I actually watch tvp news occasionally now just to remind myself of how awful it is
I actually watch tvp news (Wiadomości at 19:30) on a regular basis in order to see something different, but also to see how this news programme evolves.
At first, when PiS took power as a result of the general election the programme was a welcome change from the choir of unanimously concerted opinion on all three main TV chanel news in Poland (TVN, Polsat,TVP). Such was the case under the PO rule when it was completely irrelevant which news bulletin you decided to watch in the evening. One famous example was the case of the privatisation mafia activities in Warsaw and everywhere else in major cities which was deliberately swept under the carpet by all the three channels. Needless to say why: the mayor of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz who was largely responsible for the affair to have continued for so long was vice-chairman of the Civic Platform (PO).
I should say the divergence of opinion broadcast on television began to improve considerably shortly after Jacek Kurski took over as chairman of TVP. Viewers started to enjoy much more choice and were served two dishes instead of one and those dishes were complimentary to one another. Those who wished were undoubtedly much better informed than they could be under the PO regime.
But for the last several months the main news bulletin on TVP1 has developed into what Delph has so aplty described as "crude propaganda". The "Wiadomości" programme has slowly turned into something you can now describe as 'unwatchable'. A most primitive propaganda reminding vividly the one of the PRL era has begun to flow from the screens relentlesly and to the extent that viewers started to switch the TVP1 channel off en masse. This must have obviously resulted in advertisers leaving and prices for adverts on TVP1 dropping dramatically.
So the management of the TVP must have felt obliged to react to all this. Neither of the participants in the discussion of this thread has noted, however, that the Wiadomości's editor-in-chief Marzena Paczuska was dismissed as recently as on the 14th of August because - according to the Business Insider Polska - Jacek Kurski "lost confidence in her". Marzena Paczuska who was chief of the Wiadomości since January 2016 has already expressed her dismay at having been fired through Twitter while being on a fortnight leave. Another PiS hardliner, Joanna Lichocka, expressed her concern at this form of dismissal.
If this change of the person in charge results in improved quality of the Wiadomości - the future will tell. I would not expect miracles, however, but some simple decency will be most welcome.