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Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ?

OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Oct 2011 /  #91
Nothing against. Are you really so subhuman as to have problems with that?

Yes, I've got a problem with pushing this freak into the Parliament just to make show around it. What are "her" competence to be there ? What does "she" going to work on ?

BTW I've heard for the last years many comments about physical appearance of politicians from people with political views similar to yours, stuff like for example "short president will be a disgrace for Poland, how will he represent Poland abroad?" and so on, that's why I'm asking... will you be proud of "Anna" when "she" will be representing Poland in Russia, US or UK ?
pawian  226 | 27453  
12 Oct 2011 /  #92
=Grzegorz_]What are "her" competence to be there ? What does "she" going to work on ?

You really amaze me with your incredible ignorance. Are you yourself or you let your teenage son take over during your absence?
Have you tried to find out more on that person in other sources than the tabloid media?
Read this blog to get acquainted with the whole story.


=Grzegorz_]I've heard for the last years many comments about physical appearance of politicians from people with political views similar to yours, stuff like for example "short president will be a disgrace for Poland, how will he represent Poland abroad?" and so on, that's why I'm asking...

Don`t equate me with other posters who concentrate on appearance. It is silly.

=Grzegorz_]will you be proud of "Anna" when "she" will be representing Poland in Russia, US or UK ?

I really don`t see a problem. What are you trying to prove?

So far you have only proven how primitive your thinking can be at times. :):):):)
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
12 Oct 2011 /  #93
will you be proud of "Anna" when "she" will be representing Poland in Russia, US or UK ?

If Anna is a good politician i don't see why Poland should not be proud of her work. Why not?

Israel won the Eurovision contest with the transsexual artist Sharon Cohen -Dana international , most countries voted for this excellent singer andi don't think any one was ashamed of her performance.[b]

gumishu  15 | 6228  
12 Oct 2011 /  #94
If Anna is a good politician i don't see why Poland should not be proud of her work. Why not?

how do you know Anna is a good politician? she didn't enter the Sejm because of personal valour, personal commitment, lots of work for the community she lives in - ok she is a LGBT activist and that's why she was accepted into Palikot movement - Palikot even thought it is good to give her the first place on his list - kind of publicity stunts - yet I do not believe most people who voted her in really knew who they were voting for (and I think if they actually knew they would have chosen someone else instead (probably still from the Palikot list)
pawian  226 | 27453  
12 Oct 2011 /  #95
=gumishu]how do you know Anna is a good politician? she didn't enter the Sejm because of personal valour, personal commitment, lots of work for the community she lives in - ok she is a LGBT activist

Look closely and you will see how you are contradicting yourself! :):):)

=gumishu]yet I do not believe most people who voted her in really knew who they were voting for

In short, you mean,like Piłsudski, Poles are idiots? :):):)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Oct 2011 /  #97
how do you know Anna is a good politician?

She doesnt.

If Anna is a good politician

see that first word,its an "If",simple really,only two letters.
She might be crap, if so, she will be voted out democraticaly next time.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
13 Oct 2011 /  #98
LGBT circles are not local communities anywhere in Poland - if I mention a community she lives in isn't it clear that I mean a local community?
pawian  226 | 27453  
13 Oct 2011 /  #99
Doesn`t a local community include people who Anna Grodzka is going to represent? :):):)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Oct 2011 /  #101
I think she is gonna have a hard time to be honest, but she sounds like a sound person and a good fighter. Time will tell. Her gender has nothing to do with how she is going to perform as an MP, why would it?

some people might think that Poland is changing, but I think that there is a long way to go in regards to eg accepting different genders in politics. The are not many women in politics and the last election showed that if they are allowed to got in, they at least have to look good - I still don't understand what the looks have to do with the job performed and I can only guess that those women have womanizing bosses.

Women in Polish politics are either feminist, old and not attractive, or really good looking, so by the looks of it we seem to have a whole spectrum, but I still don't understand why they are not judged on their merit, but instead on their looks or sexual preference. No wonder regular women are not that interested. They would feel out of place.

That is Polish politics in scope.

All I can see is the really dirty war.

So I can understand why women sit at home and look after the home budget, since kids have to be fed and hubbies need to have a new car and an ironed shirts to go into the world and look good;).

I still think that Polish politics is too much of who looks good in a physical sense, who has a good image, while those people are still not judged on their merits.

So going back to the subject - Anna is going to be judged on her looks, not on her merit by people like Grzegorz, who is young and really out of this world in that regard.

Rant over:)
Ironside  50 | 12941  
13 Oct 2011 /  #102
I think she is gonna have a hard time to be honest, but she sounds like a sound person and a good fighter. Time will tell. Her gender has nothing to do with how she is going to perform as an MP, why would it?

Absolutely, she should become Prime minster!
Come on PO don't you dare discriminate against her! She can understand both sexes intimately and because of the she would be a better Prime minister.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
13 Oct 2011 /  #103
LGBT circles are not local communities anywhere in Poland

In Warsaw, yes, they are.
rychlik  41 | 372  
10 Nov 2011 /  #104

What do you guys think of the transexual and gay dude getting into the Polish Parliament? Is this the end of Poland? I am worried. Was there no other choice?


Please use the search function before starting a new thread.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Nov 2011 /  #105
Geez, quite a few Poles really lack originality! This has been done before. Where are the spicy threads?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
10 Nov 2011 /  #106
She isn't gay as far as I know, the people voted for her and this has been discussed over many pages in the election. And whatever you happen to think of her, under the law of Poland she isn't a 'dude'. One for random chat, Mods?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Nov 2011 /  #107
The end of Poland?? Go and watch Allan Bast*rd or Alf Garnett you pathetic hack!!
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
10 Nov 2011 /  #108
@Seanus, he isn't a Pole. Just someone trolling from another continent.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Nov 2011 /  #109
Ah, one of those. Call the schoolmaster!!
legend  3 | 658  
10 Nov 2011 /  #110
Absolutely not. Save this crap for western civilization.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
10 Nov 2011 /  #111
Since you don't live here, why would you care about the personal lives of minor politicians. Unless you've got a prurient interest in her for some odd reason.
Natasa  1 | 572  
10 Nov 2011 /  #112
That Polish politician filled domestic press. It was used as a didactic tool. I think. Although our political scene is full of crypto faggets, not gays, gays are less hermetic.

It is a sad situation that their private,most intimate lives, matter the most in politics. Girls do like boys do like girls....

Who cares? Relevant for Carmen Electra, not for serious member of semi serious parliament. And that woman ex man got votes, article claims, also for performed Thai sex change operation. One wonders if it was a manipulative move.

This world is anyway upside down, topsy turvy, arse over tit. Literally. (just practicing english idioms)

The men and women differ. Men have XY sex chromosome , women XX. on the cellular level. That can't be changed on Thailand. Or anywhere else.

I interviewed few people who started the process of sex change. I was surprised how doctors and other experts involved don't even dare to question the procedure in risky cases of even younger adolescents, and how political their behavior, not medical at the end is. Conformists. Institutions and control. Power.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Nov 2011 /  #113
In Scotland, a tranny is a radio too so that would just be wrong... (from transistor radio)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Nov 2011 /  #115
Then again, not too far off the mark as Rydzyk spews his bile on Radio Maryja. In some way, they represent part of Polish society.
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Nov 2011 /  #116
Transexuals? I have nothing against the various identities humans take these days, but choosing a representative because of his sexual CV is a joke similar to that one when Ciccolina was elected for Italian parliament promising sex with all Italians.

Gays disappoint sometimes. Being uncreative is the last thing expected from them. But then again, hermetic world of theirs again shows that they do discriminate other people using sexual orientation as only criterium. At least here they vote using exclusively gay criteria voting mostly for one very gayish party.
calcedonia  4 | 67  
15 Nov 2011 /  #117
Why people need to talk and ask about her I dont understand in parlamento how many people there are but ,nobody ask about those people '' what do you think about'' him or her ''? I dont think any think she is a human like all. But very good for poland this in Turkey we had never seen some Transsexual join parlament,and we will never see, some could be show business star rest of them in Turkey Transsexuals onley in street for sex workers and people beat them soemtimes kill them but police never protect them because they never seen them as a human. Forget about parliamanet even in street if they live free its ok for them and democracies.
contraption  - | 6  
18 Nov 2011 /  #118
It doesn't matter for me whether a politician is transsexual, homosexual, straight or even a priest as long as he/she does a good job. But I'm afraid that's not the case with Ms Grodzka. She's been elected BECAUSE she is transsexual, not because of her policies. It's also the same with Robert Biedroń, who's a well known gay. As for Grodzka - quite a number of my friends voted for her without any good reason (unless you count being transsexual as a good reason). It seems that you can enter the parliament as long as you are showing off your difference from the mainstream. And that's a disgrace.

But well... we're living in a democracy so I guess it's "a common European standard".
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
9 Dec 2011 /  #119
I'm quite shocked that PF seems to have so many homosexuals who post here now...When I first joined, it seemed a good forum where Poles and people of Polish descent discussed relevant issues....Now, you have topics like 'Gay Male Wants to Blow Polish Man in Paris: Where Should I Look?'.
pawian  226 | 27453  
9 Dec 2011 /  #120
I don`t know where you should look. Check the Internet first, then some ads on trees in the local park. You can also look into restrooms in nearby facilities. Good luck.

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