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Priest from Poland claims Lego is "a tool of Satan"

jon357  72 | 23670  
1 Apr 2014 /  #1
A Polish priest has warned parents to be on their guard against Lego, warning the plastic blocks are a tool of Satan and can "destroy" children's souls...
...Father Kostrzewa's attack on Lego is not the first time he has accused toys of harbouring evil. Hello Kitty and My Little Pony have also come under his scrutiny, with the latter being described as a "carrier of death".

Not an April Fool's joke. And they wonder why Sunday attendances are evaporating.
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539  
1 Apr 2014 /  #2
Is this by chance the same dude who also claimed on "reliable authority" (I'm quoting directly!) that the Jews are taking over the world, etc.???

What'll he think of next. The things people will say just to get attention:-)

Excuse me, but it sounds like an April Fool's gag to me.
1 Apr 2014 /  #3
Excuse me, but it sounds like an April Fool's gag to me.

It was first reported in Polish press yesterday.

And they wonder why Sunday attendances are evaporating.

Do they? I'd have thought that they really do not care; they certainly behave as if they don't care in the slightest.
OP jon357  72 | 23670  
1 Apr 2014 /  #4
they certainly behave as if they don't care in the slightest.

Anyone with half a brain is just freaked out by all that stuff. Clowns like this make things much harder for the clergy who have dedicated their lives to actually doing some good. And the hierarchy don't seem to care because frankly some of them are just as weird.
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539  
1 Apr 2014 /  #5
Believe only half of what you hear and even LESS of what you read:-)
OP jon357  72 | 23670  
1 Apr 2014 /  #6
Even a quarter of what you hear in some pulpits in PL is quite scary. Fortunately not everywhere.

In this case, the reported statements are his actual words. Almost as silly as the politician who wanted to ban teletubbies.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
1 Apr 2014 /  #7
Surely he meant Stickle Bricks?

Hold on, can see where he's coming from, somewhat. Let's be fair - this from the article:

Slawomir Kostrzewa said the popular Danish toy company had taken a lurch to the dark side with its series of Monster Fighters and Zombie mini-figures, and that they "were about darkness and the world of death".

"Friendly fellows have been replaced by dark monsters," he explained. "These toys can have a negative effect on children.

OP jon357  72 | 23670  
1 Apr 2014 /  #8
A few years ago the toy shops were all full of tanks and guns for boys and anorexic-looking dolls for girls. Did they do harm? Who knows?

Banning Harry Potter and Halloween (as some would like to) is unlikely to make the world a better place.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
1 Apr 2014 /  #9
Banning Harry Potter and Halloween (as some would like to) is unlikely to make the world a better place.

Leonardo Da Vinci, J. S. Bach and Newton vs. 50 Cents, Magic Jonson and Kim Gandy, who will win?

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Apr 2014 /  #10
I've heard of this! We have Christian groups in the US who believe toys are Satanic. Looks like the trend is spreading among Christians the world over.
day zha voo  
1 Apr 2014 /  #11
Im with Inwroclaw here.
Lets cut the chap some slack,he may be a fruit loop but,when I was a child Lego was great,of course we made guns and played violent games with it if we were inclined to but,the difference was that was our choice.

These days the sets seem full of little dudes with guns,come on,last year they put out a Lego Town Bank Robbery set.....
I bought Playmobil for my little un in the end. Ironically she loved all the little Knights and Pirates,hey hoo though,I tried :)
gjene  15 | 203  
1 Apr 2014 /  #12
Better yet, find out what kind of drugs he has been using all these years. When you look at how the Catholic church behaved over the last 1000 years, being rather dictatorial and not allowing the clergy to marry makes you wonder. No wonder a lot of the clergy has resorted to molesting boys and getting onto the front page because of that and giving the church a blackeye. And yet they are still blind to the fact that they need to get with the program and bring it into the 21st century and tell the clergy that they will need to get married.
Less777  - | 48  
2 Apr 2014 /  #13
After all he is an expert.
2 Apr 2014 /  #14
Today's nut is tomorrow's oak.
OP jon357  72 | 23670  
2 Apr 2014 /  #15
This guy's the wrong side of fifty, so he's had plenty of time to grow into an oak. But he's still an nut. And no, he's not an expert on what toys are good or not for children.

At least his calls for a ban on Lego will go the way of his calls for a ban on Hello Kitty.
2 Apr 2014 /  #16
But he's still an nut. And no, he's not an expert on what toys are good or not for children.

He is the same nutter who said that My Little Pony is a "carrier of death". And as for Hello Kitty, to him that promotes "violence and the prnography industry".

He also reckons that toy manufacturers either co-operate with Satanic sects and Freemasons or are actively part of them.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
2 Apr 2014 /  #17
you never know of course he may have a point
2 Apr 2014 /  #18
I have noticed looking at the Lego sets in my local Tesco that a fair amount of them are "cops and robbers" with the criminals usually carrying a crowbar in one hand and a plastic brick supposed to be a jewel or a bank note in the other.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
2 Apr 2014 /  #19
Not an April Fool's joke???

Life in the age of corporations:

Polish artist Zbigniew Libera plays with imagery and has become well known for the dark & controversial LEGO Concentration Camp Set that he designed in 1996. The LEGO Corporation gave Libera the bricks for free without a clear vision of Libera's project and not knowing he would use them for this purpose. This act, however, led Libera to include a controversial notice on his boxes saying "sponsored by LEGO Systems". LEGO insists that they did not endorse his artwork. His intention was to reflect on rationalism and education.

OP jon357  72 | 23670  
2 Apr 2014 /  #20
His intention was to reflect on rationalism and education.

Fair enough. The world needs more artists. Even (perhaps especially) ones who challenge people to see things another way.

you never know of course he may have a point

Perhaps, except the Masons strictly and rigorously hold no organisational opinion on anything political (and their members hold such diverse opinions that they'd never agree on anything like that anyway) and Satanist groups (such as they are) have no especial point of view on anything except their internal affairs.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
2 Apr 2014 /  #21
Fair enough. The world needs more artists.

"The Lego Satan's" own words: "'Lego', a construction made partially from various Lego kits, takes us into a village with a mental hospital, Stalin's prison, World War II and Bosnian concentration camps. Thus, I feel I mix historical with contemporary references to represent our world, our little inferno, as built and sanctified by norms.
OP jon357  72 | 23670  
2 Apr 2014 /  #22
Sounds quite an interesting installation. A little dark, but then so is Goya and mid-period Picasso. Not to mention Beksinski.

Doesn't make this Hello Kitty-hating clergyman any less of a fool though.
bluesfan  - | 77  
2 Apr 2014 /  #23
Priest from Poland claims Lego is "a tool of Satan"
Random poster claims that paedophile priests are a "tool of satan"...
OP jon357  72 | 23670  
2 Apr 2014 /  #24
This Kostrzewa guy seems a tool, full stop.
Less777  - | 48  
2 Apr 2014 /  #25
Don't be silly.
2 Apr 2014 /  #26
So what? No big deal isn't it? After all you don't have to listen to him. You all can stuck with your own crap, not that you will be better for it. :)
OP jon357  72 | 23670  
2 Apr 2014 /  #27
You don't have to help someone if they're being mugged either. Intelligent people dismiss this clown (and many more of their profession) for the fools they are. Some less educated people might actually take him seriously - and they next thing he says might not just be amusingly stupid like this statement, but downright dangerous.
2 Apr 2014 /  #28
Those better educated people seem to be talking a lot of crap due to the baseless superstitious fear of priests and religion. Whether or not one disagrees with what the priest has to say, there is no need to run amok over his words.
OP jon357  72 | 23670  
2 Apr 2014 /  #29
Or a cynicism based on crap like this. Anyone who makes a statement to the media that My Little Pony is evil, deserves all the ridicule (and there is plenty in this case) that is naturally drawn to them.
beckski  12 | 1609  
3 Apr 2014 /  #30
The Polish priest would probably bless me with holy water, if he were to see some of the usual toys & dolls, I have in my own personal collection!

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