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Russian double agents in Poland?

jon357  72 | 23559  
1 Aug 2017 /  #1
This is worth reading. I make no comment in this post about its veracity or otherwise, only to say that the article (in an award-winning American source, not considered fake news) raises many questions:

"in an article that was published in April in the Polish magazine Polityka, an MI6 communications officer was cited saying that, in light of the purges in public institutions (notably the military) that leave the door open for political appointees, she expects "mass infiltration attempts by the Russian services," which "want to put as many of their people in the Polish administration as possible.""

Lyzko  45 | 9751  
1 Aug 2017 /  #2
Wow, jon, interesting post! Will have to check it out.
Crow  154 | 9566  
1 Aug 2017 /  #3
Is this about agents who visited Poland, like Trump for example or we here talk about agents who live in Poland permanently, like Kaczynski. Eh?

OP jon357  72 | 23559  
2 Aug 2017 /  #4
agents who live in Poland permanently, like


It looks like the issue is deepening now, and there is very much a 'smoking gun'.
Crow  154 | 9566  
2 Aug 2017 /  #5
That? Good. We now know what we talking about.
2 Aug 2017 /  #6
Jon the 'Daily Beast'come on - chief John Avlon described The Beast's editorial approach: "We seek out scoops, scandals and stories about secret worlds; we love confronting bullies, bigots and hypocrites"

The DB has turned itself into a left wing libtard cause rag.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Aug 2017 /  #7
an MI6 communications officer

Ha, they have already plenty of those. There is a change they'll be kicked out. That is actually the moot point. Curios that MI6 recently become a source of some other politically motived 'opinions' like in that about Russian/Trump possible collusion that came out to be nothing else that some far stretched a pure water nonsense. Given that is a misinformation a first class misinformation we might wonder. Whose interests and whose agenda such as that MI6 'opinion' represent?


Is that the same Big Lie like in this Tump/Russia story? Where do you pull your info from? Who is that MI6 know it all dude? 'Kim' F-face Philby? Do you lie on purpose for the cause? Your big commie cause? What a rag.
OP jon357  72 | 23559  
2 Aug 2017 /  #8
The DB has turned itself into a left wing

Excellent. Perhaps you'd prefer something biased to the right-wing; one that is unlikely to be 'confronting bullies, bigots and hypocrites"

There is a change they'll be kicked out.

If the compelling evidence against Macierewicz is proven to be correct and in order, being 'kicked out' should be the least of his worries.

The article is alleging treason; he hasn't denied it.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
2 Aug 2017 /  #9
Another fake news story served by well known and proven fake news spreader.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Aug 2017 /  #10
The article is alleging treason; he hasn't denied it.

Why bother with that nonsense. Deny it! lol! Give a credence to some commie lying rag? You commies always lie from Gobbles to 'Pravda' from Urban to New York Times.

'confronting bullies, bigots and hypocrites"

Wait, a left commie totalitarians build on bulling, hypocrites and bigots. Ah and prominent figures of the left pantheon have all kind of sexual disorders, Cohen-Bandit - a self-confessed paedophile, Lenin died early due to syphilis, Ross Luxemburg was F... everything that moved. Dzerzhinsky liked to watch teens engaging in sexual orgies. Yagoda a boss of the Soviet political terror police Cheka, liked to nail all the men no matter they liked it or not. So one could say that murders, the soviet scum that committed countless crimes had at last been F up the ass. Putin's dad possibly too.
mafketis  38 | 11209  
2 Aug 2017 /  #11
Like the old saying, the louder he spoke of his honor the faster we counted the spoons....

A couple of years ago (before any of this stuff came out) I predicted he would try to bring Poland back under Russian domination (because that makes sense to him, the idea of Poland being an independent country whose actions can be evaluated according to criteria of good and bad terrifies him - being a victim of Russian imperialism is warm and safe).
OP jon357  72 | 23559  
2 Aug 2017 /  #12
It's generally considered a good source.

Interesting that a couple of individuals here have tried to attack the news medium rather than address the shocking revelations contained in the article.

If even 1% of it is accurate, a particular 'politician' has a lot of explaining to do.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Aug 2017 /  #13
It's generally considered a good source.

Really? A source of misinformation and political manipulation?
OP jon357  72 | 23559  
2 Aug 2017 /  #14
Any proof of that? No, however you'll try to bring that up since you're afraid to address the specific allegations, as usual.

Allegations that won't go away.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Aug 2017 /  #15
you're afraid to address the specific allegations

Those are made stories for a smear campaign. What really is interesting are stories that comes to light about traitors and parties being build in Poland from a scratch with the help of German intelligence and German money.

Once against let talk about actual traitors and the need to jail them.
OP jon357  72 | 23559  
2 Aug 2017 /  #16

You mean the treason mentioned in the excellent article? The self same treason that hasn't been denied?

Try harder, I-S, if you're capable.,.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Aug 2017 /  #17
You mean the treason mentioned in the excellent article? The

No, I mean the real traitor from PO and others parties or what have you. You know that I said that many times.

Try harder, I-S, if you're capable.,.@ jon357

all you do is repeat yourself with this schoolyard taunt. Evidently you're not only unable to adders the issue directly with an actual argument but you're organically incapable of being honest. I would respect it regardless of my standing. . Right now yours is a pathetic quip nought else.
OP jon357  72 | 23559  
2 Aug 2017 /  #18
No, I mean the real traitor

For serious issues like that, you actually need proof and sources, not your usual hysteria and emotion.

Real things, like the content of the article that you know in your heart is credible, and which you're desperate to avoid discussing.
2 Aug 2017 /  #19
The policies of PiS do fit in quite nicely with those of Russia.
Once the opposition, independent judiciary and elections are disposed of, a pro Russian and anti-Western regime could be implemented quite easily.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Aug 2017 /  #20
not your usual hysteria and emotion.

What? Where did you read THAT?

you know in your heart is credible

Not credible at all.

The policies of PiS do fit in quite nicely with those of Russia.

I see, Russia want American troops 50 clicks from St. Petersburg, they want Poland strengthen its military, they whish their pet project of the north stream II stopped, they want Poland and all Central and Eastern Europe not longer be depended/hooked on the Russian gas.

If that is so maybe Putin is a Polish agent, eh?

What is this guest account BS? Delph, Harry?
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
2 Aug 2017 /  #21
All sounds a bit too cloak-and-dagger for me:-)
OP jon357  72 | 23559  
2 Aug 2017 /  #22
It's entirely cloak and dagger. There are some very awkward questions raised in that article.

The policies of PiS do fit in quite nicely with those of Russia.

They dovetail perfectly. An authoritarian regime on Russia's backdoor.
OP jon357  72 | 23559  
2 Aug 2017 /  #23
A lot of concerns have been raised about the authoritarian publication Głos. particularly the composition of their board, including a government minister (who was editor in chief) and a gentleman called Robert Lusnia.

"Yet Macierewicz has some secrets. For years he has been editor-in-chief, co-owner and author of the far-right newspaper Głos (Voice), which he also founded. It had few readers, so few took notice of its contents. And in recent years Macierewicz has kept quiet about his role there, as if wanting to keep it that way."

3 Aug 2017 /  #24
, they want Poland strengthen its military,

They want a corruptible, weak and frIendless Poland. They want a Poland governed by power crazy individuals accountable to no one who will sell out their country to stay in office
Ironside  50 | 13053  
3 Aug 2017 /  #25
They want a corruptible, weak and frIendless Poland

You're a German aren't you?

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