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Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Apr 2011 /  #31
If, however, Poland wants to be in Europe

What are you going to lecture us on tommorow, Mr Europe ?

Seriously, aren't you too old for this nonsense ?
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
12 Apr 2011 /  #32
What are you going to lecture us on tommorow, Mr Europe ?

Your spelling for a start.

Seriously, aren't you too old for this nonsense ?

What 'nonsense'? The indisputable fact that Poland is a member of the EU and joined because the Polish people voted in a free and fair election? Or the 'nonsense' that Poland is receiving vast infrastructure funding?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Apr 2011 /  #33
Your spelling for a start.

Tell me more about beczkowe.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
12 Apr 2011 /  #34
And you're even so humourless, bitter and inadequate that you don't even understand when someone makes a pun about beer (clue: where the money comes from to buy it with. Idiot. Paid that money back yet?

jeden  - | 226  
12 Apr 2011 /  #35
They are. Plenty are going there. If, however, Poland wants to be in Europe (and they voted in a free and fair referendum to join) they have to do their bit too.

We are in Europe. You are talking about Europen Union. This war in Libya is NOT UE conflict, but conflict between Libya nad some countries from EU. They are acting their own way and we are NOT obligated to help them, and to finance cost of mess they did.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Apr 2011 /  #36
What 'nonsense'?

Why not send the refugees to France and keep them there? France is practically like Libya, anyway, so they would feel right at home. It's no big deal for them to live in France, imo.
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Apr 2011 /  #37
I agree.Even EU countries are split on Libyan crisis.In my opinion the countries who send there military should accept the refugees as well.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Apr 2011 /  #38
And you're even so humourless you don't understand when someone makes a pun about beer.

Don't humiliate yourself. I saw your "Polish" on another thread.

Idiot. Paid that money back yet?

I think I will follow this advice:

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

JonnyM  11 | 2608  
12 Apr 2011 /  #39
You are talking about Europen Union. This war in Libya is NOT UE conflict,

The issue of refugees however, is. Poland signed up to that.

They are acting their own way and we are NOT obligated to help them, and to finance cost of mess they did.

Not 'them', but us. Perhaps the

some countries from EU

aren't 'obligated' to pay for new roads, railways etc in Poland?
jeden  - | 226  
12 Apr 2011 /  #40
Not 'them', but us. Perhaps the
some countries from EU
aren't 'obligated' to pay for new roads, railways etc in Poland?

Some countries are obligated to pay for our roads. etc. It`s about "Regional Policy of The European Union."
Poland is now beneficient of those funds 10 years ago Spain Portugal Greece and UK were. In next ten years we won`t be a beneficient but we will finance the roads in Bulgaria and Rumunia. We agree to THAT. It`s all about the treaties.


The operation in Libya is not EU action, is privat war between Libya and France, UK , etc. And they should be responsible for effects of that war.

Show me some law acts where EU agree to war in Libya...
jarnowa  4 | 499  
12 Apr 2011 /  #41
The word 'refugees' in the topic title should be replaced by 'goldseekers' and 'Libyan' by 'African'.

They only come her for our wealth, the few real refugees among the hundreds of economic migrants could easily flee to a neighbouring country. They don't belong in Europe, i hope Poland will send them all back as soon as they cross the Polish border.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
12 Apr 2011 /  #42
Don't humiliate yourself. I saw your "Polish" on another thread.

Yes and it's not at all bad!

I think I will follow this advice:

Here's a better bit of advice, PiS Fanboy. If you make repeated posts about masturbating over corpses, as you did yesterday (4 or 5 was it, before the mods deleted them and suspended you?), people will see pretty quickly what you're about. If they hadn't figured it out already

It`s all about the treaties.

Including those on refugees, and Poland is part of that whether you like it or not.

The operation in Libya is not EU action, is privat war between Libya and France, UK , etc. And they should be responsible for effects of that war.

It's an action by EU countries, and refugees to Europe regardless of whose war it is are a shared responsibilty.
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Apr 2011 /  #43
roads in Bulgaria and Rumunia

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Apr 2011 /  #44
Yes and it's not at all bad!

jest ciekawy kogo tłumaczył dla Ciebie.

Feckin awesome.

If you make repeated posts about masturbating over corpses

Is it my fault that you do such things ?

Lefty humanism...
jeden  - | 226  
12 Apr 2011 /  #45
It's an action by EU countries, and refugees to Europe regardless of whose war it is are a shared responsibilty.

You are wrong. read some more about european law, and then we can discuss.

Including those on refugees, and Poland is part of that whether you like it or not.

Show me this "european" treatie... Please show me.

That`s true, but IMO this treatie has nothing common with eu law. it`s "normal" international law.

To sum up, the obligatory or NOT as far as accepting refuges is concerned has not its source in EU LAW.

But You can prove me wrong.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
12 Apr 2011 /  #46
You are wrong. read some more about european law, and then we can discuss.

Read the EU protocols on refugees. Then we can discuss.

Also check out the history of Poland who for centuries has been a source of refugees. Including as recently as 1981. Now it's time to be a destination.
jeden  - | 226  
12 Apr 2011 /  #47
Read the EU protocols on refugees. Then we can discuss.

Tell me witch should I read??

Protocols and declarations are a soft law. If you know what is it.

And probably You are talking about Protocols Council of Europe. Council of Europe HAS NOTHING common with Eueopean Union.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
13 Apr 2011 /  #48
Dont you worry though the future of Europe is still uncertain.

If the demographic trend continues where all European countries have aging European populations that are also shrinking, its not so good. Especially in those countries with growing non-European groups that fail to integrate with the Europeans.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Apr 2011 /  #49
source of refugees

Refresh your history, we were also a refuge for the refugees for countless of centuries, now it seems to me you’re missing a big picture here, France missed a real opportunity here to remain silent on this issue now they will have to live with their choices, why should anyone else bear the burden of their mess in the first place.

If the demographic trend continues where all European countries have aging European populations that are also shrinking, its not so good.

Forget the demographics for now, let’s see if EU can withstand the pressure of economic collapse, I’m betting on a negative outcome, soon.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
13 Apr 2011 /  #50
Protocols and declarations are a soft law. If you know what is it.

But still a law. To be kept or to be changed following procedures.

Council of Europe HAS NOTHING common with Eueopean Union.

It has rather a lot in common.

we were also a refuge for the refugees for countless of centuries,

Funnily enough I only remember the ones coming in 1968 and 1981. And the older generation who came in the 1940s, before I was born. Who cares about "countless of centuries" whatever that means?

why should anyone else bear the burden of their mess in the first place.

A temporary home for 12 people is a 'burden'? It's a good job you weren't the innkeeper at Bethlehem - Jesus would have been born on the pavement!


Careful, or they'll suspend you again. Hopefully permanently since you contribute nothing here and just stalk people through threads. Paid that money back yet?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
13 Apr 2011 /  #51
Refresh your history, we were also a refuge for the refugees for countless of centuries,

Yes this is true and we all saw how well it worked out for Poland to allow every Tom Dick and Harry into the country then. LOL We saw how well the multi-ethnic group nation of Yugoslavia worked out LOL

I can see letting a modest amount of foreigners into a country who are willing to integrate into their new country and put their loyalties first to the country they are living in and not their ethnic group. But that's rarely the case. Most groups go into other countries like France and Britain and then try to Balkanize the country. Why would any country want to destabilize itself like this?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Apr 2011 /  #52
Funnily enough I only remember the ones coming in 1968 and 1981. And the older generation who came in the 1940s, before I was born. Who cares about "countless of centuries" whatever that means?

How short is your memory? Kochajmy się jak bracia, liczmy się jak Żydzi.

It's a good job you weren't the innkeeper at Bethlehem

We all know how hospitable the local inhabitants were at that time and no Pole in sight, stop preaching it all falls on deaf ears.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
13 Apr 2011 /  #53
How short is your memory?

Well, I can remember them coming at the end of the 60's when I was a kid, so pretty good. My memory however doesn't rum to hundreds of years. Nor does yours.

We all know how hospitable the local inhabitants were at that time and no Pole in sight, stop preaching it all falls on deaf ears.

Not a particularly good attempt to wriggle out of something. And not really your business if the country I pay taxes to (and you don't) takes 12 refugees during a civil war.
jeden  - | 226  
13 Apr 2011 /  #54
But still a law. To be kept or to be changed following procedures

Not exactly. Soft law is rather declaration of good will. It`s like we are going to low our unemployment. I know that is hard to understand people from UK .

It has rather a lot in common

NO. Please read about it. The council of Europe is not EU institution. It`s another organisation. Russia for example belongs to it.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Apr 2011 /  #55
My memory however doesn't rum to hundreds of years. Nor does yours.

Time to open up a history book.

Not a particularly good attempt to wriggle out of something. And not really your business if the country I pay taxes to (and you don't) takes 12 refugees during a civil war.

Go hug a tree, as for France paybak is a *****, what goes around comes around. Support only goes back as far as I can remember and well I remember the Polish plumber an a missed opportunity to stay quiet so there. Perhaps they should follow their own advice before getting involved in foreign wars.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
13 Apr 2011 /  #56
Not exactly. Soft law is rather declaration of good will.

Which is all the more reason to stick to whatever good will one has declared. I know it's hard for people from certain parts of Europe to understand. You certainly don't seem to.

The council of Europe is not EU institution. It`s another organisation. Russia for example belongs to it.

Which still works alongside the EU. And doesn't in any way negate the protocol on refugees that Poland has signed up to.

Time to open up a history book.

As you say yourself, in a somewhat contradictory way:

Support only goes back as far as I can remember

I remember the Polish plumber an a missed opportunity to stay quiet so there. Perhaps they should follow their own advice before getting involved in foreign wars.

ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Apr 2011 /  #57

How so? Is it not what you are advocating? The only thing that counts is in living memory.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
13 Apr 2011 /  #58
Exactly. My point entirely. Nothing to do with:

Time to open up a history book.

For some of us Poland isn't our history; it's our present.

There were two waves of refugees from Poland in my lifetime, and older folks can remember a bigger one. Many thousands of people in total. And you're bickering because Poland is taking 12 people having previously signed up to the European protocol on refugees.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
13 Apr 2011 /  #59
And you're bickering because Poland is taking 12, having previously signed up to the European protocol on refugees.

Today its 12. Tomorrow its 12,000. etc.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
13 Apr 2011 /  #60
When only 1000 have left in total. Evidently maths is another thing you find hard to understand.

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