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Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ?

gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #31
Shorter answer is, you know you are male ,no one could tell you other wise,and even if you had your bits chopped off you would still feel male, it is the same, gender identity is fixed,sometimes it gets fixed wrong, the operations and change of life are the only "cure".

as far as I know the operation does not cure anything - quite the opposite - it can be a source of many medical problems as well as leaves the person in question on a life-long hormone replacement therapy
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #32
Its not primative.Its daft,but thats all.
Lets face it pawian it is a bit of a mind fcuk condition for people who have never really come across it before.
What has been cool to see is that when the topic comes up on PF it generaly doeant attract dozens of ranting trolls, compare that to say a Daily Mail comments board in the so called more chilled out west.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #33
A young child in the future will be told at school that transsexualism is a personal choice/preference like anything in life.

why actually raise an issues if there is no need to - I don't think children should be taught about transsexualism at least the way it is thought of and explained today
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #34
as far as I know the operation does not cure anything - quite the opposite - it can be a source of many medical problems as well as leaves the person in question on a life-long hormone replacement therapy

No, in the very early days, in the 50s and 60s when people went off to Morroco and did things off their own back then yes, it was often a bad operation that needed further work.

these days though medicine has advanced, out comes are something like 98% positive post op,which in medicine is almost unheard of.
yes, life long HRT is still needed but TBH it is just one hormone replacing another and is less dangerous than your Aunty Annie going on it to stop her hot flushes .
pawian  226 | 27453  
10 Oct 2011 /  #35
=Gustav]But it is important to consider the full implications of something before slinging mud.

Don`t be silly. It is that primitive Grzegorz who slings mud at people who suffer from gender problems. Transsexualism is a purely medical problem, like cancer or pneumonia, it is crazy to imply that such people are sick or worse.

Guys, am I really talking to intelligent people or utter bigots? When were you facking born? In 12 century?

I can`t believe it, you are so sickening! Fak!
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #36
A young child in the future will be told at school that transsexualism is a personal choice/preference like anything in life.

No they wont,because that goes against the findings of all medical research into the condition.
Stop peddiling scare stories that have no basis in fact gustav.
It is no more a "choice" than being born with 6 fingers on one hand or a cleft pallete.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #37
=gumishu]ou don't have time to explain a presumably simple and non-controversial matter?

If it is so simple, why do you need my explanation? :):):):)

One basic question for you: are you as primitive as Grzegorz and consider her worse than "normals"?

I don't perceive her worse than normals - I perceive her as a misguided person

no - it's not me who thinks the issue is simple and obvious - it's you - so please do explain the matter

Transsexualism is a purely medical problem, like cancer or pneumonia, it is crazy to imply that such people are sick or worse.

in what manner it is purely a medical problem - if it is a problem than it can be cured with some pharmeteucial - wouldn't you agree?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #38
But it is important to consider the full implications of something before slinging mud.

Do you promise to remember that the next time you post on a topic you obviously know very little about? Big promise,no cross fingers?

Thus, if you are comfortable with a rebellious teenager coming home and declaring they are going to have a surgical operation to change their gender ( to object would be in contravention of their human rights) then all well and good.

European law states that no one is allowed to under go surgery untill they are over 18 years old, ie adults.
It takes on average 5 years from first appointment at a Doctors to the final sex change operation. This only takes place after years of medical and psychologial apraisals.

So yes, all is well and good. Adults can do what they feel they have to do to themselves without to much outside interference, the opposite of that is dictatorship.
Gustav  1 | 50  
10 Oct 2011 /  #39
Stop peddiling scare stories that have no basis in fact gustav.

You make a hideous assumption.

Consider Thai 'Lady-Boys' and the large numbers of sex workers around the world who change gender purely by choice - financial reasons being just one reason.

Rather than quote the bogus 'medical research' argument why not take a look at the facts?

By the way, do you want a shovel to remove your mountainous naivety?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #40
in what manner it is purely a medical problem - if it is a problem than it can be cured with some pharmeteucial - wouldn't you agree?

Youve been told this atleast 3 times now, if you want to just argue with pawian why dont you take it to pm?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Oct 2011 /  #41
Irishguy, I'm glad it made you laugh. Some of the other posts on this thread are making me cry ;) Poland has many prospective Allan Bastar*s. Leave their sexuality out of it, I say.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
10 Oct 2011 /  #42
What do you think about tranny representing Poland

Why not?

BTW, there were crossdressers in the Sejm during the First Polish Republic. Nothing new under the sun.

A young child in the future will be told at school that transsexualism is a personal choice/preference like anything in life.

It is. Get used to that and stop hating so much.

Tell us, Grzegorz ,how you feel about being represented by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, a man with more skeletons in his closet than most medical schools?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #43
You make a hideous assumption.

Nope, that would be a classic case of transference on your part( look it up,psychology 101). I think its pretty obvious to anyone reading this thread who may know a bit more about this than you............and,it isnt greg'.

Consider Thai 'Lady-Boys' and the large numbers of sex workers around the world who change gender for purely by choice - financial reasons being one.

Are you comparing Poland to a third world country where people are forced into all sorts of drastic choices just to put food in their bellys? How insulting to Poland.

Rather than a quote the bogus 'medical research' argument why take a look at the facts?

If you consider Johns Hopkins as " bogus medical research",well, LMFAO at your supreme arrogance :):):)

By the way, do you want a shovel to remove the mountain of your naivety?

Hilarious how bigots who cannot back up with any facts,just conjecture,always accuse others of being blind as though they are the only ones who "see it like it really is man...". lols.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #44
Youve been told this atleast 3 times now, if you want to just argue with pawian why dont you take it to pm?

the point is the surgery does not cure anything - if so - what does it cure? - and it matters for political reasons - there should be no state refunding of such operations

if transsexualism is just a medical (hormonal) condition then I guess a therapy could be developed (say some medicine hormonal or otherwise) - the thing is the people in question wouldn't want it (most) which proves that it is not a purely medical (physiological) condition

Irishguy, I'm glad it made you laugh. Some of the other posts on this thread are making me cry ;) Poland has many prospective Allan Bastar*s. Leave their sexuality out of it, I say.

Seanus - the thing is Anna Grodzka is in the Sejm exactly because of her issues with sexuality - not much if anything else
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
10 Oct 2011 /  #45
Are you comparing Poland to a third world country where people are forced into all sorts of drastic choices just to put food in their bellys? How insulting to Poland.

Actually the Kathoey of Thailand are following a centuries-old tradition. There's a much healthier attitude in Thailand to the gender continuum. Far fewer hang-ups, far more good manners towards others and respect for someone's situation and choices in life.

there should be no state refunding of such operations

Fine as long as transexuals get a rebate on their health insurance!
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #46
the point is the surgery does not cure anything

If you woke up with Tits tommorow......... Im sure for a few days it would be fun ;) But give it a week and youd want them gone. So,your hypothetical Tit removal operation was a "cure " for the fact you are a man in mind and spirit but found yourself with lady parts :)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #47
there should be no state refunding of such operations

Fine as long as transexuals get a rebate on their health insurance!

why so actually - are you about to create a caste of holy cows? - give me one reason transsexuals should get a rebate on their health insurance?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #48
if transsexualism is just a medical (hormonal) condition then I guess a therapy could be developed (say some medicine hormonal or otherwise)

This has been tried unsuccsefully since the 1920s and nothing has ever worked to stop someone feeling the way they do. The surgical option at present is the best "cure" in as much as you cannot alter a persons brain but you can give them as close to the physical body they feel they should have.

If you think there was a cheep and easy option for this do you think health services would carry on paying out for the slightly expensive operation?

BTW, Health services dont pay for anything, people either pay health insurence or ,here in the UK people pay national insurence, so we all pay for our own and every bugger elses treatment. FYI, "trannys" are people too, so they pay their NI or insurence too, maybe a non smoking healthy weight transsexual objects to paying for all the fat lazy arsed beer drinking cigar smokers? :)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #49
If you woke up with Tits tommorow......... Im sure for a few days it would be fun ;)

as far as I know there is no medical condition in males that will make them grow proper female breasts - especially all of the sudden and in their puberty - so I guess you hypothetise a great deal
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
10 Oct 2011 /  #50
give me one reason transsexuals should get a rebate on their health insurance?

Give me one reason their procedures shouldn't be refunded. If someone pays for services, they get access to services.

as far as I know there is no medical condition in males that will make them grow proper female breasts

There are several.
Gustav  1 | 50  
10 Oct 2011 /  #51
Are you comparing Poland to a third world country where people are forced into all sorts of drastic choices just to put food in their bellys? How insulting to Poland.

No. You have a probably never been to Thailand, so how you can insult Thai people is utterly staggering, but then not surprising given your previous posts.

Go visit and find out.

They are not 'putting food in their bellys'. They are making an independent choice.

You can always spot a bleeding heart liberal a mile off. Anyone who disagrees with them is a 'bigot' or 'primitive', as they have the definitive answer for everything.

Shrill arguments and faux intellectualism. Yep... your just another Brit here... who knows everything about Poland but can't speak the language.

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #52
as far as I know there is no medical condition in males that will make them grow proper female breasts

christ, I feel like Ive a frikkin medical degree rather than a minor in Psych' :)
Matey, the name escapes me but there are at least three seperate conditions that can cause just that.....men can even lactate :) !!!

especially all of the sudden and in their puberty - so I guess you hypothetise a great deal

Erm, no, I guess you just dont know how to hypothesise yourself,as that was clearly the aim. You are the one asking for explanations,people give you them but we are hypothosising? wtf? :)

BTW, one in ten pubescent males do develope female pattern breast growth,though they rarely remain,fact.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #53
give me one reason transsexuals should get a rebate on their health insurance?

Give me one reason their procedures shouldn't be refunded.

it's the same reason having your noses and lips 'improved' (save for some serious things that really complicate people's lives) should not be refunded - a gender changing operation creates more problems than it solves - HRT is expensive - Polish state funded medicine is underfunded - spending serious buck on someone's whims is not the thing we should aim for - and how democratic would you be in that case - would you hold a referendum on that??

BTW, one in ten pubescent males do develope female pattern breast growth,though they rarely remain,fact.

I have never seen a single person with such a developement and you say it's one in ten males - where do you get these figures from????

this is what wikipedia says about Human male lactation - Human male lactation

The phenomenon of successful human male breastfeeding has been credibly observed in several cases.[5] However, the cases are not sufficiently documented to allow distinguishing of possible pathologic galactorrhea.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
11 Oct 2011 /  #54
Shrill arguments and faux intellectualism

Shrill,really, the written word has an audio pitch now? Are you a dog? and lols at faux intellectualism....so you are more of an intellectual than the Doctors at Johns Hopkins then? What a plum duff. Gustav. Gusset in a bunch more like :):):)

You can always spot a

You can always spot "your sort" a fcukin mile off too, pompous proclamations and a slight God complex that they are the only ones with the key to life, hey,take a day off,no need to be a pr!ck 24/7. Relax,open your mind,you may learn something..................

No. You have a probably never been to Thailand

No, you are right, this has what exactly to do with anything?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
11 Oct 2011 /  #55
it's the same reason having your noses and lips 'improved' (save for some serious things that really complicate people's lives) should not be refunded

Not the same at all - or health services would hardly make the complicated clinical decision to get involved with such treatment.

a gender changing operation creates more problems than it solves

In your opinion. Fortunately doctors are a little more sensible.

HRT is expensive

Yet thousands of women (and plenty of men) receive it for years.

Should the health services fund gastric bands or Y-sections, I wonder? They're highly dangerous, have long term effects and are expensive.

this is what wikipedia says about Human male lactation - Human male lactation

The phenomenon of successful human male breastfeeding has been credibly observed in several cases.[5] However, the cases are not sufficiently documented to allow distinguishing of possible pathologic galactorrhea.

Right. Wikipedia. Gynaecomastia is more common that you think. And irrelevant to the discussion.

You can always spot "your sort" a fcukin mile off too, pompous proclamations and a slight God complex that they are the only ones with the key to life, hey,take a day off,no need to be a pr!ck 24/7. Relax,open your mind,you may learn something..................

Very well said.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
11 Oct 2011 /  #56
I have never seen a single person with such a developement and you say it's one in ten males - where do you get these figures from????

Oh get a grip. How many 12 year old boys with mini tits do you think boast about them?
Sorry, all the facts are easy to find for yourself, if you are really interested do a quick google search, if not,why waste your time?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
11 Oct 2011 /  #57
Oh get a grip. How many 12 year old boys with mini tits do you think boast about them?

it has nothing to do with boasting - you just don't see female type breasts in males - definitely not in 1 in 10
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
11 Oct 2011 /  #58
I* don't know what that's got to do with the price of fish. More like trying to change the subject.

Transexualism occurs in nature. Doctors have developed procedures in connection with this. Get over it and find something else to be small-minded about.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
11 Oct 2011 /  #59
it has nothing to do with boasting - you just don't see female type breasts in males - definitely not in 1 in 10

Actually, you are correct I DONT SEE breasts on early pubescent boys for the simple reason I spend more time looking at the chests of grown women......I know when my left nipple grew practicaly over night when I was about 12 then a week later a hard lump developed I didnt rush out and show it off to all my mates :). It went about 3 months later . I certainly wasnt flashing my mono boob off to strange grown men FFS :)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
11 Oct 2011 /  #60
Should the health services fund gastric bands or Y-sections, I wonder? They're highly dangerous, have long term effects and are expensive.

I don't know what gastric bands and Y-sections are - and I am not sure these are thus refunded in Poland

I haven't seen proper female breasts in any non-transgender male - with proper nipples etc - what I guess gyneacomastia can be alleviated with male hormones or other hormonal or hormone-control medication

do males have breast glands at all? it seems odd to me

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