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Should Poland's taxpayer money be used to finance illegal theatre productions?

22 Feb 2017 /  #31
Regardless of any specific laws

Do laws still exist in the PiSlamic State? Or only when the Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski wants them to? We can easily tell that no Polish laws have been broken by this play which I helped to finance and you did not.

are you trying to tell us that a fictional

Are you trying to tell us that you are unable to give any specific examples as the lady asked you to?
cms  9 | 1253  
22 Feb 2017 /  #32

No - they could use the very good rail service - one compartment for them and their security detail would probably cost about 1000 zloty. Or they could drive there. They should neither be having tax funded planes for private trips. I think MPs have an expense allowance and they should work within that.

The wider point is also that they were recently elected for the most senior jobs in Poland. Would it not be the expectation that this would mean living in Warsaw and working at the weekends - even if that would just be reviewing some policy papers or having some working lunches or patronising cultural events. I have no problem with the odd weekend off to stay fresh but they can not down tools every Friday night like a regular office worker.
Atch  21 | 4149  
22 Feb 2017 /  #33
a fictional feature showing

or a cartoon

Do you know what you should do? Take those ideas and see if you can get them staged/produced by anyone, anywhere and then you'll have your answer. If you're prosecuted you'll know that they don't come within the bounds of artistic freedom.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Feb 2017 /  #34
you'll know

You already know what the answer is. The PC hypocrites make their pet groups and taboos sacrosanct and untouchable, but feel free to ride rough-shod over the sensibilties of others.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
22 Feb 2017 /  #35
Ofc I am against that. Who the hell even watches such stuff? To me its obscenity level is on par with animal porn and filming murder. Only serious weirdos watch that.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Feb 2017 /  #36
But what's stopping them from just taking a train like a normal person would?

I'm also struggling to understand this. PKP Intercity even have special "business" coaches that are very comfortable and contain everything you need to work on the move. How difficult is it to organise the coach being attached to a normal train for the purpose of their travel?

Having said that, both Duda and Szydło have residences in Warsaw. Going home at the weekend is nonsense, their home is in Warsaw.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Feb 2017 /  #37
How difficult is it to organise

Ever wonder why Tusk didn't choose the rail route but preferreed to fly to Gdańsk to spend weekends with the family and AmberGold mates?
cms  9 | 1253  
22 Feb 2017 /  #38
Yes I did wonder that. But he is no longer in charge. Question is about Duda and Szydlo.
jon357  72 | 22981  
22 Feb 2017 /  #39
I wonder if the OP has actually seen the play or is just chuntering on about something he's read somewhere.
DominicB  - | 2706  
22 Feb 2017 /  #40

He probably read it in Nasz Nocnik.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Feb 2017 /  #41
Question is about Duda and Szydlo.

Indeed, Tusk was widely criticised for it, and those flights stopped as a result.

People are widely remarking how Tusk can often be seen flying around on Brussels Airlines flights now, while Szydło and Duda need to have their own planes to take them around. Not to mention that one of the first acts of PiS was to order three very expensive new planes to fly them around.
mafketis  38 | 10915  
22 Feb 2017 /  #42
while Szydło and Duda need to have their own planes to take them around

commercial airline flights are for little people, silly.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
22 Feb 2017 /  #43
Doubtless those same little people who pay taxes, right? Sure your name ain't Leona Helmsley?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Feb 2017 /  #44
commercial airline flights are for little people, silly.

Not for the self proclaimed 'masters', that's for sure.

Even Queen Elizabeth travels by BA, and Alitalia was good enough for JPII despite being a useless airline.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
22 Feb 2017 /  #45
Not for the self proclaimed 'masters'

I see another one that pretends that he cares what means of transport the government is using. I'm not sure that you adhere to any ideology at all. I would think that you are more of heckler and anarchist than progressive. On one issue I'm dead certain - you couldn't care less whether or not if Szydło takes a bus, taxi or is hitching.


Is that the vessel you use in your daily ablutions?
jon357  72 | 22981  
23 Feb 2017 /  #46
a cartoon showing kids gouging out a kitten's eyes and then setting it ablaze

Itchy and Scratchy has been shown on Polish TV without protest.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
23 Feb 2017 /  #47
Itchy and Scratchy is not a TV show Jon...you do know that right?

it is a show within a show (occasionally being briefly watched by Bart and Lisa)
jon357  72 | 22981  
23 Feb 2017 /  #48
Indeed it is, Roz, and very funny too. Gruesome though to the point of crossing a certain line and I've never heard any criticism of Simpsons episodes with it in. South Park is popular here too.

As for the theatre production in question, it's just a non-issue. The arts often use strong imagery to provoke, and there's a certain type of person who loves to complain about theatre productions, art exhibitions etc, usually without ever having seen the thing that they're so offended about.
cms  9 | 1253  
23 Feb 2017 /  #49

No I do not care if they get a taxi or plane or a gold plated merc so long as they pay for it themselves - these are private trips and why should my taxes fund that ? It is difficult to imagine any mature Western European democracy allowing the same things, and even in somewhere like Czech or Estonia it would be very unusual.

They see themselves as our masters (Kaczynski even admitted that yesterday) and not as our servants. Rabble rousing their geriatric voters about some ill advised avant garde play that nobody is forced to watch is just another tactic.
jon357  72 | 22981  
25 Apr 2017 /  #50

The production's actually on at the moment. The protesters have found that the more they shout, the more the thing they dislike gets publicity. Some of them did try to physically prevent theatregoers entering, however the police put a stop to that.

jon357  72 | 22981  
27 May 2017 /  #51
Today, christianist and nationalist groups attacked the theatre in question. One of them poured a corrosive liquid on a thatre employee.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
27 May 2017 /  #52
Today, christianist and nationalist groups attacked the theatre in question.

That what you commies are hoping for,
jon357  72 | 22981  
27 May 2017 /  #53
Al evidence points to the opposite of your assertion.

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