Good move! Why invite the guy whose mess it will take a coupla years to clean up? Having to view that shifty-eyed former trough-hanger would be like rubbing salt into Poland's wounds.
You know, there's a thing called "patriotism". Tusk is the highest profile Polish person in the world right now, and anyone with an ounce of common sense would want him around.
@Delphi: if Duda does not speak a word of English, so what? He'll have dozens of interpreters around and besides, do for instance Obama and Cameron speak 3 words in any foreign language?
Tony Blair can speak French -
And Hollande can speak English -
But my favourite is the Croatian President, Grabar-Kitarovic. Her English is flawless.
I'm not saying that speaking English is needed, but at least one from English/French/German is needed. More to the point - he's not even old, what's his excuse for not speaking a foreign language? He's already talking about how Poland should play a stronger role in foreign affairs - but without even speaking a foreign language, how can he have a clue about what's going on?
You should look at this criticism through the Brit Bullies being back again for bullying PiS and President Duda. And indeed, why speaking the petty language such as English of which French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau said it is "just badly pronounced French" should be a must for any president?
Well, German or French is equally good in my view. But look at the Croatian President's English - it's flawless, and means that she can pretty much work effectively in Europe.
Bully: A person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
To be fair, Duda is pretty much just a puppet for Kaczyński anyway.