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Poland is the source of horsemeat in burgers?

peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 Jan 2013 /  #1
I'll pass on the beefburgers.

Horsemeat used in beef burgers supplied to supermarkets in Britain was imported from Poland, the Irish agriculture minister has said.

Ironside  51 | 13127  
27 Jan 2013 /  #2
I'll pass on the beefburgers.

First of all - how do they know that those burgers were made in Poland.
Second of all - what is wrong with the horse-meat?It is very healthy after all! :)
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 Jan 2013 /  #3
what is wrong with the horse-meat?

Its illegal to sell it as beef. Main problem is nobody knows whether this was diseased or not.

I like horse meat, but I cannot stand beef, especially beefburgers.
jon357  72 | 23706  
27 Jan 2013 /  #4
First of all - how do they know that those burgers were made in Poland.

Supply chain.

Second of all - what is wrong with the horse-meat?It is very healthy after all! :)

So are lemons, but if you buy a lime, you want a lime. Not a lemon.

Besides, if their suppliers in Poland lie and cheat about something as basic as what animal it is, what else are they lying and cheating about?
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jan 2013 /  #5
First of all - how do they know that those burgers were made in Poland.

Of course they weren`t. Fraud Irish company stuffed their burgers with cheap horse meat and Poland was unlucky to be a provider of it.

Besides, if their suppliers in Poland lie and cheat about something as basic as what animal it is, what else are they lying and cheating about?

Jon, before accusing and convicting Poles of cheating with meat, why don`t you do certain research? ABP food company which added horse meat to beef burgers has bought and been running a few meat plants in Poland.

How simple, isn`t it? The Irish meat producer in Poland supplied their Irish mates in Ireland with all kinds of meat they needed. :):):):):):)



ABP Poland is conveniently located only 35 km west of the city of Poznan.It currently has the capacity to slaughter and debone 60,000 head of cattle per annum. ABP Beef acquired the facility in April 2011 and since then we have made a large capital investment to both upgrade the facility and increase throughput.

"ABP Poland is providing a solid, stable and professional approach to Polish beef production."
At ABP Poland our primary mission is to establish a network of trusted supply partners who will benefit from our professional approach to beef production.

ABP has a long a proud tradition of working with farmers to create beef which is tailored to European retail, manufacturing and wholesale markets. All ABP Beef livestock are sourced directly from our partner farms.We've led the way in farm assurance procedures and embrace the EN45011. - a standard which ensures independent verification of animal welfare, food safety and environmental requirements.

Second of all - what is wrong with the horse-meat?It is very healthy after all! :)

Yes, but they also discovered the addition of pig meat and that is unacceptable to Muslims, Hindu etc. I am not sure about horse meat.
27 Jan 2013 /  #6
There is a program in a Polish tv channel which educates about food and the ways producers cheat or fabricate it. You would be shocked to know how much food is fabricated, and a meat which has "additives" of a meat of different type is nothing suprising really.
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jan 2013 /  #7
Yes, it seems the Irish ABP has doctored meat in their Polish meat plants, despite their solemn declarations,
Piorun  - | 655  
27 Jan 2013 /  #8
Besides, if their suppliers in Poland lie and cheat about something as basic as what animal it is, what else are they lying and cheating about?

Are you sure about that? As far as I understand, ABP food group is in retail and manufacturing of meets for human consumption as well as in pet food production business, so how exactly does the supplier of any given meet product meant to be used in one or the other sector of ABP food group business be blamed for that debacle? After all it’s the ABP food group that produces the final product and it’s their call as to which market any particular meet is eventually sold on. It is they who dice, mince and manufacture the products for convenience food and ready meal producers, so if 20% of horse meet delivered by the supplier to them meant to be used in pet food products ends up in ground beef sold in supermarkets for human consumption that’s not really the suppliers fault, now is it? So who exactly is doing all the lying and cheating here? Polish supplier or Irish-British manufacturer?

Papers report that the Silvercrest plant in Ballybay made the final product. Don’t they have inspectors in place to test the meet delivered to them? If the meet was not for the product line they ordered it for and indeed some dishonest Polish supplier tried to cheat them they should have stopped the order right there and then instead of processing the meet and putting it on the British market.
Radders  3 | 47  
27 Jan 2013 /  #9
a meat which has "additives" of a meat of different type is nothing suprising really

As I understand it, the horsemeat was all found in 'filler'. Filler is a meat powder from blasting carcass bones under high pressure to remove all traces and scraps of meat sticking to the bones after de-boning, then removing water from this slurry. The cheaper the burgers, the less ground beef and the more 'filler' they contain. It drips out as a grey goo when they're cooking.

More importantly, many could be innocent; who can tell horse bones from cow bones? And when the carcass slurry is dried down it's just a grey mush that no-one can identify by sight or smell as being one meat or another - only DNA testing will reveal its source
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Jan 2013 /  #10
what i cant understand is who the hells horses were they and where did they come from? Obviously im not really up to date on farming livestock but i would have thought a horse would be roughly the same if not more expensive to cultivate than a cow.

Did some chap have a few thousand horses on the cheap or what? was it an ongoing contract?

And when the carcass slurry is dried down it's just a grey mush that no-one can identify by sight or smell as being one meat or another - only DNA testing will reveal its source

apparently some burgers had over 25% horse meat.
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jan 2013 /  #11
Yuck. I remember eating only one hamburger in my life. It was about 10 years ago.
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Jan 2013 /  #12
the standard Polish hamburger would take about that long to forget
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jan 2013 /  #13
Yes, but McDonald`s is global.
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Jan 2013 /  #14
At McDonald`s.

Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
27 Jan 2013 /  #15
Yes, but they also discovered the addition of pig meat and that is unacceptable to Muslims, Hindu etc. I am not sure about horse meat.

Pawain, most Hindus are vegetarians that avoid eating any meat regardless of the animal source, but they are far more adverse to eating cows than they are to eating pigs and horses.
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jan 2013 /  #16

Who or what is a liar? Are you going to play me again, by any chance? :):):)
wawa_marek  1 | 129  
27 Jan 2013 /  #17
What about Nestle Gerber substituting real chicken meat with MOM in infant meals addressed to Polish market in 2011. There is a serious Nestle / Gerber boycott in Poland since there.
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jan 2013 /  #18
Wow? I never heard of it.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
27 Jan 2013 /  #19
Besides, if their suppliers in Poland lie and cheat about something as basic as what animal it is, what else are they lying and cheating about?

Oh yeah I almost forgot. Polish bad, Polish evil, Polish cheating, lying, thieving drunks.
wawa_marek  1 | 129  
27 Jan 2013 /  #20
Wow? I never heard of it.

Not easy to find anything in English about that. Type in your search engine: Gerber MOM afera słoiczkowa
Radders  3 | 47  
27 Jan 2013 /  #21
There's a good side to all this; the use of slurry or mechanically recovered meat (MRM) from beef carcasses risks inclusion of parts of the spinal cord - the high risk area for BSE prions. So great is the risk that the USDA has banned beef slurry altogether in the US - but still permits up to 20% pork slurry in hot dogs.

Horse isn't a risk for BSE - so the use of horse filler rather than beef filler is actually a healthier option ;)
wawa_marek  1 | 129  
27 Jan 2013 /  #22
mechanically recovered meat (MRM)

Yes. MRM in English MOM in Polish, sorry about that.
jon357  72 | 23706  
28 Jan 2013 /  #23
before accusing and convicting Poles of cheating with meat

Who's accusing? The company involved have traced the horsemeat to Poland. The article also makes it clear that it isn't the ABP plant in Poznan.

Are you sure about that? As far as I understand, ABP food group is in retail and manufacturing of meets for human consumption as well as in pet food production business, so how exactly does the supplier of any given meet product meant to be used in one or the other sector of ABP food group business be blamed for that debacle

Very sure. It isn't the ABP Poznan factory and in any case, it's irrelevant what else they make. If they're producing a product for a customer, the customer has a right to get exactly what they have paid for. Meaning, if they're buying beef burgers, they expect beef burgers. Not petfood.

Oh yeah I almost forgot. Polish bad, Polish evil, Polish cheating, lying, thieving drunks.

Apart from the drunks bit, it seems that in this case your comment is true about certainPoles who were making money from exporting contaminated meat and trying to pass it off as beef!

People in better-run factories in Ireland and the UK are out of work because of this. I really hope the lawsuit is so big that the culprits are ruined.

they don't do any quality checks of what their suppliers provide

That's precisely what they did. And traced the contaminated meat to a Polish supplier. Nothing you say can change that. ;-)

The sad thing is, that most Polish producers are probably OK - but will people see Polish meat products in quite the same light any more?
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 Jan 2013 /  #24
That's precisely what they did. And traced the contaminated meat to a Polish supplier. Nothing you say can change that. ;-)

In Poland selling horsemeat for food is legal. These British/Irish companies came to Poland to buy meat and for years they didn't check what it was. Its the responsibility of the food manufactures to ensure the quality of the product they manufacture and sell. British supermarkets boast about the quality of source of their food and they didn't know or care where it came from.

Another thing is beefburgers have a legal right to contain other types of meat (varying percent) and excrement (1%) . There have been many scandals with food in the UK, if UK manufacturers travel to Poland for crap, cheap material don't be surprised if is exactly that.

Very sure. It isn't the ABP Poznan factory and in any case, it's irrelevant what else they make. If they're producing a product for a customer, the customer has a right to get exactly what they have paid for. Meaning, if they're buying beef burgers, they expect beef burgers. Not petfood.

ABP supplied horse meat as beef. Their responsibility.
pawian  226 | 27817  
28 Jan 2013 /  #25
It isn't the ABP Poznan factory and in any case,

Even if that is true, they are still acomplices to dishonest dealing with meat. It means that instead of getting certified meat from their own plant in Poland, they bought cheap meat somewhere else. They must have known that the stuff wasn`t really OK, because when you get sth really cheap, you get the worst quality.

Besides, why haven`t they revealed the name of their alleged Polish supplier yet????

ABP supplied horse meat as beef. Their responsibility.

They used to get cheap meat slurry and didn`t care what it was made from. Now those fekking Irish burger producers blame Poles. What impudence!

People in better-run factories in Ireland and the UK are out of work because of this. I really hope the lawsuit is so big that the culprits are ruined.

Yes, those cheeky bastards must be punished!
smurf  38 | 1940  
28 Jan 2013 /  #26
Now those fekking Irish

xenophobia, racism reported.
pawian  226 | 27817  
28 Jan 2013 /  #27
What, are you Irish? :):):):)
Sorry, I talked about Irish burger manufacterers, not Irish in general.
If you thought otherwise, I can only say: don`t be silly, smerfik. :):):):)
wawa_marek  1 | 129  
28 Jan 2013 /  #28
Horse meat is exported from Poland in wholesale mainly to Italy, locals don't eat / use it. Italians also buy live animals. The price is the lowest possible in EU. Maybe that Irish meat producer decided to buy and add some to that delitious Irish burgers.
irishguy11  6 | 157  
29 Jan 2013 /  #29
Actually Ireland exports a couple of truckloads of horse meat every week, 12000 horse's a year in 2011. I have had horse in France and thought it was great. There was a thing on RTE last year about truckers, and one of them was driving a load of horse meat from Ireland to Italy. He does the trip about twice a month.

Piorun  - | 655  
29 Jan 2013 /  #30
the customer has a right to get exactly what they have paid for. Meaning, if they're buying beef burgers, they expect beef burgers. Not petfood.

Damn right, Silvercrest plant in Ballybay made the beef patties tainted with horse meat so who cares who the supplier of raw material is.

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