug 2012 /  #15
A point which leads one to ask why the IPN has until very recently made only laughable attempts to find out things like that.

And why is that?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
23 Aug 2012 /  #16
IPN was created by PIS in order to destroy its "enemies". That is why in all these years you will not find any duckist on its files.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
23 Aug 2012 /  #17
so it's an official government agency? If so, how can it still do PiS's bidding? Can't PO steer it for a while?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Aug 2012 /  #18
Putin was a Soviet spy, but what tdoes that have to do with the iPN? Rather than being constantly reviled and slandered the way IPN and the Kaczyńskis have been by post-commie/post-KOR alliance, Germany's most effectvie de-communiser Joachim Gauck is now that country's head of state.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
23 Aug 2012 /  #19
As I know IPN is in arrears for years with its fixed costs. Interesting is that the previous owner of the building where they have their offices is Ruch, until recently state-owned.

Skanska bought it and is kicking them out because presumably they have better tenants. What is the big deal?
By the way, KOR was behaving courageously, its members all imprisoned. The duckists had a balmy time in PRL. Father a genuine commie collaborator, living in a spacious Żoliborz flat, being able to study...One not really interested in the opposite sex...(not that this bothers me, but in PRL times this was fatal as I know).

No wonder they founded the IPN.
OP Varsovian  91 | 634  
24 Aug 2012 /  #20
KOR were fighting to get back into power after their clique had been ousted. Later on came the collaborator Lech Wałęsa and the stage was set for the likes of self-proclaimed Poland-hating Adam Michnik (who'd had a remarkably cushy time of it as a dissident - studying and having private seminars 'in secret' in prison!) et al. to manage the transformation from state capitalism to crony capitalism led by tycoons with a secret police past. They feature among the richest men in Poland. You see Warsaw University lecturers of the 1980s, who were faithful Commies spouting forth commie economics in the lecture halls, portraying themselves on national TV as economic pundits. Brussels gets infected by people who got there on the back of fathers who were torturers and murderers.

The Czech Republic handed back private property. In Poland there was no property restitution except by the back door. Why? Because the elite stole on a grand scale during the transformation and their fellow-travellers - as exemplified by the 'leading lights' of this forum - have covered for them.

In Poland the truth seldom gets a fair hearing. Ever wondered why so many AK ended up being important people in PRL? Because they were placed there by the Commies. Ever wondered why history has repeated itself so perfectly over the last 20 years? Because it worked so well the first time.

As for the privatisation of the IPN building - sobieski is being economical with the truth.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Aug 2012 /  #21
self-proclaimed Poland-hating Adam Michnik

Michnik has done far more for Poland than you, or many others (and certainly 99.99% of the Michnik-haters) will ever do. Don't forget, most of the current opposition claim to hate Poland too.

Brussels gets infected by people who got there on the back of fathers who were torturers and murderers.

Don't forget, the Kaczynski twins have had a hell of a political career on the back of their proven-traitorous swine of a father. How many of his former brothers did he betray to get where he got? I wonder.

Incidentaly, with your Walesa smears - where is your proof? The IPN even concluded that these smears were made up by the SB in order to discredit him - so either you accept the IPN or you don't.
24 Aug 2012 /  #22
the collaborator Lech Wałęsa

Keep repeating that lie, you only show your stupidity and make it simple for everybody to know you'll say never nothing at all worth listening to.

self-proclaimed Poland-hating Adam Michnik

Can you quote him saying that he hates Poland? Or is this just another of your lies?

who'd had a remarkably cushy time of it as a dissident - studying and having private seminars 'in secret' in prison

Unlike a certain darling of the right who never did anything worth being locked up for under communism.

as exemplified by the 'leading lights' of this forum

Care to name a name or two?
sofijufka  2 | 187  
24 Aug 2012 /  #23
of their proven-traitorous swine of a father. How many of his former brothers did he betray to get where he got? I wonder.

Proven? How and by whom? It's interesting - you demand proof w case of Wałesa, and in case of Rajmund Kaczyński - not.

As to the proofs and irchives - my late aunt was working in Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych [ca.1989] and she told me then, how michnikites at consortes were taking out a lot of case files...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Aug 2012 /  #24
Proven? How and by whom? It's interesting - you demand proof w case of Wałesa, and in case of Rajmund Kaczyński - not.

Proof? AK members didn't enjoy stellar career rises like Mr Kaczynski did without stabbing a few in the back, especially in Stalinist Poland. How strange that the IPN haven't discovered anything about his history, isn't it?

As to the proofs and irchives - my late aunt was working in Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych [ca.1989] and she told me then, how michnikites at consortes were taking out a lot of case files...

And you think that the current Opposition didn't do exactly the same thing?

It is rather curious that Jaroslaw Kaczynski was never blackmailed with his homosexuality, especially as it was a common tactic in the PRL. His brother was briefly imprisoned - why didn't they use Jarek's orientation against him?

Unless of course, daddy Kaczynski made sure that they were untouchable.
sofijufka  2 | 187  
24 Aug 2012 /  #25
no, it's not true... Commies needed educated people as teachers, engineers etc. - A lot of average members of AK and insurgents wasn't prosecuted. I don't remember stalinism, but my parents, members of my family and my brother remember it quite well. And in cause of Warsowians - they wanted to rebuild their city "in spite" of Germans and Russians, so they have to work for commies. Not all of them believed in outbreak of 3. war, you know...
OP Varsovian  91 | 634  
24 Aug 2012 /  #26
As I said, the transformation is just a repeat of the AK turned Commie routine. This time round they simply had to improve the style and presentation a bit. See how the regular posters all suddenly gang up and start wailing when a thread poses a danger to the regime they are loyally serving?
24 Aug 2012 /  #27
A lot of average members of AK and insurgents wasn't prosecuted.

There is a rather large difference between 'not prosecuted' and 'highly favoured individual'.

See how the regular posters all suddenly gang up and start wailing when a thread poses a danger to the regime they are loyally serving?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Aug 2012 /  #28
A lot of average members of AK and insurgents wasn't prosecuted.

And yet he managed to give lecturers to Party members despite being a member of the AK who was in a POW camp? In Stalinist Poland? Hmm.

See how the regular posters all suddenly gang up and start wailing when a thread poses a danger to the regime they are loyally serving?

I think it's more interesting that despite the massive evidence suggesting that the Dear Leader's father was in fact a traitorous swine, you completely ignore the issue and keep talking about "regimes" and so on.

There is a rather large difference between 'not prosecuted' and 'highly favoured individual'.

So favoured that he was trusted to give lectures to the Party cadre - a party that was terribly Stalinist.

How absolutely queer, not to mention the film career of his children and other suspicious things.

Then again, as we all know - Jaroslaw Kaczynski, for all his talk, wasn't there.
OP Varsovian  91 | 634  
24 Aug 2012 /  #29
"Generał Kiszczak jest człowiekiem honoru" - A. Michnik
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Aug 2012 /  #30
Indeed. Anyone who took part in the Round Table discussions and oversaw the peaceful transition to democracy without panicking or resorting to the violence seen elsewhere has honour. Kiszczak still could have overthrown Jaruzelski and started a civil war in Poland - 1981 proved that the Army were loyal to their commanding officers, not the people.

Then again, it's usually the ones that weren't there and were nobodies that fail to understand such a basic concept.

Honour is making an agreement and sticking to it. Kiszczak did just that.

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