nobody needs to rob somebody to survive.
I agree with that sentiment, and I have every right to say this, because I've been through a lot, and I've been poorer than most of the spoiled brats who keep speak about poverty and minimum wage meatheads in a single breath..
It would definitely help everyone if people didn't humiliate others for not being successful or earning a minimum wage. It's honest work, and without them doing that work, all you mofo's who love degrading the less fortunate ones, wouldn't be living your little lives of luxury..
I like to think that everybody who works contributes something to our society, and they should recieve a normal treatment just like anyone else. Believe it or not, a lot of young guys and girls who are on minimum wage recieve a lousy treatment these days, and not too much recoqnition for all the useful things they do, and in a lot of cases they are humiliated.
Now imagine yourself working your ass off from early to late for less than the minimum sometimes, barely able to pay your rent, having no money for luxury articles, not even enough money to go out and socialize every Friday night, and being treated like you're the laughing stock of nowadays society by a lot of people. Imagine feeling used, and imagine having no chances whatsoever of recieving a permanent contract for all the hard work you do everyday. Imagine getting fired after 10 months, because someone else will take your place for the next 10 months. (Everybody knows you can't really build a future for yourself without a decent contract, or a long-term, stable income.)
All these things, and a whole lot more problems I didn't even mention, are exactly what could turn a potentially good and motivated young guy or girl into a potential criminal. Why? Because they feel used, disadvantaged, and treated unfairly. So if you're going to be completely honest about this, then yes, they are being used, and yes, they are being treated as worthless individuals by a lot of people.
If you'd ask me, then nothing justifies a life of crime, but what would you do if nobody cared, if almost everyone treated you like ****, and if you had no future perspective whatsoever? I'll tell you.. You'd be frustrated beyond and then some. You'd be angry as hell at society for not allowing you some sense of happiness. You'd feel hopeless aswell. You'd be desperate.
I've been there for ten long years, working from dusk 'till dawn, standing at the sideline, basically wasting away in loneliness, enduring the many insults from all these ''happy'' people who seem to have it all.
far more often yes, finally someone who doesn't run away for the truth! :)
I'm not going anywhere, but the question is, are you? Because I do have a problem with your simplistic black and white statements. In my opinion, everyone should be treated with respect, stand a fair chance, have atleast a few opportunities, recieve some help every now and then when things really go wrong, and last but not least, get a fair wage for the work they do on a daily basis.
Because? Well, people who aren't completely blind, should be able to figure out that minimum wages have been decreased gradually for over the last few decades, while middle class salaries have increased by 60%.
And now, the minimum wage meatheads, as some of you would call them, can pay the bankers who ruined their retirement funds. So basically, they steal from you twice, and these are the people who should tell you that you're a criminal if you steal from other people? I'm not going to justify crime, and I'm not going to justify their behaviour either, so get used to my outbursts if they trouble you.. Because I'm only talking about what I've been through myself, what I can see around me daily with my own two eyes, while they're making up false numbers, and present a twisted version of the truth. My verdict? You can't complain about criminals - regardless of which nationality they have! - if you're a criminal yourself.
See, just because all the rules they've made to help themselves, and just because a few politicians allow them to get away with everything, doesn't mean that it's right or even legal..
Social circumstances play a major part in robbing and other crimes in GB. Nobody needs to rob to survive? Is your name Giertych or Thatcher? Want to be rich quick??? Many just want to make ends meet.
Damn right. I really don't know what I would've resorted to if I had a baby girl or boy, so in sense I'm lucky I didn't!
Anyway, I'm happy to tell you that things are going much better for me now, and I think I need to chill out for a while? (This whole subject is my Achilles heel really!) I will never forget all of that though, and I guess I'll always rub these things in your face if you think you can just place the blame on people when you have virtually no idea about their situation.. It's just too easy! (It's just one of those typical excuses that some spoiled brat would make if you'd ask me!)
No offense to anyone who simply doesn't know, nevermind.