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What is Poland's politics towards Norway?

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Feb 2009 /  #31
Hvordan har du det?.
Norge er et fint land.

What is Poland's politics towards Norway?

Norway is known here in Poland for
Work (like strawberry picking)
And a very good friend's grandfather walked from France to Narvik in Norway to fight in the battle of Narvik during the second world war.

I had the pleasure of meeting him, he said Norway was the most beautiful country in Europe.

I have lived and worked in Norway many times.

I know it is not really politics but I just thought i would tell you these things.

I have just finished reading, Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson :)
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
12 Feb 2009 /  #32
Tusen takk!
Nice info! you have been in Norway?! :O
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Feb 2009 /  #33
What do Poles think of Sir Nils Olav?

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Feb 2009 /  #34
Nice info! you have been in Norway?!

Many many times.

Jeg snakker Bergensk man jeg er ikke fint for skrevet.
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Feb 2009 /  #35
I have admiration for just about any country that promotes a penguin to high office in their army. I was just wondering how well this goes down amongst other people around the world.
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
13 Feb 2009 /  #36
SHOCK! If you been in Bergen and can write Bergensk then tell it from the start!
(Many Bergensere thinks of themself as Bergensere and not Norwegians!)
I bet you have experienced alot of rain? hehehe
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
13 Feb 2009 /  #37
(Many Bergensere thinks of themself as Bergensere and not Norwegians!)

Ha ha ha Yep that's it, only because the rest of the World is jealous ;)

Sing along now
Brann - Heia Brann!!

I bet you have experienced alot of rain? hehehe

It keeps the riff raff out, ha ha ha.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Feb 2009 /  #38
Since I live in Norway and read Polish newspapers (Mostly Rzeczpospolita) I don't see any attention toward Scandinavia or Norway. It is coming more and more Poles here and nothing about it in Poland :?

Well we have no common or rivaling interests with Scandinavia, we do plan to invade it exterminate the locals and settle a highly evolved race of penguins subservient to the polish empire but thats all in the future.
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
13 Feb 2009 /  #39
I got to write this to the prime minister and to the king! I am in DANGER!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
13 Feb 2009 /  #40
Well we have no common or rivaling interests with Scandinavia

At least you are aware that Norway is the capital of Scandinavia And there is probably no need to say that Bergen is the capital of Norway ;)

but only unofficially because Bergen wants to be separate for obvious reasons.
Most people are too ill educated even to understand this simple FACT!!!
har har har
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
9 Mar 2009 /  #41
because Bergen wants to be separate for obvious reasons

Ill prepare for civil war! I have gun practise allready got to make the classmates join me!
Juche  9 | 292  
9 Mar 2009 /  #42
What is Poland's politics towards Norway?

we want their gas, and are jealous of them for having so much of it.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
9 Mar 2009 /  #43
Ill prepare for civil war! I have gun practise allready got to make the classmates join me!

we want their gas, and are jealous of them for having so much of it.

Ha ha ha yeah, full of hot air ;)

Bergen has been stock pileing bad beer and good looking women for this reason :)
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
10 Mar 2009 /  #44
Bergen has been stock pileing bad beer and good looking women for this reason

()/"&)(¤" we lost allready! %((?/)? thoose Bergenserne!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
10 Mar 2009 /  #45
Where abouts are you from in Norway Mr Grunwald?.
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
11 Mar 2009 /  #46
I am from Østlandet! Born in Oslo lived in Heggedahl(Akershus fylke) live in Lier (Buskerud fylke)

Nothing new about Norway from Poland, well as a saying goes: No news = good news

Juche: we want their gas, and are jealous of them for having so much of it.

Juche I hope your a sweed it will make my day laugh hahaha :P
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Feb 2010 /  #47
Interesting thread this. Mr Grunwald, my wife would be very grateful to learn about Norway and Norwegian language. I understand that Polish-Norwegian relations are quite healthy. She wants me to learn Norwegian with her so I might write a little.

I wonder if Tusk knows where Norway is, though :(
jwojcie  2 | 762  
20 Feb 2010 /  #48
Tusk repaired some school in Tromsö in Norway in 89' so I bet he knows it ;-) What an old thread anyway
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
20 Feb 2010 /  #49
Oh thank you. It's allways about American politics in Poland or vise versa or other. So why not Norway? ^^

Mr Grunwald, my wife would be very grateful to learn about Norway and Norwegian language.

Oh dear, shall I send you a message on PM or?

I understand that Polish-Norwegian relations are quite healthy.

How awkward it sounds it is good. (I still look upon Norwegian naive politics towards the Russian federation as a huge negative aspect)

She wants me to learn Norwegian with her so I might write a little.

I see, WARNING I don't teach Nynorsk only Bokmål(My god who on earth would want to learn that)

I wonder if Tusk knows where Norway is, though :(

As a Prime Minister of Poland he knows for sure where it is, especially thinking that there are loads of Poles here (in percentage, 100k of 4 mil isn't small)

Tusk repaired some school in Tromsö in Norway in 89' so I bet he knows it ;-)

I knew it! What? repaired some school?! :o

What an old thread anyway

Ye somehow people don't wanna talk about Norwegian-Polish relationship it's so "dull" for em
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Feb 2010 /  #50
A PM would be nice. She is learning how to pronounce words and it's so different. Norwegians do so well given how different their language is. Are you Norwegian born and bred?
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
23 Feb 2010 /  #51
I was born in Norway yes, got 1 Norwegian mother and a Polish dad.
To say it so got insight in both Polish and Norwegian culture.

Norway has it name from foreigners visiting it while trading or traveling (derives from "Northern Way") although as the population started to grow in Norway people had to resettle or gain riches from pillaging or trade hence why Wiking raids started in Europe. There were 3 stages: 1. Raiding and pillaging in small groups to random places 2. Settling nd creating new Kingdoms (in Ireland or Iceland for instance) 3. Assembling huge groups of men into an naval army and invading foreign kingdoms

Later on Norway was a "super" power on the sea until the black plague hit europe where of ALOT of the Norwegian population died (also the king). The Danes overtook the rule, since they had huge influence allready in the eastern-south parts of Norway. Until 17th of May 1814 Norway had been under the influence of Denmark (where of the Norwegian writing first was Norrøn which the Wikings used, but because of the huge Danish influence all writing was done in Danish). When the Sweeds took Norway as theirs in the deal with the winners side after the Napoleons wars, Norwegians still had something to say.

The Norwegian people chose a Danish prince as their king and declared independence while making their constitution (Grunnlov). Ofcourse the Swedish King wouldn't allow it so he sent forces into Norway to take it over by force, it didn't suceed as the Norwegians still fought back. After some time the Swedish king understood that if Norway wasn't to be Swedish soon Norway would gain sympathy from other super powers. In that way he arranged a meeting where he accepted the Norwegian constitution with only a little tiny writing: King of Norway is the Swedish king (I don't can't remember exactly how it was but it was something near that line).

Until 1905 where of Norway got her FULL independence Sweden controlled the foreign politics while the Norwegian government could deal with problems inside Norway on her own. Having it's own Military and everything. (Ironically the nowadays Norwegian flag resembles the Norwegian Navy flag under the Swedish union)

Although thanks to the Swedish rule the Norwegian language wasn't fully Danished, most Norwegians have a more negative feeling towards Sweeds when it comes to an international level. Although it's not that bitter or hatred like the Polish-Russian/German-Polish/Irish-English conflicts. It's more of a friendly dislike, the Sweeds had an ideology in the 18th hundreds that all Scandinavians should be under Swedish rule since the Swedes were THE Scandinavians. With the event of 1905 it were gone for ever

After 1905 the language conflict in Norway started, there was one guy who traveled half of Norway to make a "Norwegian" language mixing several Norwegian dialects together (only some! He didn't go to the most Northern parts nor did he go into Cities since he felt they were to Danish) it was then later on he made: Landsmaal (Nynorsk)

While the form using in paper work and in Cities, kind a like formal form was called Riksmaal (Bokmål)

Until world war II Landsmaal (Nynorsk) was very popular among most Norwegians, but it changed after some popular "dikt" were written by Inger Hagerup


She was writing it in Riksmaal (Bokmål), after that and until nowadays Bokmål is mostly used everywhere in Norway except for some Fylker (Norway got 19 Fylker)

I can tell you a bit mor eif you want but now im busy and gtg


Couldn't fit it in a PM so ill post it here
Kenneth78  - | 25  
23 Feb 2010 /  #52
I see, WARNING I don't teach Nynorsk only Bokmål(My god who on earth would want to learn that)

As a Norwegian I couldn`t agree more on that one.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
23 Feb 2010 /  #53
err.. @Kenneth78, I believe you are citing wrong person...
pawian  226 | 27509  
22 Apr 2012 /  #54
I wonder what Norwegians will do with Breivik after he does his 21 year sentence? Will they let him roam the streets of Norwegian cities and islands?

Published: 19th April 2012
BLOODBATH beast Anders Breivik yesterday branded the 21 years he faces for massacring 77 people "pathetic" - and insisted he should be EXECUTED.

OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
22 Apr 2012 /  #55
I wonder what Norwegians will do with Breivik after he does his 21 year sentence? Will they let him roam the streets of Norwegian cities and islands?

He will most likely stay for life, after 21 years they will evaluate him. Nobody in his/her sane mind should be responsible for letting him go. They would be politically dead for life in all aspects of life

and also finally he ain't too much in the newspaper.

Poland planning anything for Norway?
pawian  226 | 27509  
23 Apr 2012 /  #56
He will most likely stay for life, after 21 years they will evaluate him. Nobody in his/her sane mind should be responsible for letting him go.

Oh, I see.

Capital punishment is not sanctioned under Norway's current law. Breivik's options are now mostly between the 21-year imprisonment and, if he is found insane, compulsory psychiatric care for as long as he is considered ill. Breivik maintains he is of sound mind and pleaded not guilty on Monday, saying the murders he committed were "self-defense."

It reminds me of communist practises in the USSR - dissidents, instead of prison, were sent to psychiatric hospitals. Bolsheviks could claim there were no political prisoners in Soviet slammers.

Funny that Norway resorts to such methods. :):):):):):)

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