Poland has just got first transsexual member of the Parliament... also first in the world I heard. Members of Sejm are often traveling and representing Poland abroad. What do you think about tranny representing Poland ? Will you be proud of... her ? I am especially interested in opinions of Palikot/PO supporters. Please comment.
Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ?
a) Is she actually confirmed as an MP yet?
b) She isn't the first in the world but she will be the only current transgendered MP in the world.
c) I'll be no more or less proud of her than I am of any Polish MP (until I have heard what her views are and seen what her actions are).
b) She isn't the first in the world but she will be the only current transgendered MP in the world.
c) I'll be no more or less proud of her than I am of any Polish MP (until I have heard what her views are and seen what her actions are).
Thank you Harry.
BTW here she is...

BTW here she is...

nice bracelet
It doesn't bother me in the slightest. As long as the government stays out of my bedroom and my wardrobe, I don't care what she does in hers either.
When this topic comes up at work, I point the more shocked towards the ex-Mayor of Cambridge, Jenny Bailey:
If a transgender woman in a legal civil partnership with another transgender woman (and also a father of two children) is deemed worthy by her electorate to represent a city as steeped in history and tradition as Cambridge, then Poland has nothing to worry about.
This really shouldn't be news at all.
When this topic comes up at work, I point the more shocked towards the ex-Mayor of Cambridge, Jenny Bailey:
If a transgender woman in a legal civil partnership with another transgender woman (and also a father of two children) is deemed worthy by her electorate to represent a city as steeped in history and tradition as Cambridge, then Poland has nothing to worry about.
This really shouldn't be news at all.
Sidliste_Chodov 1 | 438
10 Oct 2011 / #6
This really shouldn't be news at all.
Of course it shouldn't. It's not as if the straight Catholics in power are exactly known for doing a great job of running things, are they?
Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people in Poland (and on this forum) who think that homophobia, misogyny and macho posturing are Polish "traditions" worth preserving.
And that's what this thread is about, really - a shameless troll thread, just waiting for someone to come along and start an anti-tranny rant, so all the karki can come along and agree.
She aims to please all and sundry which is more than some politicians do ;)
I wonder if you all can positively be sure that you will not for one second hesitate how to title Mr/s Anna Grodzka
I wouldn't hesitate for a single second: she is Ms Grodzka, end of story.
Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people in Poland (and on this forum) who think that homophobia, misogyny and macho posturing are Polish "traditions" worth preserving.
Well yeah, look at the success of the anything-goes liberal approach in the UK
Well worth copying that.
Tranny = a manny with a fanny as we say in Scotland :) :) What's wrong with a tranny?
Proud no, but then I'm not proud of the current clique..
Sidliste_Chodov 1 | 438
10 Oct 2011 / #13
Well yeah, look at the success of the anything-goes liberal approach in the UK
Well worth copying that.
Well worth copying that.
Despite its many problems, this country is still decades ahead of Poland in many ways.
Come back when Poland has a music/club scene which is copied and envied by many other countries around the world, then you can talk. Oh, sorry, I forgot... I'll be long dead by then :p
Ah, variety is the spice of life. The mohair beret brigade will be going nuts over this ;)
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1366
10 Oct 2011 / #15
YES, it shows Poland is a tolerant country.
Why would anyone be bound by what someone else identify as? PWEI can self identify as a woman, but he can't make me address him as Ms.
BTW isn't that new transsexual MP a liar, by being a father in her previous "incarnation"?
BTW isn't that new transsexual MP a liar, by being a father in her previous "incarnation"?
=Grzegorz_]Poland has just got first transsexual member of the Parliament... also first in the world I heard. Members of Sejm are often traveling and representing Poland abroad. What do you think about tranny representing Poland ? Will you be proud of... her ? I am especially interested in opinions of Palikot/PO supporters. Please comment.
Nothing against. Are you really so subhuman as to have problems with that?
Do you know at all what transexualism means?
PWEI can self identify as a woman, but he can't make me address him as Ms.
PWEI can self identify as a woman, but he can't make me address him as Ms.
Actually I could. All I'd need is a secluded working space, a sturdy chair, a roll of duct tape, a hammer and a box of nails and you would call me absolutely anything I told you to.
Do you know at all what transexualism means?
what does transexualism mean pawian explain :)
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1366
10 Oct 2011 / #20
I have just seen pani Anna interviewed on Russian TV(: The lady has just got in and she is already making waves(:
=gumishu]what does transexualism mean pawian explain :)
Did you forget how to use google?
I don`t have time to babysit you, gumi. I have my own kids. :):):):)
PS. BTW, Anna Grodzka was elected in Krakow! Wow! :):):)
=gumishu]what does transexualism mean pawian explain :)
Did you forget how to use google?
Did you forget how to use google?
well, you seem to be able to explain issues about transexualism (and probably the essence of it) no amount of reading wikipedia can teach me - I assume so because you make a point of someone (Grzegorz) presumably not being able to fathom the matter - if Grzegorz cannot fathom the matter with wikipedia at hand then I will be at a loss too, ya know
In another thread, Polish 2011 elections, Grzegorz is highly critical about "tranny" in the Polish parliament, calling it shyt.
I asked him a question Do you know what transsexualism means? in order to find out the reasons for his primitive prejudice. Maybe the guy doesn`t know really and thinks it is some kind of disgusting perversion etc.
Is it so hard to understand?
I asked him a question Do you know what transsexualism means? in order to find out the reasons for his primitive prejudice. Maybe the guy doesn`t know really and thinks it is some kind of disgusting perversion etc.
Is it so hard to understand?
Come back when Poland has a music/club scene which is copied and envied by many other countries around the world, then you can ta
You can explain why Brits shrug their shoulders at 14 year old mothers and why TV documentaries show major cities as 'No-Go' areas as drunken yobs run rampage on a Friday night.
But its ok, the music is alright!
I don`t have time to babysit you, gumi. I have my own kids. :):):):)
you have time to spill bullshit about PiS here - you don't have time to explain a presumably simple and non-controversial matter?
well, you seem to be able to explain issues about transexualism (and probably the essence of it) no amount of reading wikipedia can teach me - I assume so because you make a point of someone (Grzegorz) presumably not being able to fathom the matter - if Grzegorz cannot fathom the matter with wikipedia at hand then I will be at a loss too, ya know
Simple. In early development of babies in the mothers womb many factors go into the final outcome.
All babies technicaly start off as Female and then with a balance of hormones they can develope along male lines.
Now, for the same reason that some children are born with visable birth defects some babies can be born having not had the "normal" amount of either male or female hormones .
This leads onto people being born " as a woman in a mans body/ man in a womans body" .
Or more accuratly, female brain in male body/male brain in female body.
The science is pretty simple and has been proven in post mortom studies where male to female transsexual's brains have found to be exactly the same as "normal" female brains, and vice versa.
Shorter answer is, you know you are male ,no one could tell you other wise,and even if you had your bits chopped off you would still feel male, it is the same, gender identity is fixed,sometimes it gets fixed wrong, the operations and change of life are the only "cure".
Even shorter answer, its something you obviously dont have, why worry about it, you cant catch it AFAIK :)
BTW isn't that new transsexual MP a liar, by being a father in her previous "incarnation"?
Err,no. Just someone who wanted kids and used what they had at the time to get one,I imagine.
This really shouldn't be news at all.
It shouldnt,but its nice that it is. I doubt Ms G is the only TS in the village :)
The mohair beret brigade will be going nuts over this ;)
Sorry S', I thought you said " growing nuts"..........
Sidliste_Chodov 1 | 438
10 Oct 2011 / #27
You can explain why Brits shrug their shoulders at 14 year old mothers and why TV documentaries show major cities as 'No-Go' areas as drunken yobs run rampage on a Friday night.
But its ok, the music is alright!
But its ok, the music is alright!
How old are you, 14?
DESPITE (or possibly even because of) the fact that the UK is such a sh**hole, we have lots of great things here.
Just like, despite the fact that Poland also has many great things, millions are/were desperate to leave. Can't be that great, then!
=gumishu]you have time to spill bullshit about PiS here -
I tell the truth about maniacs from PiS in order to balance your BS about PO.
=gumishu]ou don't have time to explain a presumably simple and non-controversial matter?
If it is so simple, why do you need my explanation? :):):):)
One basic question for you: are you as primitive as Grzegorz and consider her worse than "normals"?
irishguy11 6 | 157
10 Oct 2011 / #29
hi seanus, just had to say that your scotish description was so funny, on a serious note, I am sure the person will do the job as best to their ability
primitive prejudice
Its quite easy and amusing to label anyone who doesn't support ultra liberalism as primitive-but consider the logical conclusion.
A young child in the future will be told at school that transsexualism is a personal choice/preference like anything in life. (To not promote it equally in schools would be discriminatory) Thus, if you are comfortable with a rebellious teenager coming home and declaring they are going to have a surgical operation to change their gender ( to object would be in contravention of their human rights) then all well and good.
But it is important to consider the full implications of something before slinging mud.