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Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions?

jonni  16 | 2475  
15 Jan 2010 /  #151
he comes from some place so backward that he can't even bring himself to say it on here, wow that place must be bad :X

I strongly suspect Ukraine, which isn't all that backward, but still not quite the developed world.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
15 Jan 2010 /  #152
brown and black?

Brown and Black are rich colors ...

When I talk about humans ... humans are brought to my mind.

A mother and her child... a father and his heart filled with love. A family ... a school... a pot full of food ... a hut .... joy comes to my mind.

To my mind comes a love between a brown and a black ... in my mind comes a white man coming home to his brown wife and their most beautiful children running towards their father...

To my mind comes a white wife telling his brown husband about their baby ... who will be the core of their dreams...

To my mind comes a black woman sitting with her white in-law ... sharing warmth and care...

To my mind comes an East Asian (Chinese or Korean etc of that region) holding the hands of a Reddish White man .... and walking in a rose garden in a white dress.... with a matchless smile....which he never saw before ... never in this creation of God..

To my mind comes smiles ... a warm sensation of security ... a touch of care, compassion and belief.

To my mind comes humanity... to my mind comes VICTORY!


Ukraine is backward or not ... HE IS. Its not the country or all its inhabitants... it these miserable few ...
king polkakamon  - | 542  
15 Jan 2010 /  #153
Brown and Black

Brown reminds me of a material and Black reminds me of the same material when the resources are different.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Jan 2010 /  #154
Apropos Ukraine....

The german football association had sold barely 1000 tickets out of 20.000 for South Africa.
Not many want to go there at all...are Poles going???
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Jan 2010 /  #155
The german football association had sold barely 1000 tickets out of 20.000 for South Africa.

Apart from the problems South Africa has, I can honestly say that it is the most beautiful country I have ever been to.

Actually I am surprised that nobody has brought up the Johannesburg immigration riots yet on this thread. Are all you racists too stupid to do your own debating??? :p
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
15 Jan 2010 /  #156
Brown reminds me of a material

I've seen Greeks who are as brown as a nut .. or even browner!.... I have my Sikh friend (an Indian) who would be much more whiter/fairer than some Greeks I saw.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Jan 2010 /  #157
Actually I am surprised that nobody has brought up the Johannesburg immigration riots yet on this thread. Are all you racists too stupid to do your own debating??? :p

Blacks chasing and killing black immigrants...that's no topic (it must be Whiteys doing the chasing)!

Or else we would confuse our boat from lodz to much....
jarnowa  4 | 499  
15 Jan 2010 /  #158
He is embarassed, leave him alone, he comes from some place so backward that he can't even bring himself to say it on here, wow that place must be bad :X

first you tell me what your exact ethnic background is (and don't say Irish because that's only the place you grew up), then i will tell you what country i'm from.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
15 Jan 2010 /  #159
then i will tell you what country i'm from.

Save the respect of your country by distancing yourself from it...
Crow  154 | 9535  
15 Jan 2010 /  #160
I suppose when mujas see it,they know it is time to enter their own Garden.

Oh, Serbs hunted them. Serbs hunted them as Archangels hunted terrified devils
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
15 Jan 2010 /  #161
Crow ... brate ... why fall prey to the known racist and perverts of the forum? He is probably southern!...

Raise your agenda higher than that ... high and strong ... face to face with todays wind blowing ... brave and wide! .... Head high!
jarnowa  4 | 499  
15 Jan 2010 /  #162
Save the respect of your country by distancing yourself from it...

you shouldn't use the word 'respect' as you clearly don't respect people with opposite opinions.
Crow  154 | 9535  
15 Jan 2010 /  #163
Crow ... brate ... why fall prey to the known racist and perverts of the forum? He is probably southern!...

i understand him

If muslims ever transform Church of your childhood into the mosque, you would understand him, too.
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Jan 2010 /  #164
first you tell me what your exact ethnic background is (and don't say Irish because that's only the place you grew up), then i will tell you what country i'm from

Seems fair enough or is it a trick question?
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
15 Jan 2010 /  #165
If muslims ever transform Church of your childhood into the mosque

Why will we let a Church be transformed to a Mosque?... A person may transform...that is his free will...

Why is there a government, a rule or law?....Did I ever even mention that let them do whtever they want?

Infact have you not seen me in some threads to outright condemn some of these muslims behaviours ... and tell them what is right?

I myself dont have much muslim friends I am afraid (just some from Bangladesh, who were very moderate infact ...their country is moderate too). But I know, I know how some of the can be so unruly.

But there comes our courts, police and law. We should have capital punishment against offenders. We should have better systems.

I never cheated in class ... because I believe that to be on top, one needs to make oneself better, and not blame his failures on someone else.

Let us not stop our rise due to a few mosquito bites on our ankles...

And there are more in this world than muslims anyways ...

Those muslims who are good will be respected. Those who dont deserve respect should be shown the iron-shackles.
Crow  154 | 9535  
15 Jan 2010 /  #166
Why will we let a Church be transformed to a Mosque?

EU and NATO are miracle, brate. If they make deal with mujas, everything becoming possible
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
15 Jan 2010 /  #167
EU and NATO are miracle, brate. If they make deal with mujas

And why will they be let to rule everything?....

Plus .. we must know how to make things work on table. Gun and bullets should not be the answer everytime. Specially not in todays world.

Muja will be terrorist for me. Not the innocent Muslim Child who can be turned in whichever direction. We need to learn the reality of the world ...todays world ... and help our future generations (from all races and backgrounds) to be mature with good qualities.

And there are many many MANY good ways for that...
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Jan 2010 /  #168
first you tell me what your exact ethnic background is (and don't say Irish because that's only the place you grew up), then i will tell you what country i'm from

I am Irish born, my father and mother are Irish and so were their fathers and mothers all the way back.
So where were you born?, brought up? and where are your parents from?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
15 Jan 2010 /  #169
i'm Flemish and so is my family.

so now tell me why you were so eager to know this.

i bet it's because you were hoping i am from a "backward" country so you can make fun of me instead of reacting to my arguments.
Crow  154 | 9535  
15 Jan 2010 /  #170
And why will they be let to rule everything?....

It won`t be let to them to rule everything
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Jan 2010 /  #171
a "backward" country so you can make fun of me instead of reacting to my arguments.

You have no arguments, that has been proven.
And no, it was not to make fun of you.
And I never said backward anything, you keep getting confused.
And no matter where you came from, I still would not believe you are the spokesman for your country.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Jan 2010 /  #172
I strongly suspect Ukraine, which isn't all that backward, but still not quite the developed world.

Have you ever been to Ukraine? Their most advanced cities are almost on the same level as the least developed Polish eastern cities, i'm saying almost since Polish cities are still more developed.

i'm Flemish and so is my family.

so now tell me why you were so eager to know this.

i bet it's because you were hoping i am from a "backward

All Flemish are backwards.
Switek  - | 59  
16 Jan 2010 /  #173
Please vote.

Should the Polish Government Remove Visa Restrictions?

Poland as EU member do not conduct own visas policy. It's a competence of EU authorities according to Shengen agreement and Polish government is obliged to respect EU's directives on this issue.

The proper question is "Should the European Commission Remove Visa Restrictions?".
nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #174
The proper question is "Should the European Commission Remove Visa Restrictions?".

they should... anyway, it is nonsense for poors of africa or some other places who will find a way to drill the borders this way or that way and it is nonsense for people like me who are global socialists who dont go anywhere that apply visa.. so, why are these countries applying visa so stupids then.. or, too asocials who are like those stealing the wealths of earth and hiding themselves behind the closed doors. for example, english people, do you need a visa to enter the palace of queen? yes, you need.. why? either they are asocials or you are idiot fools.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
16 Jan 2010 /  #175
And I never said backward anything, you keep getting confused.

he comes from some place so backward that he can't even bring himself to say it on here, wow that place must be bad :X

another proof that you are a liar.

ohh right your fcuked then with regard to racial integration.

that's so typical for leftists like you.

You get angry when you only think that someone might insult some blacks.
And at the same time you don't feel ashamed to insult milions of white people.

You hypocrite!
And you was the one talking about


king polkakamon  - | 542  
16 Jan 2010 /  #176
why fall prey to the known racist and perverts of the forum? He is probably southern!...

One of the few here who comprehends Crow right opposite to you tree hugger.With people like you in Balkans Bosnianks ended muslims and lots of ''peaceful'' people started praising the Allah.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jan 2010 /  #177
Poland as EU member do not conduct own visas policy. It's a competence of EU authorities according to Shengen agreement and Polish government is obliged to respect EU's directives on this issue.


Poland (as I've said for the millionth time) is free to adopt their own strategy concerning long term visas (cat. D). There is no harmonisation at EU level, hence why a person holding a long term Polish visa without a residence card cannot travel within Schengen.
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Jan 2010 /  #178
Wroclaw Boy:
ohh right your fcuked then with regard to racial integration.
that's so typical for leftists like you.

You get angry when you only think that someone might insult some blacks.
And at the same time you don't feel ashamed to insult milions of white people.

You hypocrite!

Talk about 1 + 1 = 3

nah i just think its funny given your status on Racial Integration that youre countries are next in line for assimilation, actually if youre nationality is Dutch youre virtually there already, so whats the big deal.

i wonder what you and Butt Boy look like in real life, ive met many racists and they are usually self hating, wimp like, pathetic little excuses for humans. One thing they all have in common - insecurity.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
16 Jan 2010 /  #179
i wonder what you and Butt Boy look like in real life, ive met many racists and they are usually self hating, wimp like, pathetic little excuses for humans. One thing they all have in common - insecurity.

Insecurity about what exactly?

If I'm a racist, proud of my heritage and cherishing it I'm self hating??? ROFL
It's home- and rootless lefties with their "I love you all"-attitude who hate their heritage, their country, their race. Who prefer black or brown culture, who hate Whites who demand

the same respect and call them racists!

If you give a f*ck and don't care about it it's rather you who has a problem. It's this thinking which made Britain a stinking hole. (Germany is on a similiar path mind you)


Britain falls to 25th best place to live in the world... behind Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Hungary

Alot of English seem to agree with me here....just read the comments!

Main thing here is that your children will suffer your passivity, uncaring, your stupidity.
If your newborn daughter will in a few years be forced to wear the scarf and the Sharia law will be common in your home town you might wake up but then it will be to late...


Revealed: UK's first official sharia courts

I'm very secure about that!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
16 Jan 2010 /  #180
If your newborn daughter will in a few years be forced to wear the scarf and the Sharia law will be common in your home town you might wake up but then it will be to late...

That is insecurity.

Sharia law is not in the E.U., neither is communism nor a hundred other ways of life.

passivity, uncaring, your stupidity.

BB, that's not like you, play nice.

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