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Poland: A Successful case of low criminality in Europe?

Wulkan  - | 3136  
5 Apr 2015 /  #61
Somebody would conclude that Poland have wast land with small population.

...and not enough diversity of course
Bieganski  17 | 888  
6 Apr 2015 /  #62
People from exotic places don`t see Poland as their most desirable destination. For now.

Most new immigrants tend to go to major cities first where they already have their own established minority communities to network with and find better chances for work. It also usually takes several generations for such groups to move into the surrounding countryside if they don't end up migrating out themselves. Living in the countryside often means longer commutes or taking lower paying and often less desirable types of work.

On a macro level most population centers around the world are concentrated near coastal areas. If the EU ever were to become one nation then most of Poland still wouldn't be a primary immigrant destination like other EU states such as Britain, France, Spain, Italy and Germany all of which have longer coast lines (hence more fishing and maritime trading opportunities) than Poland.
Vox  - | 172  
6 Apr 2015 /  #63
I don't see connection between low criminality and immigration. Debating about potential immigration to Poland in the thread about Poland being a successful case of low criminality in Europe is misleading.

I would like to add that talking about potential immigration to Poland is clearly against the rules on PF.

This is the main reason why most of them plan to come back to their motherland one day.

Are you implying that Polish people have some kind of issue with ethnic minorities?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Apr 2015 /  #64
I would like to add that talking about potential immigration to Poland is clearly against the rules on PF.

show me this rule

Are you implying that Polish people have some kind of issue with ethnic minorities?

In the big multicultural cities like London or Birmingham, yes, however a lot of them get used to it with the time... sort of.
Marsupial  - | 871  
6 Apr 2015 /  #65
Some interesting stuff here. I agree that polska is not ready to be a mega attractive desitination for peope yet and hence most would rather immigrate further west. That's a bit of a no brainer it just hasnt been long enough since end of commies. I also agree that this is a blessing in disguise. it will catch up more and more there is no doubt. Someone wrote there that poland cannot survive without western money. You are right however no country can. Remove one.of them..say france...what happens to the economies of germany and uk? They will crumble. They are all dependant on each other far far more than poland is dependant on them. Getting back to the crime part I find that residents of other countries always arc up when confronted by this But that doesnt matter because no matter who says what crime if far higher in western europe and so are drugs and so are extremists and the rest and the streers are far more dangerous.
OP Levi_BR  6 | 219  
6 Apr 2015 /  #66
What an amount of BS written by racist Levi, who does not even live in Poland, UK or France! I

I lived in Lodz doing humanitarian work with poor kids. In Uk i never lived but made few business visits. In France in fact i had never been.

And i am not racist, i am a mixed brazilian, how could i be racist? Dont play that card just because i say the truth about immigrants living in Welfare. Not every immigrant is a lazy unemployed.

t is NOT because Poland does not want immigrants but because foreigners prefer to move to richer countries, including UK and France,

Lazy Foreigners that prefer to live in Welfare instead of work. That is why France and UK are completely messed.

Creative and educated foreigners prefer emerging countries to invest, like Poland.
6 Apr 2015 /  #67
.... also because of its climate (how many days of good weather per year? Right now, there is snow but the worst is the lack of light, which causes depression + alcoholism), Poland shall never attract immigrants. British climate is not attractive either but it is not as cold in UK and conditions and opportunities compensate ;). To conclude: for a lot of reasons, Poland cannot attract immigrants and therefore they go futher west. If a few IT specialists from Third World come to Poland for work, it is in all cases for western (not Polish) companies and they don't live in Polish context and furthermore their goal is to move west.....

Someone has mentioned that the thread was "criminality" and not "immigration" but let's not be naive, Levi who shows his racism in all his writings meant to bring up the "muslim" issue in order to vomit his hatred.

Basically Poland is not super violent but can be dangerous too (I have lived in tough places such as the Bronx but have been robbed only once, in .... Warsaw ;)) and it has to be remembered that with opened borders, Polish have often moved abroad and commit their crimes in the west. This is so in all circles as we saw last year when the Polish honorary consul in Monaco had his (very rich:)) wife murdured by Russian maffia. The Polish consul is now in prison in France (Nice). Crimes and thefts committed by Poles abroad are not counted in Polish statistics ;).
Marsupial  - | 871  
6 Apr 2015 /  #68
GOSC You are blurring the lines between criminality and economy. Poland will attract immigrants when it has had time to have a bigger economy, not before. The poles themselves will stop leaving first. Your weather argument is weak there are countries with far worse weather to the north where immigrants fall over themselves to get in because their economies are robust. There is nothing racist about.the.muslim argument it is undeniably a black spot on all of humanity starting with their pediphilic prophet and ending with the latest attack and before that that fact that muslim is not a race. It takes more than 25 years to make a country. When u look at the examples of colonial powers such as uk pillaging and plundering native peoples all over the world and comitting genocide on them...poland doesn't have the option for these attrocities and theft.of land and resources so it will take even longer. Your entire post is just low iq bollocks and your lack of any solid argument sort of says to me you are just some sort of unskilled troll.
6 Apr 2015 /  #69
He is right ! the UK is a mess due to all the crap that has come to live, work, rob and kill.

It is not the country I knew as a child, its a mess and gone for good due to liberals and do gooders. Poland will become the same, you won't be able to stop it you joined the EU like idiots and signed your nation away.
OP Levi_BR  6 | 219  
6 Apr 2015 /  #70
I'm interested - especially if there is a net inflow or outflow of people to and from Poland at the moment. Any links? Thanks.


Current Poland is an exporter of People.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
7 Apr 2015 /  #71
Paulina = "Rozmiemnic even wrote that Poles want to prevent Muslims from settling in Poland"

I did? News to me, Paulina!

and Paulina I base my posts on personal observation and experience.
for example my murdering bro in law who hid in London .
Vox  - | 172  
7 Apr 2015 /  #72
Is he still at large? Low criminality doesn't mean no criminality or no criminals.

Poland will become the same, you won't be able to stop it you joined the EU like idiots and signed your nation away.

As you did?
7 Apr 2015 /  #73
No I didn't I was to young. But the older generation did you are right. Things are about to change though.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
7 Apr 2015 /  #74
the Polish honorary consul in Monaco had his (very rich:)) wife murdured by Russian maffia


- he did not murder his wife but his mother in law
- no russian mafia involvement whatsoever (sorry!) but his sports coach, a Frenchman named Dauriac and 2 thugs originating from Marseilles
7 Apr 2015 /  #75
@Bullfrog : I was on French riviera then and my first language is French and I rely on the investigation (not on foreign media) : He did kill his wife and yes, Russian mafia was somewhat involved but nevertheless, the greedy guy is a Pole and is now sitting in jail.

..... or maybe I'm - now - confusing with another case as Russian mafias are all over the place, in Monaco and on French Riviera but it does not deny the fact that the Polish consul is a murdurer
Wulkan  - | 3136  
7 Apr 2015 /  #76
or maybe I'm - now - confusing with another case

you seem to be confusing a lot of facts...
10 Apr 2015 /  #77
Welcome to the XXI century guys. World, i actually call "The Minor World". Minor as it is ruled by minorities which wield a new kind of the mass destruction weapon. Political correctness. Anyone familiar with the case of an US clothing company named Abercrombie & Fitch? There is no freedom of word nor freedom to make personal decisions. What makes me actually laugh hard is the fact that Islam doesn't have to bother with using their newly invented WoMD. We do that. Against ourselves. :)

To the point. Poland won't be allowed to decide who can settle in our country.

Have a nice century, folks. :P


Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Apr 2015 /  #78
In Poland there was less crime in previous decades maybe because people feared the almighty MO and communist prosecutors more than their present-day equivalents. Believe it or not in the 1950s and '60s in America people did not lock the front doors of their homes, cars were parked on the streets unlocked and in fair weather even with windows down. And a bike left on the front porch overnight was still there the next day. There still weren't that many Muslims in America so there must have been other reasons for the growing crime rates. Whaddya think?
jon357  72 | 23354  
14 Apr 2015 /  #79
We did the same in the UK. In my family's case (in the North and not in a big city) we always left the door unlocked until the end of the 80s or even later. Now crime there is actually falling, though I haven't noticed people leaving their doors unlocked. People have even started to stand at a distance from the first person in the ATM queue, something that I first observed here in Poland.

In PL, I doubt it was fear of the Milicja, more the notorious inefficiency of the Milicja and ease of bribing when caught. Certainly nothing to do with Muslims in either country.
DominicB  - | 2706  
14 Apr 2015 /  #80
Believe it or not in the 1950s and '60s in Ameirca people did not lock the front doors of their homes, cars were parked on the streets unlocked and in fair wetaher even with windows down. And a bike left on the front porch overnight was still there the next day.

It's always been like that where I live in the States. Even now. The best correlation I have found is that the greater the density and age of trees, the lower the crime rate. For some reason, the criminal element is wigged out by lots of big, old trees.
OP Levi_BR  6 | 219  
14 Apr 2015 /  #81
Today the crime rates are not significantly bigger than in the 60s and considerably smaller than in the 70s.


Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Apr 2015 /  #82
One can do wonders with statistics. They can be used to prove or disprove most any point. But the bottom line is NOBODY LEAVES THEIR HOME OR CAR UNLOCKED ANYMORE! Ans, despite all the monitoring cameras, shoplifting is at an all-time high. Maybe too many people have lost their ethical compass?! The only ones cashing in on all this are the producers and sellers of alarm systems and anti-theft devices.
pawian  224 | 27129  
30 Sep 2015 /  #83
What makes that difference be so huge?

I read a historical book on crime and law enforcement in Poland since Middle Ages. Crime rate for all major offences has always been much lower in Poland than in Western Europe, throughout centuries.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Oct 2015 /  #84
much lower in Poland

Probably thanks to the country's strong Catholicism. In Poland religion was a wudely accepted moral code and was not about burning heretics at the stake or waging war on religious dissidents (eg 30 Years War) as it was in the "enlightened" West! Today's Church-state separation nutters should take that into account. Harryesque nitpickers will seek out some isolated example to the contrary, but that's only the exception that proves the rule.

nothing to do with Muslims

But probably a lot to do with the increasing lack of moral restriants common to consumerist-secularist societies.
1 Oct 2015 /  #85
Probably thanks to the country's strong Catholicism.

Almost certainly not. If your explanation were to be correct, we would have seen rising crime rates over the last decade and a half as the number of Poles who are actually Catholics falls to record lows. However, crime levels have been falling significantly as the number of practising Catholics in Poland also tumbles.

But probably a lot to do with the increasing lack of moral restriants common to consumerist-secularist societies.

Again, almost certainly not. As Poland becomes more consumer-orientated and more secular, crime rates have been falling.
1 Oct 2015 /  #86
What Catholicism has to do with criminality? Criminals are criminals, no matter what religion, so stop talking sh*t about "falling crime rates" because people abandon catholicism. Such stupidity could only come from you, Harry. The funniest thing is that you have your "knowlegde" only from English speaking sites because you can't speak Polish, lol.
1 Oct 2015 /  #87
What Catholicism has to do with criminality?

Personally I'd say that the two have bugger all to do with each other. Which is why I responded to the claims made by Polonius that crime was much lower in Poland "Probably thanks to the country's strong Catholicism." by pointing out that if the two were linked, we'd expect to see crime rates rising in Poland as church attendance here falls but that in reality crime rates here have been falling as church attendance does the same.

Such stupidity could only come from you, Harry. The funniest thing is that you have your "knowlegde" only from English speaking sites because you can't speak Polish, lol.

I can get by fine when it comes to reading Polish, thanks, as is shown by the way I can read the RCC's figures about church attendance; however, your ability to read fairly simply English is clearly somewhat questionable.
1 Oct 2015 /  #88
Personally I'd

No one cares about your own opinions. I don't think that Polonius was right either. You've been promoting hate speech against the catholic church for years on this forum, you alyways find a way to insult the church. As I said criminal is criminal, no matter what religion. Some criminals just like to hide behid religion to "justify" their behaviours.

Of course, I don't know English well, I won't deny. I'm a native Polish. Yeah, it's no problem to find informations about lowering attendance in churches in Poland on English speaking websites. They were writing about it too. Please, most of the information you post on this forum is from English speaking websites, that's a proof how you can "read" Polish. But it really doesn't matter since you have a terrible reputation here.
1 Oct 2015 /  #89
No one cares about your own opinions.

You clearly do care, that's why you tried to reply. Unfortunately you managed to make in your reply the exact same point which I had made, i.e. that low levels of crime in Poland have nothing to do with religion in Poland.

You've been promoting hate speech against the catholic church for years on this forum, you alyways find a way to insult the church.

I'd ask you to quote from such 'hate speech', but you can't quote it, as it doesn't exist (I actually say that The vast majority of the Catholics I know are still excellent people). But promoting hate speech is a crime in Poland, so you should report your suspicion of the committing of a crime to the public prosecutor.
1 Oct 2015 /  #90
You clearly do care, that's why you tried to reply.

LOL. Honestly, dude I just replied because I'm bored right now.

I'd ask you to quote from such 'hate speech', but you can't quote it, as it doesn't exist (I actually say that The vast majority of the Catholics I know are still excellent people). But promoting hate speech is a crime in Poland, so you should report your suspicion of the committing of a crime to the public prosecutor.

I could quote many lies and Poland-bashing comments you have made on this forum but I simply don't want to because no matter what I will write, you will keep doing your anti-Polish job here. If I knew you in real life, I would definitely "report" your case to someone. But it's just the internet.

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