BTW, lots and lots of agnostics and atheists also attend Mass (I used to) for the sake of family members etc. So in fact you have absolutely no idea what's really going on the church-going universe ;-p
Right. My students used to routinely laugh at church. Very few of them took it seriously and I think most of the younger crowd do it just to appease their mother.
Anyway it is not difficult to convince a person to turn away from religion, after all living a morally lawless life and doing whatever feels good sounds like a fantastic life, but it does not mean it is necessarily the right way to live.
I have officially had enough of you. I also officially am going to tell you to go fukc yourself. You self righteous, holy rolling, condescending, arrogant $hit bag. Yes, enjoy that one.
I'm a damn good person without belief in any God and for all you other non-believers on this forum, don't put up with bull$hit like that even for a second.
P3 just can't accept that it's possible to accept all (or most) of the Ten Commandments, yet not be religious.
With all due respect, no it's not possible. The first 4 commandments are
entirely religion based. If you don't believe in Jesus, they simply don't apply to you:
1) Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2) Worship only God, do not have any other idols
3) Do not use the Lord's name in vain
4) Keep the Sabbath holy
That already brings your 10 down to 6 if God is not part of your life. Almost half are now useless to you. Even #7 doesn't apply to most people because just about everyone wants to have sex before marriage which as was previously mentioned, is not cool with JC. As for the rest.....not killing, lying, stealing? Geeeeeeenius.......