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Poland's pollution of the Baltic Sea

VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
27 May 2008 /  #1
In Poland, the accumulated amount of solid wastes is estimated at 1 500 million tons. The destruction of solid waste through uncontrolled incineration, without proper flue gas treatment, often causes pollution over a wide area. In addition to the above mentioned disposal of waste on land, it should be noted that hazardous substances such as oil from sunken ships, poisonous gases, ammunition and industrial waste are known to be present in the Baltic Sea, due to intentional or accidental dumping.

baltic.vtt.fi/demo/balful.html - A considerable amount of nutrients and toxic substances are discharged to the Baltic Sea from Poland

Despite modernisation of its infrastructure, Poland continues to be a heavy polluter of the Baltic sea which is having serious impact on its own costal waters and those of other Baltic states.

Significant pollution loads continue through its river outflows and intense primary pollution is being observed in these areas. Along the more open Polish coast, the problems are similar to those in the open Baltic Sea. Hydrogen sulphide has been detected in the Gulf of Gdansk in high concentrations.

Does Poland not care about its natural environment and those of its neighbours?

What is being done politically to prevent a continuation of this disregard for the natural environment?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 May 2008 /  #2
Fast Work in Poland. New sewage treatment plants in record time.

Poland is taking its environmental problems seriously, recognizing that they affect not only their own population, but also their neighbors, particularly those around the Baltic. The success of the project to date, and the speed with which it has been completed, is an encouragement for further steps to improve municipal sewage handling in Poland, and elsewhere.

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
27 May 2008 /  #3
Hey Lukasz...it's an "official" site...be realistic!

(You wouldn't accept the official Nord stream site too, isn' it?)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 May 2008 /  #4
but we build a lot of new sewage treatment plants and we have stared to do it in 90's our rivers are much cleaner than it was. And will be cleaner every year.

This website has nothing to do with Nordstream.

Polands nature is in much better condition than Gemrman or British.



National Parks in Poland constitute the biggest form of nature protection. For each of the national parks, the mandate is defined in the statutes of the park, issued by the Minister of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry. There are 23 national parks in Poland with total area of ca. 315,000 ha, which cover approximately 1 per cent of the country's area. Polish National Parks are exceptional in Europe for their range of wildlife, their size and varying geographical interest.

We do care about nature :) so it is our strong point. :-) you need to look somewhere else. ;-)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
27 May 2008 /  #5
Polands nature is in much better condition than Gemrman or British.

Because Poland is not nearly as industrialized nor crowded as GB or Germany!
But that doesn't hinder Poland to channel your sewage uncleared into the Baltic....

PS: Where is the "green" party in Poland?
celinski  31 | 1258  
27 May 2008 /  #6
In all fairness Poland has alot of work to do seeing as 1989 was not too long ago and if you recall Poland was not run by Polish. Lets face it Russia was not to overly concerned about making Poland the best she could be.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 May 2008 /  #7
After communism Poland was totally bankrupted (thanks to Russia) in 90s we started to work hard and we do it all the time ... because we care. :)

We have so many national parks our rivers are cleaner and cleaner.

Now we introduce NATURE 2000 program and 20% of Polands territory will be protected :)

Yes we are not perfect :( but we work hard and natural environment is one of the most important issues in our government policy.

Bratwurst it is really our strong point :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
27 May 2008 /  #8
Does Poland not care about its natural environment and those of its neighbours?

well sorry but if you read the whole site it shows poland as well as others who
contribute,, germany being one, of course it did something, I am sure polands
going to if not already done something, it described dates from early 70's and 80's
so I am sure by now the envionment is much better.. but I think all surrounding
regions should all pitch in/work together to make it more cleaner , I think I seen
where finland was putting out some very toxic waste into the baltic..

you would like to think its all Polands fault, but of course being realistic, we should
read further into it,, theres more then one country /region bordering the baltic.


as above mentioned, poland is doing something about it along with other
bordering regions and this is more current..

oh heres more info on this as well


Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
27 May 2008 /  #9
Pat...there is no dispute that the environment is an important factor...that all started only as Lukasz more or less implied Germany and Russia being not interested and not concerned with the preserving of the environment of the Baltic Sea...putting Poland in a role of a righteous eco warrrior with only the purest motives!

Both is not right!

Neither can do a german firm plan something WITHOUT checking environmental issues first nor is Poland famous for their interest in and fight for a cleaner environment!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 May 2008 /  #10
OH comon

the same people who like to decribe Poland as 3rd world

now try to show Poland as industrial monster.

Poland is one of the cleanest countries in europe. It is fact!
OP VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
27 May 2008 /  #11
Of course I am being realistic and realise thats its not all Poland's fault. But why dont you be equally realistic and accept that Poland is to blame for the pollution of the Baltic as much as anyone else.

Anecdotal hearsay aside, what are Poland's Green credentials actuall like?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
27 May 2008 /  #12
the same people who like to decribe Poland as 3rd world

Umm....so you would describe Poland as industrialized and crowded as GB and Germany?

PS: What about a green party for Poland? Do you have any at all? How influential is she?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 May 2008 /  #13
Umm....so you would describe Poland as industrialized and crowded as GB and Germany?

no because it isn't so industralized like UK or Germny. and it isn't 3rd world country. The fact is that Poland is much cleaner than UK or Germany especialy in North part of our beautiful country. And we have nice incomes becuase of it :) and discussion about poluted Poland are harming for us, because nature is Poland's strong point.

That is why we care so much about it. :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
27 May 2008 /  #14
Okay...I will word this question another way:

WHO takes care of it!

Is this territory clean because there is NOTHING but nature or is there actually someone responsible like...say...a party....who takes care that the industry there makes sure to keep the nature clean???

Pollution, Habitat Destruction, and Biodiversity in Poland

* Jacek Oleksyn,
* Peter B. Reich

In the past 50 years, Poland has experienced unprecedented deterioration of the environment and loss of biodiversity. Emissions of toxic gases, such as SO2, have reached 3 to 4 million tons annually, widely affecting flora, fauna, and human health. Almost all surface waters are heavily polluted.

More than 75% of the water in the Vistula, Poland's largest river, is unsuitable even for industrial use.
As many as 2500 plant species may be endangered (≈25% of all species) and approximately 228 (≈2%) have been extirpated from Poland.

Doesn't sound that good....
plk123  8 | 4119  
27 May 2008 /  #15
air quality is part of clean environment and PL has a long way to go with that one also.

Poland is one of the cleanest countries in europe. It is fact!

lol, sure, sure
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
27 May 2008 /  #16
Of course I am being realistic and realise thats its not all Poland's fault. But why dont you be equally realistic and accept that Poland is to blame for the pollution of the Baltic as much as anyone else.

yes of course and so your in a polish forum trying to blame the whole on Poland
I see it..

I did provide more links for your reading enjoyment.. :)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 May 2008 /  #17
Our government and different organisations. We don't have "green" party in our parlament. there are some members of this parlament who takes care about it.

We couldn't build biger road to Lithuania because of ecologs.

Because of beautiful ecosystem of Rospuda

in comparison to toher ecosystems we have in Poland it isn't noting special ... but the fact is that we have to use the newst thechnology or find another way. Nature is the most important and ecologs are strong in Poland.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
27 May 2008 /  #18
Special Areas of Concern

The following list of concerns was taken from the OECD Environmental Performance Review of Poland.

greenplans.rri.org/resources/greenplanningarchives/poland/areasof concern.html

Start with yourself first please....
OP VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
27 May 2008 /  #19
yes of course and so your in a polish forum trying to blame the whole on Poland. I see it..

If that is what you see then perhaps that is indicative of Polish insecurity.

What others will see are factual posts about continueing concerns for Poland's environmental credentials.

It's an important issue and we should not paint a false picture of what the situation really is. Pretending that its not a problem and that people who suggest it is are obviously polonophobic does absolutely nothing to confront a globally important concern about the future of our natural environment.

As nature is apparently one of Poland's most important 'selling points only adds to the seriousness of the issues. Please, lets not cheapen this discussion by shouting 'polonophobe' everytime facts bite a little. Its not constructive and belittles the many Poles who are able to see things as they are
plk123  8 | 4119  
27 May 2008 /  #20
the gov. only halted the construction through Rospuda because if high international pressure. otherwise it would have been built. so don't fool yourself into thinking that environment is high on any list in PL. it is not. hopefully it is rising though.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
27 May 2008 /  #21





same thing- germany again.. leaking into the baltic.. hmmmmmm


again, they have formed a commision to clean it up, its a vacation spot
so why wouldnt they? part of Polands tourism, I should think they above all
would be involved and they are as stated.. so trying to make them out to be
bad, and being such a negative nancy only shows some true colors of people..

if you provide a link to bad, try to find the good.. its better that way at least
people can debate constructive and talk about positives and negatives
and what each must do to make this world a better place ehhh??


ps I can find more links for all surrounding regions , but I think everyone is
capable of that too.. I didnt call anyone a polonphobe either,, I said you are
balming only poland and I can see it, but theres more then one country bordering
and you fail to see it.. thats all.

if there was no links to provide, my proof would be nothing, but there is..
what is real is that ALL parties should be involved in the clean up and all
should realize this.
OP VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
27 May 2008 /  #22
but the fact is that we have to use the newst thechnology or find another way. Nature is the most important and ecologs are strong in Poland.

Poland has the potential to become a leader in renewable energy. There are already a growing number of wind farms throughout the country and the extensive coastline offers all sorts of opportunities for harenessing natural energy.

Poland is in a position where its national infrastructure is undergoing major renewal and overhaul. Which entities are responsible for ensuring that the country's natural resources are utilised to their full potential whithout compromising the country's stunning environment?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
27 May 2008 /  #23
A Rusting Timebomb in the Baltic

By Axel Bojanowski

World War II bombs, poisonous chemicals, sudden explosions of rusting ordnance pose a major threat to the Baltic Sea in the years to come, say experts. But governments are slow to tackle the problem.

That's why I'm saying that instead of waiting if this timebomb explodes maybe we should take Nord Stream as a chance to clear some of the worst stuff from the Baltic.

I can't imagine the firms building such an expensive pipeline besides such things...that is just waiting for a catastrophe (and a loss of money)!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 May 2008 /  #24
Ok I see that afer weeks of presetning Poland as :

Poland is industrial monster. :)

with more factories cars polutions than UK or Germany. :) be serious bartwurst

as to Nordstream I will post it in other place.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
27 May 2008 /  #25
Cows are mostly responsible for global warming if you don't know...

OP VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
27 May 2008 /  #26
Judging from the success of vegetarian restaurant chain Greenway there is an active move towards vegetarianism in Poland. This can only be taken as evidence of a desire to decrease the number of cows farting in the country
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
27 May 2008 /  #27
Cows are mostly responsible for global warming if you don't know...

so we shall call upon the good ole Kangaroos for help :)

wizbangblog.com/content/2007/12/06/kangaroo-farts-could-ease-glob al-warming.php

help is on the way guys .. dont fart :) ;) oh i mean dont fret ;)
plk123  8 | 4119  
27 May 2008 /  #28
Bratwurst Boy


rofl, where the heck do you come up with this stuff. :D :D
OP VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
27 May 2008 /  #29
so we shall call upon the good ole Kangaroos for help :)

Priceless :D :D
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
27 May 2008 /  #30
rofl, where the heck do you come up with this stuff. :D :D

* Big Grins * Takes a bow..


we need to be eco friendly.. not echo friendly :)

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