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Russia says: WE'LL NUKE POLAND

OP MediaWatch  10 | 942  
18 Aug 2011 /  #31
Why would Russia nuke Poland?

You are a good man Crow. I appreciate your support of Poland. I am glad to read your interesting messages since you have a lot of knowledge of Slavic history. Guys like you give me a good opinion of Serbia. :)

Russia is today, more then ever, natural ally of Poland

I hope you are right Crow. Slavic nations like Serbia, Ukraine, Russia and Poland should try to stick together. Perhaps pro-Slavic Serbs like you can help bring together Slavic nations with your information.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Aug 2011 /  #32
Slavic nations like Serbia, Ukraine, Russia and Poland should try to stick together.

You do realise that Slavic nations have very little in common with each other?

There are similarities between Poland/Ukraine, Russia/Belarus and the Czech Republic/Slovakia as people - but that's about it. Even then, we saw cases where Poles and Austrians were siding against Ukrainians - etc.

The average Pole has little to nothing in common with Serbia, for instance.

Poland should keep doing what they're doing - the Weimar Triangle, the Visegrad Group - that's where Poland's future lies, not in some weird notion of "Slavic unity" that already proved itself to be anything but.
den_fcdk  - | 28  
18 Aug 2011 /  #33
Guys, today~s reality is business interests. Slavic or non-Slavic who s gonna look?
Russia (and not only Russia) looks for interest. Gas, oil, finance, cars and so on.
Will the prices for "Slavic" be lower than for "non-Slavic"? No.
And why should they be?
It s market!
On the other hand it s unacceptable for me when Russia says: "if you (Ukraine - independent country!) choose this guy for a President you ll get lower price for gas, if that guy - the price will be higher".

Is it ok for anybody? Is it friendship. No.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Aug 2011 /  #34
Very true, den. Business interests trump normal, interpersonal ones. You never quite know who your friend is in that case.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Aug 2011 /  #35
On the other hand it s unacceptable for me when Russia says: "if you (Ukraine - independent country!) choose this guy for a President you ll get lower price for gas, if that guy - the price will be higher".

Fair enough really - it's childish, but I've charged far higher prices to people I didn't like in the past. I remember charging almost 50% more to one school because I simply didn't like them - likewise, I offer discounts to people I do like.
OP MediaWatch  10 | 942  
18 Aug 2011 /  #36
Sometimes? You've got them on the brain!

Thanks to you and those like you.

Poland should keep doing what they're doing - the Weimar Triangle, the Visegrad Group - that's where Poland's future lies

It doesn't hurt to try new things.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Aug 2011 /  #37
It doesn't hurt to try new things.

It was tried.

Ended in Poles and Ukrainians killing each other. Likewise, with Russians murdering plenty of Slavs, and Czechs/Slovaks couldn't agree on anything.

I also draw your attention to Yugoslavia.

Sorry MediaWatch, but "Slavic Unity" is sheer nonsense.
OP MediaWatch  10 | 942  
19 Aug 2011 /  #38
There you go again with your broad sweeping generalizations.

There are a million ways of going about Slavic unity. Starting simply with those Slavs who would like to get together and celebrate that which they have in common.

Stop being so negative all the time.

Palivec  - | 379  
19 Aug 2011 /  #39
It doesn't hurt to try new things.

Poland tries new things. Being part of the EU and NATO is new to Poland... and it actually works, unlike such ideas as unions based on ethnicity. They weren't a great success in the past.
OP MediaWatch  10 | 942  
19 Aug 2011 /  #40
Well there you go. Poland is open minded to things that work for it (and its neighbors).

As for the Slavic unity thing, it doesn't have to be a big grandiose thing. And it may not be for all Slavs.

I was thinking it would be for just those Slavs from Slavic countries who would like to get together and have some kind of yearly gathering and celebrate what they have in common. Kind of like a festival thing, where they keep the politics to a minimum :)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Aug 2011 /  #41
Poland needs to get rid of those that will stymie the process of forward development.

Absolutely right...All Poland needs to do is look at the Obama administration and the mess the US is in, and move in the opposite direction...Don't forget the past, but move forward and establish policies that benefit POLAND...Work with the Russians when it is beneficial...And the Serbs, sure, Ukrainians too, anyone that wishes to have a mutually beneficial relationship.
Crow  155 | 9736  
19 Aug 2011 /  #42
You do realise that Slavic nations have very little in common with each other?

not truth. We share common ethnic origin but also we share our cultural and linguistic background. In modern time, more and more people comprehend Slavic world as one great and vast civilization that exists on inter-continental level since time immemorial

The average Pole has little to nothing in common with Serbia, for instance.

this statement of yours is absolute nonsense.

Polish-Serbian historical relationship are real example that Catholic and Orthodox Slavs/Christians may coexist and cooperate and that only profit from that relationship. By this, Poles and Serbs are unique in Europe. Absolute and total, continual historical harmony between two people. Even in time when our governments/regimes or religious representatives had different opinions, our two people coexisted and cooperated as one.

Many Serbians would tell you that Serbs as people originate from what is today`s Poland (particularly Poland or Baltic in general), and, if Poles follow logic and fact that original name of all Slavs (Balkan-Baltic Slavs- at least), actually was Sarmatian name (which is by modern linguistic science nothing but foreign version of Serbian name), they coming to conclusion that Balkan and Lusatian Serbs actually still keep using that old and original `Sarmatian` (Serbian) name. Furthermore, when understand this many Poles understand simple truth of oldest Polish legends that telling about Polish Sarmatian (Serbian) origin.

What i want to tell you, Poles and Serbs are connected from the real life (from deepest past to the modern time) to the mythical sphere of human existence. Its ongoing story

I also draw your attention to Yugoslavia.

What`s with Yugoslavia?

Yugoslavia was prosperous, everybody knows that. Then, EU and NATO decided to destroy that beautiful country. They awaken internal antagonisms, financed and sponsored dissolution of country. They even transported mujaheedines in the region. On the end, they even openly used military force to finish with their dirty job.

So, what`s with Yugoslavia?

You maybe wants to underline that Poland could face same destine as Serbs, if Poland just tries to refuse EU and NATO dictate? Is that your point?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Aug 2011 /  #43
Crow, I think part of the problem stems from Orthodox nations like Russia, Serbia and Greece overstating the point of what they are. I often read comments like 'screw those who are not Orthodox' from people from those nations. Why can you not just say you are Christians? It would save unnecessary division.

What is so great about being 'prawo sławny' anyway?

Where was Russia to stop the rape of Yugoslavia?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
19 Aug 2011 /  #44
I agree with you Crow about Slavic commonalities and I think a federation of Slavija would be great. It would make these Western European jerks that are always acting in a patronizing manner towards Poles, and other Slavs, shut their stupid mouths because Slavija would be a super-power with over 300 million citizens. So too I agree that the Serbs do indeed have Sarmatian ancestry as do other Slavs, but I disagree with your claim that

Sarmatian name (which is by modern linguistic science nothing but foreign version of Serbian name)

. The Greeks from which we get the name "Sarmatian" were not mispronouncing "Serb". "Sarmatian", which was originally more like "Sauromatae" in the Greek, means "Lizard-Men" and it derives from the Sarmatian custom of wearing scale-armor thus making them appear saurian to the Greeks who gave them this name.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Aug 2011 /  #45
Yeah, gotta hate those Western jerks. I dislike them too. Oh, I'm not pan-Slavic? I have different contacts in Slavic countries and Crow will attest to my views on the matter. Suffice to say that I don't condone any nuking by Russia.
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Aug 2011 /  #46
appear saurian to the Greeks who gave them this name.

We still call the lizard saura.Also used in slang to describe ugly women.

What is so great about being 'prawo sławny' anyway?

It is a feeling you get by being orthodox that cannot be described but it is a distinct experience.Sth like byzantine tradition,very complicated ways etc.

Where was Russia to stop the rape of Yugoslavia?

They lacked the power and were with hands bound under Yeltsin.
Palivec  - | 379  
19 Aug 2011 /  #47
It would make these Western European jerks that are always acting in a patronizing manner towards Poles, and other Slavs, shut their stupid mouths

Have you ever been to Europe or any Slavic country? Maybe you didn't notice, but most Slavic countries (except Serbia and Russia, interestingly) see themselves as part of the West and joined both the NATO and EU as soon as possible. Have you noticed that all Slavic federations collapsed? You know why? Because federations are built on interests, not on some strange panslavic ideas which ignore that these nations don't share more than the same ethno-linguistic background. Not even Czechs and Slovaks wanted to live in the same country, and you think it would work with Poles, Russians or Serbs?
Crow  155 | 9736  
19 Aug 2011 /  #48
What is so great about being 'prawo sławny' anyway?

here is what most of the Serbs think on 'prawo sławny' way >

First of all, Orthodoxy is, same as Catholicism, decent way for one to worship Jesus Christ and His Holly Mother. So, as my priest said to me many times, Catholic Church is sister Church to the Orthodox Church.

Then, most of Serbians consider our St. Sava Serbian Orthodoxy to be liberal on pre-Christian ways. For this, we are thankful to our Church, for we Serbs can`t be separated from our ancestors, not even by Christianity. As you know Serbians are last Slavs who still celebrate SLAVA family custom from common ancient Slavic past. Our Church Christianize this custom and tolerate it.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
20 Aug 2011 /  #49
As it was in the Sun I presume she had a large chest then;)

That would be misiles not nukes?
Crow  155 | 9736  
23 Aug 2011 /  #50
Why would Russia nuke Poland???

We all know what circle of interests killed Lach Kaczinsky with many more representatives of Poland. We all know that noble Kaczinsky defended Serbians and criticized NATO and EU. It was especial perfidy to do it on the Russian ground, i must say. My `congrats` to those sick minds.

Poles should seek for the enemy on other side. Among those who have interest that Poland vanish from political scene of Europe. Its not the Russia, trust when Serbian say so, Poles.

So, titles for the threads like this one- `Russia says: WE'LL NUKE POLAND` sound pretty ridiculous
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Aug 2011 /  #51
We all know what circle of interests killed Lach Kaczinsky with many more representatives of Poland.

That would be the circle of interests centred around Jaroslaw Kaczynski, right?

We all know that noble Kaczinsky defended Serbians

He didn't veto the recognition of Kosovo. Hardly "defended".

and criticized NATO and EU.

He was a massive supporter of NATO and signed Lisbon into law.
Crow  155 | 9736  
23 Aug 2011 /  #52
He didn't veto the recognition of Kosovo.

sure. He wasn`t suicidal. He was killed

He was a massive supporter of NATO and signed Lisbon into law.

sure. He loved Poland. He didn`t want to call destruction upon Poland

moved from

What many hypocrites here avoid to mention, for all sorts of reason, is possibility that Poland wants to buy oil from Russia exactly in order to support Russia. Why not? It don`t negate Polish independence if Poland show good will on Russia. It can only increase influence of Poland worldwide, when Poland show that force good neighboring policy. Then, it is well known fact that Poland can`t trust to her western European partners. Not even to USA.

One can even ask- what would happen to Poland if Russia collapse and cease to exist? Would Poland profit in it? No, we all know, nothing good in Poland in that case. Others would take from the death corpse of Russia, not Poland. Actually, in reward, Polish western partners would after Russia destroy Poland. That they always wanted and wants. Poland exist thanks to balance of power between western Europe and Russia. Just, if there is balance within Slavic world, if western European powers cease to exist (let`s say hypothetically), it wouldn`t be tragedy to Poland`s situation. But, without Russia, western Europe would immediately overrun Poland.

So, having business with Russia, Poland securing its strategic balance, strengthen its position. Its kind of investment in future.
10 Jan 2016 /  #53
As usual Crow, you are living in your world which is not Polish.

Polish people of all political persuasions do not want to support Russia and would be very happy if Russia vanished.

Russia's repeated invasions, occupations, genocides and recent threats of nuclear aniliation has cemented Russia's image to the Polish.
Ironside  51 | 13127  
10 Jan 2016 /  #54
Would Poland profit in it?

Sure Poland will profit. You are looking at Russia form your narrow Serbian perfective, forget about them in times of global politicks there are plenty other countries like China for example or whatnot. Limiting yourself to Russia is narrowing your choices.
10 Jan 2016 /  #55
Polish people of all political persuasions also do not support terrorisn (except the turkish of this Forum, like Delph, Jon, Harry and you) and would approve to NOT buy oil from Saudi anymore.

Saudi enemies classify it as a terrorist, those enemies are Iran, Syria and Russia.

Everyone of those countries has been accused of terrorism. Russia is engaged in in terrorism against Ukraine. Russia also shot down a Malaysian airline in a blatant act of terrorism. Not the first or second time the Russians deliberately shot down civilian aircraft.

Russia is a far more, direct terrorist treat to Poland.

Saudi is Poland's ally against Russia,(as is Turkey BTW).
NIkolaybg  - | 10  
10 Jan 2016 /  #56

Polish people of all political persuasions do not want to support Russia and would be very happy if Russia vanished

If Russia vanished, then Poland would have a very interesting neighbor- China. With a territory of around 30 mln sq. km, with 80 % of the world resources... I bet it would be interesting situation.

In the interest of Poland is Russia to exist, but to be under control of the West- like in Yelcin days.
Levi  11 | 433  
10 Jan 2016 /  #57
Russia is a far more, direct terrorist treat to Poland.

So you, as the other turkish here, is trying to convince us that Russia is worse than Saudi Arabia, the country that FINANCE 9 in each 10 terro groups of the world?

Yeah, maybe because Saudi, just like your homecountry Turkey, are the countries that are financing all this sh1t (with the help of Merkel) while Russia is one of the few trying to stop those criminals.
10 Jan 2016 /  #58
Russia has no interest in doing anything to help Poland or the West.

Their involvement in Syria is purely for their own benefit; to under mine the West/Nato, to expand their influence, protect their southern border and secure a warm water port.

So you, as the other turkish here, is trying to convince us that Russia is worse than Saudi Arabia, the country that FINANCE 9 in each 10 terro groups of the world?

Go ahead and insult the Poles for being stupid for being anti-Russian. We don't care, we know who our friends and enemy's are.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Jan 2016 /  #59
we know who our friends and enemy's are.

Who are "we" ? Dude, you're English.
10 Jan 2016 /  #60
Half Polish. My wife and child are Polish. I've yet to met a Pole who will say that Russia is less of a military threat to Poland than Saudi Arabia

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