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Pope Francis' anti-Polish encyclical? Criticism of coal burning in Poland.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Jun 2015 /  #1
In his latest encyclical, leaked to the media this week, Pope Francis has spoken out on ecological issues, specifically the harm done to the environment by burning coal. Poland relies heavily on coal for heating and energy so the encyclical has been seen by some as an anti-coal or even anti-Polish declaration.

It'll be interesting to see if the liberal leftists, who oppose the Church's involvement in public affairs, will condemn the pope for meddling in politics and tell him to stick to religion. I doubt it, because the hypocrites do so only when churchmen speak out against prenatal infanticide, divorce and couples living in sin.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Jun 2015 /  #2
Pope Francis talked about climate change and the environmental destruction across the globe. I haven't read the whole encyclical, but I seriously doubt that he mentioned Poland in particular. He didn't meddle in any country's internal affairs at all, IMO.

Polsyr  6 | 758  
19 Jun 2015 /  #3
doubt that he mentioned Poland in particular

He did not mention Poland, but the OP is indirectly hinting that the anti-coal talk collides with the agenda of his beloved PiS who happen to be dedicated coal lobby lovers.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Jun 2015 /  #4
I just downloaded the enclyclical and checked the PDF via a word search: no mention of Poland. It takes a lot of fantasy to turn this into an anti-Polish document.


the encyclical has been seen by some as an anti-coal or even anti-Polish declaration.

So who in particular has interpreted this as anti-Polish?
jon357  72 | 23559  
19 Jun 2015 /  #5
It takes a lot of fantasy to turn this into an anti-Polish document.

It isn't anti-Polish in the slightest.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Jun 2015 /  #7
It isn't anti-Polish

jon357  72 | 23559  
19 Jun 2015 /  #8
It still isn't anti-Polish, whatever some PiS flapper may say.

This new Pope is still conservative however he has said some good things since his coronation.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
19 Jun 2015 /  #9
I knew someone from PiS was behind this idea :) Like I said, they are dedicated lovers of the coal lobby in Poland.
Levi  11 | 433  
19 Jun 2015 /  #10
Polonius, i usually agree with your posts. But what you said here is utter bollocks.

Say that Coal releases huge amounts of CO2 is not talk bad about Poland.

Is a simple chemistry fact (by the way, Pope Francis is a PhD in Chemistry).

" he has said some good things since his coronation"

This new pope is awesome!! The first Argentinian that i like!!!

Long Life to Francis!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Jun 2015 /  #11
Pope is still conservative

Thank goodness for that! Conservative means defending the tried, tested, proven and time-honoured rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water, avoiding change for change sake and not plunging headlong into unproven off-the-wall novelties.
jon357  72 | 23559  
19 Jun 2015 /  #12
Full of optimism about the world as usual, I see.

This encyclical however is not in any sense anti-Polish. Fossil fuels cause huge damage and coal is best left in the ground.
Marsupial  - | 871  
20 Jun 2015 /  #13
Coal is obsolete trash and the pope is right. I also live in a backward coal country. People in coal should really start learning something else. Ditto for oil trash. Luckily for us those on forums spreading idiotic 19th century science are in charge of nothing and no one. As evidenced by my 300% growth in Poland in 19 months in renewables. I hope to open a shop in Warsaw in 2017 for such technologies.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jun 2015 /  #14
Full of optimism...not anti-Polish.

Yes, a Christian is optimistic by nature. It is only the decadent anarcho-leftist-utopianist underminers, wreckers, and destroyers that pose a threat to society and instil pessimism in decent people.

I never said the encyclial was anti-Polish but that there are those who regard it as such and backed it up with a quote.
jon357  72 | 23559  
20 Jun 2015 /  #15
Coal is obsolete trash and the pope is right.


Ditto for oil trash.

Remember all the other uses for crude other than energy. We should concentrate on using it for that and continue to develop renewable technology.

Yes, a Christian is optimistic by nature

Nothing in your posts suggests you are either of those things.
Marsupial  - | 871  
20 Jun 2015 /  #16
Jon 357 there is a lot uses.for.crude. plastics for example, medicine so on i agree.The problem with.crude is that its being used.to.power all the.cars. The writing is on the wall for this. Poland has to join the brave new world or suffer the.same nightmare as here will if we dont get.rid of our backward government who are endengaring our whole economy due to utter stupidity. I am happy the pope has joined the frey as a catholic I rhink this is good for the future of.the.church as well as the planet. The resistance will get.less as the obsolete thinkers get older and die off or lose power. People in coal should start their new.education.and.training now.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jun 2015 /  #17
Coal is obsolete

There was talk some time ago about the gasification of coal which produced a clean-burning fuel and was heralded as a great technological brearkthrough. Anyone know why we aren't hearring about that anymoro. Are the costs prohibitive or what?
jon357  72 | 23559  
20 Jun 2015 /  #18
Anyone know why we aren't hearring about that anymoro. Are the costs prohibitive or what?

Extraction isn't that clean and it is still a non-renewable fossil fuel.

Jon 357 there is a lot uses.for.crude. plastics for example, medicine so on i agree.The problem with.crude is that its being used.to.power all the.cars. The writing is on the wall for this

Spot on.

People also forget all the other environmental costs of oil extraction - like the vast amounts of steel used.

Poland has to join the brave new world or suffer the.same nightmare.

In Poland, it's happening already - over the past 5 years I've seen a huge increase in renewables.
Marsupial  - | 871  
20 Jun 2015 /  #19
Give you an example polonius. Here they said the same thing and managed almost nothing. China and usa have better tech and have agreed together as well now the g7 that its not viable. They are all racing toward new energy. Pope is smart. Coal has dropped here by 60% in price. Things you can do to protect yourselves includes changing you super or investment portfolios away from fossil fuels. The sooner you do this the better. There is no such thing as converting this fuel into a much cleaner fuel. With the new techs racing they get cheaper and better all the time. The plan of world polluting despots is to tell you fibs to keep it all going, our prime minister here is a prime example of such rubbish. He will pay dearly.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jun 2015 /  #20
huge increase in renewables.

If the entire Baltic coast (Poland's, of course) was peppered wtih wind farms, how much power would that generate? What about watermills - in some places they can power an entire village, I hear. Fortunate are they who benefit from hydroelectric energy, but that's a topographic matter.

Has anyone advocated cutting back on power consumption. If more people used manual lawn mowers and coffee mills and drove smaller cars (anything over 800 cc should be punitively taxed) that would make a difference. And bought less of the Made in China junk which is largely throw-away clutter. The energy needed to recycle the excess is staggering.
jon357  72 | 23559  
20 Jun 2015 /  #21
All of this is sensible - we do need renewables.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jun 2015 /  #22
a Christian is

A Christian is ever vigilant towards those trying to turn the Seven Cardinal Sins into virtues or lifestyle options!
jon357  72 | 23559  
20 Jun 2015 /  #23
That depends whether the person is a Christian, (or a Jew, a Muslim, a Wiccan, a Buddhist, a Satanist, a Hindu, a Thelemite, an Atheist, a Taoist) or just trumpets about it and then contradicts himself constantly:

Jews....they are devious bastards

But this is in danger of going off-topic. A favourite tactic of yours when you start arguments and then lose them.
yes, it's off-topic
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jun 2015 /  #24

Doing away or cutting back on fossil fews certainly makes sense, but what's wrong with promoting renewables whilst decreasing consumption. Excessive manufacturing and the recycling of growing mountains of discarded packaging, assorted plastics, throw-away e-gadgetry, etc. are energy-consuming and are robbing the planet no matter how you slice it. And shouldn't greedy, hedonistic Westerners cut back a bit and spread at least some of the goods around to the have-nots?
jon357  72 | 23559  
20 Jun 2015 /  #25
Excessive manufacturing and the recycling of growing mountains of discarded packaging, assorted plastics, throw-away e-gadgetry, etc. are energy-consuming and are robbing the planet no matter how you slice it

This is a symptom not the cause - nevertheless sustainability needs to be the future. That does not rule out consumption (generally higher by the way in traditional, conservative, religious cultures - look at Dubai, the US, etc) - it does however mean adopting renewable energy, abandoning the slavish adherence to the nuclear family in favour of more communal living, reduction in use of private cars, turfing reallocating larger houses to those who need them most and basically following the maxim: from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
Marsupial  - | 871  
20 Jun 2015 /  #26
The change is gradual. Some of us have been fighting it for 20 years or longer. It's been a long time. It will take much longer still but the momentum is gaining. It's accelerating. Finally large powers have taken it on and the latest addition is the pope. Sure there's heaps of other issues but one at a time. This is a big one! There is nothing anti polish in the popes statements.
20 Jun 2015 /  #27
Wnd why should I pay bigger energy bills, just because of your tree hugging?
20 Jun 2015 /  #28
Why should I breath your polluted are, because of you tight fistedness?
20 Jun 2015 /  #29
The air is polluted and it will stay this way, no matter how much of my money are wasted on green absurds.
Why greens don't just spend their own money? Why the need to plunder everyone's pocket to fuel nonsence ideals?
Marsupial  - | 871  
20 Jun 2015 /  #30
Artem I am not interested in you ir your money. Irrelevant.

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