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More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland?

polonius  54 | 420  
4 Oct 2012 /  #1
Rzeczpospolita is predictitng that tthis year's Independence Day March on 11th November may again erupt in violence. Sponsored by patioric right-wing circles, disturbances may occur if the anarcho-commie fanatics of the Antifa group again start attacking the patritoic marchers. Footies fans and natioanlsit youth groups will most likely spring to their defence. President Komorowski's measure on public assembleis (even if he signs it) will not go into force in time for the 11th Nov. holiday. A PiS, Solidarity and Radio Maryja march in late September attracted an estimated up to 100,000 demonstrators but was peaceful because leftist goon squads did nto interfere.

Independence march in Poland again, you may end up zadymami . On the right and left takes great mobilization

Presidential initiative for change in the way to demonstrate and to secure its safe course ends in a fiasco . Threefold : the new rules do not come into force until November 11 , and the planned reduction of the freedom of assembly meant that this year's Independence March in Warsaw elect to tens of thousands of people. Also organize your own demonstration environments left -independence activists, referring to the tradition of the old PPS . A komunizujący extremists from the sign Antify preparing to patriotic demonstrations block.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Oct 2012 /  #2
Great, we can look forward to Independence Day being hijacked yet again by a bunch of far right morons who think that they are true patriots while smashing up Warsaw.

I can't wait.

A PiS, Solidarity and Radio Maryja march in late September attracted an estimated up to 100,000 demonstrators

Lying again, Polonius? Police estimated 50,000 - nowhere near 100,000.

Footies fans and natioanlsit youth groups will most likely spring to their defence.

Ah yes, football hooligans fighting on the streets of Warsaw, and you encourage this?

If it goes ahead, it'll be another embarrassment to the country that allows such dodgy marches to take place on a day that should be a celebration. Meanwhile, ordinary people start associating Nov. 11th with football fans fighting in Warsaw.
OP polonius  54 | 420  
4 Oct 2012 /  #3
All will be fine if the Antifa creeps and other troublemakers don't interfere. We expect Delph to be marching up frotn with a flag embazoned with St Andrew's cross.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Oct 2012 /  #4
All will be fine if the Antifa creeps and other troublemakers don't interfere.

So you want to have the right to march, but not to allow the right of others to protest?

How democratic, Polonius.

We expect Delph to be marching up frotn with a flag embazoned with St Andrew's cross.


Are you openly affiliating yourself to this march?
OP polonius  54 | 420  
4 Oct 2012 /  #5
WE menaing thsoe on PF who are on to you. No, I will not be marching. I may watch from the sidelines. It'll be interesting to see if the past PM Kaczyński and the future one, Gliński, will be marching side by side.
Zibi  - | 335  
4 Oct 2012 /  #6
the future one, Gliński,

the future one?.... wishful thinking
sobieski  106 | 2111  
4 Oct 2012 /  #7
WE menaing thsoe on PF who are on to you. No, I will not be marching. I may watch from the sidelines. It'll be interesting to see if the past PM Kaczyński and the future one, Gliński, will be marching side by side.

So...could you provide some links to your journalistic "work" ?
Gliński could of course also run for the next pope - same chance :)
And why will you not be marching between your nazi brethren (I suppose you love the ONR) ?
OP polonius  54 | 420  
4 Oct 2012 /  #8
Naw, Antifa, Środa, Kopacz, Nowicka, Palikot and Grodzka are more to my liking (ha-ha!)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Oct 2012 /  #9

You mean Anna or Ryszard ?
OP polonius  54 | 420  
4 Oct 2012 /  #10
Take your pick!
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
4 Oct 2012 /  #11
I'll say this, whether there were over 50 000, 100 000, or 500 000, this demo has shown that Polish people are tired of the bull. I just watched TVP info's Bliżej [might be available on the internet in a few days for those who do not have TVP info] and can tell you that there were a lot of people there who were not watchers of TRWAM but still, when asked why they bothered to turn up, said they do not accept the idea that some channels are not given the same privileges as others. Some, not necessarily PiS voters either as they were young people who said they were not Kaczynski fans, said that if PiS had done 1/5 of what PO has done, the media was kill them, yet PO gets away with it. There were of course a lot of PiS supporters there too obviously. Many well educated people, professors and also a large amount of young people, so the 'PiS supporters are nothing but a bunch of village idiots and old babcias in mocherowe berety' stereotype is played out.

Great, we can look forward to Independence Day being hijacked yet again by a bunch of far right morons who think that they are true patriots while smashing up Warsaw.

If you saw the last march you might note that nothing was smashed up, it was done in a very orderly fashion. In fact it was done so well that even the PiS political opposition praised it [as far as organization goes]. Not only that but there were obviously no provokers sent in this time to draw out an aggressive reaction and start a fight. PO forgot?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Oct 2012 /  #12
I'll say this, whether there were over 50 000, 100 000, or 500 000, this demo has shown that Polish people are tired of the bull.

Actually - it was a disaster for them. They were claiming 200,000 would show up - for only 50,000 to turn up despite the collective organisation of Radio Maryja, PiS and Solidarity shows that the movement is simply not a viable one in Polish politics. They're trying to put a brave face on it - but it shows how utterly impotent the march actually was.

Bear in mind that the anti-Iraq War protest in London managed 750,000 in a country that doesn't even have double the population.

I just watched TVP info's Bliżej [might be available on the internet in a few days for those who do not have TVP info] and can tell you that there were a lot of people there who were not watchers of TRWAM but still, when asked why they bothered to turn up, said they do not accept the idea that some channels are not given the same privileges as others.

WP - listen. There is no such thing as privileges here - there is one simple, basic issue. TV Trwam were refused a licence, and it is believed that it is due to their financing being dependent on viewer donations. We don't know why, as the decision to release the decision is down to Rydzyk's foundation. They know why they were rejected, but they won't tell us - nor will they open their books to prove that they're financially solid (which is what they claim they are, yet they won't prove it).

It's nothing to do with privileges - you are basically believing what Rydzyk is saying without any proof whatsoever.

Some, not necessarily PiS voters either as they were young people who said they were not Kaczynski fans

There are some people who don't support Kaczynski, especially younger voters who are even more radical and believe that he isn't the answer.

said that if PiS had done 1/5 of what PO has done, the media was kill them, yet PO gets away with it.

PiS did far, far worse during their time in power. For all that PO hasn't been able to do, we remember how PiS abused the State organs (the CBA, TVP, etc) for their own political goals. The whole 4th Republic project failed as they simply didn't use power responsibly.

Many well educated people, professors and also a large amount of young people, so the 'PiS supporters are nothing but a bunch of village idiots and old babcias in mocherowe berety' stereotype is played out.

There might be a handful, but the statistics speak for themselves - the educated vote PO/PSL/RP/SLD, the uneducated - PiS.

If you saw the last march you might note that nothing was smashed up, it was done in a very orderly fashion. In fact it was done so well that even the PiS political opposition praised it [as far as organization goes].

I think the organisers realised, wisely, that if they resorted to violence (although they did - the attack on the Polsat crew was an example) - then they might find themselves under increased scrutiny in the future. But don't forget - this march also had no "patriotic nationalist" involvement too. For all the sins of Radio Maryja, PiS and Solidarity - none of them attract young people who like violence.

Not only that but there were obviously no provokers sent in this time to draw out an aggressive reaction and start a fight. PO forgot?

Sent in? Do you know any anarchist/far left wing groups? I'm friends with a couple - and I assure you that these people will go and fight regardless. They don't need to be 'sent in' - they want to fight far-right extreme nationalists regardless.

(I'm also friends with a couple of hooligans, who openly admit that they like to fight with anarchists)
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
5 Oct 2012 /  #13
Actually - it was a disaster for them. They were claiming 200,000 would show up - for only 50,000 to turn up despite the collective organisation of Radio Maryja, PiS and Solidarity shows that the movement is simply not a viable one in Polish politics. They're trying to put a brave face on it - but it shows how utterly impotent the march actually was.

And you got that figure from? Mainstream media? Gazeta Wyborcza? It is very difficult to know just how many turned up to an event like this. People who where there say there were a lot of people, some are saying over 100 000, not counting many others in side roads/paths.

and it is believed that it is due to their financing being dependent on viewer donations

What is funny is that if we do not know exactly why it was rejected then you can believe what you like but the true reasons seem not to be known. It would be better if Dworak explained exactly what the reason was, then perhaps people could sleep easy.

PiS did far, far worse during their time in power. For all that PO hasn't been able to do, we remember how PiS abused the State organs (the CBA, TVP, etc) for their own political goals.

Yeah you have used that argument every time I or someone else criticizes PO. You got a list of examples that outweighs all the crap PO has pulled?

There might be a handful, but the statistics speak for themselves - the educated vote PO/PSL/RP/SLD, the uneducated - PiS.

Do you have a link to the statistics? I would like to know who conducted this statistical research. Wonder if it was Gazeta Wyborcza.
jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Oct 2012 /  #14
Last year was deplorable - football hooligans bussed in from the provinces and skulking pasty-faced neo-fascists ripping up cobblestones.
5 Oct 2012 /  #15
when asked why they bothered to turn up, said they do not accept the idea that some channels are not given the same privileges as others.

Interesting. The point with TV Trwam is that they are being given the same treatment as all the other channels and they do not like that. They refuse to open their books in the required manner so as to prove that they have the required financing and that the financing comes from reliable (and legal) sources. That is why they have not been given a slot. TV Trwam is the one which wants some channels to not be given the same privileges as others (well other, they only want special privileges for one, i.e. TV Trwam).
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
5 Oct 2012 /  #16
PiS abused the State organs (the CBA, TVP, etc) for their own political goals.

And now TVP is ruined to reward TVN for their firm pro-PO stance.
OP polonius  54 | 420  
22 Oct 2012 /  #17
Lefties itching for punch-up

Radical lefties, who went on the rampage last Nov. 11th, again plan to disrupt Warsaw's Independence Day march. It is attended by entire families, young marrieds pushing prams or piggy-backing their youngsters, the middle aged, OAPs and many others wishing to celebrate their country's 23-year-old independence. The young wild-eyed thugs of the rabid left not only do not want to celebrate but plan to spoil it for everyone else. They should have cages for such leftist scum...and throw the key away!
pip  10 | 1658  
22 Oct 2012 /  #18
no link.

radical lefties- isn't that an oxy moron
22 Oct 2012 /  #19
I see Bobby has already forgotten who it was that were throwing flares and petrol bombs at police on and who had to have water cannon deployed against them.

For all the people who weren't actually right there: it was not the anti-fascists who were throwing flares etc.

Perhaps the OP could address the fact that as well as a real independence day march, led by the president of Poland, Warsaw will apparently this year again have to endure a march by neo-nazi groups made up of the kind of scum that collaborated with the Nazis during WWII?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Oct 2012 /  #20
Perhaps the OP could address the fact that as well as a real independence day march, led by the president of Poland, Warsaw will apparently this year again have to endure a march by neo-nazi groups made up of the kind of scum that collaborated with the Nazis during WWII?

Now why wouldn't they choose to take part in an official independence day march led by the President of Poland?

Perhaps Bobby can explain why he chooses to affiliate himself with Nazi supporters over those that support the President?
smurf  38 | 1940  
22 Oct 2012 /  #21
he chooses to affiliate himself with Nazi supporters over those that support the President

Prob coz he is a Nazi himself.

I don't seem to remember any 'lefties' throwing flares or fighting with cops.
..............God I hate to use those American terms 'left' and 'right'..............
those of us who do live here know that it was the right-wingers causing the trouble on November 11th last year, just like they will this year.

Why can't ye all just celebrate it like it's a 4th of July or St Patrick's Day and celebrate what it is to be Polish and the great things about the country?

Oh no, ye can't get along for 5 minutes unless it involves a soccer match or MMA or volleyball!
Every year it gets hijacked by moronic knuckle-draggers intent on causing trouble, they claim to be patriotic, ha, patriotic me hole, holding this country back is all they're doing.
OP polonius  54 | 420  
22 Oct 2012 /  #22
Arrested militants of German Antifa

Nearly half of the rioters arrested yesterday by police during clashes in the Independence Day in Warsaw is the leftists militants from Germany. About their riots call plans in Warsaw warned "Rzeczpospolita" previously.

210 people were detained by the police, including 92 citizens of Germany, one from Hungary, Denmark and Spain during street brawl in Warsaw during the Independence Day.

Lest the passage of time blur the realities of last Nov. 11th, it should be remembered that it was started when leftist-anarchists imported from Germany attacked historical re-enactors and police early in the day at Świętokrzyska street. When such broad-daylight attacks occur, that invariably unleashes a spiral of aggression that easily gets out of hand with people of varying views getting into the fray. Of the some 200 people detained by police, nearly half were German anarchists brought in by radical Polish lefties (Antifa and suchlike) to cause disturbances. Lewaki i anarchole started it and afterwards all hell broke loose. Teuton trouble-makers should be turned back at the border.
22 Oct 2012 /  #23
Lest the passage of time blur the realities of last Nov. 11th, it should be remembered

And let's all also note that the photo accompanying the article polonius has just posted shows trouble on pl Konstytucja, which is where his neo-nazi friends were.

Here is another shot of those scum:


And the police reaction:


And here's the aftermath of them ripping up the square to get rocks to throw at the police:


Teuton trouble-makers should be turned back at the border.

Exactly. As should the peasant scum who make up much of the Polish neo-nazi moment.
smurf  38 | 1940  
22 Oct 2012 /  #24
should be remembered that it was started

...'he started it'
'no, mom, he started'

Christ stop being pathetic, it doesn't matter a pig's fart who started it, the problem is that it starts at all. Why do these Neanderthals believe that they have the right to do this in the first place? And why the hell aren't people banding together to stop the nonsense?

And no, sure we'll all just sit at home that day and watch TV, play on our xbox'es & tablets and pretend that it's not happening. Polish people need to fúkin wake up and reclaim their country from the clowns that are trying to ruin it...i.e football hooligans, moherowe berety, chairman jaro, violent left + right protesters. I do not understand why the authorities allow these different marches in the first place. Complete and utter nonsense.

Move the 'celebration' to a nice summer's day and have marchin bands and floats, a proper parade to celebrate Polish independence day and not this codology where different minorities of gobhites take it upon themselves to act as if they're running the show.

And I don't get why the silent majority does nothing.........except to read the paper/watch the news and mumble "ah, that's Poland' That attitude has gotten Poland where it is today. Nowhere. In the doldrums. Why don't people grow some balls and stand up? Ya know why, coz they're lazy as hell 'round here and don't give a flying fiddles fck about anything other than themselves, there's no unity in Poland, there's no feeling 'we're in this together' no comradery.

Yea, yea, I know you'll all go to town on me now and I fully expect "go on home if you don't like it here" Well, the thing is I do like it here. There's a million and one great things about Poland....but why you let the likes of the neo-nazis, the religious right, the violent left etc etc call so many shots I do not understand.

......ah that's way too long, most a ya won't even bother reading it.

Short version: Poland is cool, get together and knock some sense into the idiots that are bringing the country down.
pip  10 | 1658  
22 Oct 2012 /  #25
Short version: Poland is cool, get together and knock some sense into the idiots that are bringing the country down.

you are so right
OP polonius  54 | 420  
22 Oct 2012 /  #26

Actually hte German leftist thugs essentially came to Warsaw for the same reason the Polish kibole did -- to kick a*se, bonk skulls and bash faces. There were actually three or even four separate events: the historical military parade (some of whose paricipants were attacked by the German leftist thugs), the Indpendence March coming in from Plac Unii Lubelskiej (mostly famlies and other peaceful citizens). It turned out that for a week prior to the event a motley collection of leftists, arnarchists, pro-abortionists, anti-fascists, radical feminists, anti-globalists, homosexual rights agitators and other suchlike self-styled 'progressives' had used the Internet to rally support and brought the Gemran thugs in for the event. There were even instructions on how to deal with the police.

Komorowski was right in calling for no head coverings, fireworks and other potentially dangerous objects at mass assemblies.
Kaczyński was wrong to side with the kibole to spite Tusk. Those two are something else! If Kaczyński said water was wet, Tusk would try to prove it was dry. Same holds for Kaczyński.

22 Oct 2012 /  #27
the Indpendence March coming in from Plac Unii Lubelskiej (mostly famlies and other peaceful citizens).

Just in case anybody thinks that polonius is in any way capable of telling the truth, the photos which I have posted above show the march which he refers to.

Komorowski was right in calling for no head coverings, fireworks and other potentially dangerous objects at mass assemblies.

Advice which was widely ignored by Bobby's neo-nazi mates:

scum in poland

Here they are, Bobby no doubt will claim they're having a barbecue:

Scum burning things in Poland

And here's the state they left our city in: Warsaw
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
22 Oct 2012 /  #28
Did the lefty garbage invite their German nazi buddies again ?
legend  3 | 658  
22 Oct 2012 /  #29
Its quite funny cause in many cases the pathetic antifa is more aggressive and dangerous than the "evil" far right.
I think a fine place for antifa would be the gulags.
jon357  72 | 23482  
22 Oct 2012 /  #30
That's not what a bystander last year saw. Even the sentiments you express in your post are aggressive.

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