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Have PO (Platforma) operatives in Poland fallen into a panic?

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Jul 2015 /  #151
I admired Kukiz

According to the latest GfK Polonia survey only 3 parties would make it into the Sejm if elections were held this Sunday. United Right (PiS, Polska Razem i Solidarna Polska) 47.1%, PO 30.3% and Kukiz 10.5%. That marks 4.6% drop for Kukiz compared to the previous poll.

A PiS-Kukiz coalition would have a healthy 57.6% majority but.....
Reminds me of a Polish saying: Złapał kozak tatarzyna a tatarzyn za łeb trzyma. (A Cossack caught a Tatar but the Tatar has got him by the neck).

Letting Kukiz into such a coaliton might be the proverbial bull in a china shop. He might be a bigger pain than Lepper nad Giertych were combined.

Just an aside -- the support for PiS by Poles in Poland seems ot be inching its way up to neat the 60+% level the party can count on in Polonia.

The abbreviation PiS stands for: Poland is Patriotic!

President-Elect Andrzej Duda told TVP1 he would do everything in his power to reduce retirement age or resign. There have been other indications that after PiS win the election they will undo the idiotic anti-Polish and pro-libertine legislation forced through by the Platfusy. And it won't be any too soon! PO and all their crooks nad scammers will soon end up on the trash heap of history where they belong!.
jon357  72 | 23560  
30 Jul 2015 /  #152
he would do everything in his power to reduce retirement age or resign

Better the latter.

We've got an ageing population, increased life expectancy, increased years of healthy life but hey, what does he care?
wjtk  - | 29  
30 Jul 2015 /  #153
Current pension system was first introduced in XIXth century when typical family had 3-5 children and life was much shorter. It simply can't stand as it is and increasing retirement age is a road to nowhere, it won't fix the problem - we have to find different solutions. If they manage to overthrow latest legislation increasing retirement age they will be forced to fix it in other, hopefully the better way.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Jul 2015 /  #154
what does he care

Being a true patriot he cares about the Polish people, not the PO oldboy network. And he is not on Brussels' leash the way the Platfusy are. Most Poles were opposed to raising retirement age but what do PO care about what people think. Most Poles oppose nuclear power, but the neo-tuskites are moving ahead with their atomic projects.
30 Jul 2015 /  #155
"Being a true patriot" - what does that imply? There are many other so called 'patriots' that are not fit for that role, as it is simply not enough...

"cares about the Polish people, not the PO oldboy network" - not PO, but I can guarantee that it will not be long before exactly the same will apply to PiS oldboy network... it is a well known, universal phenomenon that (unchecked) power corrupts...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Jul 2015 /  #156
The abbreviation PiS stands for: Poland is Patriotic!

Poland in (deep) ****.

Corrected for you.

Most Poles were opposed to raising retirement age

I was rushing to do some shopping in Lidl at 16:45 ( cricket tea-time). Poles of my age were ambling around like old men and blocking my way. They really need to get a grip and get moving. *******.

I am 57 and they are way too comfortable, and need to get working and earn for themselves and for their country. That goes for people who are 65 too.

No country for old men. PS Mods - this in ON topic because we are talking about two worlds - the PIS make-believe world and the real one.
jon357  72 | 23560  
30 Jul 2015 /  #157
a true patriot

Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel as someone once said. I doubt there's even one elected politician who isn't patriotic and JK is less so than most - it's just that he trumpets nationalism to his elderly and sentimental core support base.

PiS old boy network

On a local level they are spectacularly corrupt, really the worst of the various parties since the PZRR.

As for the retirement age, 70 is the new 50 (should cheer you up Pol3) and most people nowadays no longer drop dead a few years after retiring at 65.
31 Jul 2015 /  #158
The abbreviation PiS stands for: Poland is Patriotic

Doesn't PiS stand for "Polecieli i Spadli"(They've flown and crashed)?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Jul 2015 /  #159
Doesn't PiS stand for

No, I've heard it stands for Prawda i Służba (Truth and Service).
31 Jul 2015 /  #160
Truth and Service

Podpierdolą i Słońce (gonna nick even the Sun),
Piwo i Seks (the latter doubtful regarding Kaczyński. He has cats.),
Pathology intensive Source,
Pokraść i Spierdalać (to steal and run away),
Pomówienia i Spiski(accusations and conspiracies),
Przyszli i Spieprzyli(they came and they f@cked up),

...and many, many more of more or less accurate ones. :D
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Jul 2015 /  #161
Przyszli i Spieprzyli

PO = Przekręciarze-Oszuści (Scammers-Swindlers)
Pieprzą Od (rzeczy) - Talking Rubbish
Pajace Oligarchów - Puppets of Oligarchs
Pętaki Odrażające - Repulsive Extorters
gumishu  15 | 6228  
31 Jul 2015 /  #162
: who pays for the PO's campaigning? PO or the Sate (= taxpayers)?

the State as Mrs Kopacz is the governing prime minitster - this is just an excuse of course
jon357  72 | 23560  
1 Aug 2015 /  #163
'Families you know'. That makes all the difference. May as well abolish the National Statistics office.
1 Aug 2015 /  #164
its called the real world jon, not the place you inhabit, real world, real experiences, real knowledge, not pseudo waffle or propaganda
jon357  72 | 23560  
1 Aug 2015 /  #165
Yes, the real world, dealing with hard facts and economic realities. Where decisions are based on a bit more than 'families you know'.

Maybe you'd like to set the defence budget according to 'families you know' or a man you met in the pub. Or when setting the policies for in-vitro fertilisation and stem-cell research, ignore the doctors and scientists and just ask some nuns.
1 Aug 2015 /  #166
the world is made up of families jon, thats the method in which everyone's here, world's not populated by people in rooms typing make believe propaganda

not sure defence budgets come into anything jon, we're talking about real world families and real world things, that might not agree with bits of paper or databytes which are not real world things, if you can still tell the difference that is
jon357  72 | 23560  
1 Aug 2015 /  #167
So ignore expertise, science, analysis and intellectual rigour and just leave it up to a 'family you know'. Or a man you met in the pub. Or the Vicar's sister-in-law's dentist. Of course a family you don't know may think otherwise, but hey, you don't know them.

Just feel free to ignore the facts and base all political decisions on a 'family you know'.

And if you disagree with a decision, just call it 'make-believe propaganda'. And since the other day you speculated that a cluster of cells with no central nervous system or brain 'might feel pain', you're evidently very at home in the realm of make-believe.

That seems to be the way the PiSuarzy actually work.
1 Aug 2015 /  #168
what, this sort of expertise, jon wikihow.com/Lie-with-Statistics

you're rambling now jon, denying real things, coming out with jeremy kylesque stuff, so i'll wish you a goodnight before you waste more of your time and mine with that same old worn out propaganda
jon357  72 | 23560  
1 Aug 2015 /  #169
There you go again, just call it 'propaganda' when it doesn't fit your opinion or whatever you pretend is your opinion and try to argue about.

Make sure you ask a 'family you know' the best position to sleep in. They might even tell you that every government in Europe has been taken in by the 'lies' of statisticians. And microscopic clusters of cells saying "ouch".
1 Aug 2015 /  #170
im sorry you havent anything convincing to say but thanks for doing your best to ,,enlighten'' me, fwiw i think i'll have to pass on those ,,ideas'' of ,,yours'' thanks :D goodnight.
jon357  72 | 23560  
1 Aug 2015 /  #171
Yes, indeed you are 'sorry'; the description fits well.

Not that someone who believes that a microscopic cluster of cells without a central nervous system or brain "might feel pain, we don't know" or that "families I know" are the basis upon which Platforma should base the retirement age, rather than hard fact is especially worth "enlightening". I suspect dimness rather than light appeals more.
1 Aug 2015 /  #172
its nice that you want to keep chatting jon, but no thanks :D though iamusing you like to keep going on about the cells and pain thing like a little un who because he's mastered a colouring book thinks he can pick through tolstoy :D
jon357  72 | 23560  
1 Aug 2015 /  #173
Well, you're certainly entitled to your point of view. If that's the calibre of PiSuar sympathisers, Platforma will sleep well in their beds tonight.
1 Aug 2015 /  #174
> If that's the calibre of PiSuar sympathisers, Platforma will sleep well in their beds tonight.
ok then i wont ask why you are not doing just that right now then!! :D just too easy, goodnight jon !
jon357  72 | 23560  
1 Aug 2015 /  #175
Very, given that I'm not a member of Platforma or are ever likely to be. In Poland they're the lesser of two evils. Both parties conservative but Platforma the only one with a shred of integrity and common sense. The bunch of clown who want to replace them are something we know about from bitter experience.

And as for sleeping, remember we aren't all in the same time zone ;-)

Nighty night.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Aug 2015 /  #176
Merged: PO's abuses, scams, lies and unkept promises

Long is the lisr of the PO's abuses, blunders, scams, lies, unkept promises and oldboy nepotism. They include:

**Increasing VAT despite pledges not to raise taxes
**The gambling scandal
** Liquidation of the Gdynia and Szczecin shipyards
** Tusk's false promise that he had found Arab investors for the shipyards
** The clandestine recording scandal
** Despite EU funds and promises to the contrary, failure to complete motorways for Euro 2012
** Purchase of Bryza aeroplanes bypassing the required tender
** Robbery in broad daylight of pensioners' savings in the open retirement funds
** PO Senator Misiak's vote-buying scandal in Wałbrzych
** The wife of PO Minister Grad mysteriously "wins" tender in husband's ministry
** Minister Grabarczyk staffs Polish Railways posts with his cronies and their wives to the detriment of rail service
**Successive road-building tenders are called off but money is not lacking for new officials
** Despite promises not the raise taxes, excise tax is raised on natural gas and beer
** The Tusk government builds some of the world's most expensive roads, pricier than those in mountainous countries
**Despite promises to de-politicise public television, the PO puts it party flunkies into power in the broadcasting establishment the moment Komorowski was elected president
** PO MP Sawicka admits on TV that Tusk had effectively destroyed the Central Anti-Corruption Agency
**State railways are broken up into 8 separate companies, all staffed with the PO's hand-picked flunkies
** The port of Świnoujście is blocked by the Russo-German NordStream pipeline which even the PO's own Sikorski compared to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
** The 2010 Polish Presidential plane is sent to a decommissioned former military airport in Smolensk devoid of proper landing facilities and a normal control tower
** Under PO rule unemployment skyrockets to 13% and more
** PO-backed candidate for mayor of Sopot Karnowski is accused of corruption by the prosecutor
** Bungled army reform creates a force in which ¾ are officers and NCOs and very few privates
** The PO government's "friendly state" programme turns out to be a media happening
** PO's hate campaign leads to murder of PiS activist in £ódź
** Under PO rule Poland's national debt rose by 380 billion zł in four years' time
**Tuskites fail to land Technological Institute and EXPO for Poland, unlike Kaczyński government whose successful lobbying made Euro 2012 possible
** Only President Kaczyński's vigorous opposition stopped Tusk drawing Poland into the Eurozone in 2008.
** Tusk's "single window" de-bureaucratisaiton drive is a fizzle. Poland's red tape continues to scare off foreign investors and is the bane of Polish businessman as well

** CBA chief is recalled before the end of his term for exposing PO's gambling scandal
**Following the Rywin scandal ex-commie Leszek Miller was honourable enough to resign; following the gambling scandal Tusk holds onto the "trough" for dear life

NOTE: This is but a small sampling of PO misconduct which omits mountains of abuses and irregularities at the local town-hall level. But it is sufficient to show why the ruling Platformer gang has been steadily losing support. The Polish nation should be commended for their angelic patience in putting up with it all for so long, but there is always that proverbial last straw....
jon357  72 | 23560  
31 Aug 2015 /  #177
Long is the lisr of the PO's abuses, blunders, scams, lies, unkept promises and oldboy nepotism. They include:

Most of these are highly commendable.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Aug 2015 /  #178
highly commendable

Orwellian to the core! Unkept promises are great, scams are achievements, lies are truth, perversion is virtue.... the list goes on and on and on......
jon357  72 | 23560  
31 Aug 2015 /  #179
Unkept promises are great, scams are achievements, lies are truth, perversion is virtue

You've summed up the short-lived PiS regime very succinctly.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Aug 2015 /  #180
summed up

No, I've summed up jon, the consummate Orwellian.

PiS regime

When someone introduced the PO's scams to a thread abotu alleged PiS offences, that was called off-topic.

This thread if strictly about Platformer scams and muck-ups, so let's leave PiS out of it.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Have PO (Platforma) operatives in Poland fallen into a panic?Archived