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Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions?

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
11 Jan 2010 /  #1
Please comment on whether Poland should keep visa restrictions to foreigners.
Wroclaw Boy  
11 Jan 2010 /  #2
Those categories suck. Im not voting.
convex  20 | 3928  
11 Jan 2010 /  #3
I was under the impression that Poland outsourced this decision making to Brussels when it signed up for Schengen...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2010 /  #4
No, not quite. Short term visas, yes - but Long term visas (cat. D) are still very much under the control of the national governments and aren't likely to be harmonised soon. In fact, one of the major holes in Schengen is with this - a long term visa for Poland (for example) isn't good enough to cross the German border with.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
11 Jan 2010 /  #5
In my opinion ... the world should be open and people should be free!
king polkakamon  - | 542  
11 Jan 2010 /  #6
It should strengthen visa restrictions for any individual with skin color darker than libyan.
Raj_ryder  10 | 106  
11 Jan 2010 /  #7
In my opinion ... the world should be open and people should be free!

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
11 Jan 2010 /  #8
No Muslim minorities, its enough that they turn Western countries into dangerous sh*tholes.
mephias  10 | 296  
11 Jan 2010 /  #9
In my opinion ... the world should be open and people should be free!

Agreed. But it is utopia at least for our age.
The world needs too much time for it.
Raj_ryder  10 | 106  
11 Jan 2010 /  #10
The world needs too much time for it

or maybe just more people like LTB
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
11 Jan 2010 /  #11
You mean hippy idiots that ignore social problems and allow native Europeans to be hurt by agressive non-European immigrants in the name of political correctness? I say LTB and other retards like him need to be round up and gassed for the sake of Europe.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2010 /  #12
You mean hippy idiots that ignore social problems and allow native Europeans to be hurt by agressive non-European immigrants in the name of political correctness?

Would that be like how Europeans went and physically hurt the natives elsewhere?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
11 Jan 2010 /  #13
I dont give a sh*t whether Europeans killed, raped or sodomized a bazilion of blacks and arabs in the past, this is the present and we modern Europeans do not owe sh*t to those barbarians.

I'm not going to tolerate backwards barbarians destroying our heritage just because of some vague argument about colonialism. Its here and now and i'm opposed to letting my safe and civil country be polluted by Muslims, Turks and other stoneage people, i've seen enough sh*t in London.

White non-muslim Europeans sure, in any numbers, Muslims and Blacks never.
espana  17 | 951  
11 Jan 2010 /  #14
Yes for all except Muslims.

we winning!!!!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
11 Jan 2010 /  #15
I say LTB and other retards like him need to be round up and gassed for the sake of Europe.

Thats a bit harsh, wouldnt you say (PMSL)..
mephias  10 | 296  
11 Jan 2010 /  #16
we winning!!!!

How sad :)!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
11 Jan 2010 /  #17
Thats a bit harsh, wouldnt you say (PMSL)..

No i would not, use google and read a bit about whats happening in Sweden where idiots like LTB run the country, Muslim people get suspended sentences for rape and murder on Swedes in the name of political correctness.

I dont know whether LTB is trying to provoke or is he genuine but he repeatedly outright ignored the fact that Muslims and Blacks behave and live like apes causing severe degradation anywhere they live, i dont know and dont care whether its because of their race, culture or civilisation the fact is Muslims make a dump out of every place they move in and i dont want them here, Poland is very safe compared to Western countries, mainly because its Muslim-free.
SuperiorBriton  - | 1  
11 Jan 2010 /  #18
White non-muslim Europeans sure, in any numbers, Muslims and Blacks never.

Agreed, Muslims have the highest unemployment rate in every white western country, they are incapable of integrating, and they inhibit values, beliefs, and culture that is completely against our own.

Blacks are the same.
Raj_ryder  10 | 106  
11 Jan 2010 /  #19

what about European muslims(albanian,bosnia,herzegovia,a little of macedonia)...are they allowed or youre gonna throw them out as well?
mephias  10 | 296  
11 Jan 2010 /  #20

You seems to be a humanist guy. But starting a thread like this in this forum more like trolling. It is obvious it will turn into a racism competition from beginning and there are many threads with similar subjects. Anyway I hope your intention is good. For the free world!


I am in doubt second post joined on november. Nick superior Briton it seems you are a clone.
espana  17 | 951  
11 Jan 2010 /  #21
How sad :)!

i supposed to be a troll , i even hate myself :)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
11 Jan 2010 /  #22
what about European muslims(albanian,bosnia,herzegovia,a little of macedonia)...are they allowed or youre gonna throw them out as well?

Of course not, they're of the same cultural circle, their society is plagued by the same problems as ME Muslims and they generate the same issues.

will turn into a racism competition from beginning

Nothing racist about facts buddy, too much cultural and racial diversity is not a good thing and Sweden/Denmark/France/UK are living proof of it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Jan 2010 /  #23
Of course, native Britons wouldn't dream of sitting at home on benefits, claiming for made up illnesses that get them cars from the government, free housing, free council tax and plenty of disposable income, would they?

I have a friend who swore at the age of 16 that he would own an BMW M3 by his 18th birthday. He left school, went to work - working 16 hour days as normal, leaving home at 5am and not returning home until after 10pm, every single day. He started work in one shop, and owned 6 shops by the time he was 18.

Of course, he got the M3 - and now he's doing very, very well for himself in the UK.

Yet you would kick him out in favour of the chavs?

(as an aside, I despise the use of "Britain for the British - us Scots want very little to do with small minded English morons)

Let's be honest here - the biggest problem in the UK is the way that the entire creation is absolutely artificial.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
12 Jan 2010 /  #24
us Scots

Scottish people aint even human.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Jan 2010 /  #25
Explains why the political establishment is dominated by them, doesn't it? ;)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
12 Jan 2010 /  #27
Im not gonna vote :p
there is missing a "Yes but only for thoose who have positive relationship with Poland"
I wouldn't like loads of bullcraps walking around just becaouse some moron say their allowed becouase they excist...
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
12 Jan 2010 /  #28
It is obvious it will turn into a racism competition from beginning and there are many threads with similar subjects. Anyway I hope your intention is good. For the free world!

My intention is rock solid for the free world.

The racists will be racists even in the nicest threads. A **** remains a **** not matter whether you put it ina garden or a garbage can.

Terrorists and criminals will be there in every country ... there is no reason to blame a certain community for it entirely. But those who are racists lack hearts. Such are their hearts, that it resembles an infertile rock ... a place where the rose of love can never blossom, no matter how hard someone tries.

But then, this is also a fact that every heart is capable of love and should never be thrown away. Maybe I can fail on some, but someone else can succeed (sometimes without even trying for it). Those hearts who kill their soul and keep a lump of muscles just to keep their material selves alive ... are not the hearts to find meaning of life in this world. They are thus meaningless in the other realm of Glory.

However ... :D ... not getting anymore deep into it. I see that we have many people in favor of unity in some way or the other. And there are Poles with much high numbers and deeper feelings about this.

We will be successful in getting the world closer. I am very confident ... that it will not take as much time as some expect. It will be soon, sudden and fast! Inevitable destiny of this world! Inevitable destiny of mankind ... the next phase of evolution is before us.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Jan 2010 /  #29
I think many people on this site forget that 'the commies' (including Poland) used to be 'the enemy' not so long ago.

they are incapable of integrating, and they inhibit values, beliefs, and culture that is completely against our own.

This could have easily been said about 'The evil godless commies'.

I dont give a sh*t whether Europeans killed, raped or sodomized a bazilion of blacks and arabs in the past,this is the present and we modern Europeans do not owe sh*t to those barbarians.

It seems to be a tenancy, for the masses, to believe the current 'enemy' (today the Muslims tomorrow who knows?) has always been the enemy, that only today matters and the past is not worth looking at.

The commies were plotting our downfall, going to destroy our identity and build their Sovietski towers from the rubble if that failed they were going to attack us with their nuclear weapons, wiping us out altogether.

You mean hippy idiots that ignore social problems and allow native Europeans to be hurt by agressive non-European immigrants in the name of political correctness? I say LTB and other retards like him need to be round up and gassed for the sake of Europe.

This is an interesting post, German Nazis were fond of using gas chambers, I am sure you are aware. And you are basically slandering people and saying "people who have a different point of view to me ought to be killed", again tried in many regimes.

I think Sokrates, that you would make a very good North Korean, you have the right attitude.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
12 Jan 2010 /  #30
It seems to be a tenancy, for the masses, to believe the current 'enemy'

Sorry Sean i'm not the "masses" and i have comparison between UK and Poland, we dont even have slums the way you define them.

I do not believe mixing cultures is always a good thing, mixing German and Polish cultures have among other things produced Kopernik, mixing Muslim and British culture produced slums.

Just because tolerance and co-operation works for some races/nations/cultures doesnt mean it works always and for everyone.

This is an interesting post, German Nazis were fond of using gas chambers, I am sure you are aware. And you are basically slandering people and saying "people who have a different point of view to me ought to be killed", again tried in many regimes.

Sorry i dont like democracy that much, its a neccesary evil but being an egoist that i am i dont like that other people get to express their opinions as well, especially if their opinions lead to threatening my nice comfortable life by letting Muslims into Poland.

I dont want to watch my back in fear of offending some caveman, i dont want stuff that co-existence with these bastards brings, i dont want Poland to become rife with ethnic issues is that so wrong?

I think Sokrates, that you would make a very good North Korean, you have the right attitude.

Only if they were wealthy, not gonna sacrifice my weekly beer for my ideals:)

This could have easily been said about 'The evil godless commies'.

Absolutely, communists were even worse in that Muslims want to dominate us and destroy our way of life while Communists wanted to dominate us and corrupt our way, this blurred the borders of good/bad and left a lasting impression.

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