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Let us save Poland. Suggestions

13 Feb 2019 /  #31
Most countries are reffered to in shorter form. Niemcy, Czechy, Polska, Stany (Stany Zjednoczone if someone is picky) etc.
And you are grave digging again. You have seriously nothing better to do with your time than to dig up dead threads?
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
13 Feb 2019 /  #32
No, I am stuck in traffic and have already completed my devotions.
I just thought Rich or Dirk could elaborate on cheesymac's post.
Sorry that I rocked your boat in doing so.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
13 Feb 2019 /  #33
why is Poland always referred to as Poland instead of it's proper name, The Republic of Poland

I believe Poland should be properly called by the name of "Land of Mesco" or "Land of Mesico" since this country was first evoked in history under that name.

You have seriously nothing better to do with your time than to dig up dead threads?

There is ansolutely nothing wrong in digging up old threads. Such treads are old, but not "dead" at all as they have not been closed by moderators.

However, what can be reproached is the fact that you - being a frequent visitor to this forum - have not registered here yet.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Feb 2019 /  #34
May I suggest that we concentrate on the enemy at the gates?
I always thought that bullying is what the cool girls do.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Feb 2019 /  #35
on the enemy at the gates?

But Kaczynski and Ziobro are not on this forum? Maybe you don't who they are - but they are why investors are starting to get cold feet. Just take a look in Tesco and Lidl on your "next" visit. A pathetic selection of comestible goods, which tells the lie to Dirk's incessant ramblings about Polands' "booming" economy.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Feb 2019 /  #36
Nations collapse from the internal moral rot, cultural foreign invasions, and overspending, not bad private investments. And for a very simple reason: wealth cannot be destroyed without fire, floods or wars. When a company goes bankrupt, another company acquires what's left over and continues.

If "booming economies" were the yardsticks to measure success, prostitutes would be motivational speakers.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
13 Feb 2019 /  #37
Nations collapse from the internal moral rot, cultural foreign invasions

Do you have any examples?
cms neuf  2 | 1978  
13 Feb 2019 /  #38
Russia in the early 90s would be a perfect example
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
13 Feb 2019 /  #39
For what? Internal moral rot or cultural foreign invasion?

And how is that a bad thing?

The rulers of the GDR forbade to listen to western news and music, but that didn't help much. People did it nonetheless. They were determined to rot morally and leave the path of the socialist dawn and yearned for some cultural invasion from foreigners. :)

One can only hope North Korea will soon rotting morally too or being invaded culturally...

That seems to be a good thing actually.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Feb 2019 /  #40
Absolutely. Just the same here in Poland for some of the old nonsense which people still put up with or believe to be "normal".

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Let us save Poland. SuggestionsArchived