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Have PO (Platforma) operatives in Poland fallen into a panic?

jon357  72 | 23565  
31 Aug 2015 /  #181
PiS offences,

You can't separate the scams of PiS from your criticisms of the government; quite simply they are mostly 'afery' whipped up by PiS with about as much credibility as old biddies attempting to provoke a village feud.
31 Aug 2015 /  #182
This thread if strictly about Platformer scams and muck-ups, so let's leave PiS out of it.

The title of this thread is "Have PO (Platforma) operatives in Poland fallen into a panic?". Probably the best thing that PO have going for them is that their opponents are PIS. If PO faced a party which was even halfway close to competent and not so riddled with corruption that they can't even pick a candidate for president who isn't promptly caught defrauding the tax payer to enrich himself, PO would need to panic. As it is, they can just sit back and watch PIS drive voters towards them in their tens of thousands.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Aug 2015 /  #183
Oooh, a Polonius topic filled with lies :D

**State railways are broken up into 8 separate companies, all staffed with the PO's hand-picked flunkies

Actually, PKP was broken up in that form in 2001. Nothing to do with PO, and all that PO has done is privatise the companies in question. The state doesn't need to be involved with telecommunications or PKP Cargo, for instance.

** Liquidation of the Gdynia and Szczecin shipyards

They were in severe trouble during the PiS regime and about to die regardless of who was in government. The reality of the situation (that they had to compete on the open market) meant that a state owned shipyard had really no chance at all.

** Despite EU funds and promises to the contrary, failure to complete motorways for Euro 2012

They were almost finished. When PO took power, there were 1083 km of motorways in Poland. Now there's 3100 km (at the end of 2014km) and a forecast of 3525 km by the end of 2017. Not bad going.

** Robbery in broad daylight of pensioners' savings in the open retirement funds

Robbery? The money was transferred to their ZUS accounts, so what's the problem? OFE funds are now widely acknowledged as a good idea at the time of their introduction, but the debts incurred by ZUS to the OFE funds were absolutely unsustainable.

** The Tusk government builds some of the world's most expensive roads, pricier than those in mountainous countries

Prove it.

** The 2010 Polish Presidential plane is sent to a decommissioned former military airport in Smolensk devoid of proper landing facilities and a normal control tower

They didn't send any plane anywhere. That was Kaczyński's office that failed.

** The port of Świnoujście is blocked by the Russo-German NordStream pipeline which even the PO's own Sikorski compared to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

The port is hardly blocked, given that the LNG terminal is nearly online.

** Under PO rule unemployment skyrockets to 13% and more

Except unemployment today is at 10.1%. Slight difference.

** Bungled army reform creates a force in which ¾ are officers and NCOs and very few privates

Prove it.

** Only President Kaczyński's vigorous opposition stopped Tusk drawing Poland into the Eurozone in 2008.

Hardly. Poland wasn't ready for the Euro in 2008.

Polonius, try harder with your lies.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Aug 2015 /  #184
PO would need to panic

If you're right, then why have most Poles had their fill of the Platfusy. Becuase of their crafty, glib and clever PR (Tusk and Kopacz can talk their way out of most anything!) it took many people a while to put two and two toegther, but luckily they have now seen through the façade of hypocrisy, lies and corruption. The day of judgemnt is at hand -- 25th October, isn't it?
jon357  72 | 23565  
31 Aug 2015 /  #185
had their fill

"Had their fill" is an odd phrase to use for the longest lasting and most successful democratic administration in Poland, ever.

Probably the best thing that PO have going for them is that their opponents are PIS. If PO faced a party which was even halfway close to competent and not so riddled with corruption that they can't even pick a candidate for president who isn't promptly caught defrauding the tax payer to enrich himself, PO would need to panic.

Spot on. One issue to worry about is that the youngest generation of voters have dim memories of how appalling the last government was, not least because it was so short-lived.
31 Aug 2015 /  #186
hypocrisy, lies and corruption.

Would those be the same hypocrisy and corruption which have seen the holder of the highest political office PIS have had for years exposed within weeks as a corrupt hypocrite who defrauded the Polish tax payer in order to enrich himself? PO really would have problems if it weren't for the fact that the main opposition party is clearly utterly corrupt, as shown by their catchphrase of Teraz K***a My.

As for lies, given the way that Delph has pointed out your lies above, I'm amazed you think you're in any position to criticise anybody else for doing what you do so regularly.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
31 Aug 2015 /  #187
One issue to worry about is that the youngest generation of voters have dim memories of how appalling the last government was

This is a very real worry. Not even dim memories, in fact. The youngest ones have no recollection of Leper or Giertych. Couple that with the understandable tendency of young people to want change and PO have a lot of thinking to do if they want the youth vote. Young people have little appetite for PiS, but they might well be attracted to fashionable fringe politicians.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Aug 2015 /  #188
@Delph! : beware of the unemployment rate because 1. a lot of unemployed don't bother to register (in Poland logical since only a few hundreds ZL help at best and for only a few months) and 2. in case of Poland, many people leave Poland for abroad. In a lot of areas in Poland, unemployment is officially 40-50% and should we add those unemployed not registered and all those who have left and who are still leaving for the West, it would be at least twice as much...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Aug 2015 /  #189
It does work both ways though - there are also people that register as unemployed to get health insurance paid for (and for their family) - while they're actually working full time jobs on the side.

Either way, massaging unemployment figures is done in every European country, so it doesn't bother me.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Aug 2015 /  #190
@Delph: unemployment rates are always unreliable and also cannot be compared from one country to another (different ways of calculating, different population structure (age...)) and in case of Poland, if we add all those who have left Poland + all those on "garbage contracts" who don't work all the time (because no work), the rate would be min. double. Among all the Poles I hang around with, although they are not personally concerned by unemployment, they don't believe governement figures (and I'm sure most Poles don't). In many areas, it is about 40% or more....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Aug 2015 /  #191
Teraz K***a My.

YOur feel for Polish is abysmally low, but this colourful slang phrase means nothing more than "now it's our turn". That occurs in every democratic society when there's a changing of the guard.

longest lasting

Cleverly coined and honed propaganda works wonders! The Platfusy deceitfully blamed all their failures on the world economic downturn, the weather and, of course, PiS which they used as a scarecrow to confuse and intimidate voters.

As Lincoln said: You can fool some of the people some of the time....
jon357  72 | 23565  
31 Aug 2015 /  #192
in case of Poland, if we add all those who have left Poland + all those on "garbage contracts" who don't work all the time (because no work), the rate would be min. double

And this was a worse situation before the current administration.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Aug 2015 /  #193
Anybody with a tiny bit of common sense knows that unemployment rates (in Poland and elsewhere) are not the real situation. In case of Poland, millions of people have left country in the past few years and it is continuing... I do personally know that in Poland B, the situation is dramatic (+ very low salaries when people are lucky enough to work and no perspectives) so the (= any) government should rather keep a low profile.

The situation is for sure bright for the "happy few" but unfortunately rather dark for most...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Aug 2015 /  #194

The bottom line is that PF has again shown itself up as not being typical of Poland's current Zeitgeist, since most posters sound like paid PO propagandists or unpaid apologists and toadies.

And these are the same hypocrites constantly blathering away about "diversity"!
31 Aug 2015 /  #195

The youngest ones have no recollection of Leper or Giertych.

Either you do not live in PL or you lost your touch with reality. Both Lepper Jr and Giertych Family are currently working as PO puppets.

And that's exactly why "the youngest ones" don't suport PO.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Aug 2015 /  #196
PO won 41.5%

Yes, good thing you used the past tense. You can nostalgically relive the past, even shed a tear, as your political darlings start packing their bags and head for the rubbish bin of history. Good riddance to the Platfusy! But no-one can blame you for reminscing -- there are people in Poland who yearn for the good ol' days of PRL, and in Russia who wistfully recall the "great Stalin era".
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Sep 2015 /  #197
Poor Polonius. You seem to have forgotten that there's still two months before the election, and that is a very very long time in Polish politics.

If PO win the referendum on state financing of political parties, then PiS really will be in trouble.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Sep 2015 /  #198
the referendum

Komorowski's panicky knee-jerk referendum will be a total fizzle becuase 50%+ of eligible voters will not show up. A huge waste of money which can be listed amongst the PO's numerous other blunders.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Sep 2015 /  #199
Bear in mind that the 50% requirement is only what makes it legally binding. The government is free to enact legislation based on the referendum result, which would be very difficult to veto as it would be based on popular support.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Sep 2015 /  #200
PO (Platforma)

Anyone interested in finding out more about the Platfus clique's scams and abuses should check out:


With election day approaching and PO survey results dropping PM Kopacz is desperately trying everything she can think of. Besides more of PO's typcial PiS-bashing (which no longer makes the impression on voters it once did), she has been making behind-thre-scenes offers they cannot refuse to oppositon types. She has recruited former PiS deputy PM Ludwik Dorn, ex-commie Napieralski and the late PM Mazowiecki's son Michał. More such coopts seem likely.

PO is thus becoming more and more the refuge of renegade turncoats. The classic example is bugologist Niesiołowski - once a leader of the ultra-rightist nationalist Christian National Union. Former PiS spin doctor Kamiński is an especilaly sleasy opportunist. Ex-commie Arłukowicz as heath min. (since sacked) brought about the veritable collapse of the healthcare system. He promsied to shorten outpatient waiting-room queues, so he cut the time a doctor can devote to a patient from 15 to 5 minutres!!!!

Will Polish voters fall for the Digger's (Kopacz's) new-old bag of tricks?
jon357  72 | 23565  
3 Sep 2015 /  #201
Bear in mind that the 50% requirement is only what makes it legally binding. The government is free to enact legislation based on the referendum result, which would be very difficult to veto as it would be based on popular support.

It would actually be very difficult to ignore it - though they haven't given it the publicity it deserves. Platforma are nevertheless doing the right thing as usual.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Sep 2015 /  #202
Platforma are nevertheless doing the right thing

...To fade into oblivion.
jon357  72 | 23565  
3 Sep 2015 /  #203
Somehow I doubt that - they are the most stable party in PL and have the support of PSL.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Sep 2015 /  #204

The PSL is probably the sleaziest and most opportunistic party around. Its leader Sawicki is a sneaky scammer of the first order. Former PM Pawlak ostensibly promoted Polish industry by arriving at the government building, press conferences and other official venues in ....... a Polonez car. But on the outskirts of town he would transfer to a Mercedes.

PSL readily teamed up with the ex-commies, now they back the Platfusy, and they will not hesitate to enter a PiS coaliton to get government slots. Hopefully PM Szydło will see through those greedy bumpkins.
jon357  72 | 23565  
3 Sep 2015 /  #205
PSL? Hopefully they will stay very far away from the PiS flappers and continue to take part in a government with Platforma.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Sep 2015 /  #206
government with Platforma

Maybe a virtual PO-PSL government can be created as a computer game with the Platfusy spewing hate speech v PiS and NIK leader engaged in some new contest-fixing scam. The bad part of it is that it wouldn't sell too well, because Poles have had their fill of the Platformer hate industry. Adveniat regnum PiSorum!
jon357  72 | 23565  
3 Sep 2015 /  #207
That just sound like someone spewing bad rhetoric. A shame that so many of the youngest voters don't remember how bad PiS were when the PiSuarzy briefly formed a government. If they do get in this time, they won't serve a full term (I can see the awful Jaro trying to seize the top job) and I doubt the party will even exist in 10 years time.

As educational levels improve, their natural electorate become fewer and fewer, whereas Platforma Obywatelstwa has a long future to look forward to.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Sep 2015 /  #208
Platforma Obywatelstwa has a long future to look forward to

Yes indeed -- in memory lane. Grannies will tell their grandkids: Once upon a time there were three tenors who set up a political party... Through clever propaganda they managed to pull the wool over the public's eyes and got to rule for all of eight years. But they were finally caught onto and seen through....
jon357  72 | 23565  
3 Sep 2015 /  #209
they managed to pull the wool over the public's eyes and got to rule for all of eight years. But they were finally caught onto and seen through....

You've actually summed up PiS (Paranoia and Suspicion) very easily, however history will not judge them well.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Sep 2015 /  #210

It actually stands for Patriotyzm i Szalchetność (patriotism and noble-mindedness).
PO = Perwersja/Oszustwo (perversion/deceit).
You're entitled to your musing, rambling and nostalgia - there's no law against it. That's all that will be left of the Platfusy very soon.

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