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Poland - Third World Country??

InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Jan 2016 /  #271
@Wrobelek: don't forget to mention that the money Polish government use to build roads, bridges... comes from western European taxpayers. Poland cannot make it without foreign companies and foreign money. Poland is a developING country.
31 Jan 2016 /  #272
@InPolska Polish people are giving back the money from EU fund constantly with greedy % probably I haven't check that case yet and EU gives small % comparing to our GDP making us in debt much more.There are many FAIL investments too.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Jan 2016 /  #273
@Wrob: check what Poland pays and what Poland receives (= no. 1 recipient of EU's funds) ;)
31 Jan 2016 /  #274
First and foremost Poland is developing....in some kind of process....loading....
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Jan 2016 /  #275
Yes developping but thanks to westerners....
31 Jan 2016 /  #276

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
31 Jan 2016 /  #277
Poland cannot make it without foreign companies and foreign money.

Usual nonsense from a foreign parasite. Yet the same parasite dares to squat here and pollute our air.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
31 Jan 2016 /  #278
don't forget to mention that the money Polish government use to build roads, bridges...

When have you seen money to build something? People and builders are building those reads and bridges.

comes from western European taxpayers

Really? Is there any special tax or levied on taxpayers for specific for Poland? If not, you are talking rubbish. Even if we agree for the sake of this convo that you are right there is sill a catch - only 50% of those allegedly founded by the EU money on each and every investment allegedly sponsored by the EU the other half comes from the Polish sources. Either way you lie.

Poland cannot make it without foreign companies and foreign money.

See dear that countries like Germany, France and others which after the war couldn't make would the Marsha Plan and American help. Poland suffering immensely bigger desolation by the war and political oppression still managed to rebuild itself from the scratch without that help.

So no you are wrong and you couldn't be more wrong! Spot pushing on people here your silly and untrue tumble weeds of your biased BS.

Poland would be able to manage without those money rumps like you are so jealous about!
Think about that Germany and France own Poland much more they than that pittance handed over by the EU.

Hope your attitude to Poland will change too.

If you don't care abut their opinions you shouldn't hope for their attitude to change. Idiots will always write rubbish and that is that.
31 Jan 2016 /  #279
haha look at our GDP and EU funds floating to Poland.Small % of it.Eu peanuts
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Jan 2016 /  #280
Do check figures from European Union ec.europa.eu/budget/mycountry/PL/index_en.cfm#cinfo and it is a fact that Poland receives more aid than any other country.

Everything is Poland is financed by EU and nobody can deny it (metro, new buses and trams, new trains, computers in schools, new equipment in hospitals, roads, highways...).

The problem is that most Poles don't realize where the money comes from and unfortunately Poland does NOTHING in return for the EU.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
31 Jan 2016 /  #281
Do check figures from European Union

per capita Poland is in the end of the list of European help - and only this counts
31 Jan 2016 /  #282
If you don't care abut their opinions you shouldn't hope for their attitude to change.

Faith tells me that even worst creature CAN change into something good so I hope haters will find Jesus in their lives.God Bless Poland!
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Jan 2016 /  #283
The answer to question is that Poland is closer to a 3rd world country than to a "1st" world country as not financially independent (+ millions of Poles leaving home for bread).
31 Jan 2016 /  #284
Leave Poland too for bread if you're unhappy here lol (I eat bread with fried kiełbasa musztarda it taste delicous)
Bieganski  17 | 888  
31 Jan 2016 /  #285
Poland is a developING country

This is completely untrue.

Poland is smartly using its resources to MODERNIZE its infrastructure. All intelligently governed nations do this. A modernizing economy doesn't make it a developing country.

Indeed, the World Bank defines a developing country "...one in which the majority lives on far less money-with far fewer basic public services-than the population in highly industrialized countries. Five million of the world's 6 billion people live in developing countries where incomes are usually under $2 per day and a significant portion of the population lives in extreme poverty (under $1.25 per day). "

Source: web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTSITETOOLS/0,,contentMDK:20147486~menuPK:344190~pagePK:98400~piPK:98424~theSitePK:95474,00.html

It further refines this by characterizing developing countries as experiencing mass migrations from rural areas to poorly equipped cities; a largely uneducated population where hunger is common; and unsustainable government debt.

The World Bank further categorizes Poland as being in the group of "high income" countries.

Source: data.worldbank.org/country/poland

Granted many will regard "high incomes" as being those earned by workers in finance, entertainment and technology sectors but globally this isn't the case.

Regarding EU budget transfers Poland has been a net recipient of money over the years and did receive €17.44 billion in EU funding in 2014 alone.

But that's not to say Poland isn't contributing anything back.

Also according to EU figures, "In 2014 POLAND contributed €3.52 billion to the EU budget and collected €572 million in customs and farm trade duties on the EU's behalf, of which it retained 25% as an administrative fee."

Poland also contributed €294.4 million towards the UK's €6.07 billion rebate.

Source: europa.eu/about-eu/basic-information/money/expenditure/index_en.htm
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Jan 2016 /  #286
@Wrob: insults for lack of comments???? ;). Don't worry for me! I wish all Poles could have my standard ....
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
31 Jan 2016 /  #287
I wish all Poles could have my standard

Yeah, another "VIP" teacher :)))))
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Jan 2016 /  #288
@Grzegorz: I also do other things that you do NOT know of so you don't have the whole picture and yes, I wish all Poles could have same living standard as I do ;)
31 Jan 2016 /  #289
@InPolska I wasn't insulting you, just tickled you a bit :) Done. Have a nice evening! Goodbye.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Jan 2016 /  #290
@Wrob: Oh, I love you! You do sound like a really sweet guy (unfortunately so rare in here ;))! Have a nice evening too! (I have other things to do tonight so out of PF)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
31 Jan 2016 /  #291
Poland suffering immensely bigger desolation by the war and political oppression

For how much longer are you planning to pull this tired old victim card? WW2 is the excuse for everything, right?

Germany and France own Poland...

You got that one right... :)
kondzior  11 | 1026  
31 Jan 2016 /  #292
Poland is actually the most populous county and the premier economy of Eastern Europe: 8th largest economy in the EU, and 21st largest one in the world with a GDP of over a trillion dollars. And unlike most European economies it is still growing rapidly - we should surpass Sweden soon making Poland the 7h largest economy in the EU right behind the Netherlands.

That is why everyone was so resentful about the election of PiS and their stance on the refugee crisis. Merkel's "European solution" - which is also seen as "the only way" by EU elites like Junker and Schulz - largely depends on Polish support. Because of its size and economic strength Poland is supposed to take in and provide for a large number "refugees", certainly >100,000.
polishinvestor  1 | 341  
31 Jan 2016 /  #293
I dont think we have anything to worry about regarding immigrants. Views are changing but Poland on the whole doesnt tolerate other cultures esp if colour of skin isnt white. Couple that with a very lean benefits system, it means the majority of immigrants will be using Poland as a stepping stone to move onto to Germany or the UK. Those with funds will certainly not stay long and those looking for benefits will quickly move to more benefit rich countries. So with that in mind and in order to keep the EU money flowing, best to let them send a few in as they will be on their way very quickly.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
31 Jan 2016 /  #294
For now, Poland is willing to accept 100 refugees

These 100 refugees should be women and children, preferably christians.

I am all for helping christians endangered by ISIS, instead of some perfectly safe medieval muslim mob from Africa seeking for welfare ride. This way Germany can keep their medieval muslims and don't need to set stupid quotas on us, Frau Merkel would sure appreciate it!
gumishu  15 | 6227  
31 Jan 2016 /  #295
For how much longer are you planning to pull this tired old victim card? WW2 is the excuse for everything, right?

for still quite a bit of time - you forget that in the aftermath of the war Poland unwillingly became a communist country and that that only ended 27 years ago
Ironside  50 | 12916  
31 Jan 2016 /  #296
For how much longer are you planning to pull this tired old victim card?

I'm not pulling any victim card here, if we are talking about facts and consequences there are no place for games. I think it is rather you who is quite confused as to what is what.

WW2 is the excuse for everything, right?

WWII and its imminent consequences for Poland. You seem to be not grasping a very simple concept I as a majority of my compatriots lived through the consequences of the WWII. In a sense on could claim that we are the last veterans or victims of this war.

Also I never said that WWII is an excuse for everything that what you say and that sir is a logical fallacy.

You got that one right... :)

Their oligarchy and corporations. Why you laughing you big oaf? I have written on this forum I believe a quite few times that the EU(France, Germany) is bad for Poland because is treating Poland (for the most part) as its colony. That Poland is being exploited is not a secret to me!
Kennyboy  1 | 42  
31 Jan 2016 /  #297
polishinvestor, bang on, let some in so that we appear to be ''helping'' give it a couple of weeks at most and they will be on their way.

Regarding the question of the thread, a good way to measure it might be to ask or get comments from people between 45 and 50, just old enough to be adults in the pre communist era but old enough now to compare the different periods in Polish history.

There is no doubt that due to Poland's history over the last 70-80 years they are in terms of development, infrastructure, business enterprise, etc... obviously playing catch up and the EU funding is helping to do that, how quickly would these ''improvements'' take without EU funding.

I personally think That Poland is a great place to live, culture, people, history, food and my the only joke I ever say is that the roads (some) are terrible and the drivers even worse but that's just me, overall getting there.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
1 Feb 2016 /  #298
Why you laughing

Because you wrote "Germany and France own Poland..."

we are talking about facts and consequences there are no place for games

Then why do keep repeating this old myth that France (and the UK, and also Germany) owe Poland something?

You seem to be not grasping a very simple concept I as a majority of my compatriots lived through the consequences of the WWII.

Like almost all Europeans who were born during or shortly after the war. Poland wasn't the only country which ended up behind the Iron Curtain and had to suffer the consequences.

That Poland is being exploited is not a secret to me!

Each and every country on the planet is being exploited, Iron. That's capitalism for you.

In a sense on could claim that we are the last veterans or victims of this war.

Yes, I agree. Although, do you really believe that things will get better after our generation has passed away? Israel for example will probably use WW2 and the Holocaust for political gain until all eternity. The Germans will most likely blame themselves for the death camps even longer. Are you sure Poland is different?
Ironside  50 | 12916  
1 Feb 2016 /  #299
Then why do keep repeating this old myth that France (and the UK, and also Germany) owe Poland something?

That is not a myth, they owe Poland a lot but there is no way they would fess up to that nor can they be forced to do that. I'm only using that argument only to shut up some boors with their boots to big for them handle who are yapping about western taxpayers funding Poland as allegedly there were no buildings, bridges or roads before the mighty EU kindly bestowed their taxpayers money on Poland.

Each and every country on the planet is being exploited, Iron. That's capitalism for you.

Some more than others and I don't have to take kindly to it.

Poland wasn't the only country which ended up behind the Iron Curtain and had to suffer the consequences.

Those born shorty after the war on this side of the Iron curtain suffered nothing at all or very little in comparison. Quite the opposite.

Yet Poland was the only country that on the other side of the Iron Curtain that was in the Allies camp from the beginning to the bitter end. In that sense it is an unique experience. More oft than not overlooked.

The Germans will most likely blame themselves for the death camps even longer

Do they? I think they already got it over with for the most part.

Are you sure Poland is different?

For Poland WWII ended in 1989, so yes give Poles 20 or 30 years more and then we can talk about it. I'm sure it will be different for Poland, Poles have a lot of experience dealing with that all kinds of crap. :)

Because you wrote "Germany and France own Poland..."

You knew what I meant - never mind :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Feb 2016 /  #300
as allegedly there were no buildings, bridges or roads before the mighty EU kindly bestowed their taxpayers money on Poland.


2003 - 727 km

2015 - 3275 km

Quite a big difference.

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