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Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions?

jonni  16 | 2475  
17 Jan 2010 /  #211

Can you actually cite an official statistic showing that 80-90% of murders in multicultural countries (with fewer than 80-90% black populations) are committed by black people?

Or are you just being racist about people with (slightly) darker skin than yourself?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
17 Jan 2010 /  #212
Guess who doesn't care what you think.

It's not what i think, i'm talking about facts.

You don't have to believe me, just go to some multicultural countries and talk with some people.

I don't know where you live, Ireland or Poland, but it's obvious you haven't been to Belgium, Holland, France, Germany, UK for many years.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
17 Jan 2010 /  #213
i'm talking about facts.

Show us the these so called ''facts'' or stop talking crap.

You don't have to believe me, just go to some multicultural countries and talk with some people.

I don't believe you and I have lived in large cities with people from all over the world.

but it's obvious you haven't been to Belgium, Holland, France, Germany, UK for many years.

That is not true.
Your power of observation is pitiful.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
17 Jan 2010 /  #214
Can you actually cite an official statistic showing that 80-90% of murders in multicultural countries (with fewer that 80-90% black populations) are committed by black people.

Or are you just being racist about people with (slightly) darker skin than yourself?

You know that they don't registrate skin colour of criminals. Furthermore, statistics are manipulated by authorities. For example, in Belgium non-European immigrants with Belgian passport who commit crime are registrated as "Belgian" criminals.

But ask policemen, look in prisons, ask victims, ask people in the street, everyone knows that the non-European immigrants are far more criminal than others, even though they make up 5-15% of the population.
jonni  16 | 2475  
17 Jan 2010 /  #215
they don't registrate skin colour of criminals

Actually most governments of countries with significant immigrant populations do. The UK certainly does. You might be surprised which ethnic group has the lowest crime rates.

statistics are manipulated

Aha, so wicked governments are conspiring to prove you wrong!

look in prisons,

I assume you've done this then...

everyone knows that the non-European immigrants are far more criminal

Who's everyone?
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
17 Jan 2010 /  #216
So no facts about

"80-90% of (often violent) street crime, robberies, murders, rapes

being committed by Non-European immigrants jarnowa.
Just your racist opinion, I thought so.

I am sick of talking to you jarnowa, it is not the fact that you are a racist but that you are such a bad debater and never show any evidence and just keep screaming about your opinion.

I could do a better job than you can debating the pitfalls of immigration.
In fact it would be interesting if we were to argue the other's position but you can't even argue your own.
So I am going to have to ignore you in future.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Jan 2010 /  #217
Come on,if you want narcotics you will buy from the paki,the albo,the gypsy etc.Who sells stolen things etc?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
17 Jan 2010 /  #218
So I am going to have to ignore you in future.

I was thinking the same about you, i won't waste more time on you.
You simply don't want to hear the ugly truth about multiculturalism, no matter what valid arguments me and others bring in. Let's hope you will never get a position in which you can decide about the future of Poland because then this nice country will soon become Polrabia. [YUCK]
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
17 Jan 2010 /  #219
I was thinking the same about you

Great come back, just repeating what I say, inspiring stuff there jarnowa :)

Let's hope you will never get a position in which you can decide about the future of Poland

It is not my country, I think Polish people should decide the fate of their country.
I can only offer my opinions and reasons, that all.

because then this nice country will soon become Polrabia. [YUCK]

You should read about the Muslims that used to be accepted in Poland, in fact Poland was one of the most multicultural countries in Europe, welcoming people from all different faiths and backgrounds.

Muslim Tatars in Poland
jarnowa  4 | 499  
17 Jan 2010 /  #220
welcoming people from all different faiths and backgrounds.

in western europe we welcomed them, gave them houses, welfare etc. and what did we get in return? loads of sh#t!

and now you want to try the same in central/eastern europe?
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
17 Jan 2010 /  #221
and now you want to try the same in central/eastern europe?

The missing word at the end of your rhetoric is "Again".

now you want to try the same in central/eastern Europe again?

jarnowa  4 | 499  
17 Jan 2010 /  #222
you better answer SeanBM
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Jan 2010 /  #223
I am not advocating Muslims in general in Poland ... what I am in favor of is unity and justice. Universal accord .. love and prosperity!

The whole world needs the touch of unity to survive and prosper. And the whole world will get to it ... because this is the evolution ... this is the TRUTH.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
17 Jan 2010 /  #224
This thread's title ...well, why should any country remove visa restrictions? Hell, even ALBANIA has visa restrictions: YOu can't just let everyone into your country!

And lol at the leftist,hippie opinions on "unity" "Evolution" and "truth"....that's juts too utopic. Keep on dreaming.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Jan 2010 /  #225
Keep on dreaming.

And you too .. wait and ...watch...
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Jan 2010 /  #227
wait and ...watch...

I will not wait and watch.I am no idiot.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
17 Jan 2010 /  #228
And lol at the leftist,hippie opinions on "unity" "Evolution" and "truth"....that's juts too utopic. Keep on dreaming.

i wish they were only dreaming, instead of trying to influence other people. ;)
jonni  16 | 2475  
17 Jan 2010 /  #229
instead of trying to influence other people. ;)

Aren't you trying to do just that?

Remember there are several million people with dark skin and from developing couintries who have an absolute right to live in PL, no visas, no requirements, by virtue of being citizens of an EU member state. The same right to be here as a Pole, and more right than you, assuming you're from outside the EU (you still won't say).

Has it caused a stampede of immigration?
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Jan 2010 /  #230
there are several million people with dark skin and from developing couintries who have an absolute right to live in PL,

And there are 500000 slovak gypsies who have absolute right to live in the Uk.I wonder why the UK does not accept them.
jonni  16 | 2475  
17 Jan 2010 /  #231
I wonder why the UK does not accept them.

If they're Slovak citizens, then it does.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
17 Jan 2010 /  #232
Aren't you trying to do just that?

the difference is that my ideas are not dangerous.
removing visa restrictions is very dangerous for the wellbeing of many Polish people.

Remember there are several million people with dark skin and from developing couintries who have an absolute right to live in PL, no visas, no requirements, by virtue of being citizens of an EU member state.

unfortunately that's true.

The same right to be here as a Pole, and more right than you, assuming you're from outside the EU (you still won't say).

i already told that i'm from Belgium.
jonni  16 | 2475  
17 Jan 2010 /  #233
removing visa restrictions is very dangerous for the wellbeing of many Polish people.

In what way? There's already immigration here. And there are no visa restrictions for EU citizens.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
17 Jan 2010 /  #234
you better answer SeanBM

Or else what?

I have already told you twice that you are not worth replying to because you use arguments based purely on your opinion and being a dogmatic bigot, it is unlikely to change no matter what facts or counter arguments I produce.

..that's juts too utopic.

So your argument is that it is too good to be true, well perhaps but all good things have to start somewhere.

you still won't say

He now claims he is Flemish, I sincerely doubt that.
I think a lot of his hate for black people might come from his partner leaving him for a black man.

I am no idiot.

I would not put it to the vote if you wish to keep this illusion about yourself.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Jan 2010 /  #235
removing visa restrictions is very dangerous for the wellbeing of many Polish people.

No infact. Visa's dont help restrict the threats ... its a known fact. Niether does it really help keep criminals away...

Infact its a very old way of saying "Its mine, thats yours!" ... and now what we are saying is "These are no ours.... but are given to us by its owner....to share....and have equal rights".

And I have not been dreaming ... I have been working on it since my university days ... and even before that.

Everyone can give their effort ... and it starts with just an honest and warm smile to a person who is nervous. A recognision that we are all one human existance.... and our greater destiny is onness and unity and LOVE.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Jan 2010 /  #236
And I have not been dreaming ... I have been working on it since my university days .

You have exhausted yourself from too much work.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
17 Jan 2010 /  #237
In what way? There's already immigration here. And there are no visa restrictions for EU citizens.

Buit visa restrictions apply to 3rd world immigrants and immigration from 3rd world has proven to be very bad for Western Europe.

It would be crazy to sacrifice another European country.
jonni  16 | 2475  
17 Jan 2010 /  #238
3rd world has proven to be very bad for Western Europe.


How so?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
17 Jan 2010 /  #239
i think you can only understand if you are a white guy who has lived for many years in a Western European city that was flooded by immigrants from africa or arab world.

so from what country are you and what is your ethnic background?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Jan 2010 /  #240
i think you can only understand if you are a white guy who has lived for many years in a Western European city that was flooded by immigrants from africa or arab world.

I lived in such a city for 23 years and never had a problem with "African or Arab" immigrants.

Come Friday night, the only people fighting in kebab shops, throwing up outside pubs, sitting crying on the kerb and more were white Brits.

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