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The only three normal cities with any respect for humanity in Poland

G (undercover)  
22 Apr 2016 /  #31
It's called "Always complaining, never admit wrong, and never show any gratitude to those from foreign soil who declared war on Germany and who laid down their lives for a free Poland".

Or more like "Despite our obligation, we did friggin nothing till Gerries attacked us but of course we will never admit it". Dude, far far more Poles laid down their lives for a free England than the other way around. You are a joke.

Have you ever heard anyone apologise for anything here? Ever?

Home to the rescue ! Dude, English here even think we should be grateful when they come here to teach English. What a joke your bunch is.
jon357  72 | 22980  
22 Apr 2016 /  #32
And what, Grzegorz, does your jaundiced view of the war have to do with Poland's shabby behaviour during the current crisis?

Precisely nothing, that's what.
Marsupial  - | 871  
22 Apr 2016 /  #33
The refugees come from a failed primitive system which keeps failing again and again yet a lot of them self enforce it within their communities overseas. The other leople who surround the crisis won't take people of the same religion and help them? We should send them to poland? Is this a trick?
Gibonka  - | 18  
22 Apr 2016 /  #34
Its just an accident of birth marsupial and could be you climbing over that wall from Mexico
G (undercover)  
22 Apr 2016 /  #35
And what, Grzegorz, does your jaundiced view of the war

Are you slow ? Can't you see how brought it up ?

Poland's shabby behaviour during the current crisis?

It's far more humanitarian than that of Germany and EUnuchs.
Gibonka  - | 18  
22 Apr 2016 /  #36
Those migrants from Mexico or Arabia gotta go somewhere and if their here already we have to ask what Jesus would do
G (undercover)  
22 Apr 2016 /  #37
Those migrants from Mexico or Arabia

Those from Mexico don't have to go anywhere, Mexico is a mid-income country, in many areas on pair with Poland. Those from Syria should stay where they have been living since a couple of years in most cases, in camps in Turkey, Lebanon etc. and UN, oil Arabs, EU, US, China, Japan, the World Bank and what's not, should help financially countries that host them. It's that simple.
Gibonka  - | 18  
22 Apr 2016 /  #38
Would Jesus say that?

Everyone, please stick to the topic
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
22 Apr 2016 /  #39

Yep. And Poland was part of the EU last time I checked. Vis a vie, Poland is obliged to do something to help (eg. donate).

Of course scummy governments who exist on nationalism alone pretend that they actually care (solely) about their own population, as an excuse for neglecting their humanitarian responsibilities as a sovereign nation. The nations' status requires upholding through mutual respect with its counterparts, and not ridiculing refugees "from a failed primitive system."

We know from 20th century history where that obsessive "care" for self can lead.
Marsupial  - | 871  
22 Apr 2016 /  #40
I think they should help too but not at the expense of logic which firstly says that refugees in poland will leave for western parts of the eu shortly after settlenent. It's just a stupid false argument eating forum space when we know they would leave...for christs sake. This would send people to our western neighbours above the quota those nations set. Now those same people will apply and many will be accepted to those same countries and some may not but it will be up to those countries. Obviously leaders know that and one way to sneak in more to fuel your agenda without your public knowing is by the back door, like sending them to poland. So they can live in social security system only just starting to work for poles ....slowly, in weather they don't know, with a religion they don't like, wearing clothes which may be socially unacceptable and surrounded by one if the hardest foreign languages on the planet which they need to master to live.

Left wing delusions, they are colourful.
jon357  72 | 22980  
22 Apr 2016 /  #41
Of course scummy governments who exist on nationalism alone pretend that they actually care (solely) about their own population, as an excuse for neglecting their humanitarian responsibilities as a sovereign nation

Usually due to incompetence, self-interest and lack of a coherent vision about the future.
G (undercover)  
22 Apr 2016 /  #42
Yep. And Poland was part of the EU last time I checked.

Yep and EU has been paying billions for the whole mess last time I checked. How much oil Arabs have paid ?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
22 Apr 2016 /  #43
Would Jesus say that?

Everyone, please stick to the topic

Mod, would Jesus stick to the topic?
jon357  72 | 22980  
22 Apr 2016 /  #44
How much oil Arabs have paid ?

What part of the Arab world is in the European Union?

Mod, would Jesus stick to the topic?

A question that in a supposedly Christian country should be the first to be asked...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Apr 2016 /  #45
And what has Poland done to help?
As John says - zilch.

Perhaps if the EU made some decisions of money that countries have to pay to help solving the problem instead of trying to force them to accept thousands of people in that wouldn't be the case?
jon357  72 | 22980  
22 Apr 2016 /  #46
money that countries have to pay

From next year Poland will have to start paying in to the EU rather than just receiving money so the country will be contributing to the refugee resettlement anyway.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Apr 2016 /  #47
Did you have any more interesting dreams lately or just that one?
jon357  72 | 22980  
22 Apr 2016 /  #48
Check out the EU deal - the payments are scheduled...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Apr 2016 /  #49
Check out the schedule of payments - they start soon...

They might come to me when I sleep tonight but I highly doubt it, I don't take your drugs.
jon357  72 | 22980  
22 Apr 2016 /  #50
Doubtless something will 'come' to you, however since it isn't your tax money and neither you nor anyone else on here agreed the payment schedule. It is however part of the EU accession treaty and the next payments are drawing ever nearer...

So you see, Poland will contribute to the Union's refugee programme in the end.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Apr 2016 /  #51
So you see, Poland will contribute to the Union's refugee programme in the end.

That's what the vast majority of Poles want anyway.
jon357  72 | 22980  
22 Apr 2016 /  #52
Good. With luck there will be a surcharge on Poland, Hungary etc who decided not to take the refugees.
nothanks  - | 626  
22 Apr 2016 /  #53
We will offer to help build cathedrals in your neighbourhoods. Because that's what you moral & purpose less Westerners need in your lives
jon357  72 | 22980  
22 Apr 2016 /  #54
offer to help build cathedrals

Do you think that a. cathedrals are lacking, and b. that the person who the cathedrals honour, meaning


would share your view on the humanitarian crisis?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
23 Apr 2016 /  #55
With luck there will be a surcharge on Poland, Hungary etc who decided not to take the refugees.

Nor Poland nor Hungary are Nazi Germany to lock refugees in the concentration camps.
jon357  72 | 22980  
23 Apr 2016 /  #56
Wulkan  - | 3136  
23 Apr 2016 /  #57
Yet... (Nazi) Germany wants as to do so
jon357  72 | 22980  
23 Apr 2016 /  #58
Don't be silly, Wulky, Germany has so far been the most hospitable country and one that Poland and Hungary could and should emulate.

And it looks like three cities have so far declared their intention to.

So Wulky, tell us this, what do you think JPII would have said about this?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
23 Apr 2016 /  #59
He would be very much against locking poor refugees in the concentration camps in Poland. That would be quite unhuman don't you think?
jon357  72 | 22980  
23 Apr 2016 /  #60
the concentration camps in Poland

What 'concentration camps in Poland'?

People will settle in the community eventually, just as they have in the part of the UK where you live...

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