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Poland And the Pope: Not Happening, Apparently

DominicB  - | 2706  
21 Nov 2016 /  #31
priests take a vow of poverty

No they don't. That applies only to members of monastic and quasi-monastic communities. Diocesan priests are free to own property, earn as much as they wish, and pass it down to whomever they wish.

Some priests are very wealthy.
Atch  21 | 4139  
21 Nov 2016 /  #32
Thank you for pointing that out Dom. It's the poor old nuns who all have to take the vow of poverty. I know they have cars but they belong to the community, not the individual nun. Let's just say then that it's not good priestly etiquette to flaunt one's worldly goods!
DominicB  - | 2706  
21 Nov 2016 /  #33
Let's just say then that it's not good priestly etiquette to flaunt one's worldly goods!

While most priests tend to be discreet, others flaunt it with wild abandon.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
21 Nov 2016 /  #34
Before I get "dogs abuse" by other members let me say

Why would you get any abuse. You have your opinion and you don't hide your bias what is to abuse? Kudos to you. You at last have your reasons.

What I take an exception to are people calling themselves Catholics or those without religion that give their two cents worth of wisdom pall mall, flaunting it with an abandon. I hate hypocrites and goodies two shoes with passion.
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
21 Nov 2016 /  #35
You have your opinion and you don't hide your bias what is to abuse?

Well o.k. then, here I go not hiding my bias.

there are still priests in Poland who refuse to give the congregation the communion host directly into their hands.

Why is that ?
This is what I am referring to when I say superstitious hokum.
The priest can touch the host because of his "loft authority" again for the 'control' issue.
Communion is a ceremony in remembrance of Jesus.
The biscuit 'represents' the body of Christ in a 'ceremonial remembrance'.
So where in the Bible does it say that the priest is the only one allowed to touch the bread ?
The Bible says, (Luke 22:19) And He took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me."

So the Lord gave it to them to touch and if the kid picked it up off the floor what was the flogging for besides to instill fear and guilt from the "lofty authority."

The victim should have punched the old buzzard in the nose in self defense and then sued him.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
21 Nov 2016 /  #36
So the priest should pay his fine without ever claiming that he doesn't earn enough to pay it, stupid!

Those fines are a new thingee in the Polish law I believe. I'm not sure what is all about - a whim of a judge? I'm saying that the law needs to be consistent and just and is not so in Poland and that is even stupider.

The priest punishment was him being in court at all, money was secondary issue unless someone got greedy.

The court didn't ask the priest how much he earned, it was the priest who said he didn't earn enough. Capisci or non capisci inglese, Iron Boy !?

Like chicken S....T don't get smart with me. You said that -

had it been not brought to the court's attention that the priest recently bought a new car worth 120,000 zloty, so he could easily afford to pay the fine.

So the final verdict had been based on his assumed 'earn- ability', his perceived wealth.
If that was the case than the judge must have had a free hand to levy as heavy fine as he seemed fit. That is inconsistent with the philosophy of the Polish law where everything used to be strictly regulated. I suppose corrupt soviet judges don't even know what's that.

You haven't answered me. Did you check credibility of the article and what age is that priest or anything more than that manipulative info.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
21 Nov 2016 /  #37
Why is that ?

To prevent people using it in some sacrilege, devil worshiping rituals or other s...t like that. If you think that those things do not happen, think again.

Well o.k. then, here I go not hiding my bias.

O. K. I have no problem with that.

The victim should have

Provided the alleged victim exist at all.
Crow  154 | 9207  
21 Nov 2016 /  #38
Alright, but is it known what is Pope`s and Vatican`s stance on Christian tolerance on pre-Christian ancestral beliefs and religious concepts? Is there hope that one day Vatican allow celebration within Catholicism, for example, old universal Slavic family costumes such is SLAVA? Did Pope Francis ever mentioned things like that?
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
21 Nov 2016 /  #39
To prevent people using it in some sacrilege, devil worshiping rituals

Prevent !
It's not like the kid wanted to take it home with him.
What is to say I bought a loaf of bread and decided to use it for........never mind.

pre-Christian ancestral beliefs

You mean like if I ate meat on Friday or if I missed church on Sunday I would burn in hell ?
Never mind, let's get back on topic here.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807  
21 Nov 2016 /  #40
bought a new car worth 120,000 zloty

It is suprising how many people go on about the value of the priests car, he provides an invaluable service to the parish, and to many catholics matters of the soul are as important as their health, he should not have to worry about starting a 20 year old banger in the middle of winter when he is going to perform the last rights and console a grieving family.

Would you want an Ambuance service that used clapped out old bangers that would break down and fail to reach a patient?
Wincig  2 | 225  
21 Nov 2016 /  #41
I know they have cars but they belong to the community, not the individual nun.

A priest I knew drove around in one of those sporty Alfa Romeos. Used to generate quite a lot of gossip in the parish !
Crow  154 | 9207  
21 Nov 2016 /  #42
You mean like if I ate meat on Friday or if I missed church on Sunday I would burn in hell ?

no, I don`t mean that. I mean how would Vatican react if Poles, like Serbians, start to practice family custom such is SLAVA?

After all, what Poles think about SLAVA?
Atch  21 | 4139  
21 Nov 2016 /  #43
what is Pope`s and Vatican`s stance on Christian tolerance on pre-Christian ancestral beliefs and religious concepts?

That's an interesting question Crow. It seems to me that in its early days the Christian church did a good job of incorporating the ancient pagan festivals and customs but they have lost touch with the idea over the centuries. For example, the festival of the May Queen in pagan traditions became the festival of the Virgin Mary where her statue is crowned with flowers, the old Roman festival of Saturnalia became Christmas, and so on. In Ireland we have retained our custom of celebrating the ancient festival of Samhain on 31 October, which the rest of the world knows as Hallowe'en. Bonfires are lit on that night as they were thousands of years ago, the tradition is unbroken. I don't think the church ever tried to stop it. I think Slava is a lovely idea.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
21 Nov 2016 /  #44
Prevent !

Yes, prevention. That -

The priest can touch the host because of his "loft authority" again for the 'control' issue

is not the reason. That is your bias talking.

After all, what Poles think about SLAVA?

What is that?
How about renaming your country Russianass instead of Serbia? After all you already have Putin-vile village lol. Renamed quite recently too.
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
21 Nov 2016 /  #45
Yes, prevention.

How is picking up a symbolic ceremonial piece of bread from the floor preventing

it in some sacrilege, devil worshiping rituals

Ironside, I agree with you 95% of the time but I honestly have to say that you have lost me on this one.
Let's get back on topic.
Crow  154 | 9207  
21 Nov 2016 /  #46
Interesting, yes. Irish are people that hold to tradition. I respect that.

How about renaming your country Russianass instead of Serbia?

That only if we Serbians give up from Poland, if we conclude that Poles gave up from themselves.

After all you already have Putin-vile village lol. Renamed quite recently too.

Well, village is on the administrative border with Kosovo, with mad Wahhabies as neighbors. What would you expect. Only God or Putin can save them. And maybe Trump. I assure you if Duda shows interest to help them they would gladly rename village again. It would be then `Dudinovo`. Same way it can become `Tuskovo`.
Atch  21 | 4139  
22 Nov 2016 /  #47
To prevent people using it in some sacrilege, devil worshiping rituals

you have lost me on this one.

I also didn't know what he was on about but I think he means that a Satanist might go to mass, trot up to the altar rails at communion time, take the host in his hand and then instead of swallowing it, slip it into his pocket with the intention of using it in some Satanic rite.

a symbolic ceremonial piece of bread

Well, of course in the Catholic church, the communion host is not merely symbolic but is believed to change miraculously into the actual body of Christ. And that really is the root of the objection of some priests to 'the great unwashed', ie ordinary people being allowed to touch it. There has been quite a lot written on this subject by certain members of the clergy in different parts of the world, who think that it removes the sense of reverence around the host. They also don't agree with the Ministers of the Eucharist, that is ordinary lay congregants who are allowed to distribute communion to the other members of the congregation. I don't know about the requirements in other countries, but in Ireland you have to have special training for it. My cousin does it. She's very, very religious and she takes it extremely seriously. She goes out on Sunday afternoons with the host to visit elderly, housebound people and give them communion. I think it's a great thing. It means a lot to some older people to actually receive communion on a Sunday and I think the priest is entitled to at least an afternoon's rest on the so-called 'day of rest'.
Crow  154 | 9207  
31 Jan 2018 /  #48
Say that path of Serbian FM Ivica Dacic isn`t interesting. Yesterday, he was sitting to the right side of the Pope. Then, Vatican gave condolences and prayer to Dacic`s father, when news come of his death.

Dacic cuts short Vatican visit due to death in family


Molitva u Rimu za Dačićevog oca Prayer for Dacic`s father in Rome

Who is Serbian FM Ivica Dacic? Some Sarmatian overlord?

Poles, my venerable sisters and noble brothers. I say, let us give chance to Pope. Let us give Him a chance. God knows Vatican is great genocidal institution, practically, factory of sin but, let us give it a chance. I sense something good in this Pope Francis. Call me naive but I sense good.
Crow  154 | 9207  
7 Jul 2018 /  #49
Anyway, to focus on main dilemma of this thread. So, Pope.

Hard to tell advice here. Its not easy to Poles. On one side, Poles can turn themselves into the salt but Pope and Vatican won`t be satisfied with them as long as Poles are Slavs. Here, stopping existence as Slavs may solve problem. Now, one can say that Pope, Vatican and God have to love us no matter all. See, its fantasy. Forget it. There is no justice in this universe. Only war between civilizations. Sure, periods of peace in all that but only war. Eternal struggle. So, in civilizational sense Vatican, Pope and Rome are exactly that- Rome. Its Rome. That Rome. Romans. That Rome that is responsible for ruination of Sarmatian (ie Slavic) domination in Europe. Rome that gave fundamental ideology to the western Europe. There is no Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Its myth. Even Protestantism. There is only Rome. Rome is Christianity.

Choose. Stop to be Slavic and live loved by Rome. Or, deflect little bit from Rome and face wrath of Rome.

Now, whatever you choose, you won`t see true love of Rome for there is no true love of Rome. There is only interest of Rome and ruling Romans (read- circle of dedicated magnates). And whatever you choose, you won`t found peace. There is only war. In past, now and in grim future of mankind.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
7 Jul 2018 /  #50
I can't believe it. Who cares what pope says or does? He is nothing but a CEO of a private corporation in business of distributing clever lies. The fact that some people find those lies comforting does not make them true. What is really annoying is that the US has an ambassador at the Vatican. What's next? An ambassador to Netflix?

They, too, distribute clever stories, which, to their credit, are offered as entertainment only.

To see how ridiculous this whole thing is one only has to read about the miracles modern-day saints like John Paul II allegedly pulled off. Embarrassing would be an serious understatement. There are no miracles or everything is a miracle, as one very wise man said.
Crow  154 | 9207  
8 Jul 2018 /  #51
But they have wealth, power, influence. They also have ceremonies, nice clothes, nice words and its all so romantic. Pope and others have cap same as Jewish cap. Maybe, just maybe, by analogy, if Jews now wants to be nice on Slavs, maybe Pope too wants to be nice on Slavs. Speaking of Poles, maybe Pope them now grant national Church. Yes, why not? Why force that anyway non-existant universalism. On this Earth only Vatican, Meka and Medina force universalism. Then, speaking of Serbians, maybe Pope now show open love for our Christianity that is mix of our pre-Christian faith and newly came Christianity. Maybe finally we Serbians stop to be seen as heathens and destined for burning and, those who survive, destined to be hunted by anti-Serbian propaganda. Maybe. We don`t like to be burned alive. Plus, maybe now finally Vatican decide to end practice by which in my part of the world ethnicity depend on religion and its not allowed to Muslims and Catholics to exist as Serbians. Interestingly, Serbs can exist only as Orthodox and Protestants. That`s how Rome arranged things. Maybe now things change. Maybe we get love. Maybe. Maybe.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
8 Jul 2018 /  #52
I am not against religions. Some like listening to operas, some like Greek myths. What I don't like is lying and collecting money. Lying for free is fine. Collecting money is fine. Two together is a fraud. My favorite target is the so-called miracles.

To make JP2 a saint, they had to invent two miracles as required. As hard as it is to believe it, they found one in Costa Rica. A quote: A woman whose "miraculous" recovery from an inoperable brain aneurysm paved the way for the late Pope John Paul II to be declared a saint at a ceremony at the Vatican this weekend has described how the Polish pontiff appeared to her in a vision.

It's always some old women at the end of the earth. Never in full view at MIT. Just as those 'aliens' who always land on a farm in Arizona 100 miles from the nearest Walmart but never in Area 51 where there is a landing strip, radar and restrooms with toilet paper.

The best part of that 'miracle' is - you wouldn't believe it - that it happened in 2011, or six years after JP2 died. At least Jesus was present to speak to or touch those who needed to be cured. Which makes that miracle a twofer - the woman was cured by a skeleton.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115  
8 Jul 2018 /  #53
If your Polish then I am an Inuit

As somebody made a good simplification, for me Jesus Christ is the path to the devine. Focusing solely on Jesus Christ I would say is a good influence in gaining more sheep. A good shephard should also help out his brothers and sisters.

Catholics in Poland are fortunate to live in Good times. Even tho forces of evil lurks around us still.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
8 Jul 2018 /  #54
As somebody made a good simplification, for me Jesus Christ is the path to the devine.

I have no problems with Jesus. He was like TV preachers today minus a Bentley and a 10-bedroom megahouse. It's the miracle bs that annoys me.

BTW, do you like being a sheep? To me, it's an insult worse than being called a troll.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
8 Jul 2018 /  #55
Catholic Poles tend to be more openly pious Christians than most Lutheran Norwegians, for whom Communion, I believe is still seen as representative, rather than literal!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115  
8 Jul 2018 /  #56
@Rich Mazur
Well to me you look like an americanized sheep with swastikas on your forhead screaming: baaaaaaut maaaah Puuuutin

You to paint you a little picture
(Sorry to all if I come out as rude today, I was playing cards and lost. Working out how to deal with it)

Their hardly any of them left in Norway, thankfully I am catholic and I am glad there are miracles.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
8 Jul 2018 /  #57
Well to me you look like an americanized sheep

I would swear that the subject is Poland and pope, not me.
Crow  154 | 9207  
17 Jul 2018 /  #58
Poland And the Pope: Not Happening, Apparently

My venerable Polish sisters and brothers, we can always introduce economic sanctions to Vatican. Or we can protest? Publicly? Loudly? Why not. What Poland and Serbia have to lose if Vatican retaliate? To become poorer?

paved the way for the late Pope John Paul II to be declared a saint at a ceremony at the Vatican

I didn`t know this. That way? Sure? Most interesting. I have no words.

I just thought man was honored for taking part in destruction of communism and so he was raised to the level of Saint. Naive me. No, moron me.

I love Pope Francis. Really.

Poles! Don`t have haste judgement on our brat in Christ, Pope Francis, blessed him be. Don`t say that he don`t count on Poles. Go check if you don`t believe but news was released that Pope sent Vatican`s special envoy in Medjugorje as measure of control due to speculations and business with wonders. Pope don`t trust to Catholic church in Croatia so he sending Archbishop Henryk Hoser from Poland, Warsaw.

Now would venerable Polish brat deal with heretics!

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