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Police in Poland admits spying on journalists.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Jan 2016 /  #1
Polish Police admits carrying out surveillance operations in 2014 against large number of journalists (and their families) who were dealing with the "tape scandal" - when major politicians from previous regime were recorded in the restaurant talking about shady relations with business, corruption and other nasty things.

14 Jan 2016 /  #2
But it's PIS not PO that breaks constitution. Laughable.
14 Jan 2016 /  #3
Were these operations carried out in an illegal manner? Apparently not.
Were they in response to criminal activity? Most certainly.

But it's PIS not PO that breaks constitution

Care to quote the part of the constitution broken by PO due to these operations?
14 Jan 2016 /  #4
Care to quote the part of the constitution broken by PO due to these operations?

Of course it was broken. Surveillance operations require judicial agreement. Those had not and that's what make them illegal and against the principal law of privacy.
14 Jan 2016 /  #5
Surveillance operations require judicial agreement.

Not after this week they don't.

Those had not and that's what make them illegal

I think you'll find that that's something for the court to decide, unless you have some way of showing that no court permission was given.
Ironside  51 | 13127  
14 Jan 2016 /  #6
Were they in response to criminal activity? Most certainly.

You mean they were listening to conversations of about 80 journalist and their families because of some criminal activity they were involved in. Coincidently these were all journalist connected with the opposition.

Yeah made stuff up rather than face the truth.
14 Jan 2016 /  #7
Even PO members admit it needs to be checked and that tells something. After we will known more and it will be clear it was illegal back then in 2014 what will you say? If it was illegal why didn't EU use the tools to "look closely" like they do now? They had 2 years to do so. Answer is simple. PO was handing Poland piece by piece to Eurocrats and they were fine with that. Now current govt tries to make foreign corps to pay taxes (wow. This time Polish companies will get an upper hand to create business IN POLAND. Unbelievable!) and that will directly affect gains of the outside powers. This is the only reason why the EU-mafia raised an alarm. One needs to be either blind or totally brainwashed by Eurocratic Regime propaganda to not see that.
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
15 Jan 2016 /  #8
PiS knows how to solve this problem, too. Make spying legal. It's in the process of granting extra surveillance laws.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Jan 2016 /  #9
Anything else than off-topic ?
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
18 Jan 2016 /  #10
But it's PIS not PO that breaks constitution. Laughable.

Remember the quote "Przez młodego wyjdziemy na starego" by Jarosław Kaczyński ? It popped up when investigating spying on journalists in 2007, back when PiS was in power. PiS was desperately hunting for evidence that Jarosław Wałęsa has criminal connections. That would let them smear Lech Wałęsa.
Crow  155 | 9736  
16 Aug 2019 /  #11
Polish man H. L. R. (54) arrested yesterday at 10 AM in Southern Macedonia because of accusations for spying. In his possession were find photos of Macedonian military training centers.

For those who aren`t familiar - almost half of Macedonian population is Albanian (Shquiptar) and territory of Macedonia and military infrastructure is regularly used by radical Muslims and narco-mafia. But still Shquiptars do have full NATO support. On Kosovo NATO troops, Polish included, taking part in training of Shquiptar para-military forces which members were by NATO itself in past labeled as terrorists in official documents. Shquiptars are heavily involved with ISIS.

What I want to tell you, its big question, what could some eventual Polish spy try to accomplish by spying on official NATO partners, regime of Macedonia and local Shquiptars. Its possible that spy was sent on some fact finding mission. If so, then, see, Poland still can surprise me. Maybe, just maybe, ``Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła``.

source: b92.n../info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2019&mm=08&dd=16&nav_category=167&nav_id=1578749

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