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Poland's political party to ban pornography?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Jul 2013 /  #1
The AWS government wanted to ban púrnography and the measure was passed by the Sejm and Senate, but ex-commie Kwaśniewski vetoed the bill. The PO's star polemicist Stefan Niesiołowski (back then a member of the ultra-right-wing Christian Naitonal Union) called him a púrno-fasto (púrnogrubas).

Now British PM Cameron is proposing a less drastic but possibly more effective move. Internet púrn will be blocked and availabel only to thsoe who sign a declaration saying they wish to view it. Most likely that will discourage many

who up till now had preferred to view the disgusting filth behind the cloak of anonymity. Your thoughts?

The British government has put on the screw. So at least you can interpret David Cameron's plans for the team in terms of restrictions on access to púrnography. In practice, it would appear in such a way that púrnographic sites on the Internet would be blocked, and if someone wants to use them - provided that it would be an adult - would have to submit the declaration.

In Poland, the left-liberal environment was so far delighted to Cameron as Conservative who - according to them - grasped the inexorable logic of progress, which turned out to witness the determination with which he fought on - in spite of his party's MPs - of the institutionalization of "marriage" sex. I wonder how these same groups adopt the current proposal of the British government?

22 Jul 2013 /  #2
My thoughts are that the proposed policy of the British government are in no way related to Poland and thus this thread needs binning.
jon357  72 | 22980  
23 Jul 2013 /  #3
disgusting filth

This from someone who describes special children as 'morons' and women who date as 'diseased sluts'.

Maybe you need a bit of prn to help yourself lighten up.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
23 Jul 2013 /  #4
Maybe you need a bit of prn to help yourself lighten up

I agree!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Nov 2015 /  #5
Merged: Protesters scuffle with police in Wrocław to prevent porn play

Protesters belonging to the Rosary Crusade linked arms to prevent people entering a Wrocław theatre where a play titled "Death and girls" featuring porn stars was being presented. They scuffled with police trying to break the human chain and 20 protesters were detained. At issue was the use of taxpayer money to stage a morally controversial production.

Regardless of their intentions, the protesters have provided the producers with loads of free publicity and probably more curious theatre-goers than the play itself could normally attarct. There is reportedly only a single one-minute-long porn scene in the two-hour presentation.

21 Nov 2015 /  #6
Polonius. Well that's another reason you should be back here in Poland.

But on a serious note , there are so many people trying to challenge Poland's core values and traditions, this event is another example of this Fifth Column that is attempting to corrupt this land. No problem we push back when we need to.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Nov 2015 /  #7
At issue was the use of taxpayer money to stage a morally controversial production.

I wonder how many of them had seen the script.

There is reportedly only a single one-minute-long porn scene in the two-hour presentation.

Indeed, they've done a cracking job - tickets are sold out until the end of the year, and the play will probably manage a run elsewhere now on a commercial basis with this kind of hysteria.

It's sad when people try and block culture that they're opposed to. This isn't the prudish PRL, after all.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Nov 2015 /  #8
block culture

Taxpayer money should not be used to promote anti-values most people in Catholic Poland oppose. Private ventures are another story unless they target minors.
21 Nov 2015 /  #9
Taxpayer money is the key here.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Nov 2015 /  #10
Private ventures are another story unless they target minors.

Isn't it funded by the province, rather than the country? In that case, it's up to the provincial government to decide what gets funded, not the country.

From memory, the province is very heavily centre-left politically.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Nov 2015 /  #11
provincial government

Regional authorities are bankrolled by taxpayers. No authorities, whether central, regional or local are private profit-making businesses, although the Platfomers had often acted as if they were. Good thing disgruntled citizens have voted them out of office. Hopefully for good!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Nov 2015 /  #12
Regional governments are subject to the voters in that province, not Warsaw.

For what it's worth, what does profit have to do with it? This was just another fringe production that has now attracted huge amounts of attention because of the actions of the few.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Nov 2015 /  #13
voters in that province

All authorities are taxpayer financed whether directly or indiredctly. If Warsaw proivdes local authorities with funds, they were also collected from taxpayers.
I was the one who poitned out that the protest was counterproductive. Not everybody understands how propaganda, PR, publicity functions.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
22 Nov 2015 /  #14
@Delph: all public money in Poland comes from Central State.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
22 Nov 2015 /  #15
Why on earth was this thread merged? It's a completely separate issue! Why make it so difficult for people to actually find threads about things actually going on now rather than ten years ago?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
22 Nov 2015 /  #16
Rosary Crusade linked arms to prevent people entering a Wrocław theatre

We do not live in a theocracy, much as you'd welcome that.

They scuffled with police trying to break the human chain and 20 protesters were detained.

Good. I hope they are brought before the courts so as to be reminded that there are certain freedoms that mohair-bereted old biddies can not curtail.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Nov 2015 /  #17
mohair-bereted old biddies

Yes, you would love to entrench such a false stereotype. In fact, if you had bothered to watch the TV coverage you would have seen the human chain was made up mainly of young ladies and men.

Nothing to do with theocracy. Min. Gliński said he is open to the "off" scene and all kind of cultural experimentation but there will be no agreement to bankroll pornography wtih public funds.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
22 Nov 2015 /  #18
mainly of young ladies and men

They may not wear mohair berets, but the mentality is the same. Who the hell are they to impose their repressive moral code on people going about their lawful business? It was not about the use of public funds; it was about the content of the play.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Nov 2015 /  #19
about the use of public funds

It was about the use of public funds to propagate depravatory or morally suspect content. Doing so would mean the state endorses such contamination of public space at the taxpayer's expense. Sickies who enjoy wallowing in filth have plenty of opportunities to do so since pornography as such is not banned. It is even shown on late-night TV in Poland.
22 Nov 2015 /  #20
Taxpayer money should not be used to promote anti-values most people in Catholic Poland oppose.

Pislam is not the official religion of Poland. Freedom of religion is guaranteed by Constitution. Poland is not a single being, it's a collection of different people, with different worldviews. It sounds like you're trying to impose your values on everyone else. That's zamordyzm, and it belongs in Asia.

Speaking of taxpayer money, do you know what it is ?
This obscene picture is surprised Jesus. Jerzy Urban is having a legal case. He's accused of offense of religious feelings, and under Polish law that's worth 2 years in prison. The plaintiffs made it clear it's the picture they find so terribly offensive, not the contents of the article - which most of them didn't read. And the kicker ? It's a civil case, meaning all taxpayers are paying for the trial. Catholics, protestants, Jews, atheists, muslims, even pastafarians.
22 Nov 2015 /  #21
Pornography is such a big bussiness that banning it is like charging at wind mills with a lance :) It won't work in the long run. Porn "exhibitions" are being recorded on the Earth's orbit nowadays. :D
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
22 Nov 2015 /  #22
It is even shown on late-night TV

"Late night" being the word....

And anyway, (sadly) teenagers of 14 knew full well what Chatroulette was at least 5 years ago. A little soft pron Game of Thrones style should be right down your alley - so to speak:)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Nov 2015 /  #23
big bussiness

Yet another proof of the West's degeneration speeding up the day it collapses under the Muslim onslaught. Never forget: every action causes a reaction!
22 Nov 2015 /  #24
every action causes a reaction!

Nationalistic and right-wingy approach might be a natural counter-ballance to Islam and its Shariath.
23 Nov 2015 /  #25
Ryszard Petru, leader of the 2nd smallest party in Sejm, invited the deputy minister of culture Piotr Gliński to see the play. He hasn't seen the play either, so he thought it would be a good idea to buy two tickets and invite Gliński. Perhaps then he could have an informed opinion.


You may have heard about "Death and the Girl", the controversial play that has a couple having an sexual intercourse on stage ?

Piotr Gliński, the deputy minister of culture gave a pretty crass interview yesterday. It went like this:

The host asked him, on what legal and factual basis he told the regional official to cancel the premiere. He responded(?) by saying there's an unfair hate campaign. Against whom ? Let me present my stance on this matter. I already know your stance, I want answers to specific questions. Then he went on to say his stance and read a letter.

Now the fun part. When Karolina Lewicka interrupted that a good tradition of journalistic shows asks for politicians to respond to questions, he said it's a propaganda show, not a journalistic show. The station has spun propaganda and manipulation for several years, but now it will end. You will not interrupt me. Know your place. I came here to calm the society, which is lied to by politicians. Etc, and so on.

Basically, he insisted to treat an interview as a press conference, and refused to answer questions.

Karolina Lewicka has been suspended for not meeting the standards of quality in public television. The host, not the rude deputy minister of culture.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
23 Nov 2015 /  #26
Best comment on the play situation in Wrocław, seen on the crawl during Szkło kontaktowe (translating from memory): How many of the protesters ever actually go to the theater?

Says it all. But PiS appoints a minister of culture who knows nothing of the field and this is what you get.....
jon357  72 | 22980  
23 Nov 2015 /  #27
In what sense is the Wroclaw production of Death and the Maiden pornography?
23 Nov 2015 /  #28
"controversial play that has a couple having an sexual intercourse on stage"

If people want this there is plenty for them to see in Amsterdam which is geared up to provide this kind of entertainment, Poland is 98% Catholic

Would the organizers stage this play in Dubai just to antagonize the majority of the population over there, I think not .

This is just another example of the libbtard attempt to undermine Poland and all that Poland has stands for.
G (undercover)  
23 Nov 2015 /  #29
"If people want this there is plenty for them to see in Amsterdam which is geared up to provide this kind of entertainment, Poland is 98% Catholic "

Adults should be allowed to watch that in Poland too. After all it takes about 2 seconds to watch "far worse" things in the internet. The issue here is that the whole theatre is a public financed institutions.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Nov 2015 /  #30
The issue here is that the whole theatre is a public financed institutions.

Indeed. Which is what it exists for - to push the boundaries and attempt things that might not work in a commercial environment. That is the nature of culture.

If people want this there is plenty for them to see in Amsterdam which is geared up to provide this kind of entertainment, Poland is 98% Catholic

Go to the theatre often?

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