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What is the population of Poland's non-european minority?

Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Mar 2012 /  #91
This is not a solution A or solution B dilemma gentlemen. There are options which do not require people leave their homes for other places. That, imho, is the worst case scenario- your place of birth is so crap that leaving becomes a necessity.
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
7 Mar 2012 /  #92
Poland needs more racial diversity. It's 2012 and many European countries still have a white population percentage of 90+. That's quite frightening really considering we live in such a globalized world now.

I'm glad to be living in America where racial/ethnic diversity is very much real here. Something needs to be done to have Europe more diverse like America.
BBman  - | 343  
7 Mar 2012 /  #93
EM_wave you have a very twisted outlook. Poland doesn't need the kind of diversity that the UK has for instance. Recall the mongrel riots of 2011 when many British cities were overrun by 3rd world bandits. The last time London saw so many fires was in ww2. 3rd world immigrants only cause problems: decrease property value, dirtiness/disorganization, milk the welfare system, drive whites away, refuse to integrate, increase crime, etc.

Why don't you want more diversity in japan or Israel? Why don't these countries want 3rd world immigrants???
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if Poland needs more immigrants for Labour or whatever it should look east (Ukraine, Russia. Belorus...)

Poland needs more racial diversity. It's 2012 and many European countries still have a white population percentage of 90+. That's quite frightening really considering we live in such a globalized world now.

Every city in china is 90+ % Chinese....is this frightening to you to? Hell there isn't much diversity in most cities in the world yet you only seem to have a problem with having a white europe.
7 Mar 2012 /  #94
mongrel riots of 2011

If you called me a mongrel, I'd wanna break your stuff, too. You're a menace to your own country, as your wrong head and inelegant tongue can only move things backwards.
modafinil  - | 416  
7 Mar 2012 /  #95
Replace 3rd world with 2nd world and you's have it right if you need to stick with your arcane terminology.

Why don't you want more diversity in japan or Israel? Why don't these countries want 3rd world immigrants???

What is it about the UK says about Poles here in the UK again? Oh that's right

only cause problems: decrease property value, dirtiness/disorganization, milk the welfare system, refuse to integrate, increase crime, etc.

EM_Wave  9 | 310  
7 Mar 2012 /  #96
Hell there isn't much diversity in most cities in the world yet you only seem to have a problem with having a white europe.

Ultimately, I'd like every country to be diverse. However, there's not much of an incentive for people to move to 3rd world areas as European colonialism has ruined many of these places. I know it's hard for white people to admit the faults of their ancestors but it's true that white colonization and destruction of other cultures has lead to an unstable world. Europe benefited economically from the situation.

So I hope you understand now why I tend to talk more about immigration to Europe. There's a lot of incentives for non-white immigrants to come to Europe whereas the same cannot be said for white Americans/Europeans since very few people want to move to a 3rd world country.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
7 Mar 2012 /  #97
I think Poland is awesome being almost completely Polish. I enjoyed Poland much more 10/11 years ago when it was less westernized than today but some don't feel that way.

Poland needs more racial diversity.

What will happen to Poles if Poland remains as exclusively Polish as it is?
Not too long ago, the German Chancellor publicly regretted the German foray into multiculturalism, what do you know that she doesn't?
Many in France and the UK are become VERY disenchanted with this modern expression of multiculturalism, what do you know that they don't?
Barney  19 | 1729  
7 Mar 2012 /  #98
I hope you understand now why I tend to talk more about immigration to Europe

Cos you are trolling like fu*k.....
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
7 Mar 2012 /  #99
There's a lot of incentives for non-white immigrants to come to Europe

THere should be incentives for non-white immigrants to not become immigrants at all. Having to leave your home because staying will get you killed or living in abject poverty is something we should help others avoid.
mafketis  38 | 11132  
7 Mar 2012 /  #100
European colonialism has ruined many of these places

That's pretty much a myth. Usually there's at least as much local dysfunction to blame. One partial exception might be Congo (Belgium was the worst colonizer period, no question about it) but the local system is still screwed up enough that it remains a hopeless mess without European meddling.
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
7 Mar 2012 /  #101
Cos you are trolling like fu*k.....

Or perhaps it's because this forum is about Poland and not Africa or some other area. I understand this disturbs you though and it's clearly because you have some racist feelings hidden inside.

That's pretty much a myth. Usually there's at least as much local dysfunction to blame. One partial exception might be Congo (Belgium was the worst colonizer period, no question about it) but the local system is still screwed up enough that it remains a hopeless mess without European meddling.

No, it's not. European colonialism did a lot of damage. Many times poor/destructive leadership came into power BECAUSE of European colonialism.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
7 Mar 2012 /  #102
Did Poland have African colonies?
mafketis  38 | 11132  
7 Mar 2012 /  #103
Many times poor/destructive leadership came into power BECAUSE of European colonialism.

And chaotic, dysfunctional and/or non-existent local leadership made European colonialism possible....
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
7 Mar 2012 /  #104
so that makes it alright? Just because someone doesn't care for their city the way I would like them to, doesn't mean it's fine for me to march in with my thugs and start knockin heads. Might doesn't make right.

European rulers were basically slave owners themselves, the average European during and before the industrial revolution was poor as sh*t and was treated like sh*t- let's not suggest anyone was on a moral highground as far as ruling went.
mafketis  38 | 11132  
7 Mar 2012 /  #105
so that makes it alright?

No,but the 'poor helpless native' narrative of diversity bullies like EM Wave really irritate me. There were a lot of abuses in colonial times but to blame continuing dysfunction on colonialism (with some exceptions) is condescending to all concerned.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
7 Mar 2012 /  #106
Me too but to pretend the "west" still isn't actively keeping Africa destabilized (with the help of some corrupt Africans) is really naive. Even when people want to do the right thing, they're just killed anyhow or a coup just happens to pop up. Look at all the huge advances there were in Libya in terms of literacy, standard of living and higher learning...oh yeah that didn't really get much air time did it?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
7 Mar 2012 /  #107
If anything, a safe, stable and investable Africa is very much in the West's interest. And I can assure you, Libya wasn't that great.
8 Mar 2012 /  #108
Poland needs more racial diversity.

EM_Wave's racial diversity hero is Simon Mol.

It's 2012 and many European countries still have a white population percentage of 90+. That's quite frightening really considering we live in such a globalized world now.

It's 2012 and virtually all African countries still have a black population percentage of 98+. That's quite frightening really considering we live in such a globalized world now. Thankfully China's growing presence in Africa will start to turn this racial imbalance around. In the next five to ten years we will see even more groups of Whites, Latinos and other Asians flood into Africa as fierce competition to exploit its large natural resources heats up.

The day when blacks become a vanishing minority in Africa simply can't come soon enough! Vive la différence!
BBman  - | 343  
8 Mar 2012 /  #109
However, there's not much of an incentive for people to move to 3rd world areas as European colonialism has ruined many of these places.

Ruined? There wasn't much in africa before europeans came. Africa was very technologically backwards. Europeans introduced technology, infrastructure, etc. but unfortunately the africans couldn't adapt, like like the natives in north america.

I know it's hard for white people to admit the faults of their ancestors but it's true that white colonization and destruction of other cultures has lead to an unstable world.

I'm white but my ancestors did not take part in the colonisation of africa. Why should i feel guilty or "admit to the faults"?

If you called me a mongrel, I'd wanna break your stuff, too. You're a menace to your own country, as your wrong head and inelegant tongue can only move things backwards.

Yes I'm quite the menace: i learned english, went to school, got a job, pay taxes, live a civilised lifestyle like like the average canadian. I don't attack people in the streets or burn down buildings. If i start behaving like these bandits did in the UK last summer and paris '05 then will you not call me a menace? You and you're attitude are the real menace here. These 3rd world bandits refuse to adapt and assimilate/integrate, instead they prefer to go ape sh!t in the streets to protest the poverty they live in. These people need to WAKE UP, you have to work to get somewhere in life.
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
8 Mar 2012 /  #110
Europeans introduced technology, infrastructure, etc. but unfortunately the africans couldn't adapt, like like the natives in north america.

At the same time they raped their culture, instigated tribal conflicts, and oppressed the natives. Please think before you state something.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
8 Mar 2012 /  #111
Please think before you state something.

The wisest words ever from our resident forced multiculturist. I wish he would heed his own advice.
dnalroct  1 | 7  
8 Mar 2012 /  #112
At the same time they raped their culture, instigated tribal conflicts, and oppressed the natives.

WHAT culture do the Africans have, being cannibals and having lots of babies?? There has not been ONE great civilization in Africa! North Africa was originally Hellenistic then Roman influenced, so Egypt doesn't count. Sub-Saharan Africa has never had a civilization past med huts.

Either EM_Wave is really, really, really, really dumb or he/she is an agent working for the ADL/SPLC as an agent. My guess is he/she is the latter!
8 Mar 2012 /  #113
WHAT culture do the Africans have, being cannibals and having lots of babies?? There has not been ONE great civilization in Africa! North Africa was originally Hellenistic then Roman influenced, so Egypt doesn't count. Sub-Saharan Africa has never had a civilization past med huts.

Are you actually typing, or are you just banging your face against the keyboard? This is the stupidest thing I've read on PF in some days, and that is truly saying something. Just because you don't understand a culture, or more likely, tried in the least to observe one, doesn't mean it isn't there, or is less of a culture than your own. You are offensive in your ignorance.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
8 Mar 2012 /  #114
If anything, a safe, stable and investable Africa is very much in the West's interest.

Actions tell a different story.

And I can assure you, Libya wasn't that great.

Go on then, assure me with something other than conjecture. I can find many videos online of people (who had nothing to gain) claiming completely the opposite of what mainstream talking heads have claimed.

This story didn't get much airplay:
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
8 Mar 2012 /  #115
Actions tell a different story.

And all the infrastructure aid doesn't.

I can find many videos online of people (who had nothing to gain) claiming completely the opposite of what mainstream talking heads have claimed.

Mostly trash

Are you actually typing, or are you just banging your face against the keyboard? This is the stupidest thing I've read on PF in some days, and that is truly saying something. Just because you don't understand a culture, or more likely, tried in the least to observe one, doesn't mean it isn't there, or is less of a culture than your own. You are offensive in your ignorance.

Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
8 Mar 2012 /  #116
Mostly trash

That can be said for mainstream media as well. However, you are simply advocating throwing out the baby with the bath water.

And all the infrastructure aid doesn't.

Go on, tell me how that money is spent. It never gets to where tax payers are told it goes, shipping, contractors, consultants all get to dip into all forms of "aid," including infrastructure. Educate yourself man.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
8 Mar 2012 /  #117
However, you are simply advocating throwing out the baby with the bath water.


Go on, tell me how that money is spent. It never gets to where tax payers are told it goes,

Now that is a disingenuous question if ever there was one. Though anyone who says:

Educate yourself man.


THere should be incentives for non-white immigrants to not become immigrants at all

is necessarily skewed.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
8 Mar 2012 /  #118
Now that is a disingenuous question if ever there was one.

it wasn't a question at all. You seem to be confused here.

It seems you're playing to some crowd that isn't here- what other reason would you have for taking that quote out of context? You and I both know the only reason I typed "non-whites" was to keep my response on point to the post I was responding to. There should be incentives everywhere for people to peacefully prosper where they were born.

You're coming with less and less substance and I have sources for what I wrote about how "aid" goes right into the pockets of western business and political cronies.

Don't waste my time man, bring your A game or go back to minors.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
8 Mar 2012 /  #119
the only reason I typed "non-whites" was to keep my response on point to the post I was responding to


"aid" goes right into the pockets of western business

You do realise that aid isn't the same thing as charity.

Don't waste my time man, bring your A game or go back to minors.

A classic comment from someone who has no real point - only noise.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
9 Mar 2012 /  #120

yeah, really.

You do realise that aid isn't the same thing as charity

And what's your point?

A classic comment from someone who has no real point

dripping with irony...why are you debating me then? Do I really have to repost what brought us to this stage? I can oblige but it seems your goal is to mire this in non-sequitorials and sarcasm. Let me know if I need to bring you up to speed or if you manage on your own.

only noise.

...then try reading without your voice, you'll see improvements.

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