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Poland's President-Elect Duda leads in public trust - CBOS poll

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Aug 2015 /  #121
if he'll last

10 years for sure. Maybe the constitution will be amended to allow more than two terms. That would rnable Poland to obliterate all the toxic residue left by the Platfusy.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
29 Aug 2015 /  #122
I wonder if he'll last a full term of office.

Nobody cares about this sort of thing in Poland Jon. A non-story, unfortunately.
jon357  72 | 22980  
29 Aug 2015 /  #123
Sadly Dougpol, corruption is all to common with the teraz k*rwa my culture. I've a feeling however that the Dud just won't last the course.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Aug 2015 /  #124
He is lacking one thing - experience of politics at a high level. He's already shown that he's walked into several political traps (such as not issuing new professors with their title in person) - and he's already exposed as being corrupt. Something tells me that he just doesn't have the experience to survive at this level - and it will get even worse if he's seen as a rubberstamp President if PiS win this year.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Aug 2015 /  #125

Politicos with lots of experience tending the trough are two a penny. Maybe it's time to air out the stuffy political establishment and bring in someone with a fresh attutide and new ideas, someone not hamstrung by stifling, mindless routine. Duda may well be just that man!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Aug 2015 /  #126
Except he's already shown that he isn't that man. The childishness of not appointing new professors in person is just that - childish and a return to the same old partisan routine.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
29 Aug 2015 /  #127
Duda may well be just that man!

Interesting to hear that from you seeing that so far Duda has been doing nothng but lick Angela's ass. Are you going to become a "Germany Friend" too? :)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Aug 2015 /  #128
so far Duda

Jarosław Kaczyński was criticised for his assertive stand towards Germany, suggesting that Poland was becoming a condominium of Germany and Russia. Now Duda is being criticised for his fence-mending. In PiS-bashing circles no matter what a PiS-rooted poltician does or says he will be roundly attacked. You just can't win!
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
29 Aug 2015 /  #129
Looks to me at any rate that President Duda's merely trying to cement good relations with Germany, by far, Poland's most important (not to mention economically successful) West European business ally!

Whether or not he's trying to suck up to Merkel and Gauck is an entirely separate matter, I think. I follow the German press fairly closely and am lead to believe that right now Germany needs all the allies she can possibly get in order to become more multiculturally self sufficient.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Aug 2015 /  #130
Now Duda is being criticised for his fence-mending.

What fence-mending?

We all know that Duda simply realises that Poland has no chance against Russian attack, so begging Germany for help is the only way, given the utter lack of interest in Poland by the United States.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Aug 2015 /  #131
he isn't that man

That's a bit like saying a 8-year-old boy learning the ropes will never be a good footballer because he still isn't a Pele, Messi or Boniek. PiS-bashing is the only name that fits here.

Like everyone else, Duda needs time and moral support to hone his MO and perfect his tactics and strategy. You and your ilk seem determined not to give him any, because PiS-bashing and PO brown-nosing is your main priority.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Aug 2015 /  #132
because PiS-bashing and PO brown-nosing is your main priority.

Because we love Poland, and anybody with any intelligence knows that a PiS government would be a minor disaster for Poland on so many fronts. I would spell them out for you Polonious, but you are too dogmatic in your views for it to be worth my time.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Aug 2015 /  #133
too dogmatic

A bit like the pot calling the kettle.... You and your fellow-PiS-bashers dogmatically insist on equating Duda with Kaczyński, although those are two distinct personalities. That would be like saying Kwaśniewski was no differnet than Jaruzelski or Bierut.

Duda is trying very hard to adjust to his new role -- give the poor guy a chance!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Aug 2015 /  #134
although those are two distinct personalities.

Didn't Duda say that Lech Kaczyński was like a father to him?

Duda's already repeated the first mistake of Lech - which is to make politics out of absolutely everything. Would it harm him to award people with their professor title in public, as is tradition?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Aug 2015 /  #135
award people with their professor title in public,

Aren't you becoming obsessively Harryesque? This is the umpteenth time you mentioned such a minor point as if desperately bent on turning every trifle into a mega-indictment. Funny, you never applied that approach to shifty-eyed Don, his shady Platfus gang and their myriad scams and blunders.

Kaczyński was like a father

Are you exactly like your father in every way? Even if Duda regards Kaczyński as his father and mentor, that doesn't imply an identical sensitivity and personality.
Crow  154 | 9260  
30 Aug 2015 /  #136
i thought that are only smaller Slavic countries banana states. My country for example. i mean, banana in the sense of being victims of manipulations by global powers and powerful magnates and their interests. But truly, by all what i learn about politics in Poland, i see that is Poland also a banana state.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Dec 2015 /  #137

The latest TNS Polska servey on whom Poles woudl vote for in the next presidential election has shown the following levels of support:

Duda 26%, Petru 14%,Kukiz 13%, Tusk 9%, Nowacka 6%. Kosinika-Kamysz 3%.
That has apparently put paid to Tusk's plans to stand for president after completign his EU stint(s).

29 Dec 2015 /  #138
Duda 26%

Very impressive how somebody can go from 52% support to 26% support in just a few months. But I suppose that clearly demonstrating that one is just a puppet of an ulelected dictator in the form of The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski will do that. I wonder if he can maintain that rate of loss and be down to 13% by the anniversary of his election and then 6.5% by this time next year.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Dec 2015 /  #139
26% means that he's even losing the support of the core PiS electorate, which is remarkable.

I wonder if it's possible to bet on him not finishing his full term?
29 Dec 2015 /  #140
I expect Paddypower would give you odds on that. Personally I'd be fairly tempted to have a flutter at quite short odds (but not at odds on).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Dec 2015 /  #141
osing the support

What about Petru who dominates the TV airwaves? Average Poles have apparently had their fill of the rabble-rousing, Polish-speaking Romanian!
29 Dec 2015 /  #142
What about Petru who dominates the TV airwaves?

You mean the man who is going to be able to have far better effects as PM than a president is able to? I wonder why Poles would want him not to be president.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Dec 2015 /  #143
Personally I'd be fairly tempted to have a flutter at quite short odds (but not at odds on).

Need to investigate. I've got a pretty good idea of what the opposition strategy will be, and given that Duda's shown himself to be an obedient spineless puppet in every sense of the word, I can't see him surviving it.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
29 Dec 2015 /  #144
I wonder why Poles would want him not to be president.

Because he is a dick(banksters lackey) and a liar and Balcerowicz sidekick. Poles voted against that clique.


26% in polls meaning nothing, that poll issues is meaningless in short terms predictions.
jon357  72 | 22980  
29 Dec 2015 /  #145
given that Duda's shown himself to be an obedient spineless puppet in every sense of the word, I can't see him surviving it.

Jaro would sacrifice him in the blink of an eye
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Dec 2015 /  #146
Indeed. Funny how Jarek has given him next to no public support, isn't it?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Jul 2016 /  #147
Merged: President Duda gest highest rating since taking office

Despite the unrelenting, no-holds-barred frontal attack on President Duda by loser-camp propagandists, the latest CBOS survey found the highest "doing a good job" level since he took office. Respondents gave Duda a 56% approval rating, 31% similarly rated the Sejm and Senate and a mere 27% approved the performance of the TK.

Attention would-be ranters and mud-slingers: be sure to buy a copy of this weekend's KK (aka GW) where you'll find a KOD application form. Once you're in, advise your new-found KODerast mates to whip things up a few more notches and dump even more filth and abuse on the current pro-Polish administration and produce more placards of a duck being devoured by an eagle, the govenring party's acronym on the gallows and other "subtle" political statements. Alnd, by all measn. be sure to have them herd more people into the streets and next month, Duda's approval rating will surely drop to 48%, 32%, maybe even12%. So go to it lads, show us what you can do!
jon357  72 | 22980  
12 Jul 2016 /  #148
He doesn't do any job other than his master's bidding and people are just relieved that he didn't mess up as badly as LK.

Mind you, next to JK and Macierewicz a baboon would look good.
12 Jul 2016 /  #149
his master

Must have been pretty humiliating for both Duda and Szydło when Chairman Kaczynski celebrated his 99.2% share of the vote as Dear Leader of PIS by telling the world that he is "the real, actual leader of [those] currently in power".
Crow  154 | 9260  
13 Jul 2016 /  #150
Sure that is Duda popular among Poles. When came to power his priorities were: 1. work on New Commonwealth (Intermarium) and 2. Investigation of NATO propaganda office in Warsaw

Duda is very respected in Serbia, too. Many Serbians look on Duda`s actions with approval. He strengthen our confidence in Poles.

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