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President-Elect of Poland, Duda, rescues Eucharist

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Jun 2015 /  #1
During Sunday's Thanksgiving Day celebration at Divine Providence church in Wilanów, the wind blew a Communion host off the altar to the ground. The knee-jerk reaction of President-Elect Andrzej Duda was impressive. He immediatley lunged to pick it off the ground to prevent its desectration and returned it to the altar,

A typical politician would probably have done a split-second PR analysis: How will it look to onlookers? Will it make me look silly? Maybe I should let one of the priests do it? Not Duda, he didn't wait for someone else and sprang to the rescue. To some it may just be a wafer, but to devout Catholics the Holy Eucharist or Blessed Sacrmanet is the Body and Blood of Christ. Chapeaux bas, André!
jon357  72 | 23490  
9 Jun 2015 /  #2
I read that the other day. Most likely the host threw itself to the floor in disgust and he grabbed it to stop it lunging at him.
Levi  11 | 433  
9 Jun 2015 /  #3
Duda is awesome. What an incredible man.
Atch  22 | 4299  
9 Jun 2015 /  #4
Oh for God's sake, and I speak as a Catholic. Why is he awesome? Anyone brought up as a Catholic would do the same thing.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Jun 2015 /  #5
Blasphemy from the mouth of a godless cynic! Better be careful. Violation of religious sensibilities is a punishable offence in Poland.

Why is he awesome?

Because your typical politician regardless of political orientation is rarely spontaneous but usually cynical, calculating and obsessed about his PR image.
Kerry professes to be a Catholic but he supports the massacre of the unborn to advance his career.
jon357  72 | 23490  
9 Jun 2015 /  #6
Blasphemy from the mouth of a godless cynic! Better be careful. Violation of religious sensibilities is a punishable offence in Poland.

None of that here - except often from yourself. In fact there's a long tradition within Catholicism of the host rejecting people. I look forward to The Dud visiting Czestochowa to give Our Lady the chance to kick him in the nads.
9 Jun 2015 /  #7
Because your typical politician regardless of political orientation is rarely spontaneous

I seem to remember a former Polish president who was famed for a number of things, including spontaneously advising an elderly gentleman to take literally the instruction given in Genesis 1:28.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Jun 2015 /  #8
kick him in the nads.

Getting vulgar, are we?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
9 Jun 2015 /  #9
President-Elect Duda rescues Eucharist

Good and quick reaction, I like that.

Getting vulgar, are we?

His pain of Komorowski's loss is never ending.
jon357  72 | 23490  
9 Jun 2015 /  #10
Getting vulgar, are we?

The person the Host represents was accused of that too, so I'm in good company
gregy741  5 | 1226  
9 Jun 2015 /  #11
something fishy happening..what the hell with all those new nominations today...new ambassadors,generals...wtf? komoruski is cleaning office?
gleite  6 | 38  
5 Jul 2015 /  #12
InPolska  9 | 1796  
5 Jul 2015 /  #13
Hi! I was told last week that in order to accommodate all these people so they could sit outside, numerous tress were cut down. If true, completely disgusting!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jul 2015 /  #14
Yep, it's true.

But it does seem as if they've been ordered to replace them, thankfully. Whether they actually will is another question.
jon357  72 | 23490  
5 Jul 2015 /  #15
President Dud may be many things, but he isn't Islamophobic.

Yes, there is a recently-opened Islamic Cultural center in Praha (or the district at the other side of the river, as you wish). It was funded with saudi money. And at least 3 hectares of trees were cutted to give space to it.

Just in case you wanna visit it, it is at Wiertnicza 103. Probably is one of (if not the biggest) religious building in Warsaw nowadays.

This is untrue. The mosque on Wiertnicza has been there for many years, the new cultural centre isn't in Praga and no trees were cut down. And the President of Poland, to bring it back to the thread topic has visited it as an honoured guest.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
5 Jul 2015 /  #16
he isn't Islamophobic

Do you believe that is going to last?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
5 Jul 2015 /  #17

Not racist?

Do you believe that is going to last?

Hopefully it won't
jon357  72 | 23490  
5 Jul 2015 /  #18
Do you believe that is going to last?

I'm not sure that he's going to last although we may well be stuck with him for one term of office.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jul 2015 /  #19
Do you believe that is going to last?

I entirely predict at least one rant about Islam to divert from the fact that his "promises" won't get kept.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
5 Jul 2015 /  #20
I'm not sure that he's going to last although we may well be stuck with him for one term of office.

Eventually, I suspect the most likely "exit" will be a falling out between him and his boss, as arrogance gets into one's head while frustration bites into the other.

I entirely predict at least one rant about Islam to divert from the fact that his "promises" won't get kept.

Exactly. Some might think that that will win them either votes from a certain group or forgiveness from pretty much the same group. Let's see how tough he will be facing the rest the world when/if that happens.
jon357  72 | 23490  
5 Jul 2015 /  #21
Exactly. Some might think that that will win them either votes from a certain group or forgiveness from pretty much the same group. Let's see how tough he will be facing the rest the world when/if that happens.

Pretty well. We can be sure that they've got some sort of afera up their sleeve.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
5 Jul 2015 /  #22
@jon357 Old man K is certainly twisted, but not stupid. Although he does look more and more like a boiler going on overpressure and about to pop. The Dud on the other hand always had that boiler look going on. Let's see where the safety valves are set.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Jul 2015 /  #23
I was in Willanow this morning and I can say that they have cut off a lot of trees ;).

I Wonder how much all this thing has cost to taxpayers? Do Polish people need this rather than better hospitals and other insfrastructures? I am not sure ;);)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2015 /  #24
Do Polish people need this

Man does not live by bread alone! - Nie samym chlebem człowiek żyje!
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Jul 2015 /  #25
@Polonius: let catholics pay for their own Church instead of being sponsored by Polish taxpayers (among which there are also gays and lesbians ;))/
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2015 /  #26
I Wonder how much all this thing has cost to taxpayers? Do Polish people need this rather than better hospitals and other insfrastructures? I am not sure ;);)

A ridiculous amount of money. It's scary how much money the RCC has taken out of Poland in the last 25 years.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2015 /  #27
also gays and lesbians

If altersexuals do not regard the RCC as their own church, let them set up one of their own. moderated
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Jul 2015 /  #28
@Polonius: your chuch does not mind getting money from the "altersexuals" ;).
6 Jul 2015 /  #29
I Wonder how much all this thing has cost to taxpayers?

Nobody knows (in part because nobody knows how much Poland is required to give the RCC every year).

We can only hope that President-Elect Duda will be as quick to lunge to the ground in order to prevent public funds being spent on private projects as he was to stop a wafer remaining on the ground.
6 Jul 2015 /  #30
Idolatry, it sad that Poland have a president that defend a false religion.
Polish people should change, should study the message of allah and then hapiness they will find. Duda no longer will be able to defend his false creed.

If Duda or any pole wants, we can talk about the true religion and the true god, by the message of his prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

Stick to the one username when Trolling

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