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Poland President National Mourning in Some Countries

pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Apr 2010 /  #31
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_response_to_the_2010_Polish_Air_Force_Tu-154_crash - International response...
Darun  1 | 55  
13 Apr 2010 /  #32
How do I upload a picture here, please?
slo  1 | 51  
13 Apr 2010 /  #33
Yes, in Ukraine this Monday April 12th it was a Mourning day for the tragedy. Top-3 TV talk show Shuster Live was dedicated to the subject this day. The audience is usually representing whole wide specter of Ukrainian society and I've never seen such sad faces in the studio and such way of talking... It has really targeted Ukrainians in their hearts.

And at my window there was a candle lighting the day of tragedy. Some one proposed it at one Ukrainian social group and I joined it the same moment after reading. If I still can do something for Lech Kaczynski memorial and remembering - I will do.
richasis  1 | 409  
13 Apr 2010 /  #34
You have already done much by sharing your kind thoughts here :)
13 Apr 2010 /  #35

By the way - Brazil has announced 3 days of national mourning too. Can I thank them
or do you have something against Brazil too?

Oh please. Dont be so naive!!

ht_tp://ww_w.upi.com/Top_News/Special/2010/04/08/Brazil-in-mourning-as -mudslide-death-toll-keeps-rising/UPI-99911270737360/

and keep minds open...
ZeeAmerican  - | 3  
13 Apr 2010 /  #36
I joined these forums to acquire aid in learning the Polish language along with other slavic languages, given the scarcity of teachers here in the states and my inability to go to a university currently. I saw this thread and thought I should post. I give my condolences. I only wish that we had recognized a day of mourning here as well.
Crow  154 | 9525  
13 Apr 2010 /  #37
Never, never in Serbian history some leader of any foreign country wasn`t honored with national day of mourning. Polish president Kaczynski is the first

Serbia to honor Kaczynski with day of mourning

Source: Tanjug

BELGRADE -- The Serbian Government today proclaimed Thursday, April 15, a day of mourning in the country.

The decision came in order to honor late Polish President Lech Kaczynski, and 96 others, including high Polish state officials, who were killed in a plane crash.

The deadly accident happened near Smolensk, in Russia, last Saturday.

Serbian public especially regard fact that day of morning in Serbia does not overlap with day of mourning that was by European Union declared for Monday in Brussels. It is so because EU does not share same hopes with Serbs.

Serbs expected a lot of from president Kaczynski, since his last visit to Belgrade. We had hope that Poland could annul its Kosovo recognition soon. We trusted to Polish president, we had hope in that brave Poljak who dared to openly criticize decisions of EU and Islamic leading powers, Israel and USA. Kaczynski defended Serbian sovereignty even in front of UN GA and suggested respect of International law. He even dared to say that Poland share some similar interests with Russia. He believed in consolidation of Polish-Russian relations.

People in Serbia had hope in improvement of Polish-Russian relations and coordinated Polish-Russian support to us and to complete Slavic south.

Kaczynski planned to offer Russia "new beginning"

Source: DPA

WARSAW -- Polish president Lech Kaczynski was to offer Russia a "new beginning", reports say.

"The president said he wanted to make one gesture towards Russians and Russian officials," said minister Jacek Sasin of the president's chancellery on TVN 24.

"He wanted to propose to Russian officials a new beginning. He wanted to propose that our relations from this moment would be formulated anew and that this new value would be based on truth."

The Katyn massacre has remained one of the most sensitive issues in Polish-Russian relations.

Poland wants Russia to release the documents it holds on the Katyn massacre, which Warsaw says it needs as proof to bring the perpetrators of the killings to justice.

Putin said that Russia had already turned over numerous documents on the massacre, and declined to say whether Moscow would open all its archives during a ceremony April 7 marking the massacre.

Kaczynski was light of hope. Darkness won`t prevail!

Long live Poland! Long live Russia! Long live Serbia! Long live Slavic civilization!
13 Apr 2010 /  #38
Never, never in Serbian history some leader of any foreign country wasn`t honored with national day of mourning. Polish president Kaczynski is the first

Honourable gesture by Serbia - XBAЛA!
Crow  154 | 9525  
13 Apr 2010 /  #39

together with XBAЛA you can say HVALA for some Serbs using Cyrillic latter and some Latin, some (as myself) using both

But, you actually don`t need to say THANKS to Serbs because of our mourning day for Kaczynski. It is we- Serbs who were honored for Kaczynski trusted to us.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Apr 2010 /  #40
Serbs will be proven to be right that Tusk was driving Poland too close to arrogant powers. Merkel, Brown and Sarkozy are 3 of the biggest megalomaniac losers out there. If Tusk sides with them, he will be doing himself a disservice.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Apr 2010 /  #41
What else should he do in your mind Seanie?

Leaving NATO and EU? Because that would be the only way to not be "bothered" by other western leaders?

Do you wish for Poland to be isolated? Without any alliance? Or in a union with Serbia? ;)
Forget a moment that Serbia too seeks closer relationships with such "losers" like Merkel, Brown and Sarkozy???
Eurola  4 | 1898  
13 Apr 2010 /  #42
It is really heart warming to hear so many countries declared a day of mourning.

Tusk was driving Poland too close to arrogant powers

I'm afraid Poland will move way too much to the left with him. I don't trust him.

to acquire aid in learning the Polish language along with other slavic languages, given the scarcity of teachers here in the states

I don't know where you live, but can take polish language courses at Community colleges in and around Chicago. Perhaps, other cities as well.
ZeeAmerican  - | 3  
13 Apr 2010 /  #43
Thank you, I am actually teaching myself using the Rosetta Stone program. I just wanted to have another venue in which to ask questions when they arose. I figured what better way than to actually speak with people from the nation of the language I am learning. I ran across this site when I was reading about the plane crash.

I am visiting Poland in a couple years for an extended period and would like to know the language. Though I know most people outside of America learn English as a second language, I don't want to be the American who expects everyone to know English when I go to another country.
kuro  - | 12  
14 Apr 2010 /  #44
Despite our president and premier had some nice words about all this, i'm quite ashamed my country (Italy) didn't even dedicate a minute to the mourn... -__-'

My sincere condolences...my thoughts have been with you since i learned about this tragical happening..
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Apr 2010 /  #45
BB, I just don't trust Sarkozy, Merkel and Brown. They are power-hungry goodie goodies. Sarkozy especially, he is a worm of a man.

Eurola, to the left with Tusk? Sorry, but you seem to be confused with sb else. Tusk didn't propose anything like LK did with regards to social reforms. He is not a leftie.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
14 Apr 2010 /  #46
BB, I just don't trust Sarkozy, Merkel and Brown. They are power-hungry goodie goodies. Sarkozy especially, he is a worm of a man.

Whom do you trust?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Apr 2010 /  #47
We are talking politicians here so very few. Alex Salmond of the SNP. He is a powerful speaker and as genuine as you can get. I'm surprised he hasn't said more about mourning and condolences.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
14 Apr 2010 /  #48
Merkel, Brown and Sarkozy are 3 of the biggest megalomaniac losers out there.

They are far from losers. They run the show in their respective nations.

No national day of morning here, which was surprising enough considering the number of Poles living here.

We dont tend to do things like that, normally a mass suffices. Cant actually remember the last day of mourning over here......
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
14 Apr 2010 /  #49
We are talking politicians here so very few. Alex Salmond of the SNP. He is a powerful speaker and as genuine as you can get. I'm surprised he hasn't said more about mourning and condolences.

He is Scot, isn't he? One of those you know of course very well from your home.
I only wonder how you can with such a security judge politicians from foreign countries you have no idea of...you don't know about their domesting problems, their home electorate etc.

I wouldn't dare to judge scottish politicians as "worms" because I don't have a clue about scottish politics...
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
14 Apr 2010 /  #50
Forget a moment that Serbia too seeks closer relationships with such "losers" like Merkel, Brown and Sarkozy???

Thoughts of one Serbian intelectual, Prof. Dr. Ljubodrag "Duci" Simonović.






He was a former basketball player, World champion with Yugoslavia in 1970 and received an award for the best ever player of the German league. He was the only player to leave the 1972 Olympics in Munich in protest after it was revealed that the Puerto Rico team had used drugs in their match vs. Yugoslavia. Not a typical sportsman as this interview shows. He is the author of the book: "Novi Svet je Moguć" = "A New World is Possible".


As for me, this is one of the most founded of criticisms and unmasking of the illusion of some "heavenly" life in EU and America which is being promoted non-stop here, and so maddening, especially for young people, that "there" they will find happiness, a happy future and a better life. Furthermore, Duci criticizes Chomsky as an intellectual, particularly pointing to Chomsky views on Kosovo. You will hear Duci's opinions about our so-called "Democratic Opposition of Serbia" - DOS and much that will affect the ordinary man's delusion by aggressive media propaganda, and thus help him to begin to think critically and to become again what he really is, what makes him a man, to become a thinking being, and not a robot ...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
14 Apr 2010 /  #51
What does "robot" mean???

Who promises a "heavenly" life?

I doubt there will be any enlargement anytime soon, at least not without sound finances....
vionescu1961  - | 9  
14 Apr 2010 /  #52
In Romania is the same. A day of mourning was official regulated by a Cabinet Decision.
James86  - | 2  
14 Apr 2010 /  #54
no national mourning in USA declared by the gov't, but here in Wisconsin anyway, response by Catholics, special prayers at Mass, Polish hymns sung at Churches at which they had not been heard in years.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
14 Apr 2010 /  #55
15 April was announced to be a national day of mourning in Serbia
Is it true Crow? I found it on Wikipedia
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
14 Apr 2010 /  #56
We dont tend to do things like that, normally a mass suffices. Cant actually remember the last day of mourning over here......

Shame on you, even I remember this!
15 Apr 2010 /  #58
Czech Republic

joined by...


We are watching the international reaction. Watching and remembering.
To the governments and people of the countries, that announced official
mourning days after the tragedy of Poland in Smolensk, we just want to
say: nothing's forgotten friends, nothing's forgotten.

The absence of some countries on that list is painful and gives us something
to think about (as well as the surprising presence of some countries on it).
time means  5 | 1309  
15 Apr 2010 /  #59
So are you saying either have official mourning days or you are no friend of Poland?
15 Apr 2010 /  #60
No, I'm saying that the absence of some countries on that list is painful and gives
us something to think about (as well as the surprising presence of some countries on it).

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