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Will Poland tighten border control with Germany?

1 Dec 2019 /  #1
Now after the attacks in Hague and at the London Bridge (Hooray for Lukasz!) I dare ask would Poland build a wall or at least tighten border control with Germany? You never know, one day Polish economy might become attractive to you-know-who that now prefer countries like Germany, France, UK ect. Polish authorities got to do sth before it's too late!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Dec 2019 /  #2
Do you want racists

How was Jake being Racist, the London bridge attack was all about religion, If Jake wants to discuss a wall to keep religious extremists out then let him.

Me, I think it won't work , cos it will be hard to guess someones religion or level of extremism.

Doug there may be those in Poland who don't like people who are not Catholics who knows .

And his other comments could relate to white economic migrants like Brit , french, German expat's living here etc. you don't have to be an ethnic minority to become a leech on Poland's economy.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Dec 2019 /  #3
Every country, like every person, has the absolute and non-negotiable right to discriminate against the visitors on any basis, including religion.
It's unfortunate that Poland waived that right by joining. Poland is now a potential victim of the fraud by the other members who allow the non-EU garbage to freely flow in.
Ironside  51 | 13124  
1 Dec 2019 /  #4
Polish authorities

Polish authorities are a joke.

What a racist attitude? Coming from our anti-racist PF social justice fighter. Wow! complicity, crimes of some Jews during the war and after in Poland was never persecuted either. The same goes for any other ethnicity. Your focus on the Polish ethnicity makes you a racist no doubt about it.

ut the Polish government "banned" such discussion, right?

wrong. You dummie you should learn the language. After 30 years in the county you cannot even read a newspaper or listen to the news. You must be really dense.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2019 /  #5
Discuss it.


So they didn't try to prosecute that Polish-American historian then for printing the truth about individual capability? Whose wrong here?
Luckily there are muslim Syrians here already - I'm pretty sure they're not here just to annoy the likes of you, but I'm glad they do! I often buy trinkets off them in the market. But the Polish governments' spiel about "We don't want those people here" are for clowns like you who are so susceptible to brain washing.

Enjoy the cultural diversity with your muslim neighbours. I'm jealous - it's bloody boring today in grey catholic Tri City (the ONLY place I would now consider living in Poland because it is one of the few metropolitan districts that is "normal" as regards immigants)

After 30 years in the county you cannot even read a newspaper or listen to the news. You must be really dense.

Do you know me personally? You are making yourself look stupid. First you sneered at me for reading some "Jewish" or was it "German controlled" Polish media, and then you say I can't read Polish.

Make your mind up, son.
Ironside  51 | 13124  
1 Dec 2019 /  #6
So they didn't try to prosecute that Polish-American historian then for printing the truth? W

No! They wanted to prosecute that immigrant from Poland with a degree from sociology for printing lies and for making stuff up.

But the Polish governments' spiel about "We don't want those people here

Sure as they import Pakis and Indians as there is no tomorrow. Ukrainians are here already in their millions which is a bummer as any mass immigration but still no xenophobic Brits like you to make a fuss about it.

Jon where are thy? Come out from your closet and admit I was right and you were wrong as to which nation is more tolerant towards foreigners.

Do you know me personally?

No I don't. You admitted as much in one of your night posts.
By the way I ain't your son. Is that a manner of speech in the North of England? If not don't do it.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2019 /  #7
for printing lies and for making stuff up.

You silly commie. Clueless :):) The evidence was incontrevertible.
Ask any historian who PIS cannot get their bigoted legal fingers on.
Brainwashed old Ironside, who loves his mother country so much that he doesn't know truth from brainwashed fiction of denial. Tut tut.
Ironside  51 | 13124  
1 Dec 2019 /  #8
The evidence was incontrevertible.

What evidence? the Old wives' tale? I'm not talking about it but about Gross which is very much on point as the names go.

That is a stuff of fiction. Only fools and old fools like you buy it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Dec 2019 /  #9
Tri City the ONLY place that is "normal" as regards immigrants)

Because, as with rats and spiders, there are few of them. What you, the immigrants-are-wonderful apologists, can't handle is any debate that includes numbers. Then, when the numerical limits are the subject, you turn stupid and use evasive substitutes like "any". Or disappear from radar.
1 Dec 2019 /  #10
Luckily there are muslim Syrians here already.

Showing your true colors?! Seems like you don't like Polish Catholic culture. Or European culture in general.

off-topic (deleted)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
1 Dec 2019 /  #11
I dare ask would Poland build a wall

What would that remind you of? Hint: its demolition started in 1989.
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
1 Dec 2019 /  #12
The question is, should Germany introduce border controls to Poland, considering the recent case in which a Polish man killed at least 6 Germans??

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2019 /  #13
The question is

We are supposed to think that some new poster "Jake" really thinks (or cares) that Poland would be a better place if it somehow restricted free movement - which it can't.

Obviously one of our Pol-Am posters was blown out and thought it was time for another wave of Islamaphobia, but for some strange reason wouldn't post under their registered name.

That is a stuff of fiction

So why didn't the courts prosecute then? The commies in Kielce would have,if they could.
Instead they threatened, like the people's republic before them.
And you support them? A frankly amazing admission, and shows a certain lack of education
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Dec 2019 /  #14
should Germany introduce border controls

I am beginning to agree why not, it could stop free movement of nutters migrants and criminals and keep us all safe , I would go further and say that no one who has served more than a year in prison should be able to enter Poland , I probably would say that it's time to implement a visa system , Germany and other bordering nations should do the same , this would be a big step to keep us safe.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Dec 2019 /  #15
We are supposed to think that some new poster "Jake" really thinks (or cares) that Poland

Who said that? That strawman line is old.

Poland would be a better place if it somehow restricted free movement

Nobody in Poland wants to restrict the movement of the EU legal residents. What Poland does not like is the garbage that is brought in from the outside by Germany, France and the UK. That was not in the original agreement, so it's fraud.

for some strange reason wouldn't post under their registered name.

...and that matters how?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Dec 2019 /  #16
Nobody in Poland wants to restrict the movement of the EU legal residents.

Absolutely All LEGAL EU citizens along with legal US citizens, are welcome and made to feel at home here.

But as threats to EU integrity grow the laws and rules regarding borders may change, to keep us safe from scum as Douglas put it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Dec 2019 /  #17
should Germany introduce border controls to Poland, considering the recent case in which a Polish man killed at least 6 Germans??

Tip of the iceberg, too.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Dec 2019 /  #18
You are probably right , It may soon be time to bring in border controls to stop the scum leaching out either way , be they Polish German or whatever.

Criminals and chancers should be kept at their origin point , no need to allow then to dump their crap on the neighbours as to put it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Dec 2019 /  #19
Criminals and chancers should be kept at their origin point

No thank you. We exported a vast amount of criminal scum in 2004 from Poland, and we don't want them back.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2019 /  #20
But equally, I want Poles to be respected throughout Europe, so my missus isn't treated like scum by UK customs, as was the case in communist times.
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
1 Dec 2019 /  #21
Tip of the iceberg, too.

True, I found a lot of cases where Polish migrants were guilty off murdering Germans in recent years (not surprising, considering the large number of Polish migrants).

Just highlighting how absurd the premise of this thread is.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Dec 2019 /  #22
I want Poles to be respected throughout Europe

We are, nothing has changed.

treated like scum by UK customs, as was the case in communist times.

Damn right the majority that had travel documents at that time were party members, many on missions to undermine or spy on the Polish diaspora in exile or collude to steal British industrial secrets , many travellers were traitor scum, and between us loyal Poles and the British secret services we dealt with the commie dogs.

funny many Polish commie spies would come to Britain to find left leaning reds to partner up with to give them a cover story.

Yes border controls are very important. especially true during the cold war . And it was a real war with casualties.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2019 /  #23
how absurd the premise of this thread is.

Thank you Tacticus for putting in an intelligent way, that, which I, and the baying mob, could not, in your above succint post.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Dec 2019 /  #24
how absurd the premise of this thread is.

It's not absurd , border controls would help to protect both German and Polish citizens who are not criminals.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2019 /  #25
border controls

We (those of us who have lived here for 30 years) spent all that time praying for the relaxation of border controls. It's called freedom.

What does polling on such a question say? Anyway, it's mute. EU law is absolutely 100 percent clear on this, and has my 100 percent support, and that of the majority, who have faith in open borders.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Dec 2019 /  #26
EU law is absolutely 100 percent clear on this

Which may change as terrorism and criminality grows in Europe, and yes the dangers are growing, there is only so much that us EU citizens will stand before we vote to have controls to stop free movement of terrorists criminals and illegal migrants.
mafketis  38 | 11284  
1 Dec 2019 /  #27
that of the majority, who have faith in open borders.

Internal borders in the EU can only remain open if the external borders are tightened up more than a little. Given the western European tendency to let in tens or hundreds of thousands of unvetted young men from some the most chaotic and dysfunctional parts of the world is a poison pill for freedom of movement.

Open internal borders or open external borders.... you can only get one.
Ironside  51 | 13124  
1 Dec 2019 /  #28
So why

Read about it in random.

What would that remind you of?

You are bad at it. Berlin wall was build to keep people in, he is talking about a wall to keep people out.

should Germany introduce border controls to Poland

Obviously it is the direction the EU is going.
However I don't get what it has to do with anything? Criminals are everywhere and obviously they move around. We talking about people from outside EU or Europe and/or Muslims. Poland obviously doesn't need to enlarge its Muslim community for obvious reasons. Nothing wrong with it unless you are brainwashed by certain ideology. They even erected a moment in Brussels to a guy called Marx. Yes, the same one. The EU doesn't hide its face anymore and it is not a beauty.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Dec 2019 /  #29
praying for the relaxation of border controls. It's called freedom.

Please relax your border controls and remove the lock. What you are promoting is anarchy - aided and abetted by the Western ruling scum.
Pretending that the DDR borders to keep Germans in is morally equivalent to a border to keep foreign garbage is out is just plain moronic, but you and other leftists still play that game. It's tiring, though.

Anyway, it's mute.

It's moot.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2019 /  #30
given the western European tendency to let in tens or hundreds of thousands of unvetted young men

Nobody is "letting anybody in". When boats of refugees make territory in a different continent they have to be admitted. It's called the 1951 convention on Human Rights..... You would have to rescind that first to deny them that human right.

But of course, you knew that..that is what is so tedious about debating the facts with you sometimes. Rightly or wrongly, refugees have to be processed before they can be sent back to the continent of origin.

Many have the right to temporary stay - quite obviously. I never said it was the right policy. But it is international law. Do you want to be selective with which laws you apply?

Obviously it is the direction the EU is going.

(Border controls.....)
Evidence? Interesting, if it were true. Which it isn't.

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